

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    That was so funny that we all thought Jane was 50 today. Anyway, it's nice to know so many Vit F friends care!
    Been catching up on paper work all day. Suppose to play golf but 30 mph winds changed our minds about that. Just logged in DH's birthday meal and I'm over without any cake! Better get our my DVD's and earn some cake!
    Sue in TX
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Sue - I vaguely remembered reading something about whipped cottage cheese so I Googled it. It can be used in place of sour cream or yogurt or even cream cheese. It can also be sweetened and eaten like a sort of pudding. There are brands you can buy, but most of the stuff I saw said to throw the regular stuff into the blender and blend until light and fluffy. I even saw a recipe for blintzes using it! I think that is something I will explore some more. I love cottage cheese anyway, but tend to not eat a full carton so don't buy it often.

    Back to work... :glasses:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    sorry for the confusion.I was talking about the weather.Wish I was gonna be 50 again.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 471 Member
    Good evening Ladies,

    Jane, too funny. What a coincidence MIL's BD was yesterday when you were talking about the weather! :laugh: Happy EARLY birthday in case we get it wrong again. :smile:

    Reba, I just found something else we have in common, I grew up on a farm. I made friends with all of my Dad's animals, cows, pigs, even had a pet chicken. Was always heartbroken when he sold some. I won't talk about who made to my Mom's freezer. Probably why I became a vegetarian after getting married and moving off the farm.

    Have a wonderful evening everyone, sleep well.

    Cindy in OK :heart:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Well dinner is done and I am full. Tonight I had tilapia, an artichoke, bean sprouts and a small salad. Tomorrow I have a massage scheduled, I can't wait.
    One of my outside kitties brought me a bird as a gift. He's been bringing my moles, for the last month. I tell him he's a good kitty and then throw them out once he leaves. One time the possum that comes at night took the mole:sick:
    It rained yesterday, so I have to wait to work in the garden, it's a mess out there.
    Sorry I didn't take any notes on everyone else's posts so I've got nothing. I can't remember anything anymore without writing it down.
    Have a great evening, Tigress in GA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Had Sunday school lunch today. everyone brings their own sandwich and the hostess takes care of everything else. She had tostida chips or regular chips and dip. I tried to off the top of head which would be lower in fat and calories so I took 10 tostida chips. They were pretty small, round and tasted good:noway: But on her counter were the deserts. She had coconut cream pie, raisin pie, pecan pie and banana pudding. I know I shouldn't have but I asked for a very small piece of pecan and coconut cream. I don't know how she made the pies but the coconut was a very heavy thick pudding that really wasn't that good. If it were at a family members house I would have left it after a bite. But I didn't. The pecan pie tasted good but was pretty liquid. So I ate that also and even got a second piece myself but smaller. I even took a small spoonful of the banana pudding. I don't know how she made that either but it was so thick it would hardly slip off the spoon. The little bite I got was really bad. I don't know how anyone can fail in banana pudding. She said she wasn't known for her cooking and apologized up front. But just like here, they are a chatty group and it was nice to sit and just talk to a bunch of ladies. I am definitely the youngest one even at 64. Most of them had grand kids the age of my children and were great grandmas. My youngest daughter gave me a shirt for Christmas that said 'my grand son is a boxer and has dog paw prints on it. I had seen a couple of ladies look at it and I knew they were just itching to know if I had a boxer as a grand son but was a boxer. So they were relieved when I told them that it was the furry kind. When Michelle bought the shirt she thought the 1X would shrink and it would fit but it didn't and it's big. I wear it to bed when I'm cold but Michelle kind of wanted to know that I was wearing it proudly so I can tell her that I did. She is very proud of her 'kids', all four of them.

    My oldest birthday is today. She's 37. Everything about raising her was so easy. So I wasn't prepared at all in anything for Michelle 3 years later!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Well I looked up the whipped cottage cheese - and was interested as I dislike cottage cheese- but my issues with it are all about the lumps - I like crunchies in stuff; but soft lumps are not to my liking - whipping it might just be the ticket! Had a really productive work day today - which I needed! I feel much less behind!! yeah!:wink:

    My chard growing friend brought me spinach, from her yard - so tonight's dinner is a big spinach salad - I hard boiled some eggs and have an Asian vinaigrette that I will use.

    Levi and I are enjoying the later sunset; he and I will take a second doggy walk after dinner. A nice way to fit in a few more steps :smile:

    sending good thoughts out to all. - Thankful for each of you, all my non-virtual friends, and spring!

    Kim in sunny and warm N. CAL
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :smile: joyce my daughter is 37 today also she is my youngest and has our only 2 grandkids as a child she was beyond difficult and now is so sweet most of the time lol her time to get what difficult kids are like , so cute to watch how they handle situations with thier kids not always how we would :ohwell:

    Have a goodnite everyone
    Juanita in sudbury
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Long day today but I did go to Zumba tonight for the first time. I realized quickly that I'm not coordinated :laugh: It was fun though.

    I shattered another molar so I guess I need to make a dentist appointment. I have a tendency to clench my teeth as well as grind my teeth at night. I do have a night guard but I guess it didn't work so well this time. I've done this before. My dentist wonders how I have any teeth left :noway:

    Have a great night

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Well I am all caught up reading. Welcome to all the new ladies. I have dicided I just have to stop feeling sorry for myself and look at my Blessings of which I have lots. :flowerforyou: Thanks for being here for me and listening when I needed. Today I am back under my calories and feel good about that. Happy Tuesday. We ended up getting a new computer and I am trying to figure this out. First it does not have a tower. It is all one unit. So hope I can make this work. I have had today off and feel I have gotten alot done. Now this evening we are to have a Bible study at our house. Not sure how this happened. Our CMA group was talking of having one and was looking for a place and we said maybe our house. I thought we were still in the talking stage and next thing I know its tonight. I guess I will deal. DH is working the close shift and will not be here. I met with my friend Lee this afternoon and she is doing well. We both have been having some down days and not sure why. The weather is beautiful today and to be in the 80's tomorrow. DH and I both have the day off so hoping to get some motorcycle riding done.
    Well the Bible study was a bust. Only person who showed up was the guy leading it and me. So he needs to get some info and try again. I do think doing it on a week night is not good as people have to get up to work the next morning and some of our group live 50 or more miles away.
    Syliva--sure sounds like you are doing all you can to find ways to deal with this health issue and that is great. I really admire you. I know sometimes I feel over whelmed with my grand children and trying to do things with them.
    Sandys--I have dicided today to try and act the way I want to feel also. I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. The warmer weather is sure to help both of us.
    Heather--sorry to hear about your friend losing a child. I know when we lost our son the pain is bad. Prayers and hugs to them at this time. I agree everyone here is a Blessings to me and this journey to be healthly.
    DeeDee--hugs. I know water problems in the house are not fun!
    Well have a good evening ladies and I am looking forward to a great tomorrow.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am remembering to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good, so I read all the posts and won’t even try to comment……just know that you are all in my heart and my thoughts.

    :flowerforyou: Friday---taught line dance class and left immediately for an overnight trip---22.000 steps

    :flowerforyou: Saturday---- sat a lot at an all day meeting with Mexican food and Mariachis entertaining at lunchtime---17,000 steps---came home to no internet:sad: :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Sunday---no internet again-:brokenheart: --pets still at boarding--:brokenheart: --18,000 steps:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Monday---Jake had a fall in the middle of the night--:sad: :sad: :sad: -drove to ER early AM---separated shoulde (could have been a lot worse)r—no early walk---picked up pets--:bigsmile: -internet restored at 4 PM--:bigsmile: --16,000 steps

    :flowerforyou: Tuesday---watched the recording of DWTS while riding the exercise bike----walked the dogs a lot---practiced dances for the two line dance classes I’ll be teaching this week---finished reading all the posts----23,000 steps

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Anamika - but you are adding cardio after the weights! You said that you do cardio warmup and cooldown. The handheld gadgets are called bioimpedience. They are (sorry) the most least-reliable method. Better than nothing, but you can also get a pair of plastic caliphers from Amazon. They're called accu-measure and cost less than $10. Many gyms have a set of professional caliphers. Not everyone can use them, so many times if you ask depending on the training that the person you asked had, they might only be able to use the bioimpedience. I know that it's that way at one of our Y branches. But there is one lady who is certified to use them. Awesome that you can run. That's just not something that I find interesting at all.

    Viv - sometimes I think our spring has as poor a sense of direction as I do...lol

    DeeDee - I am so so very sorry. Water damage is no fun at all.

    patty - yea for you gd

    Carol in NC - I, too, have a recipe for a fruit salad that uses dry vanilla pudding. You mix it with some of the fruit juice. I just don't know what the calorie count is on it. Maybe I'll put it into MFP's recipe calculator to find out.

    Loretta - welcome. Keep coming here and you'll find you're getting lots and lots of support

    Sylvia - don't doubt that insurance is taking its time. Remember the problems I had with getting the reclast? Can you call the insurance comany yourself and check up? That's what I had to do and it was finally approved just days before I was due to get the infusion.

    Janet - welcome!

    jb - Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who thought when Jane said "gonna be 50 today" thought she was referring to the weather.

    Well, tonight I'm supposed to go to Rummikub. I was contemplating going to mahjongg today, but decided that since I'm going out tonight, I really should stay at home and get things ready for tomorrow.

    Did an hour of a 20-40-60 workout on the treadmill. Basically, I ran at 5mph for 20 sec, walked fast at 4.5mph for 40 sec. and then recovdered at 4mph for 60 sec. Since we have the Newcomer general meeting tomorrow, I'm going to do Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism tape. Then we have the meeting (this is the one where they have the lunch, we shall see how successful it is) then senior bowling.

    Heather - I bet I'm the same as you, I hate that saggy skin. Wish there was something to do about it

    Sue in SD - I've never heard of whipped cottage cheese. I do get a whipped cream cheese and greek yogurt, but I've never heard of a whipped cottage cheese. Thanks, Carol in NC, for the info about it.

    Tigress - enjoy that massage! One time our cat brought a bird into the house. Yup, you read right. That poor bird was scared s***less, literally. All over my drapes, the walls, etc. I swear, it seemed he had a smile on his face with the birds feathers sticking out while he was watching "those humans" chasing that bird (trying to catch it to get it outsidee)

    Joyce - happy birthday to your oldest

    Juanita - happy birthday to your daughter, too.

    barbie - ouch!!! Sure hope Jake gets better fast.

    Went to Rummikub tonight. The lady made these vegetarian enchiladas which were good. I also had some salad and a LITTLE bit of the flan that she made (and I do mean a little, like a mouthful or two and that's all).

    Michele in NC
  • Mountainsong129
    Hey Patty,
    I used to take Ambien, but stopped immediately when I started to have blackouts (couldn't remember things I'd done during the night.) I am another medication now, but would so like to reduce my meds., and I think the sleeping one is the safest one to start with. That being said, I watched Dr. Oz today, and an M.D. was recommending a formulation of Valerian, Passion Flower, and a 3rd ingredient...can't remember now, and it's WAY beyond time for me to hit the sack. You can message me if you want to know the 3rd ingredient, and I'll look it up. The Dr. did say that it took at least 2 weeks for these herbs to build up in the system, and for a noticeable change to be observed. Hope that helps!
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    I have not seen whipped cottage cheese for sale, but I remember back in the 60s and 70s my mom and I used to make it by putting cottage cheese and a little milk in the blender. We would use it for dips instead of using cream cheese. We did this because there wasn't low or nonfat cream cheese back then (that we knew of), and my dad and brother couldn't eat too much fat or they'd get a stomach ache. We'd use our whipped cottage cheese for dips.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Morning ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    I had such a great day yesterday….at the gym at 5 AM. Didn’t do a whole lot, but managed to make it through 15 minutes on the elliptical! I’ve decided to go on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings. Then again on Saturday morning if I can fit it into my :sad: schedule.

    :happy: Discovered Veggie Sticks yesterday. They are great. They give me such a wonderful crunch and flavor versus Cheetos and low calorie count too.

    Anyway, I fell out at 8:30 tonight and had a deep sleep until now. So its 2AM and I’m awake. I am afraid that my sleep pattern has now been messed up. So I guess I’ll have a shot of Tequilla (instead of a sleeping pill) and try to go back to sleep by 3 AM. I know its going to take me a week to get this straightened out. I don’t want to go back to the sleeping pills.

    Grandmallie: Life does throw curve balls that occasionally knock us off track. But the challenge is to get back on track. You deserve lots and lots of flowers for all you do for others.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika: Congratulations on your weight loss.:happy:

    Gloria: Watching portion sizes was really hard for me,:noway: but it did get better after doing it for awhile.

    Tigress: Great job with your blood sugar! Shrimp and veggies is one of my favorites. I hadn’t thought about bean sprouts, but I’m going to give them a try next time.:flowerforyou:

    Liz: Prayers for your mom going forth.:flowerforyou:

    Kalley: I have two left feet too and want to do Zumba. Let us know how it went. I am working up my nerve to go.

    Ok, I feel a big yawn coming on so its back to bed till 6 I hope!:yawn:
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Ladies:flowerforyou:
    Barbie :heart: had been missing you and now I know why:smile:
    Its so unlike you not to post something. Sorry about Jake, wish him a speedy recovery:flowerforyou:
    Tere :blushing: havent lost any weight.... but am determined to.
    Michelle :smile: my cardio bouts are on the elliptical, treadmill or stationary bikes. Since you recommended cardio, I was wondering maybe I could do 25 to 30 mins of any one after my weight training. Thanks for the info on bioimpedence and their non reliability, does make me feel little better. Just making a conscious effort to increase water intake shows a decrease in weight of nearly half a kg, thats 1 llb.
    Heather !!!! :flowerforyou: thanks! Sorry about the little one all of you lost and even the young couple having problems. Hope they can settle it and move on, as it is they are pained about their child and then inflicting some more. Sending all of you best wishes to get over the trying times.
    High fives to all with success and hugs to all facing challenges. am diligently practicing portion control.
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi Ladies

    Barbie - Poor Jake! Hope he's on the mend.

    Whipped cottage cheese is yummy. I whizz my own in the blender and add all sorts of things to it. My favourite is just spreading it on sticks of celery. Delicious.

    Busy, busy, busy day today.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:smile: Wishing Jake a speedy recovery:flowerforyou: !!! Sounds like you`ve had some really busy days!

    Jane Martin:smile::laugh: it was the temp and not your birthday:laugh:! I will send birthday wishes in May:flowerforyou: !

    Yesterday was much better, no new surprises:bigsmile: ! Well, other than the estimate on having my driveway resurfaced (should be a "yikes" icon for this)... that will be last thing to be done! The landscape guy came yesterday, he has some great ideas, and will be coming back and measuring and giving me an estimate next week, the plumber came right as the landscape guy was leaving, I have to have a new hot water heater, mine has a leak in it:angry: , and if I run too much hot water, it turns cool:grumble: . They will be installing that next week. One of the rooms downstairs is completely finished now:bigsmile: , one more to go down there! Then they will be going upstairs to rip carpet out of the bedrooms, I`m replacing it and turning 2 bedrooms upstairs into my grandgirls rooms, I`ll let them help me with decorating:love: . Today I get to spend some time at Home Depot...should be interesting:laugh: ! I`m certainly getting in a lot of steps, running up and down stairs and walking around the house, I had 16,000 steps yesterday!

    On my way to track right now, meeting up with my buddies for our morning walk:bigsmile: ! Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC:glasses:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member