

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 502 Member
    Good morning Beautiful Ladies,

    It is a sunny and cool day in OK. I am enjoying my neighbors redbud tree in full bloom. We will begin planting flowers ,etc in about another week. We have such a deer problem, last year when we were on vacation they went crazy and even chewed on flower pots on my back patio! Oh well, we try again every year, I think our bird feeder attracts them. They jump a 4 foot fence to get in the backyard. By the way, my half pound gained is still with me! :grumble:

    Jane, happy belated birthday!:flowerforyou:

    Ronnie, congrats on your special Hubby, I am so spoiled too! God is so good to us!:smile:

    Dee, I am so sorry for the flooding. I am getting tired of the chaos too (flooring next), but it is worth it.:sad:

    Michele, I hope your cough goes away soon!:grumble:

    Anamika, your workouts sound great. Hope you find the supplements you need!:smile:

    Welcome all new ladies, prayers to everyone dealing with aches, pain, grief and life problems. My thoughts are with you. Congrats to all with victories.

    Cindy in OK
  • Jeyed
    Jeyed Posts: 87 Member
  • Barbsunshine7
    Barbsunshine7 Posts: 2,693 Member
    Just wanted to pop in today and say hello! I've had a tough time checking in because my dog (pictured at left) chewed up my ethernet cord at home, so I have no internet! I get on here while I'm at work and try to log what I'm eating, exercise and check in with friends. This past weekend I couldn't get on at all tho :cry:

    Still getting caught up on everyones posts here, but want to wish you all the best :flowerforyou:

    Barb in Eastern WV
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I'm having a hard time waking up today. I don't believe that I have recovered from my weekend yet.

    DeeDee - So sorry about your flooding! It rained so hard and so much yesterday. Hope today goes more smoothly!

    Michele - As far as fruit salad, I used to make one that involved lots of cut up fruit with a box of dry vanilla pudding mix sprinkled in. Using sugar-free fat-free pudding mix might work just as well. I don't remember if there was anything besides pudding in it, but I'm sure I have the recipe at home if you are interested.

    My son has done something stupid and I put off dealing with it yesterday, but need to address it very soon. He called me a week ago at work asking when I would be home. I answered him and then asked if there was a particular reason he needed to know (was something wrong, etc.?). He said no but that he wanted to tell me that he had purchased another air gun. This was the second time he had made such a purchase without talking it over with me and I just gave him the short lecture on wasting money he needed to save for next school year. Well, while we were at my parents this weekend, I walked into the room where he was showing my SIL's grandson his BB and pellet guns. Imagine my shock and dismay to see a handgun lying there on the bed! I was furious! I have strong opinions on guns; I grew up with people who hunted to supplement their diet and I loved target shooting, but I don't like handguns. In any case, we live within the city limits in a residential area and I am very legitimately concerned that he will be seen with this gun and someone else (police or neighbor) will shoot first and ask questions later. I haven't 100% decided exactly what I am going to do, but I do know that the gun is going away--permanently! Actions like this remind me how young he is.

    In food news, I stress ate last night. :mad: It has been ages since I ate and ate food that I didn't even want and wasn't particularly enjoying! I know that I was stuffing something down with the food, but I can't figure out exactly what. I guess it's a good thing I have an appointment with my therapist today, huh? :happy:

    Well, I guess I ought to work now even though I really want to take a nap. Today should be a good day--if I'm "allowed", I plan to go to the last of our Community Lenten services to hear my pastor preach and then see my therapist before I finish up my work day.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Carol in cloudy NC
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Tuesday is good news day,
    So please don't get the blues;
    Little steps
    Towards better yet --
    Makes happy me's and you's!

    The benefit of smiling --
    Of treating ourselves well,
    Return tenfold
    And then, behold!
    The diet's easier still.

    I had to laugh at myself on the last line :laugh: but it's so true. It's so much easier to be content with eating less if I keep my wits about things and treat myself with kindness. Always learning! :glasses:

    Busy busy morning, wishing everyone a great day. Eat your beans & greens! :bigsmile:

    :smile: jb in Portland, OR
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Amanda: I’m happy that people were wonderful, even though the day started off with a wet bag yesterday. I’m glad the water bottles arrived at work without spilling today. :drinker: Your lunch menu sounds yummy, but I wonder about the spinach. Is it raw or cooked in some way? I love it raw in salads.:flowerforyou:

    Bootcamper: Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    Jane: Happy Birthday!:flowerforyou:

    Michele: My knees are what motivated me to lose weight and led me to MFP. A year & a half later and 70 pounds lighter they feel much better, but not perfect. Yoga and the weight loss are the two biggest changes that helped them. I’ve developed a health-oriented attitude that is a fundamental change for me. I’m not perfect on my follow through, but things are better.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I miss my mom, too. I’ve thought of her often lately. I also appreciate her practical wisdom on so many things, but she was not wise about her own health, or her own value. :noway: I always thought she was the prettiest mom in the family and she always thought she was fat.:cry: I’ll have to send her the message that I love her through my prayers because she’s been gone a long time.:heart:

    Viv York UK: When I went back to work after the kids were both in school I started on a part time basis. It was lovely! I had a satisfying career and time to myself in addition to family time. Later I shifted to full time work for financial reasons, and it was exhausting. I hope you’ll enjoy the changes in your routine.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’m sorry that your friend’s daughter has died. It is a difficult thing to deal with. News like this always makes me feel vulnerable. I want to gather my own adult children close and hug them. :heart: I agree that learning about other people’s lives and problems helps me to get mine into perspective as well. This group of women has been a blessing and gift to me.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I hope the weather will be more cooperative for you today, and that the landscaper and plumber being there so close together is not a problem.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: It sounds like you are gradually getting back on track after a very stressful time for your family. Good for you! Please be patient with yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Patty in Cincinnati: I always log my food on my cell phone, which is with me all day long. That way I don’t forget. I would have trouble if I had to wait all day to put it into my computer. Good luck to you. Logging is vital for success.:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday we spent way too much time running around and didn’t get tasks done that we’d hoped to finish. We got bad news about our natural gas fireplace. It is worn out beyond repair and will have to be replaced. :sad: According to the serviceman who came to check it out for us, it will cost thousands to replace and will requires remodeling the whole fireplace and mantel. :noway: :sad: :sad: . I want a second opinion.:angry:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training when able.
    3. Find a way to have fun at least once every day.
    4. Water: Pay attention to water intake and drink frequently during the day.
  • lgsprs
    lgsprs Posts: 43 Member
    Good morning. I'm Loretta from Ohio. My goal for this month is to lose weight. Any amount will do. I'm obese and trying to lose weight and would really like support. Would like to be able to keep up with my grandkids better.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning ladies! I'm taking a break between drafting jobs to check what's going on with my favorite group of friends.

    There was a story in the news yesterday about that guy who was driving the train that derailed in NY and he had dozed off. They said he had severe obstructive sleep apnea (same as my hubby) and on the test he had 60 arousals (same as hubby). So, I warned Hubby not to drive a train until he gets his machine. He's not supposed to be driving at all! I can't understand what is taking so long to get that machine. They claim they are waiting on insurance to OK it, but I have my doubts. Nobody seems to be in a hurry except me.

    Last night I took my youngest granddaughter to girl scouts and she had a good time. Then she and I met hubby for dinner at the mall deli. I don't know why, but I was feeling terribly stressed and having some angina pain, so I went home and took a nitro and rested. I had not slept much for the past few nights because I ran out of allergy pills. Got some more yesterday and slept better last night because I wasn't stuffed up. I felt a little better this morning.

    I'm getting overwhelmed about all the stuff I need to do with the kids. The more I do the more they want. The more they want, the more it costs, and the more hubby grumbles about spending money. (I need lessons in saying no.) And they jabber non-stop when they are one-on-one with me, and argue non-stop when they are together. I don't mean to complain. I really want to do it, but I'm having a little trouble adjusting to not having any time for myself. I hardly ever get to the gym anymore.

    My drafting business has exploded lately too. For several months I had no work at all, then all of a sudden the floodgates opened. Last Friday I did six jobs. Yesterday I did five jobs and have five more to do today. That's a whole month's worth on a normal month in just three days. The good thing about that will be the money. Hubby should be happy with that. It's property tax and insurance time. Of course, that means I don't get to work in the pottery studio and I have a show coming up, which adds to the stress level. Calgon, take me away!:sad: :grumble: :explode:

    Well, breaks over. Have a great Tuesday!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Tues.

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes,however,my birthday is may 2.My MIL b/day was yesterday.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Have a good day.
    Welcome all newbies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Popping in again, I just logged my food for lunch. I'm thinking now I won't be finishing it since I'm full already but I guess I'll leave it as is since I figure there are say four bites left.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison I don't think that a kick in the chest even with a steel toed boot can cause and aortic anuerysm. It is a weakening in the wall of the artery and if it is going to rupture It really doesn't give much warning and once it ruptures there isn't time to survive. It is terrible that some one would kick anyone in the chest and even worse with a steel toed boot. A true sign of a man is how gentle he can be with his strength.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,656 Member
    Viv- enjoy the party!
    Heather - Death is always sad; but for one so young with young children it is more poignant.
    Amanda - enjoy your day!
    DeeDee - hang in! Water damage is such a drag!!!
    Alison - that guy sounds really crazy - stay away from him!
    Carol - I don't know what the gun laws are like in your area; but here they have to be unloaded and in a locked safe when not in use. Maybe at least locking them up would help.
    JB - love the Tuesday poem!
    Loretta - Welcome!

    Hi All,
    So just could not stay up last night - but yesterday and today are super beautiful weather wise here - 80 for a high and lows in the high 40's/low 50's - this weekend and yesterday were gardening days - I loved being outside, but oh the muscles I forgot I had! With it so warm the ground will dry out soon, so now was the time to do the "major" weeding, tilling of the veggie garden.. etc. But today is back to work. Sylvia I related when you said work was exploding; that's what has happened here too. So better get to it.

    Enjoy your day everyone :drinker: drink your water!!! especially as the weather warms :smile:
    Kim in sunny N.CAL
  • Hammock
    Hammock Posts: 37
    Hi all you women out there!

    I am on my way down again! I got there a few years ago and maintained quite well for a while, but gradually the pesky few pounds crept on again. I don't have that much to lose, but wow, it does make a difference to my waistline (waistline? what's that???) when that 13 pounds is off. I have 8 more to go.

    I have been really into an excellent book called The Diet Fix that I highly recommend. The doctor who wrote it has the best advice I have ever read, which can be applied to all weight-loss plans. I guess giving yourself the time to learn to eat right for life is the biggest thing I am learning how to do, and to be very conscious about what I am putting in my mouth.

    I love to work out and walk. It has been an enormous challenge this winter, the very worst winter I can remember experiencing in this part of Canada, Sackville, New Brunswick! We STILL have snow! Many days it was too blizzardy to venture out -- even IF you could get your front door open! I mean it! So as the snow melts, we see spring close at hand, and it makes one feel more like getting out there and moving around!

    My partner and I have a great trip planned for June/July to the Pacific coast with lots of hiking involved, so I got started a bit over three weeks ago and have lost 6 pounds of that pesky 13. Even though it is only a small amount of weight to lose and keep off, it demands constant vigilance, and I would love support now and then! I am definitely 50+...actually I am 72 -- and I would love to be friends in particular with others around my age who are just trying to stay fit and trim, like I am. We can share tips, recipes, types of foods we may never have eaten before, which we are coming to really enjoy, etc.!

    Good luck everyone with the journey to fitness and lightness! It is worth it! Janet in New Brunswick, Canada
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:

    Two guys are hiking in the forest when they suddenly come across a big Grizzly bear! The one guy takes off his hiking boots and puts on some running shoes!

    His friend says to him "You're crazy! There's no use, do you know how fast Grizzlies are, you'll never be able to out run it!" and the guy says, "I only have to out run you!"
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Tues.

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes,however,my birthday is may 2.My MIL b/day was yesterday.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Have a good day.
    Welcome all newbies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I was wondering about that, Jane. When you wrote yesterday "Gonna be 50 today" I figured you were probably talking about the weather. :laugh:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good afternoon to each of you!!
    I am hopeful your Tuesday is full of sunshine and love.

    I seem to be getting into the routine of recording each bite that lands in my mouth.
    I am still working on a routine for walking. When that is finally accomplished then I plan to start adding weights.

    I have enjoyed reading each of your posts and will "answer" when I get to know each of you better.

    I will "see" you this evening!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    Katla I would get another opinion. I was convinced we were going to have to get a high energy furnace that vented out the side. We then would also have to get a tankless hot water heater to replace our 6 year old hot water heater. Because it was a boiler the cost would have been $11,000 including the hot water heater. . My DH looked into and because our chimney for our furnace is on a side wall we were able to replace the furnace with a newer model of what we had for $6,500 and did not have to replace the hot water heater. We did get three bids. We did go with the company that has worked on our furnace for years. They were actually the cheapest bid. Our furnace was 50 years old. So yes another opinion could save you 1000's. Good Luck! Hopefully now you can wait until the fall.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Janet - WELCOME!
    I am 64 and am more or less at goal weight. I would like to lose 3 more lbs go take me to a nice round 60 lb off! :laugh: Also it would give me a bit of leeway for indulgences, like holidays. Now I am at goal it is proving to be really difficult to lose any more - I have lost 1 lb since Christmas! ! ! ! But I have had some wondeful weekends away and have to buckle back down to it when I get back. When I was on the losing phase, which lasted a year and a half I did not exceed my calorie allowance for ANYTHING except Christmas. :bigsmile: Now I cut myself a little slack from time to time as it doesn't really matter if I don't lose any more. But it is a lifetime ahead of constant vigilance I know.
    I do quite a lot of exercising and strength training and like the way my body looks now apart from saggy skin and a few "cottage cheese" areas. I certainly look better covered up! ! ! :laugh:

    Katla - that sounds outrageous and as if they want to sell you something. I'm sure there is a way of repairing it if you can find the right person. One estimate we had for window painting involved replacing all the doors. Someone else just repaired them as best as he was able and they are fine for now. We are going to their house in France in May.:bigsmile:

    Enjoyed my time with my friend today. We sorted out the world.:laugh:

    Love Heather UK
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,883 Member
    Hello everyone: Beautiful day here, sunny and in the fifties. Cantata practice tonight and must remember to vote before that.

    I have a question for anyone who can answer it. Have you ever heard of or tried whipped cottage cheese? I saw something about it but don't remember where. I don't recall ever seeing it at the store. It said that it was good for people who might like the taste of cottage cheese but not the texture. Also said it could be used as a base for a high-protein dip for veggies, etc. or put on baked potatoes. This sounds like a good protein option for me since I like cottage cheese and it would add ways to use it. I just have never seen it whipped.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sue: never heard of it but I'm interested, so if you hear anything anywhere else, a post would be great.
