

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    One of my outside kitties brought me a bird as a gift. He's been bringing my moles, for the last month. I tell him he's a good kitty and then throw them out once he leaves. One time the possum that comes at night took the mole:sick:
    Hi Tigress in GA
    I had a similar experience with our cat: I was in a terrible wreck, both legs crushed - My hospital bed was in our dining room - our cat could open the sliding screen door with is claws. He brought everything in the house for me - and of course I could not get out of bed to do anything about it. I would have to call out to the guys to come take care of my "presents". I think it is so interesting that animals clue in to us so well.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Sandy – Wow, I have never shattered a tooth, sounds painful – take care:sick:

    Vicki – I am with you on a weeknight gig – now I own my own business and can adjust my hours, but before I would not have gone more than probably a 30 min drive each way on a work day – especially if I had to go home then back out.. Often once I was home; I was out of my car until morning. :happy:

    Barbie – What a busy time! I hate it when the internet (and host company) decide to leave my world! We are so dependent on it ! best wishes to Jake.

    DeeDee – glad the day was better – and how great that in addition to a remodel you are getting tons of extra steps! :smile:

    Alison – it sounds like a really busy day planned, that must mean (I hope) you are feeling better.

    YaannieJannie – So when you have been to the concert you will have to give a full report! The price of tickets is why his concert is still on my bucket list. :tongue:

    JB --- wonders of Wednesday – I am starting to scan for your posts everyday for a new poem! Love them.

    Heather – I want to come to your house for dinner- that sounds so yummy!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Brenda – congrats on bye, bye, 1 more pound:drinker:

    Katla – I have also lost my glasses like that; but I can’t drive without them so I wander around feeling everything – hoping to feel them and not step on them. :smile:

    Stow62 - enjoy! :drinker:

    Jane – did your DGD do locks of love with her hair? I did it a couple of times – it is a great thing; and so nice to start when you are young!

    Another beautiful day, Levi and I did our morning walk and have to get working!

    So tonight I will be going to my Mom's house - I love her, but don't like her, it is a long and difficult subject, but she has invited me to cocktails at her house with some of her friends and then for me to take her out to dinner (yes you read that right she invited me to pay for her dinner; she can easily afford it ) She dreams these things up periodically and I only agree occasionally. So it will be tough calorie wise. She is not very supportive - she tells me I am fat and ugly, but will serve drinks and fattening appetizers and then want to eat out at her favorite greasy spoon. So I did tell her I would pay for dinner; but I was picking the place - I'll pick somewhere she likes, but that has a choice or two that will work for me. not quite sure how I'll handle the drinks - as drinking a lot makes the evening easier to get through without being prickly, and over sensitive. So if around 4pm PST anyone has any extra patience and will power please send it my way! :bigsmile:

    Kim in Sunny and warm (80's) N. Cal
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sounds like we have some ladies going through some trials and some have a lot of victories. I think it's the kind of roller coaster ride we all go through. One of my favorite Bible verses '...this to shall pass'.

    Wednesday is my weigh in date, well official. I weigh daily. If I wore dentures they would be on the floor. Finally saw the 175s. 175.6!!!!! Last night I stood in front of the mirror looking at my quite flat 'girls' and wondered what in the world they would look like if they had a lift in them. I tried holding them up in my hands and they kind of looked stupid. So I tried to raise them up from pulling on the muscle above, still didn't work. So I guess I'll just live with flat ladies. I am noticing that the irritation under my upper chest roll is much better. I think it's because the roll is so much smaller that the skin underneath isn't as warm and moist. Now the lower belly roll or the apron still feels humongous when I pick it up. I am still not able to imagine in my mind what I would look like without it. I do do these self evaluations in front of the mirror when I am alone in the house and I know that Charlie won't be seeing it. But it's an improvement since a year ago I wouldn't even have done it. I hardly even saw it myself. Would quickly dress myself and never really look at myself unclothed.

    Love you guys. I dream many times of what it would be like to actually sit down and have a cup of tea and have our chat in person.

    Joyce, Indiana the sun is out and my taxes are now done and paid!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,322 Member
    Kim - I feel for you. I didn't LOVE my mother until she was over 80 and had a triple bypass. Most of my adult life I either tolerated her or hated her. She condoned the abuse by my father out of cowardice and was the worst, most selfish grandmother. However, I am glad that I mellowed towards her as she became more helpless and really did love her by the end. No one else in the family liked her much either, though she did have some loyal friends. I just felt for her in her old age - getting old sucks.:ohwell:

    For all of you who would like to come to dinner - I wish you could! I texted my brother and late this afternoon he rang me to say he didn't think he could make it after all. His wife's father is dying and they are trying to set up arrangements for him to come home to die. Bit short notice - if you ask me I think he had forgotten all about it - again. I feel sorry for DSIL, but her father really doesn't deserve all the love and affection thry are giving him. He is a neglectful, alcoholic, racist b*****d in everyone's opinion.
    They will let me know by 8pm if they can come, but I'm not holding out much hope.

    Oh well, most of it is still in the freezer and we can eat the fruit. The only problem is the cheese - my absolute favoutite and I was counting on my brother to demolish the lot!:laugh:
    Bye for now, Heather UK

    Welcome back Barbie. I was beginning to wonder where you were!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We lived on farms growing up, but somehow we never ate our animals. At least if we did the folks never told us. I had sheep in 4H and mine won a blue ribbon one year. His name was Baby, and I raised him from a newborn when his mom rejected him (he was one of triplets). When I sold him at the fair I cried all the way home, and my dad finally convinced me that the guy who bought him wanted Baby to help eat the grass on his farm so it wouldn't get too tall.

    My sister and her husband have a small farm and one year they raised a calf named Zorro. He was a sweet guy who always came to greet me when I drove up. He was as tame as a pet dog. Then one day I didn't see Zorro, but didn't think too much of it till I was sitting in my sister's kitchen talking and she opened the freezer. It was stacked with white packages marked "Zorro". I cried and cried.

    Here's the joke of the day:

    A truck driver is driving along on the freeway. A sign comes up that reads “Low Bridge Ahead.” Before he knows it, the bridge is right ahead of him and he gets stuck under it. Cars are backed up for miles. Finally, a police car comes up. The cop gets out of his car and walks around to the truck driver, puts his hands on his hips and says, “Got stuck, huh?” The truck driver says, “No, I was delivering this bridge and ran out of gas.”

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,928 Member
    Beautiful day today but windy. Walked at lunch and had a head wind all the way back to work! Just wanted to stop by and say I am still here.

    Rita from Sunny, Windy CT
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Sylvia, thank you for a much needed laugh!!
    I will share with my hubby tonight!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,322 Member
    Update - DB is coming for lunch after all without his wife after I suggested it ( he never, ever does this!) with the two kids aged 15 and 12. I don't think he could resist the chocolate fondue and the Epoisse. He was moaning down the phone!:laugh:

    DS got hopeful we could take the Epoisse up to him on Friday, but I had to disappoint him!:laugh: He is going to cook Dim Sum for us with chilli dip and stir fried broccoli.

    So, all is in order and I wont be left with loads of food!:bigsmile:

    Heather UK
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,874 Member
    Hello to all: Thanks to those of you who responded to the whipped cottage cheese question. I looked online and the only two brands I could find were Knudson and Friendship and neither one is sold in this area so I think I will try the blender idea that several suggested. It can't hurt.

    Beautiful day here today. Choir practice tonight. Did Water Works class this morning and then a massage later. Ahhhh!

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hello again beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have a moment or two before I run out the door again!

    Heather:smile: I can be on my way to your house tonight:laugh: !!! Oh my gosh, your menu sounds fantastic:love: !!! I would help you eat the cheese, and I`ll bring some really good wine:bigsmile: !!! You know I`m not sure I`ve had what I would really call a fantastic meal since my mom passed away, 12 years ago!!! She was a fantastic cook...I did not take after her:noway: :sad: :laugh: ! I`m sure your brother will enjoy every bite!!!

    Carol in NC:smile: I heard on the news that here in Winston Salem, the police dept. is having a gun buy back program this weekend. I don`t know if they take guns from other counties or not, but you might want to check it out, just in case! I can understand your anger and frustration:angry: ! I`m wishing you the best of luck in dealing with it:flowerforyou: !!!

    I spent about an hour and a half in Home Depot today:noway: , concrete floors and high heels don`t mix very well:frown: , I walked about 5000 steps just in there:noway: . My feet still hurt!!! I have this strange fascination with mops:huh: , I love mops, I love to mop my floor, it`s like therapy for me, so I got drawn in the mop aisle, and looked at and studied each mop:laugh: , I found one I think I might like after I wear out the 3 I already have:tongue: . When hubby was alive he was like this with countertops, he was always wiping off the countertops, so between the two of us, the floors and countertops were always clean:bigsmile: , I could use a little more fascination with a sponge for the countertops:laugh: .

    Time for me to take Ms. Dog:love: out for another little walk, she`s prancing around here and I really don`t want to get the mop out to clean a pee spot:angry: !

    Have a wonderful evening everyone!!!

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Night everybody; I finally had two "green" days in a row after faffing around for a while. Hope I can continue the green!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just got in from the ortho.Got a cortisone shot,he ordered an inflammatory drug ,pt and most of all loose wt.
    Sever arthritis,but no tears.
    Thanks for the love and support.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did 50 minutes of Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt DVD.

    dt - I never thought of using whipped cottge cheese for a dip. Thanks for telling me about it.

    Tere - hope you do make it to the gym. That would be awesome.

    Still having trouble with my Lenten sacrifice of not eating after dinner. Well, I know inside that I'm trying my hardest, it just isn't working. Maybe I'll give it a try again and hopefully it'll work that time.

    anamika - I always have to stop and do the weight conversion. See, the equipment they have when I take the extremepump class has the weights in kilos, so I have to do the conversion to find out what weight I'm using. It would be so nice if the US would go to the metric system, but I don't think it'll happen. I believe they tried it once and people just weren't accepting of it. You're so welcome for the info about the bioimpedience things. Guess they're better than nothing, but I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in the number it came back with. Just something to keep in the back of your mind. Like I never pay attention to the number of calories that the machines (tm, etc) say I burn. There are too many variables. A heavier person will (natch) burn more calories, a man will burn more calories, you're burning more calories when you sprint than when you recover. These machines assume you're going at a steady state all the time. Oh well.....

    DeeDee - didn't you go boss those guys the other day? How'd it go? I'd love to have a landscape person to give me ideas, but at this point I'm afraid that the landscape guys are called Michele and Vince. Oh, no, a new hot water heater. Bummer! How nice that you're making those room for you grandkids. That's so nice of you. Have fun on your walk

    This a.m. before exercising I put a load of laundry in the wash, just put it in the dryer.

    Liz - hope all went well at the doc's

    yanniejannie - have fun on your date. What day are you going?

    Heather - how lovely of you to give those kids a dinner. And loving to cook certainly gives you a good reason. Many times we have had Ken & Lynette over for dinner mainly because I had a new recipe that I wanted to try out. Haven't done that in a while. No real reason, just things keep coming up

    katla - about your glasses, doesn't it always work out that way? You can't find something because it's right in front of you. Frustrates me to no end

    Sylvia - glad you're feeling better. I love leftovers, too. The good part is that I have less that I need to cook

    MeriLeMay - welcome! I love your pic. Eating in the evening is my downfall, too (at least one of them)

    Well, we had the Newcomer general meeting today. Yes, we did have more people come to the meeting. However, many of them left after the officer talked about the K9 unit. Most of the people who signed up for the lunch did come. I'm sure they'll view this as a success. To me, tho the goal was to increase attendance . But there were only 2 or 3 people who normally don't come to the meetings who stayed for lunch. So in that respect, I don't think it was that successful.

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    well ,yes my kidneys are feeling better, I got a huge 78 ounce jug with a straw that I have filled up with ice water and I drink at least one a day.. so I am floating.. walked over 13,000 steps today..
    I will get to the gym in the morning, I will NOT buy any more clothes,even the ones I have feel tight:grumble:
    tomorrow is haircut, think I might go shorter, Jamie Lee Curtis short , and then from there have to race down to the convelecent home for intake meeting, then over to DH work and to the credit union to sign papers.. so no resting for me..
    But I am going to roll my sorry butt out of bed and get to the gym tomorrow morning.. no more of this foolin around. onward and upward
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm trying to just drink water tonight as I can't chew gum cause I haven't called the dentist yet. No workout for me tonight as I'm home with another migraine.

    I do have to say that I'm not sore at all after the Zumba class last night but DD could hardly move this morning :laugh: She wasn't pleased, she hates to be outdone by Mom :happy:

    I'm off to lay down. Have a great night all

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Well I feel pretty good after my massage. I stopped at the store to pick up a couple of fresh articokes and the few they had looked yucky. They may get some more in on Friday the guy didn't know. I'll got to earth fare tomorrow and see what they have.

    Reba-when I had surgery and I couldn't lift more than 5 lbs my cat at the time jumped on the bed and crawled up to the pillow so I could kiss her. I knew when I was healed because I woke up with her standing on my stomach meowing for breakfast. Fur children got to love em.

    Kim- I felt the same way about my mom, loved her, but didn't like her. When she died last November she still could make me feel guilty. I'm just getting over it.

    I've been reading the gun debate, since we live in GA we have guns. I have a permit to carry mine. In GA they check your back ground, medical records, and are very through. When the kids were little the guns were in a gun safe, rifles had the bolts removed(they won't fire that way). And we taught our kids to shoot, and that they are not toys. We live out in the country and we have 1 cop for the town(497 people in town) so we protect ourselves. If you don't like them and it's your house, insist he get a gun safe for it or remove it from your house you should feel uncomfortable in your own house.

    Tigress in GA
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Hi Ladies, My name is Mary and I recently joined MFP. I am 53 and live in Ohio. The past 6 weeks have been life changing for me. I had a heart attack in January and what a wake up call. I quit smoking, started eating properly and started walking. I feel good and motivated. I have had two failed spinal fusion surgeries and live with chronic pain. I have not exercised in years until I found Leslie Sansome walk at home videos. I could barely do a mile when I started 6 weeks ago and I am now doing 4 miles every morning, I am losing weight and getting stronger and my hope is that my back may actually feel better.

    April goals are to lose 3-4 lbs and increase my walking to 5 miles daily.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wednesday---slept later than usual---walked the dogs longer than usual---no regular line dance class in the morning----went to a different line dance class in the afternoon----finished reading the posts---23,000 steps

    :brokenheart: The line dance teacher I’m subbing for went to the hospital on Sunday with blood clots in her lungs and one leg. She will probably be out of ICU tomorrow. Her daughter flew up from Arizona to be with her and her husband’s daughter came over from Seattle to stay with him because he needs a bit of care (he’s 94 and unsteady on his feet).

    :flowerforyou: The regular Thursday line dance teacher went out of town for a few days so I’ll be teaching her class tomorrow. It’s a more intermediate class than the one I teach on Friday’s so it will be a challenge.

    :flowerforyou: Between a few days of rest, a bit of light exercise, a visit to the chiropractor, and a positive attitude, Jake is feeling much better and was able to take care of some of his chores today……yippee:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: DeeDee, wow, 16,000 is a great step count especially since a lot of them are on the stairs.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, don’t take the body fat measurement too seriously…..just keep on doing what you're doing and add some heavier weights to your routine and one day at a time, things will work out in your favor.

    :flowerforyou: Gloria, I looked to see if your diary was open to see if I could make any suggestions about changing the food in your 1200 calories…..sometimes what you eat makes a difference….I’m sorry you’re feeling so discouraged

    :flowerforyou: Kim, I feel for you……I had many troubled adventures with my mother regarding my weight…..she was a constant “opportunity for spiritual growth”

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, congrats on getting your taxes done.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, your meal sounds awesome

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, congrats on your success at Zumba.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 446 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Jane, awesome news! So glad there are no tears.

    Sylvia, Poor Zorro! My Mom had a little black steer she actually named Hamburger. I think he was the turning point for me to stay away from the white packages in the freezer.

    Mary, welcome, you have support here!

    Sandy, hope you feel better!

    Dee, your poor feet! I need to go buy a new mop, back to Home Depot.

    Have a wonderful evening everyone! Sleep well.

    Cindy in OK