
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,985 Member
    morning ladies~ another day and I havent exercised... I will try and get out for a race walk this morning, I have laundry in and got the DH dinner and lunch set, having my tea, and Special K..
    I go for a haircut tomorrow and then have to rush from there to a meeting at the convelecent home for my FIL then to meet my husband at his place of work and then go to another town to sign papers to refinance our new car through the credit union.
    so the day off isnt a day off...
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Tere: 15 minutes on the elliptical is mega! :drinker:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn all. Looks like a nice ,sunny day. Spring has finally sprung:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    A couple ppl mentioned the younger DD in their family being a hand full. Can I join the club? So odd,when the older one was no problem at all & no,it wasn't from being spoiled.Hub was never one to spoil children,but didn't matter.Second DD had a stubborn streak a mile wide,determined to have things her way etc etc.:noway: Used to say if she had been 1 st child,would have been the only.She turned out to be a lovely DD & I give DH most of the credit.He was great at laying down the law:bigsmile:

    Carol in NC........know it's hard when a child goes against you.Your son might listen to a man concerning guns,especially someone he likes/respects.If he has a real interest in them,maybe a promise of going to a gun range at whatever age would work.......Don't take my advice tho,as I know nothing about guns.

    Did I mention my husband went on the Honor Flight for war vets to Washington DC Saturday? He had a wonderful time,enjoyed every minute & has called several guys to tell them what they are missing.DD & her DH were so impressed,they are applying to help.Now we are also looking into joining.Thank you's to all involved:flowerforyou:

    I have a couple sites for using cottage cheese in smoothies.Except for the smoothie being creamier,you don't know it's in there.I add vanilla,or any flavoring I want in every smoothie.Hope you can find one to try.DD also makes a dessert using CC. Will see if I can find the recipe.



    Pat in Ohio
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    The recipe I mentioned

    1 package Sugar-free Orange Jello
    1 tub Lite. Or no sugar Cool Whip
    2 cups Reduced-fat Cottage Cheese
    1 can Mandarin Oranges, drained
    1 can Crushed or tidbits Pineapple, Drained
    Put jello in blender,whirl till smooth. Scrape into large bowl.Mix all ingredients together chill in the refrigerator for a few hours. Keep leftovers refrigerated.I usually add real oranges,peeled & diced.
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    :happy: Good Morning To;

    Dee***I know your GG's will love decorating their rooms! :smile: / === Amanda**The whipped cottage cheese and xtra's sound yummy! :smile: / ===Anamika ** :smile: / ===Tere** Thank you for the prayers they mean a lot! :smile: / ===Cynthia** :smile: / === dt3312**:smile: /===Mountainsong**:smile: /===Michele{nc}** Thanks SO much for the hugs! :smile: /===Barbie {nww}** :smile: / ===Vicki {GI NE}** :smile: / === Sandy {ON}**:smile: / ===Juanita {Sudbury}**:smile: /

    ===Kim {NC}**:smile: / ==Joyce{Indiana}**:smile: / ===Cindy {in OK} ** :smile: / ===Jane**Me too.. Hugs back to you! :smile: /=== Carol{NC} ** :smile: / ===Sue {in TX}**:smile: / ===Sue {in SD}**:smile: / ===Heather {UK}**:smile: / ===Margaret**:smile: / ===Rebamae**:smile: / ===jb**:smile: / ===Mollywhippet**:smile: / ===Janet {NB Canada}** Hi..I live in Halifax NS! :smile: / ===Patty{ C OH}**:smile: / ===Janemartin ** :smile: / ===Sylvia ** Sending sunshiny stress free thoughts your way!! :smile: / ===

    === Barb {E WV}** :smile: / ===Jeyed ** Neat picture! :smile: / ===Gloria {M D}**Thank you..MIL birthday is the 20th so we are hoping we can brighten her day with cake and family there..but not too long as she tires quickly !** :smile: / ===grandmallie**:smile: / ===Amanda**:smile: / ===Viv {York UK}**:smile: / ===Plano Teral**:smile: / ===Ronnie {DA,Sask}**:smile: /===Patty{lutz,FI}**:smile: / === Meg**:smile: / ++===Cherylbeverly; Hammock; BootCamper; Dana; Kayzoola; Michele121212; Loretta** All Welcome to the group!! :smile: / ===Gail**:smile:

    I have an appointment with my doc pretty soon so I will cut this short..and say that I wish for you ALL a sunshiny day!!! :heart:

    Liz fr Halifax NS Canada
    It is a rainy day here
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sunny and a busy day for today. Got the Springstein tickets; so I have a "date" with Bruce!!! (and the price just about knocked me down!!!) DH would not go to an outdoor rock concert if you paid him so I asked a friend; my old boss.

    Computer needed something technical done to it so I have been reading on the IPAD the past few days---too frustrating to type on that, though.

    Spoke with Gwen's sister; she arrives today.

    On the cottage cheese: when I was little the smooth kind was all I would eat........we got it straight from a dairy and that type had a German name (something like schmierkase---sounded to me like "smear case").......anybody know German?

    I see The Weather Channel has reached an agreement with Direct TV and will be back---part of the agreement was that they drop some of the "reality" type shows in favor of actual weather

    Anamika..........Well, at least you know you are doing the right things!

    Kim.........When you used the term "bucket list" it struck me that I really might never be in a position to see him again; thanks for putting it like that, you got me moving.

    Dee Dee............So sorry to hear about your flooding; sounds like you have tons going on.

    Barbie............Glad to learn Jake was not more severely injured; that must have been quite a scare.

    Tere...............Yes, I certainly hear you on messed up sleep patterns.

    Liz...........Hope your dr. appt. went well.

    jane.............hmmmmm.............happy almost birthday? Love, love, love Violet's new look!!!!

    Heather............I read about Peaches G. death on the computer, a truly tragic death.

    Hello and wishes for great days to everyone else.

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 535 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    It is sunny here in OK, high in upper 70's, finally! I may do my walk/jog outside (with lots of sunscreen). I am making Black Bean Burgers today. I wanted to find a recipe for our non-fish days that did not involve processed soy. I have tried a few and Hubby likes them all. Smoked paprika makes a big difference. I found a blog that used "flax eggs" to hold them together and it works, Hubby needs to keep his cholesterol down and wanted me to try it. It is ground flax seeds and water, so simple.

    Barbie, so glad Jake was not hurt badly!

    Yanniejannie, Bruce tickets, awesome!!

    Dee, you do have a lot going on! It is worth it, hope you have fun with your GG's.

    Liz, hope your appointment went well.

    Hugs and Prayers to all,

    Cindy in OK
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    The wonders of Wednesday
    Never will cease;
    A leap through the hoop,
    The gift of mid-week.

    Although it seems long,
    Presenting a climb,
    It's "Up to the Top!"
    And down the other side.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Good morning! I'm already zooming around trying to tackle my to-do list. Early work day, so I don't have time to sit here and read or write much. Take good care everyone! :flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb in a clear-sky Portland morning
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    Phew! Busy morning.:tongue:
    AT LAST I have got my mobile data sorted out. It hasn't worked at all since I had it, but we live in a notorious signal black spot with almost no phone dignal so I pug it down to that. Then when I tried it out and about I still had no network, but thought I was doing something wrong. Then I looked it up on the internet and found I had no APN. So today I went back to the shop and asked them to fix it. They had to ring technical support up and were talked through a procedure that took at least 20 mins! ! ! ! !:noway: Good job I wasn't trying to do it! Then, YEAH! We have data! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Then I went and bought some new white cereal bowls with a blue rim. Then I shopped for tomorrow's lunch. :drinker:

    Menu: Zucchini tots with chilli jam
    Savoury Palmiers
    Spicy roasted sweet potato with yoghourt dip
    Cream cheese stuffed mini red peppers.

    Salmon roasted in chipotle paste and smoked hickory drops, lemon.
    New potatoes
    Fresh Salsa of tomatoes, cucumber, spring onions, garlic and herbs

    Chocolate fondue with mango, strawberries, pineapple and banana. Sprinkles of chopped nuts, vermicelli - white and milk,
    coloured balls and hundreds and thousands.

    Epoisses cheese and biscuits.

    My niece is a fishy vegetarian, hence no meat.
    Most of it is done. Will roast sweet potato tonight and marinate the salmon. Everything else is to be assembled tomorrow and bits reheated. I have a blue plastic tablecloth and plates to cover the table with for the fondue.:laugh: Must check he is actually coming as he has turned up on the wrong day in the past!:noway:

    DH at cricket. My cleaner has cleaned all the downstairs so we are ready for guests. I even bought flowers.

    I love entertaining so much that I even thought of opening a tiny "pop up" restaurant in my kitchen. Then I decided sgainst it as too much stress. I did think about feeding some people who havent got much and lit on my yoga teacher's daughter and boyfriend who are very young and expecting their 3rd child! ! ! ! I have asked them over for a meal so I can have the pleasure of cooking for them and they csn enjoy an evening out for no money. They are extremely hard up. My yoga teacher will babydit her grandchildren. :happy: :happy: I hope it all works out. I don't want them to feel awkward or beholden. I will enjoy it more than them! ! ! ! !

    Love to all. Nice weather here.
    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Good morning ladies
    Barbie, Welcome back and I hope Jake has a speedy recovery.

    Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here in Md. The birds are
    loudly but cheerfully flying around building their nests. And they are
    taking all the rafia off the wreath from my front door. 2 yrs ago they
    built a nest in another wreath I had out there.

    Well I am down another lb this week. Yea me!

    I hope everyone has a great week.

    Brenda from Md
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    Yesterday, I did Bodycombat class and an extra core-strengthening class. Today is weights in body pump class. I am exploring cream substitutes for morning coffee. I reluctantly submit to the fact I need to do something about cholesterol. Today, I tried unsweetened hemp milk. I will try it a couple of times to see if it is an acquired taste, but so far I am not a fan. Perhaps I will just switch to morning tea instead.

    Sandy, how awful to have a tooth just shatter like that!! Gives me shudders to think of it.

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning ladies,

    Looks like it's going to be a lovely spring day here in the D. I'm not really feeling it. Feeling VERY discouraged and hopeless today. I'm starting to think I will never lose a pound and only continue to gain. Since my hysterectomy 4 years ago, no matter what I've tried, I have not been able to lose a pound....only gain. 3 weeks into T25, plus additional cardio and staying at 1,200 calories, I have not lost ONE STINKING POUND! Yes, I feel stronger, yes I feel a little better but it totally sucks to work so hard FOR 4 YEARS and see nothing. Will I quit on myself and my heath? No. Will I quit trying harder? No. Am I fed up? HELL YES! I do NOT want to be the frumpy, fat mom. There's HAS to be an answer somewhere, short of simply starving myself...which thankfully, I don't have the will power to do.

    Got all sorts of other things to complain about but I'll spare ya'll the rest of my rant. Just needed to get that out.

    Going to try to make the best of this crappy day. Have work to do, more of my mom's things to sort through, etc.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    xo-Gloria in bright and sunny Metro Detroit....just a dark cloud over me:ohwell:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I’m not going to try to respond to everyone today because I don’t have the available time. Know I’m thinking about you and wishing you the best.:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Sorry that Jake got hurt. I hope he heals quickly.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Your meal sounds wonderful. Can I come to dinner? Wait. That would take nearly forever since we don’t like flying. I’ll have to live vicariously. I’m so glad you & several others post these wonderful meal descriptions. Sharing food is a wonderful thing to do, especially when you are such an outstanding cook. Treating your yoga instructor’s adult children to a nice meal is a lovely idea.:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday I lost my glasses toward the end of the day. It was pretty frustrating that I couldn’t find them, and I had to go to a planning commission meeting without them, which means I couldn’t see as well as I’d have liked. When I got home after the meeting I made plans to look for them this morning, thinking I might have left them on the boat. I climbed into bed and heard a clatter down by the foot of the bed. Yep, it was the glasses. They had been sitting on my checkerboard quilt--hiding in plain sight all along.:noway: :grumble: :ohwell:

    Katla in sunny and beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training when able.
    3. Find a way to have fun at least once every day.
    4. Water: Pay attention to water intake and drink frequently during the day.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It's a BEAUTIFUL spring morning here. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and all is right with the world. Or at least my little corner of it. I finally got some sleep, so I'm feeling lots better.

    I'm at the library waiting for story time to start. My grandson is playing in the toy area with another boy. Hubby is leaving work a little early tonight to take him to play soccer. Ian is SO excited, mostly at the thought that grandpa is going to take him. This is the first time he has done anything alone with grandpa, so this is special. I'd love to be a fly on the wall.

    I put five pounds of chicken breast in the crock pot for dinner tonight. I plan to make pulled chicken and add sauce at the table, like I did with pork. Then I can save the leftovers for all sorts of things. I love leftovers!

    Time for story! Later girls!

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    First while I remember it (kase means cheese in German ) I don't know about the rest of the word since it's been a while. I used to be stationed in Germany when I was in the army. I lived there for three years, fabulous bread and pastries.
    Tigress in GA
  • stow62
    stow62 Posts: 11
    I’m loving the Wine drinkers tip, will try it out tonight, thanks Momsamodel!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Have a drs appt at 3;45,so we`ll see what he has to say about the knee.
  • MeriLeMay
    MeriLeMay Posts: 57 Member
    Back on again - sounds like good group to hang with, milestone birthday in May.

    April Goals:
    Get back on the program, tracking daily, making wise choices
    Exercising at least 4x weekly
    Get back up to 30+ minutes on elliptical
    Lose 10 - 15 pounds
    Try not to eat past 7 pm (evenings are my downfall)
  • MeriLeMay
    MeriLeMay Posts: 57 Member
    Oh - KY
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Reba, I just found something else we have in common, I grew up on a farm. I made friends with all of my Dad's animals, cows, pigs, even had a pet chicken. Was always heartbroken when he sold some. I won't talk about who made to my Mom's freezer. Probably why I became a vegetarian after getting married and moving off the farm.
    Hey Cindy, I had pet animals in 4-H. Lambs, steers, even chickens. I was the biggest baby taking my animals through the sale ring - I cried and cried!! But I am still able to eat all of the good meats. I just really enjoy meat - regardless of the kind.