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Senior Golden Sneakers - October 2010



  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends! In addition to family and friends, including all of you, I am very thankful to have our health care system.
    I better get to bed so that I can get the bird in the oven tomorrow. My sister and family will be joining us for dinner.
    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :happy:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Have a Happy thanksgiving with your loveley fmily Gayla. It sseems your thankdgiving is awful early . cn't believe it is here already.( am glad I don't hae to cook it anymore I have cook my share of them.

    Bruce is coming home for thanksgiving this year. I will enjoy that. Been 25 years since he made it in for thANSGIVING. hE IS REALLY COMING IN FOR THE cOWBOYS GAME. My grndson has a sseason box tickets for the game and he is takin his Dad to the game. I don't know if Alice or Kathy is doing Dinner. But one will. The weather is not predictable around that time. I wish they would moved back to Teas.
    I pulled a booboo for my granddaughter Wedding I sent them a check along with the rsonse card and when we got a thank you note from them she did not mention the check So I had to called to see what happen and seems as if I did not even write out the check. But I can see in my menory i did and even remember writing happy Wedddind day on the bottom of the check But no checks for dthem in my check book I guess she thought her granny did not care. But I got anoother one in the mail. See what old age do to you.?

    lost 2 lbs this week. make 10 lb lost
    Hello everybody. Jake seems to have a nice birthday. Jake we don't carry any supplement insurance just have medicare and so far has covered everything just fine. And I have had my share of hospital.This past year or two.
  • Mamasota
    Mamasota Posts: 144
    Happy Birthday Jake!

    Sandy - LOVE the decorations. I only have decorations for indoors and I don't know where I put the box. It's somewhere in the garage and I am now inspired to find it.

    We are going to LIttle Rock for Thanksgiving. My son-in-law is going to fry a turkey for us. All I have to make is the pumpkin pie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Monday and Happy Thanksgiving to Gayla and her family and to all other Canadians!! We all have a lot to be thankful for, so let us share with Gayla which I know she will do when we celebrate our Thanksgiving. :heart:

    Our day went well at Phi's yesterday with the nuns except for the part where Phi starts clearing the dishes before everyone is done. That is just such a pet peeve of mine I had to open my mouth and say that it was rude. My husband is a slow eater which is good and healthy, he is left sitting there with the only plate on the table and it just bothers me that Phil does that. When I used to entertain I would wait for all to be finished and then clear the table, I in fact just put the dishes in the kitchen and left the mess until my company went home. I don't like the idea of company doing dishes, but maybe it is just me. :blushing:

    Marie, congratulations on your ten pounds, whatever you are doing seems to be working. I on the other hand am changing my ticker today. I am back to those last three pesty pounds again which is my own fault. :explode: Of course yesterday the nuns and one other person told me I lost enough weight especially when I said I wanted to lose 5 more pounds. I think whatever weight makes you comfortable is what you should do.:love:

    Marilyn, the best way to lose weight and to control over eating is to eat six small meals a day. I don't mean regular dinner meals but healthy snacks or small portions. Doing that with exercising and drinking water is the easiest way to lose weight.
    I am good on telling others what to do, but not so good in practicing what I preach. :laugh:

    Today is the first day of the rest of my life, so I will get rid of those three last pounds, then go for my main goal of 125.
    One day at a time.

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    :wink: Sandy :happy: I hear you, yes small nibbles at set times of the day are the trick, and water. The last month though has been slim for food money and time at work, I've been working by my self with no one to take my spot while I have a break, so it has been a quick slurp of jello and yogurt, then back to work. At home I've not had any thing ready to make some good salads with and slim pickings as far as variety goes, due mostly to mom being in crisis health, our schedules and monies have been diverted one thing for gas for traveling.
    However one person from work is comming back after a few months off, so I'm thinking I will have someone in the kitchen now to help. Hopefully this pay will be a good one to get some good food in the house. I think too I should "schedule my time" at home to find some WW recipies that could be adapted to my budget and tastes, and make them up. It is a hard task though, after working in the kitchen all day doing a mound of dishes and cooking, I really don't have the desire to cook for us.:grumble:
    Anyhoo something will work soon enough.

    House chores all caught up yeah! Now I can slip into the week and get through it with little worry on the chores. Two eleven hour days this week, time is going to be moving for me. Good thing another weekend follows this week, I'll be ready for it, I wonder who thought of that, they really had a good idea!!:laugh:

    Take care everyone, I'll catch you all Thursday or Saturday.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy Thanksgiving to Gayla and any other Canadians who may be reading this.....a day for giving thanks is so important

    :flowerforyou: Jake's birthday turned out great....today he got to play golf......his daughter in Ohio called this morning and they talked for almost an hour which was good for his golf game because it was about 40 degrees this morning but by the time he left the house it was warmer....i did yoga, then had a visit with a friend, had lunch, went to the dog park, and worked in the yard for a bit while he was gone.....my yard is looking better but I'm finding less time to be on the computer..later I baked a big squash from a friend's garden so we have a big bowl of squash for snacks and as a veggie for dinner tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: I am continuing to be vigilant with food and exercise to get rid of those pesky pounds that sneaked up while I was out of town...eating at a Thai restaurant yesterday didn't help

    :flowerforyou: Marie, congratulations on your weight loss and don't worry about an occasional forgetful event......your granddaughter will love telling the story of the "check that never was"

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, there are lots of simple things to fix that are healthy if you don't feel like cooking (hard boiled eggs, apples, frozen veggies) you'll find the right combination.......never, never, never give up

    :flowerforyou: mamasota, I hope you find your Halloween decorations.

    :flowerforyou: we're enjoying watching the baseball playoffs
    our Seattle Mariners aren't playing but we have a few other favorite teams that are doing well.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Fifth of six chemo sessions today. Cancer marker was six. Dr. said that is lower than it usually goes....that is good. She proclaimed me her "poster child" of the day for my progress. I am blessed!

    Celbrated 50th wedding anniversary Sunday with family and friends. I appreciated many driving a long way to be here. All my children were here except my Alaska son. I talked to him on the phone. The cake had my original cake top bride and groom from fifty years ago. What fun!

    My sister was here for three days. It was so good to get to visit. There's nothing like a sister. We had such a good time. She noticed that Spokane has street names that correspond with some of our family members: There is Ralph Street, Nora Street, Liberty Avenue, Joseph Street, etc. But NO Betty Street. I told her not to worry......I named our alley after her. LOL

    I wish blessings for all of you.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Happy Anniversary Irene!!!

    Thank you for sharing your special day with us, and what wonderful news about the progress of your medical treatment.

    Barbie, Those pesky pounds don't stand a chance with you after them. I guess I could say you will "Thai" them up soon enough!!!:noway: :wink:

    Glad Jake waited to go golfing so he didn't freeze anything important. I am not a golfer, so I don't know if playing with frozen balls has an adverse effect on the game.......:wink:

    Marie, If you want to practice sending out checks, I will send you my address!!!:laugh: Seriously, don't worry, I have done something similar, and I am a bit younger than you.

    Well I am through having fun with the English language, so have a good evening, all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh Barbs I got a good laught out of that one. so early in the morning too.

    Happy anniversary Irene Hope you have many more so glad your family made it there.

    Jerry and I slip off to the casino on our 50th. i told the kids I did not want a Party. Just wanted to be with my husband. For that was our special day. My 90th birthday is coming up and they better plan a party for me.

    We go this morning to get the lift put on our suv so I csn take the electric wheelchair shopping. can harrly wait.

    Gonna have to charge it up tonight to have it ready. to go/Well do we have some full little belly this morning after the big dinner yesterday. I am talking to you Canadians! Ours is coming up.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member

    From all of us to you and your husband Irene!!! God Bless and keep you safe!!!!
  • Mamasota
    Mamasota Posts: 144
    IRENE - Congratualtions on 50 years! I wish I had the topper from my wedding cake. It got lost in one of many moves. :sad: So glad to hear your chemo is almost over and that you are doing so well.

    Love the story about the street names and naming the alley after Betty. Thanks for sharing.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Fifth of six chemo sessions today. Cancer marker was six. Dr. said that is lower than it usually goes....that is good. She proclaimed me her "poster child" of the day for my progress. I am blessed!

    Celbrated 50th wedding anniversary Sunday with family and friends. I appreciated many driving a long way to be here. All my children were here except my Alaska son. I talked to him on the phone. The cake had my original cake top bride and groom from fifty years ago. What fun!

    My sister was here for three days. It was so good to get to visit. There's nothing like a sister. We had such a good time. She noticed that Spokane has street names that correspond with some of our family members: There is Ralph Street, Nora Street, Liberty Avenue, Joseph Street, etc. But NO Betty Street. I told her not to worry......I named our alley after her. LOL

    I wish blessings for all of you.

    Congratulations on your 50th Wedding Anniversary!:flowerforyou: I agree with you that sisters are blessings! I love the "street sign" story!:laugh: I'm so glad the chemo sessions are winding down! Keep being strong! You're such a model of strength to all of us:flowerforyou:
    God Bless
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Thanks to all of you. Friday we went to the cardiologist and I got to use the my medicare card for the first time. I think the insurance from Barb's pension will be happy since it's the first time that they get to be the supplement. My heart has cost them almost a million dollars thus far so I imagine that they'll be glad when I'm gone altogether in January when I get on a whole different plan.

    Anyway it's good to know that wherever i go now I qualify for the senior discount.

    Barb took me to lunch today at our favorite Tai place, we go maybe once every other month or so and then we spent time working in the yard. I talked to my youngest brother for a couple of hours on the phone. he lives near Cleveland so we don't get to see each other very often, but we try to talk every other week or so. got a chance to talk to my son this morning and he told me the story of his very long night which ended up in the drunk tank because of an incredibly stupid move on his part. He was very concerned about how his wife wo8uld take it when she and their daughter got home from a trip tonight. I of course told him to not by trouble, but kept thinking that he was really screwed and am very grateful that I don't have to live like that anymore.

    I suppose that I'll talk to both of my daughters tomorrow. Anyhow thank you all again for your kind messages and happy birthday Jeffery and everybody else that I seem to miss on a regular basis.


    Happy Belated Birthday Jake! Sorry about your son....but happy that you are in a better place!:flowerforyou:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone just marking my spot, had a good day today, hope to have a better one tomorrow. Going to sit down on the weekend and make a list of foods I like and put them into meals and snacks, that will curve some pounds down. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday, catch you later on...

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Today is weigh in day and I'm maintaining my weight loss!:bigsmile: I had a few days that I went over my calories :tongue: because of a pancake breakfast with my grandchildren (which I ate as wisely as I could, given the circumstances), not being able to exercise on that day (so low calorie allowance:ohwell: ) and hubby made a great Rib Eye steak at night :tongue: (our celebrating what might be our last cookout for the season). I took my mother out on Monday,:love: so I had to guess with the choices...but all were healthy, and last night my DD made eggplant parm which I love....and had a small serving (without the bread).
    So something is working and I'm very grateful!:blushing:
    I hope you all have a blessed day! :flowerforyou: I'm reading the posts....it's just getting increasingly harder to reply to each one!
    Hugs to all!:love:
    BTW Sandy....you look like you live in a doll house!!!! So pretty!:happy:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Thanks Birdie, it is small but we love our house. :heart:

    Phil is getting a new hip today so I have a busy day ahead of me. :tongue: Daisy is at groomer, cleaning girl is coming, running some errands, picking up Marisa from school, picking up Bryanna for dance taking them both for something to eat and Marisa spending the night tonight. Somewhere in between all of that I have to get Daisy when she is done. :bigsmile:

    No bingo tonight!! :sad:

    Have a great Wednesday!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I read this in my morning reading today: Refuse to lose heart when things are going badly and refuse to become complacent when things are going well

    Irene, Happy Anniversary a few days late…….fifty years is amazing

    Marie, it’s great to hear that you’ll be able to take your new electric chair with you wherever you go…..that will make so many things so much easier.

    Birdie, you’re a great example of how to maintain a new weight

    Sandy, you’re a busy lady, there should be some calories burned in all the things you do.
    Today was my big exercise day
    on Wednesdays I gotto the advanced line dance class in the morning, then come home and eat my Isagenix shake and ride the exercise bike for 20 minutes and watch TV then walk the dogs before driving to meet my friend for a walk for about 90 minutes, then I come home and take the dogs to the dog park and work in the yard for awhile and ride the exercise bike again……..I burn a lot of calories but only eat some of them…..on line dance days I eat a bigger breakfast and before a long walk, I eat something extra…..my food diary is public so anyone can look at it.

    :heart: :heart:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone, just marking my spot, and trying to stay in touch, my shoulders and wrist were giving my a pain today, must be something with the weather, it has been raining steady here since sometime in the night past. Hope everyone had a good day today, Still fighting with food, today though had a salad with egg in it and spinach, then a bowl of fruit. Better than what I may have had in mind.

    Hope everyone has a good ending of the week day, and a smooth slip into the weekend.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbiecat...... I just raed if you go without thermal underwear you can burn up 100 calories. Just think how much you can burn streating up the hill a cold shower burns 100 calories too. I thought that was funny. I rather be fat and warm.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning my friends,
    Hope you all have a wonderful day. and a pretty one. It is real nice here a crisp morning.

    We have no plans today. I am waiting for the postman to come by so Sammie will not bite him. Jerry had him out yesterday and Sammie try to get in the mail truck to get him
    He don't like the postman. I may go without Sammie on my Walk this morning. He will give Jerry a fit trying to get out to go with me. For I need to get my day started.
