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Senior Golden Sneakers - October 2010



  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan. I am just making a grocery list and planning a quick run into the city. I think Neil may come with me. I am stopping at his new home for drugs for next week so he may want to say hi. I thank you so much for your care, concern and prayers. I have decided to get out of this funk. It is time to let my good spirits soar! If it turns out that Neil never has a voice (I pray not) but he also has fewer seizures I will have to accept the good with the bad (and the seizures are very bad). He is still frustrated by it but I would be as well. I do think that the drinking is getting better. The surgeon did not call me back, I guess he felt he had enough information from his nurse and that he didn't need to see him. I am going to ask for a referral to ENT if his voice isn't back by our appt. Nov. 3. I am concerned that the nerve manipulation has caused some vocal cord paralysis. I am encouraged by the improved swallowing and the occasional audible voice.

    Irene -- Thank you for your update. Your spirit is inspiring to me. I hope you get an amazing review.

    Marie -- Glad you are enjoying the baseball. I kind of got hooked on it a long time ago after I had some surgery. I don't watch it often but I do enjoy it when I do. Actually, to go to a Toronto Blue Jays game is something on my bucket list. Dave doesn't enjoy baseball so not sure if we will ever go.

    Sandy -- Wow! a new care. Sounds like a great day! My birthday is November which makes me a Scorpion. My Mom was such a stoic person. I rarely saw her in tears. On the other hand, I am not!! :wink: One day at a time.

    Gigi -- So sorry for your loss. I think that you, too, need some rest this weekend.

    Jeffrey -- It sounds like you gave that Dr. a lot of work. You are having a great recovery. Keep an eye on that swelling as you start using your leg more. It will quickly tell you if you are doing to much. Of course, so will the pain.

    Barbara -- I am sure it is hard to keep up with this active group of posters but before long you will have everyone sorted out!

    Barbie -- We have a Wii here and I also have an exercise program with it. I think all I have to do is use it. The bowling sounds more fun than the exercise program to me.

    Barb -- Haven't heard from you for awhile. Hope you are well.

    I didn't take notes and I know I have missed someone. Take care and keep smililng. Gayla :smile: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Back on Track after 2 trips out of state and family visitors. Not easy finding menu items that are really healthy on the road.
    Have lost 30 lbs ( this 3 weeks put me back about 4 lbs) , Just starting exercise , but with emphysema and asthma any fast routines leave me breathless. Any suggestions for this 72 yr old woman?
  • Back on Track after 2 trips out of state and family visitors. Not easy finding menu items that are really healthy on the road.
    Have lost 30 lbs ( this 3 weeks put me back about 4 lbs) , Just starting exercise , but with emphysema and asthma any fast routines leave me breathless. Any suggestions for this 72 yr old woman?
  • Yes, I use Skype to keep in touch with friends all over. Last week got to visit my best friend's daughter and family in Odessa, Russia. They are missionaries and have 5 young children.
    Skype is a blessing for seniors on a fixed income and you get to see them close up in real time.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Can I call you June until I find your entire name?
    Yes, short advice---don't ever give up! You'll find easy routines to just keep you moving and the joints oiled without exhausting your breathing! And good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi buzz I need a shorter name for you. you know memory is short supply when we get older.

    Also to all of the new ones . I keep our birthdays so if you can give me the Momth and day of your birthday I will put it on our birthday list no need for the year. Would appreciate it

    Hello June and welcome to our thread. Glad to see you Hope to be getting to know you more

    It has rain all day today. even been in a tornada watch. We needed the rain, Sammie ( My Jack Russell ) and I welcome you abroad

    You all have a wondeerful night nd get plenty of rest.
    :heart: .....
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Back on Track after 2 trips out of state and family visitors. Not easy finding menu items that are really healthy on the road.
    Have lost 30 lbs ( this 3 weeks put me back about 4 lbs) , Just starting exercise , but with emphysema and asthma any fast routines leave me breathless. Any suggestions for this 72 yr old woman?

    I tiry to get in 3 10 minutes walk a day. Hope to increase as time goes by.......Marie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :laugh: In case you're wondering, I found the picture of me with Lushus, our Ragdoll grandkitty! So poor dear husband has been relegated to my Home Page! At least fo the time being!!! :ohwell:
    Marie, I just realized you are caliecat, so does that mean you have calicoes? Always had a soft spot for thos sweeties!:wink:
    Will someone please explain how privacy is kept to "friends only"? Can't find the settings or tools to do that. I never go on Facebook because it's too intimidating to navigate! But I really would like to keep up here! :flowerforyou:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I have decided to get out of this funk. It is time to let my good spirits soar!

    dear Gayla, :wink: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: And everything else you deserve for looking at the brighter side, like a great caretaker!
    Best of luck BEFORE November 3rd!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quote: I have decided to get out of this funk. It is time to let my good spirits soar! unquote

    dear Gayla, :wink: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: And everything else you deserve for looking at the brighter side, like a great caretaker!
    Best of luck BEFORE November 3rd!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member

    Will someone please explain how privacy is kept to "friends only"? Can't find the settings or tools to do that. I never go on Facebook because it's too intimidating to navigate! But I really would like to keep up here! :flowerforyou:

    If you are asking about keeping your food diary to friends only, go to "My Home" then "Settings" and the settings for food diary are at the bottom----also the automatic updates of your status can be regulated on that page........your profile is open to everyone as are the postings you've done......your status updates are for friends only
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Sunday!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!:heart:

    Buzz, your kitty is adorable. :happy: I think Barbie answered your questions about the privacy.:flowerforyou:

    Hi June and welcome. Congratulations on the 30 pounds that is a great accomplishment. It is always hard following our goals when we are away from home, but now that you are back you can get back on track. Take it easy and slow, there is no hurry when exercising. :tongue:

    Marie, you are still the role model here and we all look up to you. :heart: :heart:

    Gayla, praying Neil is doing better and his voice is improving. :love: Are the seizures less since the surgery??

    I did get a new Acura and I just love all the high tec stuff that comes with it. I don't have it yet, but should by the beginning of next week. My husband spoils me and treats me like a princess. :bigsmile:

  • Good morning!

    I WILL exercise at least 30 minutes this morning and the same this afternoon. AND I will keep a good attitude and enjoy every minute. If I have to read or watch TV to help the time pass....so be it! :ohwell: I have come to the conclusion that no matter how close I watch what I eat, exercise is the only way for ME to make it work. Today is the day I review all my meal planning literature from the American Diabetes Association and re-learn what I've forgotten.

    I WILL call to check on a Silver Sneakers membership at the YMCA. It is paid for by my insurance and foolish for me not to take advantage of it. I think there is also a place I can join in the Northtown Mall...maybe a little easier to get to. :smile:

    Every day:
    I will faithfully log my food and exercise. :drinker:

    Next Sunday:
    I WILL report to you my supportive friends on how I did for the week. I SHALL become accountable for my actions. :bigsmile:

    God Bless!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Barbie, thanks for the information; have to decide if it's important to me, since maybe I'll discover mistakes I'm making keeping it open!

    Sandy, Can I change my nomenture as well as the picture? Buzz was my nickname in college, and I'd love to use it here! Is there an official step to take, or can I just follow your lead and become Buzz on this thread or board?

    Irene, go with it: Silver Sneakers worked for me for 4 years and I loved the #2 class, aerobics, standing only! Stopped attending after the hip surgery, and I really need to start again. As with you, MOVING is my best approach to weight control, but I'm shocked at how each year, my ability changes! Accepting the change is the hardest thing to accept, isn't it?

    Our sunny state is decidedly overcast today, so aquarobics is out, as there's no place like a pool when lightening strikes! :noway: I'll get out my Leslie Sansone DVD; getting BORING!!! Learned Jane Fonda is producing new senior DVD's now that she's in her 70's and a hip replacement survivor! So many of us plumb wore out our limbs trying to keep them fit!!!: grumble:

    Buzz :bigsmile: (thank you Sandy)
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I did get a new Acura and I just love all the high tec stuff that comes with it. I don't have it yet, but should by the beginning of next week. My husband spoils me and treats me like a princess. :bigsmile:

    Hey, congratulations, Princess, enjoy in safety and good health! What color did you get? It is a wonderful car to handle! And luxuriate in! We have lived with Camry ever since they first came out way back in the early 80's. I'd love to have one last fling with a sportscar, but drivers in Florida are unbelievably crazy :angry: , so I'll keep a roof over my head while driving a safer type car! An Acura would be my aim if we ever get a new car again! :love:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi from rainy Saskatchewan. It was raining when I went to bed last night and I expected to see some white stuff on the ground this morning. So happy that didn't happen. We continue to have drama at our house. Neil woke up so happy, still no voice but happy. He has lost some weight so his pants won't stay up, he looks like pictures of the 'hoods' you see in cop movies. He wanted to go show his Dad his pants but he didn't get more than a few steps from the bedroom and he crashed to the floor. He was crying in pain which at first was hard to isolate and I thought it may be his hip the way he was lying on the floor. We just settled him a bit and made him as comfortable as possible on the floor. Once he decided to get to sitting I ruled out the hip. He was able to show us that it was his foot that hurt, yes the foot with all the metal in it. For those of you who don't know my son's history, he has had multiple surgeries, reconstruction and metal in his feet. That was hours ago and he still won't weight bear on it. I don't want anyone to touch his feet but his ortho surgeon so I am hoping he does ok until tomorrow when maybe the pain will be gone. He also has an amazing capacity to endure pain so I take him seriously but at the same time he can be a bit of a princess enjoying the attention. Here we are needing more prayer!! It seems there is always drama here. I absolutely do not want him to have to endure another anesthetic when he hasn't recovered from the first one. Other than that, nothing new here. I am just heating up some leftover cauliflower soup I made a couple of days ago. I don't have the energy to make a meal. I do have to get a brisket in the oven to be ready for dinner tomorrow. Our company will be back and I am hoping Quinn and Margaret will be able to be off work in time to join us.

    Irene -- It is nice to 'hear' you sounding so perky and ready to get the business of weight loss under control. You go, girl! We are right behind you cheering you on. If you listen carefully I am sure you will hear us.

    Buzz -- How great to have a lifelong nickname! I never really had a nickname, I think because my name was not common.

    Sandy -- Yeah for the new car!! We have been thinking about doing some driving holidays which would likely mean we should get a new care as ours is aging. Until the recent thing with Neil we were thinking about flying to Texas/New Mexico and renting a car for about 10 days. If all were well with Neil we would like to take more time but that will have to wait for a bit. I spent a short time in New Mexico several years ago and have always thought Dave would enjoy. Nice to dream. First job is to get him well.

    Barbie -- Are you done travelling for a bit? I am sure the 'children' would be happy about that.

    Marie -- How is life today?

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Gayla, why do these things keep happening to Neil, it is so sad. :sad: Poor guy deserves a break, I will continue to pray for him and hopes he gets his life back to normal soon. I really hope he didn't hurt his foot and possibly just twisted it or bruised it. I wish I lived near you so I could meet Neil and have coffee with you, just for some diversion. :drinker: :drinker:

    Buzz, if you go to your profile page and click on settings it let's you change your user name once. Chances are Buzz could already be in use but we will all call you Buzz now that you approve. :laugh: Take is slow with the exercise a little goes a long way and we don't want any injuries. :noway:

    Irene, your goals sound wonderful but please don't over do. I am so happy you are feeling well and pray for all good results when you go to the doctor. You are a special lady. :heart: :heart:

    Celebrated Phi's birthday today with his wife's sister and husband, she in fact made the dinner. Things were better than usual and we had a good time. I told him I would like to add an automatic starter with my new car since our garage is not attached to our house. Can I be any more spoiled??? :tongue:

    Life is good and I am grateful.

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Sunday,

    Congratulations Sandy ( Princess) that is a fantastic car, can't wait to hear all about it after you get it, let me make a guess on the color Black??? that sound so elegant. Enjoy it:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Irene good luck with all the exercises and keeping track of everything.

    Gayla how are you and how is Neil doing today, hope no seizures at all, our prayers are with both of you:love::love: :love:

    Got to go to work today with my partner, we're getting ready for retirement, getting the place ready. Can't wait so many plans and having time for the things I enjoy, this wednesday we're taking the day off and have fun. We're going to Empress at Joliet for the day we both like to gamble. Such be a Blast.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is doing well, have fun and take care of yourself.:heart::heart: :heart:

  • OOPS! I didn't quite make my excercise goal today. Thirty minutes once was all I managed instead of the twice I planned. I guess I 'll have to work up to it. It's so maddening that I can't just do what I want to do. I used to use my Cardio Glide for an hour in the morning, rode my recumbent bike an hour in the afternoon, and then walked outside for an hour after dinner. A total of three hours. I WILL get at least some of that back! May take a little time. I did stay within my calorie goals with healthy foods.

    Thanks for all of your encouraging words.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Gigi, sorry but we bought white with taupe interior. I have never had a white car and it is just so pretty I couldn't resist. :laugh: I wish I could get to the Empress on Wednesday, wouldn't it be fun to meet each other. I haven't been there in a very long time, we usually either go to Harrah's or to Horseshoe. I too love to gamble. :bigsmile: They are building a casino in Des Plaines that should be ready next June or so, that is very close to my house so it could be dangerous. :glasses:

    Irene, you are more than excused from not doing more than thirty minutes today. :heart: :heart: A little at a time, it won't be that long before you are back to your old workout. You are still under doctor's care young lady, so don't push yourself too hard. :heart:

    Good night everyone
