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Senior Golden Sneakers - October 2010



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Friday!! Phil's surgery went well, more bleeding than anticipated from his previous condition but they gave him some blood in recovery and he is in a regular room now. He should go home Saturday so things are going forward.

    It is another beautiful day here, our weather has been gorgeous. I think I have a free day today so I plan on just staying home and doing what I want to do. :laugh:

    Have a great day everyone and a wonderful weekend!!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We had a cool and cloudy day today, not sure if that is what has been making me so tired. I think I should have had an afternoon nap as I already feel like it is time for bed. I think I dozed off playing solitaire on the computer. Dave picked Neil up this afternoon and now he is off watching a hockey game so guess I will have to stay awake so that I can pick him up from the rink. One of the men in Neil's home has the flu which is why I decided to bring Neil home.
    Neil just called to be picked up so I will say goodnight. Sorry this is so short, will try to get back on tomorrow.
    Glad to hear that Phil's surgery went ok, Sandy. I am sure it was a little risky with his other health issues.
    Take care all. I think of you every day. Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, it's only October and I'm already wearing two layers of silk underwear......I stay active so I burn enough calories......i don't like being cold......this morning I added a wool scarf to my dog walking outfit since it's about 40 degrees at 7 AM when I take the dogs for their first walk.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I'm glad Phil's surgery went well...it will be nice when he isn't a source of worry for you

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, you deserve a good rest. i hope you'll be able to sleep well tonight.

    :flowerforyou: We've had nice weather and I've been working in the yard for 30-60 minutes every day....I can really tell the difference. today I worked in a section where the drainage is odd and ended up with wet knees :laugh: but I got a lot of weeds pulled.

    :flowerforyou: Jake bathed and trimmed the dogs yesterday.....he left their fur long on their legs and bodies so they can be warm as the weather gets cooler.

    :flowerforyou: I've been doing a lot of sitting this evening watching the Yankees get trounced by the Texas Rangers. :cry: :cry: :cry:
    :heart: :heart:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Good morning everyone,

    Just got back from Phoenix, the weather was awesome so hard to get back to reality. I just finished reading everyone post so good to
    see so many post and sharing so many great moments, I missed all of you, did not have a way to log in. Went to Sedona for a day
    just beautiful the mountains had a red tone and it was so amazing. Foods was great didn't gain anything because we were so active, lots of walking. The area offers the best Shopping experience:love::love: :love: my friend and I got to do a little shopping, their Condo is beautiful and has the best view of the mountains.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: No matter how wonderful the trip was its always good to be back to your own bed.:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Sandy Great decorations, the house looks awesome, so glad Phil surgery went well, hope he gets to come home today.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Gayla Happy Thanksgiving - Sorry I miss wishing you a Happy one. Miss you.:cry::cry:

    Marie - Congratulations on your journey of dropping 10 pounds so far, you're doing so good. about the check don't worried we all
    forget things one time or another, I know that for a fact. Your grandaughter will have a great time telling the story:smooched: :smooched: :smooched:

    Mamasota - What a great deal making pumpkin pie, your have a super daughther, hope you find the Halloween Decorations,
    I love to decorate for Halloween:wink::wink: :wink:

    Irene - Congratulations on 50th Wedding Anniversary what a wonderful memories to be able to have the original cake top:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Awesome - so happy you're doing so well, that is the best news I will keep you in my prayers.:smile::smile:

    Hope everyone have a great weekend, so glad to be here with all of you:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: there was frost on the grass and the housetops this morning when I took the dogs out....I wisely wore cotton tights under my jeans so I'd be warm.....the thermometer said 37 degrees :bigsmile: this is the time when all my "snowbird" friends start packing up and heading for Arizona to spend the winter :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: we're invited to a party this afternoon where a bunch of unknown food is promised......we'll probably ignore most of it and just enjoy talking to the people.....the hostess is one of my friends from line dance so I am likely to know many of the women she invited but Jake won't know the husbands.....he's such a good conversationalist that I'm sure he'll make new friends and have a good time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good aternoon everybody.

    Welcome back Gigi. Glad you are back. Sounds lyike you and hubby had a wonderful time.

    Sandy. Glad Phil came tru alright..

    Barbiecat. Stayed warm 37 is pretty cold. We got down to 50 this morning. Sweatshirts felt pretty good but done came out of it and have short sleeves on now.

    Gayla. Hope Neal don't come down with the flu. Did he get his shots. i got mine but Jerry hasn't yet that I know about. He gets tired so easily now a days. One day he will realized he can'r do what he used to be able to do. I think he is due for the doctor the first part of Nov..

    I am watching the ball game this aafternoon. Alice will be out tomorrow and we will go out to eat.

    Jake, I told a big fat lie. I am not in medicare but a I am in ARRP HMO and have been for a long time it is a pretty good plan. and it pays better than medicare. I don't know what I was thinking about. when I told you medicare.

    have a Happy Sunday you 'al
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Yeah, feel perkier today although I spent most of the day reading as I have a library book due back. It wasn't a terrific book but I did want to finish it and I did. I am wondering if I was tired from all the turkey I have eaten this week. No turkey today and not tired. That is my theory and sticking with it!! Neil was busy today out on his bike enjoying the almost warm weather. I think it was close to 40F, perhaps a little lower. I am not sure if I told you that his bike was stolen last weekend. He goes to 2 different bar/restaurants to visit and when he left the one closest to us he found his bike was not there. He went back into the bar and announced his bike was gone. I have a feeling that he was crying. At about that time the other bar called to say his bike was there. One of the men went over and picked it up and brought it back for Neil. His helmet was missing which was very upsetting for him, a handle grip was missing and obviously a kid had been sitting in the basket as it is all bent out of shape. Neil talked to the police today when he saw them on the street. They said they will be asking some questions. The part that really burned me is that stealing a bike is bad enough but taking his tricycle is akin to stealing someones wheelchair. You have to be pretty low to do that I would say. However, we bought him a new helmet and he is happy as a clam!

    Irene -- Happy 50th Anniversary. Celebrating with family is the best. Continue to get well.

    Marie -- Good job on the weight loss!! Neil gets his flu shot next week. I hope that last years flu shot will hold him over until then. Enjoy your day with Alice!

    Barbie -- Enjoy your brisk walks. Those pesky pounds will be gone in no time.

    Gigi -- Glad you had such a wonderful mini holiday! We keep looking at some place to go this winter, just for a week but so far haven't decided. I figure our first holiday away from Neil should only be a week. He phones me about 6 - 8 times a day, more sometimes, so have to be gradual about this. I have already told him that his Dad and I will be taking a little holiday by ourselves this year. Not sure if he got it or not. Getting him a cell phone was not a smart idea!! But he does like it.

    Sandy -- How is Phil? It sounds like you have been having wonderful times with the grandchildren. It keeps you young!

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Sunday!!

    So sorry about Neil's trike Gayla, I agree, it amazes me how some people can be so cruel. I am glad he is happy now and hope he adjusts to the idea of mom and dad being gone for a little time together, they sure deserve it!! :heart: :heart:

    Phil seems to be doing fine, we will be going there today as usual but will order food in instead of cooking. I would prefer to stay home but I don't get that choice. :noway:

    My daughter will be married 25 years next June and has planned a 12-night Mediterranean cruise with stops in Venice, Naples, Rome, France and Spain. She has asked me to watch one of her boys, the younger one , for the two weeks and I agreed. I can handle one boy but not both together and the 13 year old has been getting into trouble lately and I really don't trust him right now. I know that sounds like a mean grandmother but after what I went through with my own son I don't want to set myself up for any more problems. :brokenheart:

    Marie, I tried looking up HMO insurance through AARP but all I can find is the supplement to Medicare. Do you have regular insurance with AARP? Maybe you have insurance from Jerry after his retirement with Aarp as your supplement. You confused me which is easy to do. :laugh:

    Barbie, hope the party was fun and you ate a little to fuel your little body. :drinker: Jake is used to talking to strangers so I am sure all went well.

    Gigi, glad you had a good time in Phoenix, I was hoping to get there before the end of the year to see my ex- mother in law who is 94. We remained good friends and she is starting to fail and she has always called me her angel, so I would love to go see her if it can be arranged. :love:

    Hello to everyone else and prayers and good wishes for those who need them and don't we all??

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Good afternoon everyone,

    Another beautiful day in central Illinois, yesterday I spend most of my day working on the yard getting ready for the winter, cut all the plant so when Spring comes in, the plants will be beautiful. Got all the pots inside except for the front of the house by the garage got Mums for those two, they looks beautiful, I just love fall and the decorations, I put all the pumpkins out I got a few pumpkins they are made of cement and I got Mike to put them out for me, got the garden ready for next spring removed all the plants like the tomatoes, basil and the peppers. So good to have all that done you never know what kind of weather next weekend will be :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: by the time I was done I had no energy to go anywhere so we eate left over and washed a little TV. I will finish tomorrow.:noway: :noway: :noway:

    Gayla - So sorry about Neil's bike, people can be so mean, hope he is feeling better:cry::cry: :cry: You need to get away on vacation, and both of you enjoy a little peace and quiet for a few days, will be good for both of you. Phoenix and Scottsdale is a beautiful area and the weather is perfect. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sandy - Hope you get there to see her, you're an angel, always helping everyone & forgetting about you needs, you're so special
    hope some day I can meet you.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Everyone have a great Sunday and have fun.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, and gents, I've been really lax these two days, just sat and played games on my comp for about 12-14 hours. No energy to get up, no desire todo anything, my mind is a mush. Hope I did well in the rest area, tomorrow is back to work. 2 ounces down from 177, I did not change the ticker, got to get back to were I left off at 168, from 202 originally. Catch you all on Tuesday, hopefully, Monday I'm working 11 hours so I know it's straight to bed after work.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Everyone!

    Again I apologize for my delay in writing! I am going to have knee surgery on Wednesday. It has been really fast due to the extent of the damage that I have in my left knee. I have multiple large tears in both meniscus, a severly bruised tibia, fragments of bone and cartiledge floating around in the knee. The ACL is fine. I have severly inflamed tendons and legiaments elsewhere in the knee. Anyway it is a mess. I have one of the best sports medicine surgeons around to do the work. He will not tell me yet if I will ever run again. It is disappointing but not the worse that could happen to me. He told me that my leg strength had really served me well in keeping the knee together so far. I should be out of surgery Wednesday after lunch. I will try to post something that evening.

    Dayanne is going to be able to take a couple of days off of work to help me the first few days. I should be ok after that using crutches. They said that I will probably have a long scope surgery but opening the knee up could happen depending on what they find when they get in there. The MRI and X-rays just showed the major damage. I want it all cleaned up, arthritis, bone chips etc. Lets do it and get it overwith and done!

    It has been very trying for me not being able to run and such but I am apapting. I do not sleep so well right now. Every time I move my knee it hurts. Poor Day is not getting a lot of sleep either. I am doing some eliptical training but today I was too sore for that. Last week I did get about 20 miles in on the eliptical and some upper body workouts. LOL I just will not give it up!

    Day and the girls are fine. Amanda is full steam ahead with the wedding plans and Sam is finishing up her student teaching. Days mom is stable, sort of, but still not real kind. My mom is having some hip trouble and may have to deal with that soon. LOL We are a mess!

    Glad to see all the post. I will have time to catch up after Wednesday!

    Take care!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Good to hear from you Jeffrey. Sorry about your knee and whether you will be able to run again, think positive thoughts and it will happen. :heart: It sounds like they are repairing your knee and not replacing it, is it too damaged to replace? Is your doctor from Indiana? It is a good thing you lost all that weight and are in such good health, the surgery should be a breeze for you. Good luck and a speedy recovery!!!! :flowerforyou:


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey, Glad you are gettomg that knee taken care if. . Need to borrow my elecic wheelchair???

    Our neigbor just got home from the hospital with knee surgery He had an accident on a fishing trip borke his legs and busted up his knees Pretty badly he came home Friday , confine to bed but can get up and go the the rest rooms This happen 90 miles away home home and his poor wife been driving back and fort. in the hospital 2 weeks. another neigbor just got home from the hospital after being in the hospital since the first of July. He had a very bad hearth attack Had to fly him to another hospital in a helicoper Which cost 14,000.00 dollors one way. H e seems to be doing OK. now. He is still staying confine to the house.

    Take care we will be thinking of you. Take care. Thanks for keeping us informed.

  • Mamasota
    Mamasota Posts: 144
    Apologies to the Yankees fans but YEAH RANGERS! This is big in Texas since, unlike the Yankees, we haven't been to a World Series since..............................never.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am a big Yankees fan.....I was born in NYC and no matter where I've lived I've been a fan....but I know we can all be friends about this. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I knew that the down side about you going back to work would be that we wouldn't hear from you often......I'm sorry that the latest news is not the best......I agree with Sandy that thinking positive thoughts is the best approach to the knee surgery....your weight loss and fit condition should be huge assets in your healing and recovery....from my experience with my injured knee in July, I think I know how frustrating it has been and will be to have to be less active.....how great that the news with your daughters is good and things are going well for them. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We got a call this morning from Neil's neurosurgeon to say that he had OR time tomorrow to do Neil's surgery, the Vagal Nerve Stimulator. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagus_nerve_stimulation if you are curious. I am very nervous and pray for no complications and for success. Prayers are welcome.

    I will keep you in my prayers as well, Jeffrey. It sounds like you have a mess there but a very good Dr. to take care of it. Hope to hear from you soon to say that all went well.

    I will pop back tomorrow when we get home from the hospital. It is supposed to be day surgery and then I will keep Neil home for the rest of the week. . . I think. He is already saying that he doesn't think he will need to stay the whole week.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla. I will say a praye rfor Neil and your family.Do keep us posted. I sure hope this help him.

    I hated to hear that his bike was stolen I am but glad he got it back. Even tho he did not get his helmet back. Kids are so mean nowdays. They think somrthing like that is cute. But Neil handle it pretty well. Proud of that boy.

    :heart: <<<<<<<hugss for Neil>>>>>>>>>>>:heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am not a fAN OF BASEBALL BUT i WILL ADMIT THIS Has cought my eye. I am a football fan, And my cowboys are not doing so good this year But I still love them.. I did buy me a Texas T-shirt yesterday. did not know it but it had #5 on back , I didn't know it till we got home and somebody name on the back too. Trying to catch him and see who he is, Gosh I hope he is good looking.

    Well they called me today and said they have all the parts in to install the lift. But I have heard that before. I did called the Shooter Store this morning to let them know how unhappy with the, I order it the 8th of Sept. It should not have taken that long to get it ship in from Florida. Some one don'dt know what they are doing.

    Have a good nght.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Everyone!

    I had great day at work and so far a nice evening at home. It is getting cold and I went out and brought the rest of tomatos in. We are supposed to have a hard frost tonight. This will probably be the 5th one we have had so this will probably be the last of the maters! Maybe it will freeze those stupid moles!

    I am ready for the surgery. Stupid knee is hurting all the time now and it is not any fun! And I am missing my working out. Day made us stuffed peppers for supper and they were great. I like hot sauce on mine and they are still working on me! LOL

    Thank you all for the kind wishes. I really appreciate them. I will do better about writing. I should never be too busy for friends! My humble apologies!

    Gayla my thoughts are with your family and Neil. Hang in there! Marie, I may want that wheel chair if I can find a race for it! LOL
    Sandy how is the hip replacement doing with your husband? Barbie, you are a rock kid! Everyone else I will catch up! Take care! I am now back to watching Dancing with the Stars! Is that red head from Russia HOT or what???!!!!! LOL I have always liked red heads! LOL

    Have a great evening!

    Sore knee Jeffrey
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Sandy how is the hip replacement doing with your husband? Jeffrey, my step son had the hip replacement not my husband. :laugh: He is doing fine, but still the biggest jerk I have every met. :grumble:

    Gayla, my prayers and best wishes for Neil's surgery. He is like our adopted son so you know our love is going with him in that operating room. :heart: :heart:

    I hope both you and Jeffrey will be able to let us know how each surgery went, I anticipate no problems just love and quick healing. :heart:

    God Bless,