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Senior Golden Sneakers - October 2010



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    nobody been by yet. Where are you guys.I just woke up from a nap and figure i better check in. Wow nobody been by.???????????????????? I know most of you check in later in the day. so will check back later

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone,

    I didn't to post last night I went out with my bridge club, dinner and then to the movies, got home after 10:00PM. We had a great time.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Marie -170 days logging in, that is Fantastic. Hope you get the lift soon.:love::love: :love:

    Jeffrey - Good to hear from you, take good care of yourself after surgery, sound like the right thing to do:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Good luck with the surgery.

    Gayla - I'll keep you and your family in my prayers, hope everything goes well and Neil can gets better:love::love: :love:

    Sandy - how is Phil doing, hope he is feeling better everyday:happy: :happy: :happy:

    I'll keep everyone in my prayers sounds like everyone can use some prayers.

    Take care and have fun.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Have been busy last few days, just caught up on posts.

    Gayla, Wishing a speedy recovery to Neil.

    Jeffrey, I hope the doctor is able to put you back together again in good enough shape to continue running. I know how much you enjoy it.

    Marie, Sorry the lift installation is taking so long. How frustrating!!

    To anyone I didn't mention. Hope you are keeping well.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    it is surpose to get imstalled tomorrow. I am keeping my fingers cross......Barbs

    Looking ansiously to hear from Gayla. i know this is a serious surgery. my thoughts are with the family..
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Everyone!

    I am just relaxing a bit before mid night when I to go NPO. I have to be at the hospital @ 10 and the surgery is scheduled for noon. I will an epidural will be awake for it.

    I am going to see if they will let me have my phone in there with me. If they will I am going to tweet the surgery. I am on twitter as
    jeffrey1598 follow me! LOL

    If they let me do it, it will be a blast! Also a first! I got a pre invitation to the NYC Triathlon for next year. I should know tomorrow about doing it. I would really enjoy that one.

    Work was good today and it is progressing nicely. I have not had much sleep in that last week. The knee wakes me up when I move around sleeping. I am staying up late tonight so I will be so tired that I will sleep through the surgery. I have a large fear of doctors. Really, they are the only thing in the world that scare me. I have had this fear for years! But I will survive. I should be home by the evening unless they have to open up the entire knee. Won't know that until they are into it. anyway I am hoping for the best.

    I will try to post an update after the surgery and when I wake up!

    Be well friends!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Thank you everyone for your prayers and kind thoughts. Neil got through the surgery with a few little bumps. He has completely lost his voice and a terribly sore throat, can't drink anything without going into spasms of coughing. One might think that Neil without a voice might be a good thing but it seriously is not!! The surgeon had a bit of trouble with the nerve but in the end it seemed to go mostly well. We are very hopeful of good results but won't know for awhile.

    Jeffrey -- Thinking of you and your big adventure tomorrow. I hope you get great results as well!

    Take care. Gayla :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Prayers are still being said for Neil Gayla. How long will he be in the hospital? When you say a "bit" of trouble with the nerve what does that mean? I pray Neil will make a complete recovery without having to have any more seizures. Give him ((((hugs)))) and kisses from all of us.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Good luck today Jeffrey, hope all goes well with your surgery as well. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone, been sick for a few days, it is getting better, however slowly, quickly glancing at the posts looks like things are happening. Thoughts and prayers to you's surgery, hard times...

    Hope to get back on track soon, really dislike falling off my trail to better health. Hope to get some answers from the doc next month, and get a pernament or better structured schedule to keep me straight on goals and needs.

    Catch you all again soon..

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I posted this mornint to both of the guys who has gone thru sugery. Hope niel and Jefrey are resting confortable by now and jeffrey got his belly full by now. and hope you both get to go home soon. Neil you have been such a brave boy braver than Jeffrey.

    Hope all go well with both of you. <<<<<<<hugs to both of you>>>>>>>>...............Marie
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hi everyone,

    Our prayer are with Neil, how long would he be in the hospital. What kind of trouble was he in during the surgery, hope for a complete
    recovery, Give him our best and lots of hugs, Gayla take good care of yourself don't wear youself down everyone depends on you specially Neil. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Jeffrey hope surgery went well and you are home by now, take care.:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Hope everyone has a good evening.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I guess I forgot to say that we brought Neil home last night. The difficulty in the surgery was mostly due to his quite short neck. It was harder to intubate and harder to get at the nerve. However, it was all taken care of and we are still very hopeful for good results. He still has no voice today and is still unable to drink. He is getting some fluid from apple sauce, yogurt and pudding. His surgeon called today to see how he is doing and said if it is not improved by tomorrow afternoon to bring him in Friday. Tonight there were a few hints of a voice so I am hopeful.

    Jeffrey -- Hope you are doing ok and that the drugs keep you happy! ;0)

    Take care everyone. Gayla :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Glad Neil got to come home. Regarding his lost voice, sore throat, etc. I had the same problem when I had surgery. They had trouble getting the tube in and I ended up with a raspy voice for about 5 days. I was afraid it wasn't ever going to come back, but it did.

    Hope things go well for you.

    Good evening to all.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm glad you have Neil home with you to recuperate......being with you will help him heal faster.....I'm sure the problem with his voice is just a temporary setback from the surgery...Neil seems to be doing better all the time at rolling with the punches so this will just be another bump in the road for him...give Neil some extra hugs from Jake and me

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I hope the surgery went well for you and that you're following directions and not trying to be up and running already......you'll probably be on your feet soon but don't rush it.....I don't "tweet" so I don't know if you actually sent out updates today.

    :flowerforyou: This has been an active day for me
    line dance class in the morning and a 90 minute walk with a friend in the afternoon plus exercise bike, dog walking at home and at the dog park and a bunch of active work on projects in the yard.....Jake has been taking it easy ( he did housework instead of playing golf this morning) because he doesn't feel well....he took a long nap and then said he wanted "comfort food"........so when I was at the grocery store I began to be thinking of some comforting food for me too.....at first I thought of Kashi Go Lean Crunch and yogurt and then I realized that I was really thinking of eating the whole box of cereal with a quart of yogurt so I bought a sweet potato instead...with all the extra calories I burned i could afford the calories.

    :flowerforyou: we relaxed this evening watching the exiting baseball game between the Giants and the Phillies....we used to live in Northern California so we haven't forgotten our fondness for the SF Giants.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla..........I had that problens when I had that stroke in 1993 I had to add thickeing to my food to get it down. The food and liquor went down the wrong wind pipe I guess. or I would have a bad coughing spell. It lasted for about a month to clear up. I don't remember if I lost my voice or not I do remember they had a hard time understanding me. The left side of my face drew up. But got OK. I got the thicking at the drug store Sure hope neil get his voice back. and recoupr very well. Glad to hear he is home with you and the family.

    Jeffrey how are you good buddy. I seen some of you post on twitter but today haven't cought any.And a speedy recoery to you too.
    .Have a nice day to all the rest of you.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. Not too much change today but enough to make me think we are moving in the right direction. Liquids are still a problem but I think a wee bit better. He actually wanted to eat something more than applesauce today so I made him some very soft macaroni. It went down fine as did the jello and yogurt. He is feeling a little down but I guess, who wouldn't!!
    Thanks to you all for your continued thoughts and prayers and hugs!

    Marie -- Your suggestion about the thickener is a good one. I have been thinking about that as well and may pick up some thicket at the pharmacy today. I think that part of it now is that he is scared to drink. When you talk about your reaction it does make me wonder if it is some nerve damage from the manipulation. Whatever it is, I pray it isn't permanent.

    Barbie -- You are always so inspiring with your active exercise. I just have to follow in your footsteps!

    Jeffrey -- I did read your tweets and I am so sorry about the running. I know it has been so life changing for you. I expect that soon you will find something that you are able to do to take it's place. I don't subscribe to Twitter so was not able to respond there. Please take care and get well soon.

    Take care everyone. Gayla :heart:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone, another day down and one to go before the weekend is here. Took some medicine for the pain in my wrist and arm again today, oh what a relief!. Now I should be able to do exercises a whole lot easier and without clenching my teeth. Catch everyone again tomorrow.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :blushing: Hi everyone, perhaps I've found a spot! When I introduced myself as a senior, I got not one response! I stumbled on this thread, read your reports, and thought "Ahhh! I'm among friends".
    Found this website while looking through SlimFast's site, which I went to in desperation, and after 3 years of trying to recover from a hip replacement that kind of changed my lifestyle, I think reading your posts has given me motivation to be a survivor, and an active one again if I can keep up with my start-over!
    Barbie, I'm a Barbara, too. Had always loved race walking, Zumba, Aerobics, and swimming, and then...the hip plumb wore out. It's been a painful process trying to get back to activity, and the new hip is higher than the original, and I gained about 38 pounds just giving in to pain and ageing!
    Last week, I took out some Leslie Sansone DVDs, and started walking in front of the new flat screen. About 12 minutes, and I was pooped and wheezing! My husband and I also go to an "50+Fitness Center". The instructor there told me to start walking short periods and work up slowly, and I did just that.
    Today, I did a 30 minute Interval walk of 2 miles, and felt like I was returning to life again!
    We live in an over 55 community in Florida, and we have been here almost 17 years, so much of what I'm reading in this thread is what goes on here frequently. It's good to have a support system, and I see a strong one here.
    I hope to eventually get to know you all. :flowerforyou:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi , my last post posted twice, and I couldn't delete it so I hope I can edit all the errors in the original one!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Welcome Delraybuzz!!! I think you found the right thread!!! Most of us are senior citizens and those that are not are wannabees. :laugh: :laugh: Marie, our founder is 79 years young so she will be happy to have someone to share her experiences. The rest of us are like you, trying to lose some weight and stay healthy. Those the most committed are doing the best, like Barbie, Barb, Jake and Jeffrey to name a few. We support each other through thick and thin and talk about our lives. A lot of us are animal lovers and others are going through some health problems. We are here for each other and welcome you, stay with us for a while and try us out, I think you will be happy.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Buzz, Yes indeed i am going to like this having some around my age on here. So glad to have you here among us . It is a great place to be. I love all of our people. They are so sweet. The guys too.

    Well I still have not got the lift for my electric wheel chair. They sent the wrong parts yet again. I will not recomend this company to any one. And we are planning on going to the cacino the first of Nov. for my birthday. I really have a hard time gettin around in the dark there, Our neghbors are getting together and watchin the baseball game together Since neither one can get out and go places. And believe it or not I have been watchin it too. Got me a Texas rangers shirt will wear it if they go to the world series. They have a good chance.

    Did you all hear we will have red celery for the hoidays? That ought to be interesting. Maybe I will eat more of it then.:heart::heart: Marie