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Senior Golden Sneakers - October 2010



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes Irene listen to the primcess. Good advised she is
    giving you.I am so glad to hear you are up and around.
    I need to go to bed these football and baseball games been keeping me up to late.

    Have a good night

    Gayla. You mention coming to Texas and that got me excited Maybe we can get Sandy to come down in her new car.
    So sorry to hear neil is having such a hard time since he has been home. Good thing you have your nursing skill to take care of him. I am hoping and praying that his sizure days are over with. now to find out why he keep falling. I do hope his foot is OK. Keep us informed.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning!

    I am back to work. The knee is stiff and swollen and really does not want to work too well. The surgeon said that I can get on my bike on Wednesday. That should help with the mobility.

    I will write more later, but I did want to drop you all a note!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning from rainy NW Washington :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, your new car sounds fabulous----all my recent cars have been lighter colors (white, silver, pewter) by choice....one time we were staying in a motel and I looked down into the parking lot and saw that at least 3 out of 4 cars were white/gray/silver....I love all the new techno stuff they're putting on cars....the automatic starter sounds great....will you have the GPS and the backup camera?

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I hope things are going better for Neil and that you are finding ways to stay relaxed and not feel stressed.....what a blessing that you have nursing skills to be helpful to him...I hope we'll be hearing more soon that you're headed south for a much deserved vacation

    :flowerforyou: Irene, while on the road to recovery, try adding 5 minutes a day to your exercise routine so you don't overdo or set yourself up for failure......your health and energy will return a bit at a time.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I hope you're being smart, too, about returning to exercise and not overdoing it :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Do Barb and I have to come out with a seat belt to keep you seated as your knee heals?:laugh: Congrats on getting back to work....of course, that means that we won't be getting long posts from you :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Gigi, how exciting that you're preparing for retirement.....after working hard for decades and now being retired, I can recommend retirement as a wonderful next step.....I am as busy now as when I worked, only with different things...enjoy your gambling vacation :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, it won't take long for everyone to get used to your nickname.....I put my name in my signature so I don't have to sign each post and then everyone remembers what to call me.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, what are you eating these days? Are you doing any walking? Do you still use your pedometer? Now that it's getting cold for all of us up north, we'd love to hear about your mild weather. I guess you and I will be on opposite sides for the world series----as former residents of northern California, we are very fond of the SF Giants.

    :flowerforyou: Yesterday I visited a group called "Project Linus" they make blankets (knitted, crocheted, quilted, fleece) for seriously ill children.....I had a blanket that I knitted awhile ago to give them. they also accepted fabric so I cleared out the big box of fabric I've accumulated over the years for projects I never did and brought that, too. The ladies who make quilts were happy to see it. Right now I'm knitting a wool blanket for "afghans for Afghans". They accept only blankets and children's clothing made from wool or other animal fiber while the "Project Linus" accepts only washable items.

    :flowerforyou: whatever you have planned, have a happy Monday. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi from cloudy and foggy Saskatchewan. Glad I didn't have to drive anywhere this morning. I really hate driving in fog!! I got up early this morning to call Neil's ortho. Dr. He will get x-rays and see him tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. After not sleeping well last night he is soundly sleeping now. He said he was having bad dreams and somehow ended up on the floor. He said he slid off the bed when he was reaching to turn his music on. Really.. . . is there no end??? Neil's neurologist just called and is reducing his med. and doing blood work tomorrow am. He is hopeful that once the inflammation from the nerve subsides the voice will come back. I pray that he is right.
    I got my brisket cooked last night. It is a bit small but hope it will feed everyone. I will make some sides and serve the brisket with buns so it should be fine. I just have to slice it and put it back in the oven to heat.

    Barbie -- I, too, hope that we will get our vacation! We wanted to go somewhere warmer than here but neither of us are too excited about an all-inclusive type holiday. Not that we won't try one sometime but we wanted to do a bit of exploring first. A long time ago it became my goal to visit all Canadian provinces and all the states. I have been to most of the provinces and about a dozen states so I am on my way. How wonderful to have a skill that you can share with those in need.

    Jeffrey -- HiHo HiHo, it's off to work YOU go!! Don't overdo it, my friend. Let the swelling and pain be your guide.

    Marie -- I should be sharing the good news instead of the bad!! Neil has not had many seizures since his surgery. Actually I should qualify that. He has lots of tremors and hand twitching but few of his typical seizures. We haven't mapped out our little holiday yet. There is so much to see in a short time. I do hope one of the things we get to do is visit you. I think that thinking about our little get-away is helping to keep me sane. You will note that I said helping, not sure it is succeeding. We are thinking late Feb. or March. How is the weather at that time?

    Sandy -- Can't wait to see some pictures of you in your new car! You do a lot of driving so you have to have something you love.

    Irene -- I think you did great with your exercise. You are so motivated you will reach your goal but take your time.

    Gigi -- I, too, love to do a little gambling but my husband hates it. I am, however, not very lucky so I would have to say it is likely better for me to stay away! Have fun!

    Buzz -- Hope you are having a good day.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :happy: Hi, everyone, it's a beautiful day here in the sunshine state Read all the posts and appreciate all your good wishes and advice, and by the way, since my ID IS delraybuzz already, we can go with Buzz instead!

    I was confused about Neil, thinking he was Gayla's husband, but I can understand the feelings toward a son and feeling so helpless with each mishap! Can you tell me his age, please, and the story of how it all began? Were the seizures new, or a chronic condition? I surely hope, as we all must, that healing comes quickly! :flowerforyou: and your bright attitude surely helps the whole family!

    I'm sore as can be after my circuit training today, since I took the entire weekend off! Back to Leslie Sansone toorrow. By the way, Jane is coming out with a less boring walking DVD soon. :wink: I bore easily these days, and need motivation.

    Sandy, Barbie, Marie, Gayla, Jeffrey, Gigi, Irene, will I ever really remember you all as easily as you know each other? I worry I left one of you out, and you've all been wonderful. :flowerforyou: :love: :smooched: :heart: so glad I found you dear people!

    Jeffrey, listen to the ladies who love you! A knee is nothing to mess with; heal well before regrets set in! :noway:

    And everyone...a wonderful day!
    :heart: Buzz
    <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com"><img src="http://tickers.myfitnesspal.com/badges/show/252/6805/2526805.weight-lost-sm.gif&quot; border="0" alt="Calorie Counter"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:226px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com">Free Weight Loss</a> Tools</small></p>
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ouch! I didn't mean for that mess of pasting at the bottom of my last post! I thought I followed directions for my Tracker to paste! I notice most of you include it at the bottom, so once again: Instructions anyone? Thanks in advance :smooched:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :explode: As you can see, I finally found the information; both the one telling me to go to HOME, and the proper instructions on the Help Forum. Thank you, Mike!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Buzz -- I will tell you the quick story of Neil and his challenges. He is now 32 and has lived at home until about a month ago when he moved into a group home. I just brought him home to recover from his most recent surgery. Neil was born with challenges, to begin with it was delayed overal development. They tried many times to get a diagnosis without success. We saw Dr.'s from Vancouver to Montreal and places in between and the end result was he has an unidentified syndrome. He has always been very personable which has been his saving grace. As a baby he had febrile consulsions a couple of times and then no further seizures until he was about 12 and then they came on slowly and steadily increasing. Drugs would control them for awhile until his body would adjust to them and then new drugs would be added. At times he would have more than 15 per day. We are hopeful that this last surgery, Vagal Nerve Stimulator, will decrease the seizures and that eventually the complications will decrease.
    About his feet. When he was about 6 he had his first foot surgery for what looked like 'hammer toes' on these little wee feet. Of course, there were complications following and he didn't walk again for over a year. His feet became more and more deformed following the surgery until he was walking on the sides of his feet rather than the flat. Soat about 14 more surgeries followed and fortunately we found the most wonderful orthopedic surgeon ever. He has repaired his feet with 4 extensive surgeries and he can now walk quite well. For long walks he does use the wheelchair.
    I think that is Neil in a nutshell or at least his problems. He really is so much more than his problems. He loves people, likes to visit, has a lot of language and good social skills.
    Hmm, I guess you can see that if you ask about Neil you get more than you wanted to know. Thanks for caring. Gayla :heart:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Monday,

    Hope everyone is doing well, tonight is Bridge Night with my ladies friend, playing cards, drinking Vino and a few snacks, years ago we did a lot of food but now days everyone is washing the calories, so is much simpler to have the gang over. Looking forward to see everyone.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Sandy - White is Devine & Taupe interior awesome very elegant, I can just picture you in it, have fun and let us see a picture.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Irene - don't worried about the time spend on exercise, take it easy will come back with time.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Gayla - you're amazing, you need to have sometime off a vacation is what we all recomend for you:love::love: :love:

    Buzz - I really enjoy all your post, is so nice having on our group:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Jeffrey - so glad you're already working and make sure you take good care of that knee.:wink::wink: :wink:

    Marie is the lift there yet?:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Has anyone heared from Sue lately, she got into the group and then vanished:broken:huh: :huh: :huh:

    Take care and have fun.:smooched: :smooched: :smooched:

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening All!

    I am setting here on the couch with the cats watching Dancing with the Stars. I have my leg wrapped in an ice wrap. The problem is when that Red Head comes on to dance, the ice in my wrap melts??? Whats with that??? ROFLMAO!

    The leg is really stiff tonight and does not want to move well. But the aching is less intense. It is also very swollen today. On another topic, I used to not be fan of Sean Penn. Since I have seen his committment to Haiti I am now a devoted fan and think the world of him and his committment. There is good out there!

    Not too much else to report from Indiana today. I will be making sales calls tomorrow and I always enjoy that. We are expecting very high winds for the next 2 days. There is a wind warning out for us. the local roofers will be happy! Just in time for the holidays! LOL

    I hope you all sleep well and have a great day tomorrow!

    Gayla my special thoughts are with Neil and you.........


    PS I love the cat pictures..Cat fan that I am!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well I have been so invole in sports I have not taken time to post. Sorry about that.

    yeah we did get the lifts for the electric wheelchair and got it installed, will be taken it grocer shopping Wed. and now I can go more places like casinos. musems Etc. I don't used it in the house. at all. just when there is a long walk involed. I am still walking about 10 minutes at a time down the street. I try to go 3 times a day. Don't want to lose my mobility altogether.

    We really got a nice bunch going here now and it is so nice to have you all here.

    Buzz- don't worry about leaving some one out. We all do at times.

    Jeffrey. you take care don't Take it slow and don't, you overdo it.

    Gayla - hope you and dave get to have your little retreat in the early spring. Most of the bulbs flower should be in bloom , be too early for the bluebonnets to be in dull bloom. If you make it this far We will have to go to a nice Mexican resturant. So save your calories.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    As Jeffrey predicted we are having exceptionally high winds today and possibly tomorrow. :grumble: At least the sun is out and hopefully the storms are over. :flowerforyou:

    I am going to the doctor this afternoon because I think I have sciatica. It is either that or a pinched nerve. It is not horrible pain but in certain positions it feels like an electric shock down my leg. :sad: I had a disc repaired years ago and I am hoping it is not another herniated disc. Today they don't rush into surgery like they did then, so even if it is I am sure there are other alternatives. :tongue:

    Marie, so glad you final got the lift and will be mobile. :happy:

    Will give you the doctors report later.

    Have a fun day.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Doctor confirmed sciatica and gave me some pills for the nerve pain along with some exercises. She said riding the stationary bike is great so I have no excuse not to exercise. :laugh: She also gave me a pneumonia shot but I refused the flu shot. I heard too any horror stories about the flu shot where people get the flu from the shot. I would rather not take that chance. :tongue:

    Picking up my grand daughter and her friend and driving them to the mall. After dinner I will take one of the pills (lyrica) because they could make me sleepy and I don't want to drive if dizzy. (more dizzy than I already am---gosh I miss Barb's remarks):laugh: :laugh:

    Wind is still going strong and making it chilly out there. :grumble:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Sorry to hear of your sciatica diagnosis. I have had one bout of it, and it is a "pain in the @ss&quot; :noway: :laugh: alright. In case your doctor or pharmicist didn't give you the full info on Lyrica, here is a link to a page with some good info. BTW, one side effect can be weight gain.:sad: :sad: :ohwell:



    Glad you finally got your lift so you and your new "wheels" can get out and go.


    If certain images on your television are causing your icepack to melt, I hope you are sitting on a waterproof surface so you don't wreck the furniture!!!:wink::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Hope your knee improves quickly.

    Hello to everyone else. Just popped in for a minute.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey,Jake agrees with you about the red headed dancer on Dancing With the Stars......we watch the show faithfully every week.....last year we had a favorite star, this year we keep changing our minds

    :flowerforyou: Marie, glad to hear about your lift.....it will be great for you to be able to take your new "wheels" to the store with you

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, have you seen a chiropractor about your pain? they often have solutions that don't involve drugs

    :flowerforyou: Barb, how is your new job going?

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: today is "cleanse day" so we're taking it easy.....I finished my book this morning and now we're going to watch some TV
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Tuesday,

    What a night we had last night with storms and high winds, the high winds continued all day & tonight, making the whole day
    chilly and ugly:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Sandy Sciatica nerve pain can be so terrible, keep exercising that will help a lot. I got the flu shot nothing happen to me I get every year:ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: Did you reserched about Lyrica, please do, hope you are feeling better.:sad: :huh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie - cleansing day that is fabulous, What book did you finished, I'm reading The Help, very good.:love::love:

    Marie - so happy you got the lift and now you GOT WHEELS:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: way to go.

    Buzz - Great picture:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Hope everyone has a good evening & have fun:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We have been enjoying our company so haven't been on the computer. We woke up to snow this morning, not making me happy!!!
    We did get Neil into the Dr. this morning. Good news is the foot looks stable in all the metal. He can't tell if there is a small break due to the metal but because of the intense pain he put him into a boot cast. He wants to see him again in 2 weeks and by then the x-ray will show some granulation if there is a small break. Until then the cast will keep it extra stable. He actually is taking some steps which the Dr. said would be ok. Not pain free but better. We had to wait around for them to get the req. for the blood tests but eventually got that done as well. One additional thing is that I am finding many drug errors in his med. pack pills. Actually very big errors. Now I am wondering if the staff (who are not nurses) check the drugs before giving them to him. His neurologist says he sounds toxic which is why he asked for the blood tests and also why he has been falling and confused. I will be calling the home manager and/or the pharmacy tomorrow. How can this be happening??:mad:
    Good news, he has a bit of a voice today and the swallowing is also a tiny bit better.

    Bed time so will do personals tomorrow. Stay well. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla so sorry to hear about the meds mixed up. That is uncalled for. Neil has enought to deal with and now you can't trust anyone to do their job right. On the brighter side Proud of neil for trying to walk and making headways into talking

    our neigbor that had the heart attack and was in the hospital for 3 months. doctor got him out walkin with a walker like mine that you can sit down if you get tired. And I surpose our other neigbor that had the boating accident Will soon be out walking. with us.We will have to change our street name to the Handicap Lane..instead of Kimble St.

    I did not sleep well last night.. Woke up all during the night. I fanally got up at 5:30 and stayed up. Jerry will be getting up soon and Our day will begin. This is grocer shopping day. I don't think I will take the chair just used theirs for they have a basket on them and mine don't. So I am off to fixed breakfast for me. and get my shower. Jerry don't eat breakfast till we get back from the store.

    Sandy hope you back is better. Have you already got your new car?

    Jeffrey take care of that knee/

    I am ready for the Texas Ranger game tonight. Go Rangers

    Have a jolly day today.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good afternoon all! :love:
    I really did not mean to miss yesterday, but I was up until 1:40 AM Tuesday morning answering all the posts and yapping away for about 3/4 of an hour, and then hit SUBMIT! And off my post disappeared into cyberspace, and I was not able to get onto this site, and I can only assume they were performing maintainance! GRRrrrr!!:mad: So here I am again, and happy to glimpse:

    BARB: Hi from a 3rd Barbara, and I hope we get to see more of you than your short post! How right your suggestion about Lyrica and weight gain. It's so difficult to lose when a medication might be the cause of added pounds! I have Restless Leg Syndrome, and the only successful medication for me is one that has added many pounds, so on top of the gain after my hip surgery, I am also fighting my necessary medication! But we'll beat it somehow, and this thread is so supportive, we'll do fine! :smile:

    GAYLA, thank you so much for sharing your family's history with Neil. He is lucky to have such caring parents :flowerforyou: My son was born with 2 club feet, for which he was put into casts connected by a metal bar. To this day, he bears the scars on the bridge of his nose from every time his little feet would bang against that area! Fortunately, his feet are fine at 56!

    GIGI, I thought about you up there in that dreadful storm (s ?) yesterday! What a shock, eh? I also identify with your watching calories while socializing. Not easy, and we've almost stopped eating with friends because I feel so restricted. However, the Season is soon starting here, when all the snowbirds return, and it will be more difficult to watch carefully! :frown: And by the way, I am also into "The Help" and it's mucho interesting!

    MARIE, how nice you can get around again! I agree about the market chairs being easier, but some "drivers" should be tested!!!:laugh:

    JEFFREY, I should be warning you about letting the knee heal, but I guess you hear more than you want about that. Just don't jeopardize it's future! :noway: ... I agree with you about Sean Penn, whom I didn't appreciate as an actor until recently. And a courageous activist as well! I love your goal list, top to bottom; clever! I had wanted to try for the Tri-Athelon in Hawaii some 10 years ago, partnering with my son, who lived there! 2 things saved me from even applying: I could not raise the necessary committment money here, and my son said to me, "Mom, are you crazy?" :embarassed: : :sad: ...so I never got there for the Ironman, and in truth, my speedwalking went downhill shortly afteward! But the dream was fun!

    SANDY, poor dear, :flowerforyou: ; Sciatica is no fun. Has anyone mentioned a Physiatrist? Sometime they work,, but I've actually had more help from a chiropractic, even though I never believed in them! One even fixed my dislocated jaw in a jiffy after my dentist said I needed to see a TMJ specialist! ..... By the way, there is only dead bacteria in the flu shot, and it's pure coincidence if someone gets sick. The shot is worth it.

    BARBIE, exactly WHAT is cleanse day? Sounds like work, but YOU are having fun! :laugh: I'd like some of what you have!!!

    I started my day with about 20 minutes of walking with Leslie Sansone, we went off to vote early, and ended up at our 50+Fitness Center, all this morning. Last night I pre-ordered Jane Fonda's new Walk Workout, due the end of November. It looks like a fun workout, and is geared to the 55 + ...all the way to MY peer group. 85 is the new entrance to middle age! :drinker: :blushing: :smooched: :love: (I'm not there yet!)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Wow, Buzz it is hard to compete with your long post and you are so intelligent. Sorry you lost your post after all that writing, if it maintenance that lost it I guess that is the end of it, but sometimes you just have to hit the back button on your upper task bar to get it back, but I am glad you took the time to write today. :love: I have a mild case of Sciatica so I am doing the exercises and riding my stationary bike which will help. The pills so far aren't bothering me in any way, not even sure if they are helping with the pain but the doctor did say they could take a few days to start working. :tongue: I will probably stop the pills before the bottle is empty once I feel a little better, I am not concerned with weight gain from them but if it starts to increase I will stop immediately. :laugh: Most prescriptions have such strong warnings on them, it makes me feel like we will die from the medication instead of what is ailing us. :laugh:

    Barb, it was so good to hear from you with your one liners. I hope you find more time for us in the near future.:flowerforyou:

    Gayla, I agree with Marie, it is terrible that they messed up Neils medicines. You want him to have some independence and expect the people in charge to do their jobs. I can imagine how frustrated you are and I hope you can straighten this all out for your sake and for Neil. Why is life so hard some times??? :noway:

    Gigi, we are still getting heavy winds more so today then yesterday. I am tired of all this wind and it blowing my Halloween decorations all over including my mums. :mad: Our village just trimmed all trees so we are lucky no big branches are falling.
    South of me in Peotone they had a tornado which did some nasty damage. And did you see the lady who had the tree fall on her smart car and a branch went in her? She is fine and an artist so she is saving the branch to make something.

    Barbie, for now I am going to try this medicine and the exercises, if that doesn't work I am thinking of going to the Back Institute of Illinois. They do therapy instead of any kind of surgery, they are noted for back problems of any kind. I have never been to a chiropractor and I am not sure I want to go that route. I know they help a lot of people but I would rather work with a MD. :ohwell:

    Jeffrey, I do hope you are resting that knee, although you think you are superman, you are human. :heart: :heart:

    Have a great day everyone, tonight is my bingo night.
