calories from fruit

I don't count calories from fruit, I eat as much as I Like (apart from banana's only 1 a day) I also drink a lot of smoothie's to keep my hunger at bay, and I don't count the calories from that either. what are peoples thoughts ??


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    This isn't weight watchers...fruit is not free food.

    Fruit is good for you but you can go over your maintenance easily by not counting your fruit. If you go over maintenance consistently you gain weight.

    Log your fruit.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    All fruit has calories and "smoothies" can be upwards of 500 calories. Why wouldn't you count the calories in everything you eat or drink?
  • EmoJew
    EmoJew Posts: 94 Member
    What they said. Smoothies and juices are particularly high.
  • matuskap
    matuskap Posts: 131 Member
    I count fruit, i even count veggies, as i eat bags of frozen mix ususaly, which is about 150 kcal. But if you dont want to count anything, dont count veggies, but you should deffinitely watch fruits (not stop eating it, just count it in).
  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    Fruit has calories, so I log it. I don't understand why you wouldn't.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    fruit does have calories however if fruit made you fat i would be obese by now
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Fruit has calories, so I log it. I don't understand why you wouldn't.

    this. A calorie is a calorie; even if it comes from something healthy, you can't just NOT count it and expect your weight loss not to stall out eventually. When you come back asking why you aren't losing any more, remember this thread.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    If you're still losing weight, more power to you. If you're having trouble dropping the pounds, then you know where to look for the reason why.
  • amyfullbrook
    amyfullbrook Posts: 97 Member
    I definately log it, like someone else said a calorie is a calorie it doesn't matter whether it's a healthy calorie or a bad calorie. If you're counting calories, log your fruit. I know one smoothie I like to drink is around 450 calories for 1 serving so it does need to be logged otherwise my diary isn't truthful.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    fruit does have calories however if fruit made you fat i would be obese by now

    Too much of any food can make you fat.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I don't count calories from fruit, I eat as much as I Like (apart from banana's only 1 a day) I also drink a lot of smoothie's to keep my hunger at bay, and I don't count the calories from that either. what are peoples thoughts ??

    Weight loss is about calories in/out at it's most fundamental level. You should log your fruit.

    Nutrition is about what gets you those calories, keep eating fruit.

    Also, don't fear Bananas. I'd really like to know where people started treating bananas like they are a bomb.. Bananas are good, especially on whole wheat bread with peanut butter and some honey. I perfer crunchy natural peanut butter, but that's me.

  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I don't count calories from fruit, I eat as much as I Like (apart from banana's only 1 a day) I also drink a lot of smoothie's to keep my hunger at bay, and I don't count the calories from that either. what are peoples thoughts ??

    I don't count calories from pizza or burgers also ....
  • ExpectantHope
    ExpectantHope Posts: 60 Member
    A calorie is a calorie, I log all of mine regardless of where they come from.
  • PDarrall
    PDarrall Posts: 114 Member
    Count them, and fruit is not as good for you as people think.
  • hannahlibertypink
    OK I get the message some people have gone way over the top. I posted this for support but a lot of you have actually just made me feel crap.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    fruit does have calories however if fruit made you fat i would be obese by now

    Too much of any food can make you fat.

    Even apes like orangutans and similar can get obese from eating too much food if they're in a zoo where there's not enough for them to do so they sit around doing nothing... zoos have to be careful to ensure that apes have enough space and interesting enough surroundings and also hide their food so they can forage for it like in the wild, or they can become obese.
  • SailorSarah311
    SailorSarah311 Posts: 172 Member
    My thought is that no one gets fat from eating too many fruits and veggies. It's all the other processed foods and fatty oils that cause you to gain weight and be unhealthy. Fruits and veggies are like cheat items in the way that it doesn't matter how much you eat.
  • hannahlibertypink
    I don't count calories from fruit, I eat as much as I Like (apart from banana's only 1 a day) I also drink a lot of smoothie's to keep my hunger at bay, and I don't count the calories from that either. what are peoples thoughts ??

    I don't count calories from pizza or burgers also ....

    thanks for that. really needed this to help me. As I am sure that is how it was intended.
  • hannahlibertypink
    My thought is that no one gets fat from eating too many fruits and veggies. It's all the other processed foods and fatty oils that cause you to gain weight and be unhealthy. Fruits and veggies are like cheat items in the way that it doesn't matter how much you eat.

    THANK GOD !!! some one who thinks the same way as me !!!!

    : )