calories from fruit



  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    You guys need to calm down. :/
    The answer is log your fruit.
    So we're all happy.
    No need to be rude or feel attacked.


    however when people are being rude it is hard not to feel attacked. : )

    This is one of the nicest threads I've read lately on the forums. No one was being rude or attacking you, they were just telling you that what you're doing is wrong and could hinder your weight loss. You asked for thoughts, and you got them. Just so happened that just about everyone disagreed with logging your fruit.

    BTW, I'm having 1/2 of an orange this morning, and it's 104 calories (212 grams). If I did this multiple times a day and didn't log it, I would be over my calorie limit in a hurry. It's important to log everything if you want an accurate picture of what you're eating and how it's affecting your body.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    OK I get the message some people have gone way over the top. I posted this for support but a lot of you have actually just made me feel crap.

    And this
    My thought is that no one gets fat from eating too many fruits and veggies. It's all the other processed foods and fatty oils that cause you to gain weight and be unhealthy. Fruits and veggies are like cheat items in the way that it doesn't matter how much you eat.

    THANK GOD !!! some one who thinks the same way as me !!!!

    : )

    …are exactly *why* MFP vets get riled up. Someone get the popcorn...
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    If I eat it/drink it, then I track it. A calorie is a calorie.
  • BeingKevin
    BeingKevin Posts: 109 Member
    I prefer to log everything. I sometimes eat up to 500 calories a day in fruit, so not logging it would be a mistake for me.

    That being said, it is possible that you could lose weight by not logging fruit. If you have MFP set up to lose 2 pound a week you are basically at a 1,000 calorie a day deficit. If you did this then ate to that calorie limit, and didn’t log your fruit, you would probably still lose weight – just not the 2 pounds a week you may be expecting. This is because it is unlikely (yet not impossible) that you eat over 1,000 calories a day in fruit.

    I don’t know much about Weight Watchers but I am guessing that since they allow you to eat as much fruit as you want, without counting it, that the amount of points (calories) they allow you is a large enough deficit that most people won’t cover that gap by eating fruit. If that is the case I am sure there are people out there eating a lot of fruit who don’t understand why they aren’t losing weight on Weight Watchers.

    * Edit to add that I am not saying you should or should not do this, just that I could see it as an alternative way to use MFP and still be successful at losing weight. I still recommend logging everything.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    You're also doing 5:2 and not eating back exercise calories.

    Is this the site for you?

    Why would it not be? When I joined this site I never read anything that said we all had to follow the same type of the same exactly everything by the rules...or leave and go somewhere else.

    There are several members of this site that do the 5:2...they use this site obviously because it fits their needs.

    BTW...I don't eat my exercise calories back either...well...unless I want pizza...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You guys need to calm down. :/
    The answer is log your fruit.
    So we're all happy.
    No need to be rude or feel attacked.


    however when people are being rude it is hard not to feel attacked. : )

    see now this might be mean but I am so out of this pity party. No one was mean, they told you the truth and you took it as mean, that's on you.

    Welcome to the internet where not everyone will agree with you and there is not specific font for sarcasm, rudeness, or being mean it's all on you and how you interpret it.


    The person who made one of the comments sent me a message and said sorry for being a di** - so clearly I am not just over reacting.

    I am new to forums so I had no idea people where so harsh.

    go and join the mean bus, if being horrible to people brings you so much joy I feel very sorry for you and the people around you.

    In my life I fill it with joy and happiness and nice people.

    you haven't seen harsh...

    and don't feel sorry for me I have more joy in my life than you know and if you think I am mean hold onto your hat, cause if you stay on the forums and react like this everytime people don't agree with you or sugar coat their responses you are gonna get flayed a lot...

    <<<<trounces off to join the rest of the mean people aka those who don't sugar coat stuff....much more informative place to be anyway.

    I am not going to stay on them

    because of people like you.

    you do realize that this post could be reported as a personal attack on me...that is against the ToS...

    If I were so inclinded that is...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    this went well...
  • RunBakeLove
    RunBakeLove Posts: 101 Member
    OK I get the message some people have gone way over the top. I posted this for support but a lot of you have actually just made me feel crap.

    How much fruit do you eat each day. I used to do Scottish Slimmers and you were allowed 2 servings of fruit each day anything over you had to count.

    I don't really count veg apart from Potaotes/Parsnips/Sweet Potatoes as these are the only ones on SS plan you had to count.

    And yes people are very quick to judge, just a little advice on your question would have been suffice :smile:

    Thank you.

    I eat about 3-5 portions of fruit.

    And a smoothie a day which is 112 calories. ( I now know to count this !)

    Depending on the fruit, 3-5 medium apples would be 215 - 360. Berries would obviously be less. Pineapple is a lot more - you could be eating 300-500+ calories of "free food" a day with the 100 calorie smoothie included. 2100 - 3500+ a week, which could be an additional pound of weight loss. It may work for you now but there could be a point where the weight loss stalls and you might need to consider readjusting this theory.

    I am not posting this to attack you or make you feel stupid. I understand that you can count calories. But according to your first post, you choose not to and this is my way of backing up my opinion with facts (the numbers, calorie counts). Some people on here are rude but most aren't. It is hard to understand tone in text most of the time but most people here are just trying to help answer your question.
  • hannahlibertypink
    You guys need to calm down. :/
    The answer is log your fruit.
    So we're all happy.
    No need to be rude or feel attacked.


    however when people are being rude it is hard not to feel attacked. : )

    see now this might be mean but I am so out of this pity party. No one was mean, they told you the truth and you took it as mean, that's on you.

    Welcome to the internet where not everyone will agree with you and there is not specific font for sarcasm, rudeness, or being mean it's all on you and how you interpret it.


    The person who made one of the comments sent me a message and said sorry for being a di** - so clearly I am not just over reacting.

    I am new to forums so I had no idea people where so harsh.

    go and join the mean bus, if being horrible to people brings you so much joy I feel very sorry for you and the people around you.

    In my life I fill it with joy and happiness and nice people.

    you haven't seen harsh...

    and don't feel sorry for me I have more joy in my life than you know and if you think I am mean hold onto your hat, cause if you stay on the forums and react like this everytime people don't agree with you or sugar coat their responses you are gonna get flayed a lot...

    <<<<trounces off to join the rest of the mean people aka those who don't sugar coat stuff....much more informative place to be anyway.

    I am not going to stay on them

    because of people like you.

    you do realize that this post could be reported as a personal attack on me...that is against the ToS...

    If I were so inclinded that is...

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I prefer to log everything. I sometimes eat up to 500 calories a day in fruit, so not logging it would be a mistake for me.

    That being said, it is possible that you could lose weight by not logging fruit. If you have MFP set up to lose 2 pound a week you are basically at a 1,000 calorie a day deficit. If you did this then ate to that calorie limit, and didn’t log your fruit, you would probably still lose weight – just not the 2 pounds a week you may be expecting. This is because it is unlikely (yet not impossible) that you eat over 1,000 calories a day in fruit.

    I don’t much about Weight Watchers but I am guessing that since they allow you to eat as much fruit as you want, without counting it, that the amount of points (calories) they allow you is a large enough deficit that most people won’t cover that gap by eating fruit. If that is the case I am sure there are people out there eating a lot of fruit who don’t understand why they aren’t losing weight on Weight Watchers.

    Yep. All of this. Including the "eating a lot of fruit and not losing weight" -- some people use the "fruit is free" to just gorge on bananas or something similar. Well, if you're eating 1200 calories worth of random weight watchers food and 1800 calories of bananas, yeah, I would not be surprised that you're not losing weight.
  • hannahlibertypink
    this went well...

    : )

    At least I am laughing now.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    Count the calories! It you eat an apple, banana, orange, and some pineapple that's roughly 300 calories right there! If you make a smoothie with a banana, and 8 oz of orange juice and nothing else in it that is over 200 calories. So if you ate all of the fruit and smooth I mentioned and were set at a 1200 calorie a day allotment, that would be almost half of your daily calorie intake just in fruit and smoothies.
  • hannahlibertypink
    You guys need to calm down. :/
    The answer is log your fruit.
    So we're all happy.
    No need to be rude or feel attacked.


    however when people are being rude it is hard not to feel attacked. : )

    see now this might be mean but I am so out of this pity party. No one was mean, they told you the truth and you took it as mean, that's on you.

    Welcome to the internet where not everyone will agree with you and there is not specific font for sarcasm, rudeness, or being mean it's all on you and how you interpret it.


    The person who made one of the comments sent me a message and said sorry for being a di** - so clearly I am not just over reacting.

    I am new to forums so I had no idea people where so harsh.

    go and join the mean bus, if being horrible to people brings you so much joy I feel very sorry for you and the people around you.

    In my life I fill it with joy and happiness and nice people.

    you haven't seen harsh...

    and don't feel sorry for me I have more joy in my life than you know and if you think I am mean hold onto your hat, cause if you stay on the forums and react like this everytime people don't agree with you or sugar coat their responses you are gonna get flayed a lot...

    <<<<trounces off to join the rest of the mean people aka those who don't sugar coat stuff....much more informative place to be anyway.

    I am not going to stay on them

    because of people like you.

    **** it.

    People went out of their way to be nice to you. No one was rude. You just got all whiney because you didn't like that you didn't hear, "Oh honey, you don't need to log it. You're doing everything perfectly. Have some cake."

    You got real support. Good advice that you should follow. You called that mean and focused on the one person saying you were right. That's what you were really after.

    Yes, people can be snarky. No one here was. People really tried to be helpful and nice and still you pulled the "Everyone's mean I'm never posting again!" card.

    Hell with it. Unleash the gifs.


    not interested.

    join the que of people who get fun out of negativity.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    All fruit has calories and "smoothies" can be upwards of 500 calories. Why wouldn't you count the calories in everything you eat or drink?

    My smoothies often have MORE than 500 calories.

    ETA: To get the best results; if you eat it, Log it.
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    A friend of mine did the green smoothie challenge and gained 5 unwanted pounds by drinking a lot more fruit than she needed. She even had her smoothies as meal replacements. Of course she said she also put avocado in there! Yum though. Enjoy your fruit but weigh and log it to get an idea of how many calories you are consuming.
  • hannahlibertypink
    Thank you to the people for honest - supportive comments.

    This clearly isn't the place for me.

    To the people who seem to get a pleasure out of being negative and having an argument. goodbye.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Log everything you eat. I will even log an atomic fireball, which I am addicted to!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thank you to the people for honest - supportive comments.

    This clearly isn't the place for me.

    To the people who seem to get a pleasure out of being negative and having an argument. goodbye.

    this is rich coming from one of the few here who was rude, personally attacked and got joy out of being mean...ironic post is ironic

    offers peace offering to OP


    *Release the GIFS
  • gmove
    gmove Posts: 81 Member
    Posting on the community page invites all members to comment and some of the members won't be as nice as others. Maybe posting on your own page is a better option.

    I do believe that there is no such thing as a stupid question, but it's clear you haven't done any research on the specific subject.

    You received many good and factual answers.