calories from fruit



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    just one comment that was not needed.

    'I don't count calories from burger or pizza either'

    that was totally taking this pi**

    I didn't read it as taking the p***... it could have been the truth as not everyone who uses this site logs their food. Or it could have been just their way to make you think about what you're saying from a different perspective, as in what really is the difference between not logging fruit (which can be high in calories) and not logging other foods that can be high in calories?

    interpreting every comment in the worst possible way isn't good for anyone's mental health. And doing that with comments from complete strangers on an internet site where people are known to be a bit blunt with their comments occasionally is even less so. Seriously, try to take the comments on this thread in the spirit they were meant.... i.e. trying to help you avoid problems in the future due to not logging fruit, because the calories in fruit can add up more than you would think and put you over your calorie goal without realising it.
  • melnorwich
    melnorwich Posts: 60 Member
    I'd be interested to know whether you are eating lots of vegetables and if you are tending towards the sweeter fruits. Eating fruit is really healthy, but I'm personally wary of eating too much due to the fructose and sugar highs/lows which can be devastating to weight loss and metabolism (which are my goals). I've been trying to rely more heavily on vegetables instead of fruit. Stuffing a handful of spinach into a fruit smoothie is a good way of doing this. it turns it a odd colour (deep chocolate), but you honestly cant taste it.

  • hannahlibertypink
    I wish I had never asked, and its a shame as I wont be posting for advice in the future.

    no don't do that. if you have a question or dilemma that is what these boards are for.. don't pay attention to the people who make it their mission to be snarky and on their high horse when replying. they are the same type of people who do their best to raise themselves up by putting others down. it was a legit question but you do have to count anything that has calories. Just count it for a while and I bet you will be surprised at how much you were underestimating how much you really are taking in. Oh I just found this out and it may help you in the future: if you don't like what a certain person keeps commenting, you can choose to mute them under their picture. it helps me when I get pissed. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you : )
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    A calorie is a calorie not matter what you eat so log it. I tend to go over my daily sugar some days and it is solely because I eat fruit but it is important to be honest with what you are putting in your body. That way if you have a problem losing or have high blood sugar or whatever you know where it is coming from or what you need to change.
  • hannahlibertypink
    I'd be interested to know whether you are eating lots of vegetables and if you are tending towards the sweeter fruits. Eating fruit is really healthy, but I'm personally wary of eating too much due to the fructose and sugar highs/lows which can be devastating to weight loss and metabolism (which are my goals). I've been trying to rely more heavily on vegetables instead of fruit. Stuffing a handful of spinach into a fruit smoothie is a good way of doing this. it turns it a odd colour (deep chocolate), but you honestly cant taste it.



    I eat a real mixture.
    I eat a lot of vegetables to being vegetarian.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    If you're still losing weight, more power to you. If you're having trouble dropping the pounds, then you know where to look for the reason why.

    ^^^^ This!!! :smile:
  • Pikacu90
    Pikacu90 Posts: 13 Member
    I used to not count my fruit when I was dieting before (without MFP), but that was OK just because I don't like fruit... The most I ate was 1 unit of fruit per day. I thought it was important for my health to eat it, so I shouldn't hold back because it has calories - so I counted it as 0. Now I log fruit also, it's no big deal since I still don't eat much of it.
  • hannahlibertypink
    just one comment that was not needed.

    'I don't count calories from burger or pizza either'

    that was totally taking this pi**

    I didn't read it as taking the p***... it could have been the truth as not everyone who uses this site logs their food. Or it could have been just their way to make you think about what you're saying from a different perspective, as in what really is the difference between not logging fruit (which can be high in calories) and not logging other foods that can be high in calories?

    interpreting every comment in the worst possible way isn't good for anyone's mental health. And doing that with comments from complete strangers on an internet site where people are known to be a bit blunt with their comments occasionally is even less so. Seriously, try to take the comments on this thread in the spirit they were meant.... i.e. trying to help you avoid problems in the future due to not logging fruit, because the calories in fruit can add up more than you would think and put you over your calorie goal without realising it.


    The person who made that comment sent me a message and said sorry for being a di** - so clearly I read it in the manor it was meant.

    I am new to forums so I had no idea people where so harsh.

    based on this experience it is not for me. - yet here I still am !! ( I wont make any future topics)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You guys need to calm down. :/
    The answer is log your fruit.
    So we're all happy.
    No need to be rude or feel attacked.


    however when people are being rude it is hard not to feel attacked. : )

    see now this might be mean but I am so out of this pity party. No one was mean, they told you the truth and you took it as mean, that's on you.

    Welcome to the internet where not everyone will agree with you and there is not specific font for sarcasm, rudeness, or being mean it's all on you and how you interpret it.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Oh my.
    This has turned into a mean people thread and we even have a white knight.

    Since you are not going to be starting any other threads, I suggest you read this link and all of the links in it: (It will take awhile to get through everything, but it is worth it)
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    If you are counting calories, count everything. Just don't let the numbers discourage you from consuming all the fruit you want.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    OK I get the message some people have gone way over the top. I posted this for support but a lot of you have actually just made me feel crap.
    I went back to the beginning to see if I could figure out what was said that could make you feel bad, and for real there was the ONE pizza and burgers comment, and the point they were trying to make is "food is food". It was meant to get you to think. None of the other answers were even slightly antagonistic or mean.

    If you are that sensitive (and some people are, that's ok) then you may want to stay off the forums (not just MFP, but Internet forums in general). You got caught up in the emotion of being disagreed with by the majority, and as a result, interpreted the responses as mean just because you weren't handled with kid gloves. If you want to continue using the forums, realize that people will often disagree with you, and some people won't give a crap about their tone when they tell you so...but the majority of the time, even those people, are trying to help you.

    Also, yeah, I could totally get fat eating too much fruit. Most apples are over 100 calories. Berries and melon and grapefruit are low in calorie per ounce but, if they didn't "count" and I ate as much as I wanted, yeah that would send me over for the day. It's not the fruit that would be putting me over, it's the total calories for the day, and fruit does contribute to that.
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    I wish I had never asked, and its a shame as I wont be posting for advice in the future.

    no don't do that. if you have a question or dilemma that is what these boards are for.. don't pay attention to the people who make it their mission to be snarky and on their high horse when replying. they are the same type of people who do their best to raise themselves up by putting others down. it was a legit question but you do have to count anything that has calories. Just count it for a while and I bet you will be surprised at how much you were underestimating how much you really are taking in. Oh I just found this out and it may help you in the future: if you don't like what a certain person keeps commenting, you can choose to mute them under their picture. it helps me when I get pissed. :flowerforyou:


    Don't give up on us. This is a great site and has really been helping me out. I just started using this about two weeks ago, and for the most part, avoid posting to the general boards. What I have come to do is to find people with similar interests, or who's comments might have been particularly inspiring, or kind, and sent them a friend request with a message stating why I would like to be their friend. There are lots of good people here, especially if you are just starting out. It is important to find the voices who cheer you on and don't make you feel bad about yourself, or silly or stupid for asking a question. You can do this.

    Best of luck!! :happy:
  • hannahlibertypink
    You guys need to calm down. :/
    The answer is log your fruit.
    So we're all happy.
    No need to be rude or feel attacked.


    however when people are being rude it is hard not to feel attacked. : )

    see now this might be mean but I am so out of this pity party. No one was mean, they told you the truth and you took it as mean, that's on you.

    Welcome to the internet where not everyone will agree with you and there is not specific font for sarcasm, rudeness, or being mean it's all on you and how you interpret it.


    The person who made one of the comments sent me a message and said sorry for being a di** - so clearly I am not just over reacting.

    I am new to forums so I had no idea people where so harsh.

    go and join the mean bus, if being horrible to people brings you so much joy I feel very sorry for you and the people around you.

    In my life I fill it with joy and happiness and nice people.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member

    just one comment that was not needed.

    'I don't count calories from burger or pizza either'

    that was totally taking this pi**

    I mean this in the nicest of ways OP….
    You need to log the fruit.
    And if one comment in a public forum is going to upset you that much, I suggest staying off of the forums. Which is a shame because you will be missing out on some great information. (such as logging your fruit)

    that was an example of one comment, there where more.

    Clearly this is the last post I make.

    I wish I could delete it.

    You said above that it was one comment that was not needed, now all of the sudden there were more? :huh:

    no ...

    I meant this is just one comment... meaning one of the comments...

    Ok, I'm going to be honest here, people were not rude to you. Do people joke around? Sure, but that's because people have a sense of humor, especially after the 50th or so post on MFP where someone decides the laws of thermodynamics do not apply to them because the food is healthy or they didn't consume it after 8 pm. The answer is still the same - yes, you need to log everything, even the healthy stuff. This really isn't something worth getting upset about or making a dramatic exit.

    And in the future, if you feel someone is being rude to you, use the Report and Ignore features. Let the mods sort it out and save yourself the aggravation.
  • conquertheself
    conquertheself Posts: 91 Member
    I suggest you log everything in although it does not always have to be accurate. Fruits are good carbs and high in sugar but still that counts and too much of anything good or bad is simply not good lol ... I was wondering about fruits though. They are high in sugar and I often go over my sugar intake but I do not even eat as much. I usually eat SO MUCH fruit and if I log it in my sugar intake is over by 30 to 60 sometimes. Is that not good ? What do you all think?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You guys need to calm down. :/
    The answer is log your fruit.
    So we're all happy.
    No need to be rude or feel attacked.


    however when people are being rude it is hard not to feel attacked. : )

    see now this might be mean but I am so out of this pity party. No one was mean, they told you the truth and you took it as mean, that's on you.

    Welcome to the internet where not everyone will agree with you and there is not specific font for sarcasm, rudeness, or being mean it's all on you and how you interpret it.


    The person who made one of the comments sent me a message and said sorry for being a di** - so clearly I am not just over reacting.

    I am new to forums so I had no idea people where so harsh.

    go and join the mean bus, if being horrible to people brings you so much joy I feel very sorry for you and the people around you.

    In my life I fill it with joy and happiness and nice people.

    you haven't seen harsh...

    and don't feel sorry for me I have more joy in my life than you know and if you think I am mean hold onto your hat, cause if you stay on the forums and react like this everytime people don't agree with you or sugar coat their responses you are gonna get flayed a lot...

    <<<<trounces off to join the rest of the mean people aka those who don't sugar coat stuff....much more informative place to be anyway.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    OK I get the message some people have gone way over the top. I posted this for support but a lot of you have actually just made me feel crap.

    How much fruit do you eat each day. I used to do Scottish Slimmers and you were allowed 2 servings of fruit each day anything over you had to count.

    I don't really count veg apart from Potaotes/Parsnips/Sweet Potatoes as these are the only ones on SS plan you had to count.

    And yes people are very quick to judge, just a little advice on your question would have been suffice :smile:

    Thank you.

    I eat about 3-5 portions of fruit.

    And a smoothie a day which is 112 calories. ( I now know to count this !)

    You were just validated negatively. In order for any diet, lifestyle whatever you want to call it to work you have to create a caloric deficit, this means logging every last bite of what you eat. But first take a look at this link, I think you will find it most helpful.
  • hannahlibertypink
    You guys need to calm down. :/
    The answer is log your fruit.
    So we're all happy.
    No need to be rude or feel attacked.


    however when people are being rude it is hard not to feel attacked. : )

    see now this might be mean but I am so out of this pity party. No one was mean, they told you the truth and you took it as mean, that's on you.

    Welcome to the internet where not everyone will agree with you and there is not specific font for sarcasm, rudeness, or being mean it's all on you and how you interpret it.


    The person who made one of the comments sent me a message and said sorry for being a di** - so clearly I am not just over reacting.

    I am new to forums so I had no idea people where so harsh.

    go and join the mean bus, if being horrible to people brings you so much joy I feel very sorry for you and the people around you.

    In my life I fill it with joy and happiness and nice people.

    you haven't seen harsh...

    and don't feel sorry for me I have more joy in my life than you know and if you think I am mean hold onto your hat, cause if you stay on the forums and react like this everytime people don't agree with you or sugar coat their responses you are gonna get flayed a lot...

    <<<<trounces off to join the rest of the mean people aka those who don't sugar coat stuff....much more informative place to be anyway.

    I am not going to stay on them

    because of people like you.
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    Blimey, this has gotten out of hand! Feel free to ask questions in the future, but try not to take offense of if some answers are ruder than others.

    Fruit is unfortunately classed as carbs / sugar. Depending what are you aiming for, it is wrong of you not to log it. The calories will mount up very quickly.