calories from fruit



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I wish I had never asked, and its a shame as I wont be posting for advice in the future.

    But you got advice. The general consensus is that you should log fruit...

    Remember that this is an open forum - if you ask a question you will get an answer, regardless of whether it's the answer you were looking for. People here respond to help and give honest, true advice. Don't take it as a personal attack

    I want truth - not sarcasm or ridicule.

    no-one was sarcastic and no-one ridiculed you
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Do you count/log vegetable calories?

    Fruit can really add up, same with smoothies.

    Not being mean, just letting you know it all counts.

    It might be (not counting/logging) somehow working for you, but if it's not and you're not losing, then consider it might because you're not counting your fruit.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    My thought is that no one gets fat from eating too many fruits and veggies. It's all the other processed foods and fatty oils that cause you to gain weight and be unhealthy. Fruits and veggies are like cheat items in the way that it doesn't matter how much you eat.

    THANK GOD !!! some one who thinks the same way as me !!!!

    : )

    so thats what you wanted? just someone who thinks like you to pat you on your back and make you believe that you're on the right track?

    no I wanted honest opinions.

    but also to not think that I was insane in way of thoughts.

    but some peoples comments - not yours btw. where very sarcastic and not needed.

    You stated you do something because it's your belief and were told you were wrong, there is no shame in being wrong...

    I wish fruit was calorie free though, the average avocado I buy is 320 calories!!!!

    I.C.E. Cream Official Tester
    IKEA Professional Put Together-er
    Kickboxing Class Attender
    Been in fitness for about 2 years and have studied kitty-gif-ology, nutrition and Dinosaurs

    It was my belief - It felt nice that someone else thought the same.

    clearly I am wrong as I wouldn't be so fat !! lol

    I wanted help not people making sarcastic comments.

    I will count the calories from now on.

    It just felt ****ty the way some people's comments where. I thought this website was for support not ridicule.

    Please listen to me.

    You haven't been ridiculed. You haven't been attacked or bullied or heard a single unkind word.

    Weight loss is not easy. It's a long hard road of ups and downs. Sometimes our emotions get the better of us, maybe this is one of those times for you. Sometimes people look for any excuse to throw in the towel. I can't count the number of times I've seen people quit this site in a huff, not because of what anyone said, but because they were looking for a reason to get offended and quit.

    No one agreed with your idea to not log fruit because it's not a good idea. And that's ok. Real support is giving good, helpful advice. Not just telling someone they're right when they're not. That won't help you lose weight. Even if it feels nice in the moment.

    So take a minute, you're ok. No one's being mean. We're just trying to help. You got the advice you need and you can even log off now and forget about it.


    ^^^^^ this

    all of it
  • hannahlibertypink

    It was my belief - It felt nice that someone else thought the same.

    clearly I am wrong as I wouldn't be so fat !! lol

    I wanted help not people making sarcastic comments.

    I will count the calories from now on.

    It just felt ****ty the way some people's comments where. I thought this website was for support not ridicule.

    No one was ridiculing you though, people are supporting you by not sugar coating a practice which will be counter productive to your weight loss

    I.C.E. Cream Official Tester
    IKEA Professional Put Together-er
    Kickboxing Class Attender
    Been in fitness for about 2 years and have studied kitty-gif-ology, nutrition and Dinosaurs

    just one comment that was not needed.

    'I don't count calories from burger or pizza either'

    that was totally taking this pi**
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I don't count calories from fruit, I eat as much as I Like (apart from banana's only 1 a day) I also drink a lot of smoothie's to keep my hunger at bay, and I don't count the calories from that either. what are peoples thoughts ??

    I log everything that goes into my mouth whether its fruit, veggies and no matter how big or small. That way I can get an accurate calorie count and I know if I am going over or not. Try logging it for a couple of weeks and see where your calorie count is, no harm in doing that. Good luck!
  • hannahlibertypink
    I wish I had never asked, and its a shame as I wont be posting for advice in the future.

    But you got advice. The general consensus is that you should log fruit...

    Remember that this is an open forum - if you ask a question you will get an answer, regardless of whether it's the answer you were looking for. People here respond to help and give honest, true advice. Don't take it as a personal attack

    just one comment that was not needed.

    'I don't count calories from burger or pizza either'

    that was totally taking this pi**
  • dearannna
    dearannna Posts: 60 Member
    I think that you should do whatever works for you - that is the beauty of mfp - it is a tool to help you with whatever principles you want to follow. Also, whatever replies you get I'm sure there is a massive variation in the accuracy of people's logging on this site. Some people weigh religiously, some people use cups (less accurate), some people eyeball (even less accurate), some people log apart from saturdays which they have 'off'.

    If you can ignore fruit and still lose then fab! If your loss is slower than you're prepared to put up with or stalls then you need to log it either individually, or by working out your average calorie consumption of fruit and just cutting back in other areas to compensate. Please don't get disheartened.
  • hannahlibertypink
    My thought is that no one gets fat from eating too many fruits and veggies. It's all the other processed foods and fatty oils that cause you to gain weight and be unhealthy. Fruits and veggies are like cheat items in the way that it doesn't matter how much you eat.

    THANK GOD !!! some one who thinks the same way as me !!!!

    : )

    so thats what you wanted? just someone who thinks like you to pat you on your back and make you believe that you're on the right track?

    no I wanted honest opinions.

    but also to not think that I was insane in way of thoughts.

    but some peoples comments - not yours btw. where very sarcastic and not needed.

    You stated you do something because it's your belief and were told you were wrong, there is no shame in being wrong...

    I wish fruit was calorie free though, the average avocado I buy is 320 calories!!!!

    I.C.E. Cream Official Tester
    IKEA Professional Put Together-er
    Kickboxing Class Attender
    Been in fitness for about 2 years and have studied kitty-gif-ology, nutrition and Dinosaurs

    It was my belief - It felt nice that someone else thought the same.

    clearly I am wrong as I wouldn't be so fat !! lol

    I wanted help not people making sarcastic comments.

    I will count the calories from now on.

    It just felt ****ty the way some people's comments where. I thought this website was for support not ridicule.

    Please listen to me.

    You haven't been ridiculed. You haven't been attacked or bullied or heard a single unkind word.

    Weight loss is not easy. It's a long hard road of ups and downs. Sometimes our emotions get the better of us, maybe this is one of those times for you. Sometimes people look for any excuse to throw in the towel. I can't count the number of times I've seen people quit this site in a huff, not because of what anyone said, but because they were looking for a reason to get offended and quit.

    No one agreed with your idea to not log fruit because it's not a good idea. And that's ok. Real support is giving good, helpful advice. Not just telling someone they're right when they're not. That won't help you lose weight. Even if it feels nice in the moment.

    So take a minute, you're ok. No one's being mean. We're just trying to help. You got the advice you need and you can even log off now and forget about it.


    ^^^^^ this

    all of it

    just one comment that was not needed.

    'I don't count calories from burger or pizza either'

    that was totally taking this pi**
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    It was my belief - It felt nice that someone else thought the same.

    clearly I am wrong as I wouldn't be so fat !! lol

    I wanted help not people making sarcastic comments.

    I will count the calories from now on.

    It just felt ****ty the way some people's comments where. I thought this website was for support not ridicule.

    No one was ridiculing you though, people are supporting you by not sugar coating a practice which will be counter productive to your weight loss

    I.C.E. Cream Official Tester
    IKEA Professional Put Together-er
    Kickboxing Class Attender
    Been in fitness for about 2 years and have studied kitty-gif-ology, nutrition and Dinosaurs

    just one comment that was not needed.

    'I don't count calories from burger or pizza either'

    that was totally taking this pi**

    then take the "s" off of people' group everyone together with one poster is mean.
  • hannahlibertypink
    OK I get the message some people have gone way over the top. I posted this for support but a lot of you have actually just made me feel crap.
    Oh god, people are just telling you the truth. You are letting yourself feel that way.
    My thought is that no one gets fat from eating too many fruits and veggies. It's all the other processed foods and fatty oils that cause you to gain weight and be unhealthy. Fruits and veggies are like cheat items in the way that it doesn't matter how much you eat.
    That just makes no sense at all. None. And no you can't eat as much of it as you like.

    just one comment that was not needed.

    'I don't count calories from burger or pizza either'

    that was totally taking this pi**
  • hannahlibertypink

    It was my belief - It felt nice that someone else thought the same.

    clearly I am wrong as I wouldn't be so fat !! lol

    I wanted help not people making sarcastic comments.

    I will count the calories from now on.

    It just felt ****ty the way some people's comments where. I thought this website was for support not ridicule.

    No one was ridiculing you though, people are supporting you by not sugar coating a practice which will be counter productive to your weight loss

    I.C.E. Cream Official Tester
    IKEA Professional Put Together-er
    Kickboxing Class Attender
    Been in fitness for about 2 years and have studied kitty-gif-ology, nutrition and Dinosaurs

    just one comment that was not needed.

    'I don't count calories from burger or pizza either'

    that was totally taking this pi**

    then take the "s" off of people' group everyone together with one poster is mean.

    that was just one example.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member

    just one comment that was not needed.

    'I don't count calories from burger or pizza either'

    that was totally taking this pi**

    I mean this in the nicest of ways OP….
    You need to log the fruit.
    And if one comment in a public forum is going to upset you that much, I suggest staying off of the forums. Which is a shame because you will be missing out on some great information. (such as logging your fruit)
  • hannahlibertypink

    just one comment that was not needed.

    'I don't count calories from burger or pizza either'

    that was totally taking this pi**

    I mean this in the nicest of ways OP….
    You need to log the fruit.
    And if one comment in a public forum is going to upset you that much, I suggest staying off of the forums. Which is a shame because you will be missing out on some great information. (such as logging your fruit)

    that was an example of one comment, there where more.

    Clearly this is the last post I make.

    I wish I could delete it.
  • elsyoommen
    elsyoommen Posts: 155 Member
    I try my best to log everything including fruit. This is the best way for me to have information in order to make decisions. I notice from looking at your diary that you do track carbs and sugar for example. By logging everything, including fruit, you have the best picture of how many calories you are consuming and you also get information about your macros. So when/if your weight loss is not going the way you want it, you can review your diary and run reports that give you useful information. With that information you can decide whether and how you want to change things up to figure out what works best for you.

    I find that logging helps me to make better choices as well. When you look at your own diary and you see that a half cup of berries and a tablespoon of whipped cream adds up to the same or less calories than some other favourite junk food... well you adjust.

    You are the one who benefits by having your diary as complete and accurate as possible.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    OK I get the message some people have gone way over the top. I posted this for support but a lot of you have actually just made me feel crap.

    Well this seems awfully dramatic and over the top. You asked for people's thoughts.
  • verhunzt
    verhunzt Posts: 154 Member
    fruit does have calories however if fruit made you fat i would be obese by now

    Getting fat by eating fruit it hard, you would have to eat tons.
    HOWEVER, if you eat 500 cals worth of fruit everyday and don't log it and at the end of the say you see - Oh, I still have 500 calories I can eat - and you stuff those with chocolate or anything else, then YES, fruit can make you fat.
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    OK I get the message some people have gone way over the top. I posted this for support but a lot of you have actually just made me feel crap.

    Well this seems awfully dramatic and over the top. You asked for people's thoughts.

    This. I mean you literally ended your post by saying "thoughts??" and when you got them you got offended. I get it, you didn't get the answer you wanted but what would you rather...everyone be "nice" and tell you to continue and end up not losing weight or for people to give you the hard truth so you can be successful?
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    First of all you are being way too sensitive. Are you losing weight? Then carry on. If not, just an idea, looking at your diary many days you are very close to your limit. If you aren't counting fruit or smoothies you will be over. Your other choice is to exercise which will give you more calories that day. Calm down and reread the posts, there's a wealth of good advice here. Best.