100 pushups. Here we go.



  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Thank you Yvonne! This is a REALLY hard challenge for me! I've never pushed myself this hard during exercise! It's BRUTAL while I'm doing it. But, feels great when I'm done! :tongue:

    Week 5, Day 3 - max 45
    UGH! I'm dreading week 6!
  • scalhoun125
    Im going for the challenge!! Thanks for whoever first posted about this challenge! The website is great! My boyfriend and I started today. His initial test was 54 and mine was only 16....so we won't be on the same weeks at all. I will definitely be resorting back to this thread for motivation! keep it up everyone and lets do this!
    For those who are on weeks 3 and 4, what improvements in your body are you seeing!? Hoping this (along with other exerices) will get my in strapless wedding dress shape! :)
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Shoot! I was going to start week 6 today but just read that I was supposed to do another exhaustion test! OK, test today and start the next week on Friday.

    Scalhoun125 - I just finished week 5 and I'm noticing my triceps starting to develop! Woo hoo!
  • Endeavors
    Endeavors Posts: 21 Member
    I'm going to start this, I have almost no upper body strength! I did the test today and I managed 1 regular push up and 5 knee push ups...and my form sucked, haha.

    I'm looking forward to the results :D
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    OK, so I did the exhaust test... it says if you can do 45 or more, move on to week 6. Well, I did 47 BUT... I do have to pause for a few seconds here and there during the set to be able to complete it.

    So, what do you guys think? Move on to week 6 or repeat week 5 and try to get where I don't have to pause? Does everyone else pause at all during their max set? Or are you going non-stop?
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi Jamie I had to pause this morning for about 2 secs. I had to do 18 max and got to 16 then paused for two secs and then managed 18 (does that all make sense!). I really struggled with week 4 day 1 but decided to leave more than one day between doing workouts. So I left it for three days until my muscle soreness had subsided and then managed to complete the full set yeah. Now on week 4 day 3 which I'll do Saturday.

    Scalhoun I have noticed my triceps too, but biggest change has been tightening of my stomach and waist muscles. I do the girly type push ups but with my legs virtually straight behind me. So almost a full push up but with knees touching the floor.
  • scalhoun125
    Thanks for the help and results updates!
    Do you girls think that its okay to switch between regular pushups and girl pushups? I started out thinking I would just do regular pushups....but started week 1 I have thought how in the world will i even do 50 regular pushups!??! maybe i can just go back and forth? try for regular mosts times...
    what do you all think??
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    It's totally up to you....maybe do as many as you can regular pushups and then switch to girly? I personally am doing the challenge using girl pushups. Then, when I complete it, I'm going to start over doing regular ones.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Agree with Jamie. Perhaps start each set with full then as you tire end the set with girly.

    I'm doing same as Jamie and completeing the full six weeks with girly, then starting again with full.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    OK, I think I'm going to repeat week 5 .. starting tomorrow.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Sorry didn't reply to your question the other day, but I think its best to repeat if your not 100% happy with your performance. We don't get a medal for achieving our end result so may as well do it in our own time and injury free :) Good Luck!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Failed miserably this morning, but I did do 4 hours of rakeing up leaves yesterday and my arms felt dead after that. Will be doing the same again Monday so don't expect to be able to complete Week 4 day 3 for a while yet!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Week 5, Day 1 max = 37

    I did day 1 on Friday night and should have done day 2 yesterday. But, I forgot! So, I'll do day 2 tonight.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    The last week has been busy to say the least... with Thanksgiving and family staying with us, not much time available for this pushup challenge or even logging my food. But, we did do pushups (for fun) before Thanksgiving dinner! lol
    Everyone is my household is now sick in one form or another! I'm hoping to get back to the pushup challenge tomorrow.
  • scalhoun125
    I did it!!!!!!!!! it may have taken 7-8 weeks but its done!!!
    all you ladies out there who are taking on this great challenge...dont give up!!! its a great accomplishment for anyone!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Excellent!!! Congrats!! :drinker:
    I got side tracked from this challenge with family visiting & holidays, etc. I'd like to start it up again. I'm much stronger now so I think I can start the challenge doing regular pushups instead of modified (on my knees).

    Edit to add:
    For your 100 in a row, were you able to do them straight through? Any long pauses? Did you do all one type or switch between regular & modified?
  • scalhoun125
    yea i think you should go for it!!

    I completed the 100 in a row with a few slight pauses about 1-2 seconds long between 70-100. I would do about 5 then 1-2 sec pause then continue. I did do the challenge with modified push ups. I am continuing to do pushups since I like the results! Although, now I'm just sticking to regular pushups.
    I am going to start on the 200 squats and 200 sit up challenges now. I like having small goals like these to add some personal competition to my workouts. : )

    Good luck!!
    Report your progress ;)