


  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Hi, Nutrition student at UC Davis, currently taking 4 different nutrition classes taught by doctors who specialize in fields like 'fad diets'. United States medical and nutrition journals have shown the paleo diet to be a success in individual's weight loss goals, however it is not sustainable and should be monitored very carefully. It's also important to understand how the paleo diet works physiologically. If you are consuming (in general, varies by person due to genetic variation) less than 130g of carbohydrates a day (carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes) in 4-7 days your body will become ketonic and you may experience dizziness, loss of appetite and weight loss. So what is ketonic and why are you losing weight? - Carbohydrates are broken down into thousands of glucose units and stored at 'glycogen' in your muscles. Glycogen is a huge energy source for your body and is used during physical activity. Glycogen is also stored with water. So when you go on a paleo diet your body starts to become depleted of its glycogen stores and because glycogen is stored with water you also lose lots of water weight - which can be anywhere from 5-10lbs of water. Your brain NEEDS glucose for energy, glucose is the ONLY energy that the brain uses and the recommended 130g of carbohydrates a day is based off of what your brain uses per day (again varies person to person). So if this diet is prolonged your body will start to become ketonic - which means that because you have no stores of glycogen, and limited blood glucose available as fuel, your body will start to break down proteins - you will feel lethargic, have bad breath, offensive flatulence, ect. Again these results MAY vary from person to person, however the research is solid on how you body deals with under consuming carbohydrates. Which is why any nutritionist, dietician would not recommend a diet, but rather a mixed diet. If you are however a professional athlete or competitor, doing the paleo or the now popular high fat diet may be advised to you by your athletic coaches.

    Not all brain function requires glucose. Some brain function absolutely requires glucose, but it's only something like 25%. The rest is more than happy to use ketones as its fuel source.

    But why bother?
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Hi, Nutrition student at UC Davis, currently taking 4 different nutrition classes taught by doctors who specialize in fields like 'fad diets'. United States medical and nutrition journals have shown the paleo diet to be a success in individual's weight loss goals, however it is not sustainable and should be monitored very carefully. It's also important to understand how the paleo diet works physiologically. If you are consuming (in general, varies by person due to genetic variation) less than 130g of carbohydrates a day (carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes) in 4-7 days your body will become ketonic and you may experience dizziness, loss of appetite and weight loss. So what is ketonic and why are you losing weight? - Carbohydrates are broken down into thousands of glucose units and stored at 'glycogen' in your muscles. Glycogen is a huge energy source for your body and is used during physical activity. Glycogen is also stored with water. So when you go on a paleo diet your body starts to become depleted of its glycogen stores and because glycogen is stored with water you also lose lots of water weight - which can be anywhere from 5-10lbs of water. Your brain NEEDS glucose for energy, glucose is the ONLY energy that the brain uses and the recommended 130g of carbohydrates a day is based off of what your brain uses per day (again varies person to person). So if this diet is prolonged your body will start to become ketonic - which means that because you have no stores of glycogen, and limited blood glucose available as fuel, your body will start to break down proteins - you will feel lethargic, have bad breath, offensive flatulence, ect. Again these results MAY vary from person to person, however the research is solid on how you body deals with under consuming carbohydrates. Which is why any nutritionist, dietician would not recommend a diet, but rather a mixed diet. If you are however a professional athlete or competitor, doing the paleo or the now popular high fat diet may be advised to you by your athletic coaches.

    The brain ONLY uses glucose for fuel - really?

    Yeah that's just as silly as saying legumes are bad due to the lectin component...

    I would also argue that we do not get fat because of insulin and insulin resistance, more so we become insulin resistant because we are fat... because we eat too much and move to little.

    That is one way to become insulin resistant, but it isn't the only way. Some are genetically predisposed to it and naturally have a great sensitivity to carbs. Some become insulin resistant due to other hormonal balances being off kilter in the body -- thyroid, PCOS, adrenal issues, etc. -- where insulin resistance is the secondary effect.

    True, but not because you ate a carb, released insulin and automatically stored fat as some would like us to believe...
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    I doubt the OP is still reading this since it has turned into drivel and mostly just insulting each other. If you are just looking for something to try for a month, I'd look into the Whole30. It's strict paleo, and it can be pretty difficult to stick to (and the people who run the website don't suggest doing it for longer than 30 days). But, you'd get a very good idea of what paleo is, plus it's a free website with a free list of "do eat" foods and "don't eat" foods. It's clearly laid out.

    Then, after 30 days, assess your experience. If you couldn't follow strict paleo, then strict paleo probably isn't for you. If you found recipes you really liked, incorporate those into your diet. If you mostly liked it except that it was too strict, try an 80/20 approach. If there were foods on the "do not eat" list that you miss and can't do without, incorporate those back into your diet.

    thats the totally perfect diet!!! :) I agree and thats what i find easy to do, not to be a strictly religious disciple of a religion type of diet approach, but to eat something workable and to try it to see if it works for you or not, if no, then tweak (not twerk :) as needed.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Hmm... I think Jesus did paleo, and he was *ripped*.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    back in for thread derailment...
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I have been mainly paleo for a few years, but I have always had an aversion to many grains anyway. I knew I had difficulty digesting them but I ate them because I thought they were ever so good for me, but when I found out that they actually offer very little in the way of nutrients compared with other foods and contain substances that block the absorption of certain minerals and contain things that irritate the gut I didn't hesitate to cut them out completely. I am also quite carb sensitive and I stopped believing that I somehow needed refined carbohydrates and realised they are not very good for you. I also had major issues with sugar and cutting it out has helped me lose weight and feel better.

    There is absolutely nothing bad about paleo. It's simply about eating whole nutrient dense real foods and minimising stressing out the digestive system with hard to digest foods and toxins. Some people might find it difficult or restrictive, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with having some flexibility and having not so good for you foods on occasion. It's great for people who are suffering with their health and have sensitive stomachs or digestive problems. It's also very freeing to accept that saturated fat is not bad for you and low fat foods are not the amazingly wonderful healthy foods many people think they are. I feel very satisfied with my meals and they keep me going for long periods. When you don't have to make space in your diet for refined grains you have more space for healthy proteins and fats.

    I would add though that I don't claim to follow a strict paleo diet because I don't like to follow labels. I have naturally gravitated towards a paleo style diet because I find it the best for my body and I allow myself to go off track occasionally if I really just want something "bad".

    Very well put. Describes very close to the way I eat. I figured out that processed sugars and grains, (especially wheat) caused inflammation in my body. Severely limiting those foods have caused an amazing reduction in my arthritis, and back pain levels. I also have much more energy, sleep better, and don't feel like I am 90 yrs old when I get out of bed in the mornings.

    Of course, everyone doesn't need to cut out all the foods suggested by the paleo plan. You can adjust it to fit your individual needs and desires. I love cheese, and peanut butter, and they don't adversely affect my body, so I eat them. I also don't worry about grass fed beef vs regular beef. For me at this point, reg meats are fine.

    There is a site called Mark's Daily Apple, where they follow a less strict version of Paleo, which they call Primal. Check that site out for some good info, without the 'cultish' feel that some people claim goes along with Paleo.

    Then just listen to your body and eat accordingly.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Hi, Nutrition student at UC Davis, currently taking 4 different nutrition classes taught by doctors who specialize in fields like 'fad diets'. United States medical and nutrition journals have shown the paleo diet to be a success in individual's weight loss goals, however it is not sustainable and should be monitored very carefully. It's also important to understand how the paleo diet works physiologically. If you are consuming (in general, varies by person due to genetic variation) less than 130g of carbohydrates a day (carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes) in 4-7 days your body will become ketonic and you may experience dizziness, loss of appetite and weight loss. So what is ketonic and why are you losing weight? - Carbohydrates are broken down into thousands of glucose units and stored at 'glycogen' in your muscles. Glycogen is a huge energy source for your body and is used during physical activity. Glycogen is also stored with water. So when you go on a paleo diet your body starts to become depleted of its glycogen stores and because glycogen is stored with water you also lose lots of water weight - which can be anywhere from 5-10lbs of water. Your brain NEEDS glucose for energy, glucose is the ONLY energy that the brain uses and the recommended 130g of carbohydrates a day is based off of what your brain uses per day (again varies person to person). So if this diet is prolonged your body will start to become ketonic - which means that because you have no stores of glycogen, and limited blood glucose available as fuel, your body will start to break down proteins - you will feel lethargic, have bad breath, offensive flatulence, ect. Again these results MAY vary from person to person, however the research is solid on how you body deals with under consuming carbohydrates. Which is why any nutritionist, dietician would not recommend a diet, but rather a mixed diet. If you are however a professional athlete or competitor, doing the paleo or the now popular high fat diet may be advised to you by your athletic coaches.

    The brain ONLY uses glucose for fuel - really?

    Yeah that's just as silly as saying legumes are bad due to the lectin component...

    I would also argue that we do not get fat because of insulin and insulin resistance, more so we become insulin resistant because we are fat... because we eat too much and move to little.

    You could be right there!
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    What's your point? He specifically addressed protein powders and you're trying to counter that specific point with his general guidelines? That's asinine.

    So he doesn't really believe anything he writes? Either he thinks added sugars are a poison or they aren't, same with processed foods. You can't say well these are terrible terrible things, then say but this product I sell is alright cause I happen to sell it.

    Maybe his thought processes isn't so one dimensional?

    Even if he meant only highly processed foods are poisons and minimally processed stuff was ok, well protein powder is highly processed. It's almost like he makes stuff up as he goes. ::Looks back on what he said about insulin his book::: LOL

    PB recommends getting our protein from animals - the whey *kitten* is for you guys. Personally I've never eaten a protein shake in my life, so I'm not too sure what the fuss is over them.

    Here's Mark Sisson shilling for P90X Peak Performance bars.

    Here's the ingredient label for one of the P90X peak performance bars.

    It seems Mark Sisson recommends whatever happens to be lining his pockets at the moment.

    Maybe, after all he is a business man. But like I said I've never been asked to buy anything from him. So maybe he's just pushing his stuff on other people.

    As long as following pb cost me zero pounds I'll continue to do it.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Hi, [Nutrition student at UC Davis, currently taking 4 different nutrition classes taught by doctors who specialize in fields like 'fad diets'. United States medical and nutrition journals have shown the paleo diet to be a success in individual's weight loss goals, however it is not sustainable and should be monitored very carefully. It's also important to understand how the paleo diet works physiologically. If you are consuming (in general, varies by person due to genetic variation) less than 130g of carbohydrates a day (carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes) in 4-7 days your body will become ketonic and you may experience dizziness, loss of appetite and weight loss. So what is ketonic and why are you losing weight? - Carbohydrates are broken down into thousands of glucose units and stored at 'glycogen' in your muscles. Glycogen is a huge energy source for your body and is used during physical activity. Glycogen is also stored with water. So when you go on a paleo diet your body starts to become depleted of its glycogen stores and because glycogen is stored with water you also lose lots of water weight - which can be anywhere from 5-10lbs of water. Your brain NEEDS glucose for energy, glucose is the ONLY energy that the brain uses and the recommended 130g of carbohydrates a day is based off of what your brain uses per day (again varies person to person). So if this diet is prolonged your body will start to become ketonic - which means that because you have no stores of glycogen, and limited blood glucose available as fuel, your body will start to break down proteins - you will feel lethargic, have bad breath, offensive flatulence, ect. Again these results MAY vary from person to person, however the research is solid on how you body deals with under consuming carbohydrates. Which is why any nutritionist, dietician would not recommend a diet, but rather a mixed diet. If you are however a professional athlete or competitor, doing the paleo or the now popular high fat diet may be advised to you by your athletic coaches.

    you should ask for a refund
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Hi, [Nutrition student at UC Davis, currently taking 4 different nutrition classes taught by doctors who specialize in fields like 'fad diets'. United States medical and nutrition journals have shown the paleo diet to be a success in individual's weight loss goals, however it is not sustainable and should be monitored very carefully. It's also important to understand how the paleo diet works physiologically. If you are consuming (in general, varies by person due to genetic variation) less than 130g of carbohydrates a day (carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes) in 4-7 days your body will become ketonic and you may experience dizziness, loss of appetite and weight loss. So what is ketonic and why are you losing weight? - Carbohydrates are broken down into thousands of glucose units and stored at 'glycogen' in your muscles. Glycogen is a huge energy source for your body and is used during physical activity. Glycogen is also stored with water. So when you go on a paleo diet your body starts to become depleted of its glycogen stores and because glycogen is stored with water you also lose lots of water weight - which can be anywhere from 5-10lbs of water. Your brain NEEDS glucose for energy, glucose is the ONLY energy that the brain uses and the recommended 130g of carbohydrates a day is based off of what your brain uses per day (again varies person to person). So if this diet is prolonged your body will start to become ketonic - which means that because you have no stores of glycogen, and limited blood glucose available as fuel, your body will start to break down proteins - you will feel lethargic, have bad breath, offensive flatulence, ect. Again these results MAY vary from person to person, however the research is solid on how you body deals with under consuming carbohydrates. Which is why any nutritionist, dietician would not recommend a diet, but rather a mixed diet. If you are however a professional athlete or competitor, doing the paleo or the now popular high fat diet may be advised to you by your athletic coaches.

    you should ask for a refund

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    OP - ini the end it is up to you to do what you want…

    here is what I will say

    1. paleo has nothing to do with what our paleolithic brethren ate…
    2. paleo is not some magical fat burning process that is superior to others…
    3. you can eat in a 500 calorie per day deficit, work out/move more, eat the foods that YOU like, and you will lose just as much weight/fat as you would on paleo…

    if you want to do it because you think you might like it, then by all means do it ….but don't go into thinking that after two months of paleo you are going to lose more fat then you would on a calorie deficit …..

    pretty solid.

    You know what I like about the paleo craze- it gives you recipes you can google by adding 'paleo' that you know will have a restricted ingredient list- for someone who is lazy as ballz and doesn't like to cook excessively complicated meals- it works out great.

    My ice cream and oreo obsessions lands me squarely in the "not paleo" category- but if you look at what people who are serious BB eat- look at their diet - it's hysterically close to paleo while they are cutting- but none of them are paleo- but the macro's you need for certain things- it works out well.

    I don't call myself paleo- for a lot of reasons- (because it' wacky) but if you look at what I eat regularly- it's very primal/paleo-ish- lots of steak, chicken and veggies, salads and bacon and eggs. milk and yogurt are staples and then- chili and black bean soup are my big legume thing- but that's only winter time.

    You can eat like something and not ascribe to the cult.

    Not everything needs a frigging label.

    My experience seems to be different. Whenever I see a paleo recipe, it seems the list of ingredients is not only long, but also full of uber expensive ingredients, stuff I'd have to go to the "health food" store to even purchase. We are clearly looking in different places. :tongue:

    oh I see those too- I roll my eyes and I just say- all I really want is some effing cilatnro lime chicken or whatever... and I skip those.

    I hate those recipes- they are definitely out there. Add "simple" or "easy" to your search- will help :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hmm... I think Jesus did paleo, and he was *ripped*.

    No. He ate bread.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Hmm... I think Jesus did paleo, and he was *ripped*.

    No. He ate bread.
    and drank wine...
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Oh, I thought he always turned bread into fish before he ate it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    OP - ini the end it is up to you to do what you want…

    here is what I will say

    1. paleo has nothing to do with what our paleolithic brethren ate…
    2. paleo is not some magical fat burning process that is superior to others…
    3. you can eat in a 500 calorie per day deficit, work out/move more, eat the foods that YOU like, and you will lose just as much weight/fat as you would on paleo…

    if you want to do it because you think you might like it, then by all means do it ….but don't go into thinking that after two months of paleo you are going to lose more fat then you would on a calorie deficit …..

    pretty solid.

    You know what I like about the paleo craze- it gives you recipes you can google by adding 'paleo' that you know will have a restricted ingredient list- for someone who is lazy as ballz and doesn't like to cook excessively complicated meals- it works out great.

    My ice cream and oreo obsessions lands me squarely in the "not paleo" category- but if you look at what people who are serious BB eat- look at their diet - it's hysterically close to paleo while they are cutting- but none of them are paleo- but the macro's you need for certain things- it works out well.

    I don't call myself paleo- for a lot of reasons- (because it' wacky) but if you look at what I eat regularly- it's very primal/paleo-ish- lots of steak, chicken and veggies, salads and bacon and eggs. milk and yogurt are staples and then- chili and black bean soup are my big legume thing- but that's only winter time.

    You can eat like something and not ascribe to the cult.

    Not everything needs a frigging label.

    My experience seems to be different. Whenever I see a paleo recipe, it seems the list of ingredients is not only long, but also full of uber expensive ingredients, stuff I'd have to go to the "health food" store to even purchase. We are clearly looking in different places. :tongue:

    oh I see those too- I roll my eyes and I just say- all I really want is some effing cilatnro lime chicken or whatever... and I skip those.

    I hate those recipes- they are definitely out there. Add "simple" or "easy" to your search- will help :)

    Good tip! I'll try that.

    ETA: Most paleo folks *do* have some creative, delicious ways to cook meat.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Hmm... I think Jesus did paleo, and he was *ripped*.

    No. He ate bread.
    and drank wine...

    Wines allowed on primal.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Hmm... I think Jesus did paleo, and he was *ripped*.

    No. He ate bread.
    and drank wine...

    Yes, this.

    And then He said not live on *just* bread alone.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Hmm... I think Jesus did paleo, and he was *ripped*.

    No. He ate bread.
    and drank wine...

    Wines allowed on primal.

    I have a feeling given enough time so will bread...
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Hmm... I think Jesus did paleo, and he was *ripped*.

    No. He ate bread.
    and drank wine...

    Wines allowed on primal.

    I have a feeling given enough time so will bread...

    What sort of bread? Maybe when they discover it's amazing nutritional properties they will let it in! Lol
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Hmm... I think Jesus did paleo, and he was *ripped*.

    No. He ate bread.
    and drank wine...

    Wines allowed on primal.

    I have a feeling given enough time so will bread...

    What sort of bread? Maybe when they discover it's amazing nutritional properties they will let it in! Lol

    It's most valuable nutrient is pleasure... and make no mistake, pleasure is a nutrient.