


  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Not at all. Doctors still recommend Paleo diets to type 2 diabetes patients.

    People with other issues are still benefiting from Paleo.

    If you're healthy and happy, with no inclination to go Paleo, don't go Paleo.

    I was pointing out the irony in the fact that it's the last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong, while everyone is repeating the mantra "Don't do Paleo unless something is wrong."

    There is such a thing as preventative medicine.

    I had reactive hypoglycemia in the past (a symptom of pre-diabetes.)

    I went Paleo, now it's gone.

    When I weighed 245 and had hypoglycemia, I was about a season away from being your next type 2 diabetes patient.

    Knowing the diabetes runs in my family, I'm going to stay Paleo to prevent it.

    Now I have no symptoms of anything diabetic, and probably never will, because I choose a healing diet that is recommended for type 2 diabetes patients.


    No doctor I know recommends Paleo and I've only recently worked in diabetes clinics in 2 different city hospitals.

    Actually I've never heard of a specialist clinician recommending Paleo as a last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong.

    That's pretty much my issue with Pale/Primal followers....the claims that the diet is superior from a health perspective. I'm yet to see the evidence (not n=1 evidence).

    Maybe the issue is you have is inferiority complex. When people on this forum say that moderation and IIFYM is a great diet and superior I normal say - great whatever works for you.

    I try not to support my beliefs by putting down others, I will however offer my beliefs up as a possible alternative, but never claim I'm right their wrong - it's a bit weak if you have to resort to that just to get your point across.

    Inferiority complex? :laugh: That's a good's funny how you always seem to resort to personal attacks when you can't think of anything else.

    What do I have to feel inferior about? I've never discussed my way of eating.

    I've also not heard people who recommend a balanced approach claim superior health benefits.

    Inferiority complex - sorry but it's the only thing I can think of to explain yours and other need to push your way of eating onto others.

    Of all the members on MFP who choose to eat LCHF very few every go onto threads which are aimed at people who eat IIFYM, moderation, vegan etc and try to push LCHF onto people, but I see it in every single LCHF (paleo, primal, Atkins etc) thread where you lot come on trying to push moderation onto us - your like JW's.

    Sorry but were happy with what we are doing and don't want to buy your version of what a diet is (as good as it may be).
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    Not at all. Doctors still recommend Paleo diets to type 2 diabetes patients.

    People with other issues are still benefiting from Paleo.

    If you're healthy and happy, with no inclination to go Paleo, don't go Paleo.

    I was pointing out the irony in the fact that it's the last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong, while everyone is repeating the mantra "Don't do Paleo unless something is wrong."

    There is such a thing as preventative medicine.

    I had reactive hypoglycemia in the past (a symptom of pre-diabetes.)

    I went Paleo, now it's gone.

    When I weighed 245 and had hypoglycemia, I was about a season away from being your next type 2 diabetes patient.

    Knowing the diabetes runs in my family, I'm going to stay Paleo to prevent it.

    Now I have no symptoms of anything diabetic, and probably never will, because I choose a healing diet that is recommended for type 2 diabetes patients.


    No doctor I know recommends Paleo and I've only recently worked in diabetes clinics in 2 different city hospitals.

    Actually I've never heard of a specialist clinician recommending Paleo as a last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong.

    That's pretty much my issue with Pale/Primal followers....the claims that the diet is superior from a health perspective. I'm yet to see the evidence (not n=1 evidence).

    Maybe the issue is you have is inferiority complex. When people on this forum say that moderation and IIFYM is a great diet and superior I normal say - great whatever works for you.

    I try not to support my beliefs by putting down others, I will however offer my beliefs up as a possible alternative, but never claim I'm right their wrong - it's a bit weak if you have to resort to that just to get your point across.

    Inferiority complex? :laugh: That's a good's funny how you always seem to resort to personal attacks when you can't think of anything else.

    What do I have to feel inferior about? I've never discussed my way of eating.

    I've also not heard people who recommend a balanced approach claim superior health benefits.

    Inferiority complex - sorry but it's the only thing I can think of to explain yours and other need to push your way of eating onto others.

    Of all the members on MFP who choose to eat LCHF very few every go onto threads which are aimed at people who eat IIFYM, moderation, vegan etc and try to push LCHF onto people, but I see it in every single LCHF (paleo, primal, Atkins etc) thread where you lot come on trying to push moderation onto us - your like JW's.

    Sorry but were happy with what we are doing and don't want to buy your version of what a diet is (as good as it may be).

    I'm not trying to push anything onto you. I couldn't care less what you or others eat. I don't discuss how I eat.

    However, the OP asked opinions of Paleo.

    I have given my opinion on the lack of credibility of some of the reasoning behind primal/paleo, as have others. I have also provided my perspective on 'Drs put type 2 diabetics on Paleo and other conditions as a last resort' comments based on my experience of working in clinical roles and with clinician colleagues. And BTW, diabetics on insulin or other diabetic meds can have dangerous hypos if they cut carbs without adjusting their meds so it could be quite a risky recommendation for some.

    I haven't been rude or offensive to anyone on here. I have simply provided an opinion based on my education and professional experience. Perhaps it is of value to someone who asks an opinion on Paleo, perhaps not.

    My question to you is why do you get so defensive and resort to personal attacks?
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Not at all. Doctors still recommend Paleo diets to type 2 diabetes patients.

    People with other issues are still benefiting from Paleo.

    If you're healthy and happy, with no inclination to go Paleo, don't go Paleo.

    I was pointing out the irony in the fact that it's the last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong, while everyone is repeating the mantra "Don't do Paleo unless something is wrong."

    There is such a thing as preventative medicine.

    I had reactive hypoglycemia in the past (a symptom of pre-diabetes.)

    I went Paleo, now it's gone.

    When I weighed 245 and had hypoglycemia, I was about a season away from being your next type 2 diabetes patient.

    Knowing the diabetes runs in my family, I'm going to stay Paleo to prevent it.

    Now I have no symptoms of anything diabetic, and probably never will, because I choose a healing diet that is recommended for type 2 diabetes patients.


    No doctor I know recommends Paleo and I've only recently worked in diabetes clinics in 2 different city hospitals.

    Actually I've never heard of a specialist clinician recommending Paleo as a last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong.

    That's pretty much my issue with Pale/Primal followers....the claims that the diet is superior from a health perspective. I'm yet to see the evidence (not n=1 evidence).

    Maybe the issue is you have is inferiority complex. When people on this forum say that moderation and IIFYM is a great diet and superior I normal say - great whatever works for you.

    I try not to support my beliefs by putting down others, I will however offer my beliefs up as a possible alternative, but never claim I'm right their wrong - it's a bit weak if you have to resort to that just to get your point across.

    Inferiority complex? :laugh: That's a good's funny how you always seem to resort to personal attacks when you can't think of anything else.

    What do I have to feel inferior about? I've never discussed my way of eating.

    I've also not heard people who recommend a balanced approach claim superior health benefits.

    Inferiority complex - sorry but it's the only thing I can think of to explain yours and other need to push your way of eating onto others.

    Of all the members on MFP who choose to eat LCHF very few every go onto threads which are aimed at people who eat IIFYM, moderation, vegan etc and try to push LCHF onto people, but I see it in every single LCHF (paleo, primal, Atkins etc) thread where you lot come on trying to push moderation onto us - your like JW's.

    Sorry but were happy with what we are doing and don't want to buy your version of what a diet is (as good as it may be).

    I'm not trying to push anything onto you. I couldn't care less what you or others eat. I don't discuss how I eat.

    However, the OP asked opinions of Paleo.

    I have given my opinion on the lack of credibility of some of the reasoning behind primal/paleo, as have others. I have also provided my perspective on 'Drs put type 2 diabetics on Paleo and other conditions as a last resort' comments based on my experience of working in clinical roles and with clinician colleagues.

    I haven't been rude or offensive to anyone on here. I have simply provided an opinion based on my education and professional experience. Perhaps it is of value to someone who asks an opinion on Paleo, perhaps not.

    My question to you is why do you get so defensive and resort to personal attacks?

    It's probably because of the accusations that all people on a paleo, primal diet strut about claiming to be superior - I haven't seen that. I certainly do not do that I find the accusation insulting.

    So I would ask you - why do you feel the need to label everyone, who eats a different diet to others on MFP, that way?
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Don't think anyone's mentioned that, you can't have snickers or Nutella......for that reason: I'm out! :)
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Don't think anyone's mentioned that, you can't have snickers or Nutella......for that reason: I'm out! :)

  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    Not at all. Doctors still recommend Paleo diets to type 2 diabetes patients.

    People with other issues are still benefiting from Paleo.

    If you're healthy and happy, with no inclination to go Paleo, don't go Paleo.

    I was pointing out the irony in the fact that it's the last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong, while everyone is repeating the mantra "Don't do Paleo unless something is wrong."

    There is such a thing as preventative medicine.

    I had reactive hypoglycemia in the past (a symptom of pre-diabetes.)

    I went Paleo, now it's gone.

    When I weighed 245 and had hypoglycemia, I was about a season away from being your next type 2 diabetes patient.

    Knowing the diabetes runs in my family, I'm going to stay Paleo to prevent it.

    Now I have no symptoms of anything diabetic, and probably never will, because I choose a healing diet that is recommended for type 2 diabetes patients.


    No doctor I know recommends Paleo and I've only recently worked in diabetes clinics in 2 different city hospitals.

    Actually I've never heard of a specialist clinician recommending Paleo as a last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong.

    That's pretty much my issue with Pale/Primal followers....the claims that the diet is superior from a health perspective. I'm yet to see the evidence (not n=1 evidence).

    Maybe the issue is you have is inferiority complex. When people on this forum say that moderation and IIFYM is a great diet and superior I normal say - great whatever works for you.

    I try not to support my beliefs by putting down others, I will however offer my beliefs up as a possible alternative, but never claim I'm right their wrong - it's a bit weak if you have to resort to that just to get your point across.

    Inferiority complex? :laugh: That's a good's funny how you always seem to resort to personal attacks when you can't think of anything else.

    What do I have to feel inferior about? I've never discussed my way of eating.

    I've also not heard people who recommend a balanced approach claim superior health benefits.

    Inferiority complex - sorry but it's the only thing I can think of to explain yours and other need to push your way of eating onto others.

    Of all the members on MFP who choose to eat LCHF very few every go onto threads which are aimed at people who eat IIFYM, moderation, vegan etc and try to push LCHF onto people, but I see it in every single LCHF (paleo, primal, Atkins etc) thread where you lot come on trying to push moderation onto us - your like JW's.

    Sorry but were happy with what we are doing and don't want to buy your version of what a diet is (as good as it may be).

    I'm not trying to push anything onto you. I couldn't care less what you or others eat. I don't discuss how I eat.

    However, the OP asked opinions of Paleo.

    I have given my opinion on the lack of credibility of some of the reasoning behind primal/paleo, as have others. I have also provided my perspective on 'Drs put type 2 diabetics on Paleo and other conditions as a last resort' comments based on my experience of working in clinical roles and with clinician colleagues.

    I haven't been rude or offensive to anyone on here. I have simply provided an opinion based on my education and professional experience. Perhaps it is of value to someone who asks an opinion on Paleo, perhaps not.

    My question to you is why do you get so defensive and resort to personal attacks?

    It's probably because of the accusations that all people on a paleo, primal diet strut about claiming to be superior - I haven't seen that. I certainly do not do that I find the accusation insulting.

    So I would ask you - why do you feel the need to label everyone, who eats a different diet to others on MFP, that way?

    Who am I labeling?

    Actually, I said that certain followers claim that the diet is superior, not that they as individuals are superior.

    In fact, here is my quote

    "That's pretty much my issue with Pale/Primal followers....the claims that the diet is superior from a health perspective. I'm yet to see the evidence (not n=1 evidence)."

    It seems pretty clear to me........however, nice try at twisting my words

    If you feel so offended when someone critiques a dietary approach and questions claims that it is better for health (best avoid the word superior:laugh: ), particularly when asked for opinions in the OP, perhaps it is YOU who should stay out of the thread.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Not at all. Doctors still recommend Paleo diets to type 2 diabetes patients.

    People with other issues are still benefiting from Paleo.

    If you're healthy and happy, with no inclination to go Paleo, don't go Paleo.

    I was pointing out the irony in the fact that it's the last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong, while everyone is repeating the mantra "Don't do Paleo unless something is wrong."

    There is such a thing as preventative medicine.

    I had reactive hypoglycemia in the past (a symptom of pre-diabetes.)

    I went Paleo, now it's gone.

    When I weighed 245 and had hypoglycemia, I was about a season away from being your next type 2 diabetes patient.

    Knowing the diabetes runs in my family, I'm going to stay Paleo to prevent it.

    Now I have no symptoms of anything diabetic, and probably never will, because I choose a healing diet that is recommended for type 2 diabetes patients.


    No doctor I know recommends Paleo and I've only recently worked in diabetes clinics in 2 different city hospitals.

    Actually I've never heard of a specialist clinician recommending Paleo as a last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong.

    That's pretty much my issue with Pale/Primal followers....the claims that the diet is superior from a health perspective. I'm yet to see the evidence (not n=1 evidence).

    Maybe the issue is you have is inferiority complex. When people on this forum say that moderation and IIFYM is a great diet and superior I normal say - great whatever works for you.

    I try not to support my beliefs by putting down others, I will however offer my beliefs up as a possible alternative, but never claim I'm right their wrong - it's a bit weak if you have to resort to that just to get your point across.

    Inferiority complex? :laugh: That's a good's funny how you always seem to resort to personal attacks when you can't think of anything else.

    What do I have to feel inferior about? I've never discussed my way of eating.

    I've also not heard people who recommend a balanced approach claim superior health benefits.

    Inferiority complex - sorry but it's the only thing I can think of to explain yours and other need to push your way of eating onto others.

    Of all the members on MFP who choose to eat LCHF very few every go onto threads which are aimed at people who eat IIFYM, moderation, vegan etc and try to push LCHF onto people, but I see it in every single LCHF (paleo, primal, Atkins etc) thread where you lot come on trying to push moderation onto us - your like JW's.

    Sorry but were happy with what we are doing and don't want to buy your version of what a diet is (as good as it may be).

    I'm not trying to push anything onto you. I couldn't care less what you or others eat. I don't discuss how I eat.

    However, the OP asked opinions of Paleo.

    I have given my opinion on the lack of credibility of some of the reasoning behind primal/paleo, as have others. I have also provided my perspective on 'Drs put type 2 diabetics on Paleo and other conditions as a last resort' comments based on my experience of working in clinical roles and with clinician colleagues.

    I haven't been rude or offensive to anyone on here. I have simply provided an opinion based on my education and professional experience. Perhaps it is of value to someone who asks an opinion on Paleo, perhaps not.

    My question to you is why do you get so defensive and resort to personal attacks?

    It's probably because of the accusations that all people on a paleo, primal diet strut about claiming to be superior - I haven't seen that. I certainly do not do that I find the accusation insulting.

    So I would ask you - why do you feel the need to label everyone, who eats a different diet to others on MFP, that way?
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Not at all. Doctors still recommend Paleo diets to type 2 diabetes patients.

    People with other issues are still benefiting from Paleo.

    If you're healthy and happy, with no inclination to go Paleo, don't go Paleo.

    I was pointing out the irony in the fact that it's the last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong, while everyone is repeating the mantra "Don't do Paleo unless something is wrong."

    There is such a thing as preventative medicine.

    I had reactive hypoglycemia in the past (a symptom of pre-diabetes.)

    I went Paleo, now it's gone.

    When I weighed 245 and had hypoglycemia, I was about a season away from being your next type 2 diabetes patient.

    Knowing the diabetes runs in my family, I'm going to stay Paleo to prevent it.

    Now I have no symptoms of anything diabetic, and probably never will, because I choose a healing diet that is recommended for type 2 diabetes patients.


    No doctor I know recommends Paleo and I've only recently worked in diabetes clinics in 2 different city hospitals.

    Actually I've never heard of a specialist clinician recommending Paleo as a last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong.

    That's pretty much my issue with Pale/Primal followers....the claims that the diet is superior from a health perspective. I'm yet to see the evidence (not n=1 evidence).

    Maybe the issue is you have is inferiority complex. When people on this forum say that moderation and IIFYM is a great diet and superior I normal say - great whatever works for you.

    I try not to support my beliefs by putting down others, I will however offer my beliefs up as a possible alternative, but never claim I'm right their wrong - it's a bit weak if you have to resort to that just to get your point across.

    Inferiority complex? :laugh: That's a good's funny how you always seem to resort to personal attacks when you can't think of anything else.

    What do I have to feel inferior about? I've never discussed my way of eating.

    I've also not heard people who recommend a balanced approach claim superior health benefits.

    Inferiority complex - sorry but it's the only thing I can think of to explain yours and other need to push your way of eating onto others.

    Of all the members on MFP who choose to eat LCHF very few every go onto threads which are aimed at people who eat IIFYM, moderation, vegan etc and try to push LCHF onto people, but I see it in every single LCHF (paleo, primal, Atkins etc) thread where you lot come on trying to push moderation onto us - your like JW's.

    Sorry but were happy with what we are doing and don't want to buy your version of what a diet is (as good as it may be).

    I'm not trying to push anything onto you. I couldn't care less what you or others eat. I don't discuss how I eat.

    However, the OP asked opinions of Paleo.

    I have given my opinion on the lack of credibility of some of the reasoning behind primal/paleo, as have others. I have also provided my perspective on 'Drs put type 2 diabetics on Paleo and other conditions as a last resort' comments based on my experience of working in clinical roles and with clinician colleagues.

    I haven't been rude or offensive to anyone on here. I have simply provided an opinion based on my education and professional experience. Perhaps it is of value to someone who asks an opinion on Paleo, perhaps not.

    My question to you is why do you get so defensive and resort to personal attacks?

    It's probably because of the accusations that all people on a paleo, primal diet strut about claiming to be superior - I haven't seen that. I certainly do not do that I find the accusation insulting.

    So I would ask you - why do you feel the need to label everyone, who eats a different diet to others on MFP, that way?

    Who am I labeling?

    Actually, I said that certain followers claim that the diet is superior, not that they as individuals are superior.

    In fact, here is my quote

    "That's pretty much my issue with Pale/Primal followers....the claims that the diet is superior from a health perspective. I'm yet to see the evidence (not n=1 evidence)."

    It seems pretty clear to me........however, nice try at twisting my words

    If you feel so offended when someone critiques a dietary approach and questions claims that it is better for health (best avoid the word superior:laugh: ), particularly when asked for opinions in the OP, perhaps it is YOU who should stay out of the thread.

    That's hypocrisy to the extreme - you the queen of word twisting and misrepresenting people. Lmao
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    The science behind it is janky, but as alternative methods of creating a calorie deficit go, it's not so bad. Did it (well, the Primal variation) for a while. It didn't make me believe in magic or anything, but after the first couple of weeks, I felt pretty good. It got a wee bit expensive though so I went back to IIFIYM.

    Couldn't hurt to try if you just want the experience.
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    Not at all. Doctors still recommend Paleo diets to type 2 diabetes patients.

    People with other issues are still benefiting from Paleo.

    If you're healthy and happy, with no inclination to go Paleo, don't go Paleo.

    I was pointing out the irony in the fact that it's the last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong, while everyone is repeating the mantra "Don't do Paleo unless something is wrong."

    There is such a thing as preventative medicine.

    I had reactive hypoglycemia in the past (a symptom of pre-diabetes.)

    I went Paleo, now it's gone.

    When I weighed 245 and had hypoglycemia, I was about a season away from being your next type 2 diabetes patient.

    Knowing the diabetes runs in my family, I'm going to stay Paleo to prevent it.

    Now I have no symptoms of anything diabetic, and probably never will, because I choose a healing diet that is recommended for type 2 diabetes patients.


    No doctor I know recommends Paleo and I've only recently worked in diabetes clinics in 2 different city hospitals.

    Actually I've never heard of a specialist clinician recommending Paleo as a last ditch resort when something goes terribly wrong.

    That's pretty much my issue with Pale/Primal followers....the claims that the diet is superior from a health perspective. I'm yet to see the evidence (not n=1 evidence).

    Maybe the issue is you have is inferiority complex. When people on this forum say that moderation and IIFYM is a great diet and superior I normal say - great whatever works for you.

    I try not to support my beliefs by putting down others, I will however offer my beliefs up as a possible alternative, but never claim I'm right their wrong - it's a bit weak if you have to resort to that just to get your point across.

    Inferiority complex? :laugh: That's a good's funny how you always seem to resort to personal attacks when you can't think of anything else.

    What do I have to feel inferior about? I've never discussed my way of eating.

    I've also not heard people who recommend a balanced approach claim superior health benefits.

    Inferiority complex - sorry but it's the only thing I can think of to explain yours and other need to push your way of eating onto others.

    Of all the members on MFP who choose to eat LCHF very few every go onto threads which are aimed at people who eat IIFYM, moderation, vegan etc and try to push LCHF onto people, but I see it in every single LCHF (paleo, primal, Atkins etc) thread where you lot come on trying to push moderation onto us - your like JW's.

    Sorry but were happy with what we are doing and don't want to buy your version of what a diet is (as good as it may be).

    I'm not trying to push anything onto you. I couldn't care less what you or others eat. I don't discuss how I eat.

    However, the OP asked opinions of Paleo.

    I have given my opinion on the lack of credibility of some of the reasoning behind primal/paleo, as have others. I have also provided my perspective on 'Drs put type 2 diabetics on Paleo and other conditions as a last resort' comments based on my experience of working in clinical roles and with clinician colleagues.

    I haven't been rude or offensive to anyone on here. I have simply provided an opinion based on my education and professional experience. Perhaps it is of value to someone who asks an opinion on Paleo, perhaps not.

    My question to you is why do you get so defensive and resort to personal attacks?

    It's probably because of the accusations that all people on a paleo, primal diet strut about claiming to be superior - I haven't seen that. I certainly do not do that I find the accusation insulting.

    So I would ask you - why do you feel the need to label everyone, who eats a different diet to others on MFP, that way?

    Who am I labeling?

    Actually, I said that certain followers claim that the diet is superior, not that they as individuals are superior.

    In fact, here is my quote

    "That's pretty much my issue with Pale/Primal followers....the claims that the diet is superior from a health perspective. I'm yet to see the evidence (not n=1 evidence)."

    It seems pretty clear to me........however, nice try at twisting my words

    If you feel so offended when someone critiques a dietary approach and questions claims that it is better for health (best avoid the word superior:laugh: ), particularly when asked for opinions in the OP, perhaps it is YOU who should stay out of the thread.

    That's hypocrisy to the extreme - you the queen of word twisting and misrepresenting people. Lmao

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:

    Yeah right.........:yawn:
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Wow, it's getting heated in here. Let's just remember, it's just food...
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Wow, it's getting heated in here. Let's just remember, it's just food...

    I'm just surprised we lasted until Page 6.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Pros: Yummy meat!
    Cons: No chocolate milk or mocha frappuccino, no cheese or yogurt, (well, no dairy at all, which is a helluva lot of yumminess just *gone* for no reason*), no peanuts or peanut butter or peanut buster parfait, no re-fried beans, no buying the cheap cooking oil when your grocery budget is tight, no bread or croutons (which obviously means no sammiches or Caesar salads) oh, and no corn or tators, so no tacos or enchiladas or tamales, no baked potato or french fries or granny tators. No SOS,

    Ok, that's just a partial list off the top of my head, but you get the point.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Why do you want to try it if you don't know much about it?

    Well, I had heard about it (mostly good things, honestly) but I didn't really know any details about what "eating paleo" entails. I knew they didn't do wheat or dairy, but I didn't know about the legumes (which I've learned on this thread) I'm also just looking for people's personal experiences/opinions on the Paleo diet. Honestly, I was only thinking about trying it for about a month, just to see if I could do it and If I really felt any different/better, and if I did then I would consider continuing it.

    I would be a dime to a dollar that many of them aren't even on a Paleo diet. I have some friends who claim to be "paleo" but refuse to actually be paleo. :laugh:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I doubt the OP is still reading this since it has turned into drivel and mostly just insulting each other. If you are just looking for something to try for a month, I'd look into the Whole30. It's strict paleo, and it can be pretty difficult to stick to (and the people who run the website don't suggest doing it for longer than 30 days). But, you'd get a very good idea of what paleo is, plus it's a free website with a free list of "do eat" foods and "don't eat" foods. It's clearly laid out.

    Then, after 30 days, assess your experience. If you couldn't follow strict paleo, then strict paleo probably isn't for you. If you found recipes you really liked, incorporate those into your diet. If you mostly liked it except that it was too strict, try an 80/20 approach. If there were foods on the "do not eat" list that you miss and can't do without, incorporate those back into your diet.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    The Mac Daddy Sisson also explains that when you have a high carb "cheat" day every so often it resets certain hormone levels and is actually good for you, resets hormone levels that burn fat so you get leaner.

    ETA: The hormone reset research appears extensively in this book: The Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha.

    The Mac Daddy Sisson... I like that... I'm going to roll with it...

    Doesn't "Mac Daddy Sisson" also sell a processed protein supplement... to go along with his anti-processed food campaign?

    Seems like he's mostly just looking to make money off of a fad.

    The Mac Daddy sure does sell protein and a few supplements. I've never used it, but for all the free help along the way I've gleamed from his articles, website, blog and books I borrowed from the library, I sure do hope someone buys the supplements and that he earns a buck for his efforts.

    Unlike a lot of programs, there is no monthly fee or anything like that related to using the site, forums, recipes, or books (some books are on the website free as a PDF).

    Because I'd been using the program for years with no monetary compensation, I didn't mind at all making my only purchase from the site, a T-shirt for my boyfriend on Valentines day that says "Get Primal".

    ETA: I get my protein from a shopper's club Sam's in bulk because it's cheap, but if I could afford it, I would certainly love to try his Primal stuff.

    You have a very bastardized definition of paleo and primal. Why are you supplementing at all? Shouldn't the well-defined list of foods provide everything you need without resorting to highly processed products like a protein powder? Kind of seems to completely go against the underlying principles of the diet.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    The Mac Daddy Sisson also explains that when you have a high carb "cheat" day every so often it resets certain hormone levels and is actually good for you, resets hormone levels that burn fat so you get leaner.

    ETA: The hormone reset research appears extensively in this book: The Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha.

    The Mac Daddy Sisson... I like that... I'm going to roll with it...

    Doesn't "Mac Daddy Sisson" also sell a processed protein supplement... to go along with his anti-processed food campaign?

    Seems like he's mostly just looking to make money off of a fad.

    The Mac Daddy sure does sell protein and a few supplements. I've never used it, but for all the free help along the way I've gleamed from his articles, website, blog and books I borrowed from the library, I sure do hope someone buys the supplements and that he earns a buck for his efforts.

    Unlike a lot of programs, there is no monthly fee or anything like that related to using the site, forums, recipes, or books (some books are on the website free as a PDF).

    Because I'd been using the program for years with no monetary compensation, I didn't mind at all making my only purchase from the site, a T-shirt for my boyfriend on Valentines day that says "Get Primal".

    ETA: I get my protein from a shopper's club Sam's in bulk because it's cheap, but if I could afford it, I would certainly love to try his Primal stuff.

    You have a very bastardized definition of paleo and primal. Why are you supplementing at all? Shouldn't the well-defined list of foods provide everything you need without resorting to highly processed products like a protein powder? Kind of seems to completely go against the underlying principles of the diet.

    She lifts hard (I think) and has health issues that appear to be helped by the diet. I can see how somebody who was following the general guidelines because they supported health issues (because recipes! Products!) would be less stringent than somebody who follows it because they agree with the philosophical underpinnings.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    We don't have the knowledge to control differential gene expression (turning genes on and off) for desired physical results. It's an extremely complex process and our knowledge is in its infancy.

    In for sci fi!

    That would be so cool if we could just eat (or not eat) certain foods to turn gene expression on and off like a light switch.
