Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 6



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    *~*~*HEY PIN-UPS*~*~*

    In the chart, I only put up the names that I've received weights from. If I receive your weight after I put up the chart, I DO update it, but sometimes the image won't update until the next day. I updated it today with all the weights I've received, but you may not see the newer image for awhile. The told change in weight for this week is -46.6, so when you see that, you're seeing the newest chart. It's not showing on my computer yet, but it should be there by tomorrow morning. I'm not sure why it doesn't update within minutes anymore. :flowerforyou:

    All you newbies...if you don't see your name on the chart once you get the one with the -46.6 total for change, please send me a message with your current weight.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Hey pin-ups! I finally got up & exercised this morning! Thats the first work out i've done in over 2 months. I almost died, but i'm good now LoL. Its actually a really good feeling after i'm done to know I got my workout in and burned some cal's. Going to try to keep it up the rest of this week, so hopefully I can see the scale move (in the right direction) on Monday!
  • sheilabennett
    Great job everyone!!! Hope you all have a fabulous week!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Thanks...I'm trying to teach myself to stop being so reliant on others. I need to be happy when it's just me and know that with our without someone, I'l be okay.

    That's a good idea, though you obviously have a great group of women who care about you here, so you're not all alone. :-) Even the best relationship has moments where you just have to take a step back and be your own person in your own space in order to be better together. Hang in there!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Anyone know if the forum posts have an RSS feed to subscribe to? Was hoping to find an easier way to keep up with the group. I've got a horrible memory and I worry I'll forget to check in.

    Not a great night. I logged it all (including my pumpkin spice latte) but didn't exercise. Instead I folded laundry for two hours. BOOO to laundry!

    Tonight I have a friend and her son coming over. I'm making turkey chili and I plan on only one serving.

    Going to fill my water bottle now! Gotta get cracking on the water!

    Katie (aka Kekibird)
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member

    Glad you're joining! It's a fun group. :)

    Thank you my friend!

    Katie (aka Kekibird)
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Looking good everyone! Keep up all the good work!

    Hungry today. All day. Dominos craving. Must....resist......

  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Cathcakey I feel your pain. A bar of chocolate is calling my name in a big way today! I have resisted so far but think I may cave on the way home! Am trying to justify it to myself on the basis that I've been so good lately with my food but then I think about the dress I have to wear on Friday! What a dilemma!

    Rach good for you going out for a run - best way to relieve stress.

    Hope you lovely pin ups have a good day.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    :flowerforyou: Great job guys! So proud of you!
    Not sure what my weight is as I am out of town and only weigh on my own scale. So hopefully next Mon. will be a big loss! :bigsmile:

    I went out of my comfort zone today and attended a Zumba class here in the town where I am on vacay. I was a little nervous because I am sooooo used to my class at home. I had a great time and I am going again Thurs. morning. The instructor was about my age and super cool and fun. Some of the songs she did I was familiar with and some of them I was not, but I liked the challenge. We did a little bit of everything....Ricky Martin, Michael Jackson and some Shakira! :wink: The instructor's name is Rachel and she gave me her contact info and wants to keep up with me. Overall it was a really great experience and I am glad I made myself go!

    Rach--I had a stressful day as well yesterday. (not relationship related ugh!)
    So I did a little yoga...didn't work. Hit the elliptical...a little better. Then I finally had to run it out lastnight! ahhh...much better!
    Nothing beats a good run!

    Hope you ladies are having a great week! I love this group!
    Welcome to all the new Pin-Ups!!! :flowerforyou:

  • sugarskull5
    Didn't workout today, I think I slept wrong or something, cause I have a terrible pain on my shoulder neck area, it's very hard to even lift up my arm, took some pain killers, but the pain doesn't go away, it seems like it's getting worse :angry:
    Congrats to all the pin-ups who lost weight, and welcome to those who joined :smile:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Didn't workout today, I think I slept wrong or something, cause I have a terrible pain on my shoulder neck area, it's very hard to even lift up my arm, took some pain killers, but the pain doesn't go away, it seems like it's getting worse :angry:

    It sounds like it could be something else. Gallbladder pain can cause pain in your shoulder area. If it doesn't get better soon, you might want to schedule a trip to the doctor. Try icing it.
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Well done to everyone this week!

    I've upped my calories to 1400 this week, hoping to see a little more weight loss. Trouble is I'm feeling hungrier now this week than I did when I was on 1200. Anyone else find this?
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm hoping to see my ticker push past the 30lbs lost on Monday. I don't think I've ever seen it past 30 before!!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Well done to everyone this week!

    I've upped my calories to 1400 this week, hoping to see a little more weight loss. Trouble is I'm feeling hungrier now this week than I did when I was on 1200. Anyone else find this?

    Yep, and that's a good thing. it means your metabolism is speeding up! Your body is using it's fuel faster and more efficiently, so you are burning more calories even when you aren't exercising, yay!
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Well done to everyone this week!

    I've upped my calories to 1400 this week, hoping to see a little more weight loss. Trouble is I'm feeling hungrier now this week than I did when I was on 1200. Anyone else find this?

    Yep, and that's a good thing. it means your metabolism is speeding up! Your body is using it's fuel faster and more efficiently, so you are burning more calories even when you aren't exercising, yay!

    YAY indeed! :-) Hopefully i will start seeing some results from this then and will be able to post a good loss next week. Need to, I'm going on holiday just under 2 weeks, would love to be at 12 stone 7 by then.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Hello, amazing ladies! Welcome to the new pin-ups!!

    Been a little MIA recently, CRAZY busy at work, switching to a new position in the company. Should be better by next week. Hope to stop by with a little more time later ~ <3
  • sheilabennett
    hey ladies! I have a question, which my be a little personal. So I apologize in advance.

    I was wondering if any of you had ever thought of a breast reduction. I have lost about 20 lbs now, and have lost nothing in my boobs, which are rather large. I plan on waiting until I lose more before I do anything about it... but i don't think they are going anywhere...

    The thought of it freaks me out a little, and just wanted to know if I was alone!

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    hey ladies! I have a question, which my be a little personal. So I apologize in advance.

    I was wondering if any of you had ever thought of a breast reduction. I have lost about 20 lbs now, and have lost nothing in my boobs, which are rather large. I plan on waiting until I lose more before I do anything about it... but i don't think they are going anywhere...

    The thought of it freaks me out a little, and just wanted to know if I was alone!


    I guess it's all up to you and depends on how many problems they're creating for you and such. I know I saw a girl post up on here the other day about kinda regretting it, but it's going to be different for everyone. All I can say is weigh your options and take as long as you need to decide. As you said, they're not going anywhere. :laugh:

    I don't have that problem unfortunately, I'm hoping I keep mine like I have been throughout my weight loss. *Fingers crossed*
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    When i was on my wii fit today I gave in and checked my weight. 1.5 lbs lost. im at 246.5 now :).
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening lovely pin ups,

    Well I am struggling today. I am in a vicious circle at the moment. I have a few good days then fall off the wagon. I am always beating myself up for failing and then I want to eat even more....

    Please let me get off this merry go round lol xxxx