Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 6



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    *Mini Victory*

    I'm wearing a shirt that I haven't worn for a few years!! It's one of my 'work shirts' and I haven't worn it because it showed all my stomach rolls. I missed it. :laugh:

    Will post a pic tonight. :happy:
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    the other day I lost another 1.5lbs so now im at 246.5!! :D
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    the other day I lost another 1.5lbs so now im at 246.5!! :D

    That's awesome!!
  • beanie242
    beanie242 Posts: 94 Member
    I've worked out everyday this week so far and I am SORE!! It feels so good though at the same time lol
  • sheilabennett
    LADIES!!!!!!!!!!! I've gotten lazy....

    My initial goal was to get to my Pre Pregnancy weight of 133...

    Reached that goal.. and am currently at 127....

    My ideal weight would be 118-120.. but ever since ive gotten under my pre pregnancy weight, ive lost all motivation to keep loosing...... HELP!!!!!!!!

    I know how you feel. I have lost 18 lbs, and although I am no where close to my goal.. i haven't weighed this little in years...

    but i have totally stopped trying... and i have no motivation to continue... i haven't worked out all week, i am eating junk... i can't seem to get myself back on track... and I don't even know where to begin!
  • kayleigh333
    Hey pin-ups,

    It was my first day back at uni today which means less time at work, so less temptation food-wise but also less time on my feet and moving about. Hopefully it'll all balance out.

    I'm having a really good week so far, managed to keep going with the 30 day shred every day, and also getting some walks in. I've also managed to stay within my calorie limit every day this week, so I should be on track to meet my goal weight on time (133lb by Halloween).

    The only thing to possibly trip me up this week is a big night out on saturday. I'm not going to count my alcohol calories as I think that'd be taking this too far... I want to be able to relax and have a good night without stressing about going over. I'm just going to stick to low calorie drinks (malibu or vodka and diet coke) and hope that it doesn't trip me up this week.

    Good luck with the rest of the week everyone! :bigsmile:
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    the other day I lost another 1.5lbs so now im at 246.5!! :D

    That's awesome!!

    Ya im excited only 1.5 more lbs till i get to 10lbs and 2.5 till I get to my goal for Monday :D
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    LADIES!!!!!!!!!!! I've gotten lazy....

    My initial goal was to get to my Pre Pregnancy weight of 133...

    Reached that goal.. and am currently at 127....

    My ideal weight would be 118-120.. but ever since ive gotten under my pre pregnancy weight, ive lost all motivation to keep loosing...... HELP!!!!!!!!

    I know how you feel. I have lost 18 lbs, and although I am no where close to my goal.. i haven't weighed this little in years...

    but i have totally stopped trying... and i have no motivation to continue... i haven't worked out all week, i am eating junk... i can't seem to get myself back on track... and I don't even know where to begin!

    I know the feeling, in fact, I have gained five of the 20 I lost and it sis slowly creeping up, no where near I was a year ago...252...but I am trying to get to my ultimate goal of 125 . Anywa I lack motivation to stay on track...I am eating dorritos, cookies, candy...I need a good slap to get back on track!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    LADIES!!!!!!!!!!! I've gotten lazy....

    My initial goal was to get to my Pre Pregnancy weight of 133...

    Reached that goal.. and am currently at 127....

    My ideal weight would be 118-120.. but ever since ive gotten under my pre pregnancy weight, ive lost all motivation to keep loosing...... HELP!!!!!!!!

    I know how you feel. I have lost 18 lbs, and although I am no where close to my goal.. i haven't weighed this little in years...

    but i have totally stopped trying... and i have no motivation to continue... i haven't worked out all week, i am eating junk... i can't seem to get myself back on track... and I don't even know where to begin!

    I know the feeling, in fact, I have gained five of the 20 I lost and it sis slowly creeping up, no where near I was a year ago...252...but I am trying to get to my ultimate goal of 125 . Anywa I lack motivation to stay on track...I am eating dorritos, cookies, candy...I need a good slap to get back on track!

    I'm on this bandwagon right now too! I've been in training at work all week, so I've been eating all the cookies and candy and junk provided, as well as trying to drink more caffeine during the boring parts. And I haven't been able to run as much, with the changing weather: too cold in the mornings/evenings, and I've only got about an hour of daylight when I get home but I'm usually too hungry to run right away. I tried eating a handful of cereal and then running yesterday, but I ended up walking most of the way back because I was getting hunger cramps. :(

    Okay pin-ups! Let's jump off this bandwagon and start running!! :D .....Or whatever other form of exercise you enjoy! :p
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yea, you all need to hop on MY bandwagon!!! Get that motivation back!! We all need to be sexiest, curviest pin-up girls ever!! :laugh:

    When I hit my goal weight, I'm toooootally doing a pro pin-up girl photoshoot....with my car in it of course. :wink:
  • brittanydaniel79
    Yea, you all need to hop on MY bandwagon!!! Get that motivation back!! We all need to be sexiest, curviest pin-up girls ever!! :laugh:

    When I hit my goal weight, I'm toooootally doing a pro pin-up girl photoshoot....with my car in it of course. :wink:

    Oh wow! Now *that's* some good motivation! That will be so much fun :happy:
    And I am certainly on the good bandwagon right now. I'm loving the logging and the running. I look forward to my cardio workouts! How crazy is that? I sure don't sound like myself lately. Which is a good thing. "Myself" was fat! lol.
  • Katiekat1182
    Katiekat1182 Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks for the motivation Rach!! Its just what I needed!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I just got a good kick in the butt tonight...

    I went to target to try on pants and see what size I'm in. Well I thought I'm a 14 so surely a 12 or 13 should fit now right? WRONG!

    Turns out the pants I'm wearing right now are actually a 17!!! 17!?!?! Ugh.

    I did NOT think I was that size. :cry:

    Sizes must've change drastically since I was at 200lbs because I've never bought anything bigger than what I'm wearing right now. I was in 14's I believe. Though the stretch pants were all that was around then. Now it's back to just normal denim and 'skinny' jeans. I dunno but it crushed my spirits a bit. I thought I was further along than I actually am.
  • abbycat900
    I just got a good kick in the butt tonight...

    I went to target to try on pants and see what size I'm in. Well I thought I'm a 14 so surely a 12 or 13 should fit now right? WRONG!

    Turns out the pants I'm wearing right now are actually a 17!!! 17!?!?! Ugh.

    I did NOT think I was that size. :cry:

    Sizes must've change drastically since I was at 200lbs because I've never bought anything bigger than what I'm wearing right now. I was in 14's I believe. Though the stretch pants were all that was around then. Now it's back to just normal denim and 'skinny' jeans. I dunno but it crushed my spirits a bit. I thought I was further along than I actually am.

    I know how you feel... I went to Target not too long ago, POSITIVE that I was ready for a smaller size of jeans- and it made me so happy, because the scale wasn't being so nice- but nope... Not quite the same as your dilemma, but I understand the letdown. But don't worry! You'll get to those 14s!

    Also, I'd like to join. Hi! My name is Abby! nice to meet you all (:
  • JessikaJ
    Not sure how, but apparently eating more and working out less the past couple weeks is working for me... down to 124.8 yesterday.. thought it was a fluke so i got on the scale three different times and again this morning.. all said the same!! YAHOO!!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Not sure how, but apparently eating more and working out less the past couple weeks is working for me... down to 124.8 yesterday.. thought it was a fluke so i got on the scale three different times and again this morning.. all said the same!! YAHOO!!!!

    Yay! Sometimes your body just needs a little recovery time and a little more energy. :flowerforyou:
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Hi lovely pins ups and happy Friday!

    Hope you're all doing well and those lacking motivation are feeling better.

    Rach have you tried looking in different shops. When I went shopping the other day I fit into clothes in 3 different sizes. It seems there is no continuity with sizes. Frustrating yes but look on the positive with how well you are doing with your running so just focus on that and the rest will follow.

    So ladies I have my black tie ball tonight and am feeling really quite nervous. I'm wearing a dress out in public for the first time in forever and am going to see A LOT of people that I haven't seen since my weight loss. In fact describing my emotions as 'quite nervous' is a massive understatement. Haven't been able to concentrate in work all day. This is so not normally like me :embarassed: I've trained extra hard this week to try and tone up so my arms don't show me up. Well I guess I'll have to see how it all goes but may need to have a few glasses of wine to ease it!

    Am out tomorrow as well and it has been TOM so have a feeling the scales are not going to be my friend on Monday :noway:

    Hope you all have a great day! Nam x
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    So ladies I have my black tie ball tonight and am feeling really quite nervous. I'm wearing a dress out in public for the first time in forever and am going to see A LOT of people that I haven't seen since my weight loss. In fact describing my emotions as 'quite nervous' is a massive understatement. Haven't been able to concentrate in work all day. This is so not normally like me :embarassed: I've trained extra hard this week to try and tone up so my arms don't show me up. Well I guess I'll have to see how it all goes but may need to have a few glasses of wine to ease it!

    Knock 'em dead, gorgeous!! :drinker:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Enjoy your ball, nam! I'm sure you'll be breathtaking!
  • sheilabennett
    Good luck Nam!!!! It'll be wonderful! Make sure you post some pictures of the dress! with you in it of course...!!!