Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 6



  • JessikaJ
    Have fun at the ball!! I've been dying to dress up lately...

    So I have talked my fiance into having a "pin up day" at the shop. He is a tattoo artist. So me and all the shop girlfriends are going to get all dolled up pin up style and work the front desk at the shop all day! Not sure when, but soon!!! So excited to have a reason to dress up!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Have fun at the ball!! I've been dying to dress up lately...

    So I have talked my fiance into having a "pin up day" at the shop. He is a tattoo artist. So me and all the shop girlfriends are going to get all dolled up pin up style and work the front desk at the shop all day! Not sure when, but soon!!! So excited to have a reason to dress up!

    Ooooooh that sounds like so much fun!! I should suggest that for the shop my sister works at!! :)

    We were gonna do an ugly dress day there. Hehehe. Go to goodwill and get something gaudy and covered in sequins or something. lol!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I haven't been here in days. Sorry ladies :(

    Back from Philly. Good thing I went to the gym on Monday before I left. Didn't eat right tuesday or wednesday but have been doing better since. I didn't want to go the gym at all last night... TOM was killing me. Luckily my bf was there to convince me to go, and that I would feel better later. Which was def the truth. And it was zumba... so of course I had fun :) I haven't been logging my calories... just making good choices. I took a peak at the scale today, and it looked about 1.5 lbs down... so I'm REALLY hoping it stays around there as I've been stuck around the same numbers for about 3 weeks now. No gym today either since I'm babysitting right after work and won't be home till very late.

    I always go to zumba on saturday mornings, but there's a new class before it called y-pump? I guess its strength training. Anyone ever tried it????

    May convince myself I should go to both, to make up for the Philly cheesesteak I HAD to have haha. And kickboxing on sunday. I really missed tuesday night. Thats my night for myself. my gym night. zumba, kickboxing, then muscle conditioning. 2 1/2 hours of pure gym class fun :)

    Hope people enjoy the weekend (some of us a 3 day weekend)

    Be good ;)
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Target has some of the WORST sizes, so don't take that experience to heart!

    Well, I didn't run when I got home last night. :frown: I'm just so hungry and tired when I get home, and it gets dark and cold so quick. I tried the treadmill last week...barely made it 15min at a 12:30mm pace, so 1.2mi. On the sidewalk, I usually run between a 11:30mm and 12mm for at least 2mi, and I'm in no REAL pain (just tired and sore) when I get back, as opposed to the gut-wrenching agony that most of my body was in after 15min on the treadmill. :grumble:

    I guess I need to just bundle up and get some reflective gear, or else hit the pool or elliptical and cross-train. But I'm training for a 5k in December, so I need to run more often than cross-train. :ohwell: Already did my strength training this morning, and I'm DETERMINED to get my run in tonight, so it should be a good day.

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well, I didn't run when I got home last night. :frown: I'm just so hungry and tired when I get home, and it gets dark and cold so quick. I tried the treadmill last week...barely made it 15min at a 12:30mm pace, so 1.2mi. On the sidewalk, I usually run between a 11:30mm and 12mm for at least 2mi, and I'm in no REAL pain (just tired and sore) when I get back, as opposed to the gut-wrenching agony that most of my body was in after 15min on the treadmill. :grumble:

    I HATE running on the treadmill. Hahaha. I can never seem to get my balance and it just seems to make me uncoordinated. My mom is a massage therapist and is really into how each muscle works and other details. She said that running on a treadmill isn't as good as running on a normal surface because you aren't being forced to 'push' yourself forward, the ground is moving backwards for you're not working as many muscles, or not working them as hard. I thought that was interesting. :flowerforyou:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I've been taking One A day Women's Active Mind and Body (when I remember) and was looking for a B vitamin supplement and fish oil. I was at walmart yesterday and they have a twin pack of Omega 3 fish oil for $9 and a twin pack of Super B complex for $6. Just thought I'd share. I can't afford to pay $15-20 for a tiny bottle of supplements.

    Here's the links to them online...( I think they're a bit more expensive online...still cheaper than most)

    Omega 3 Fish Oil:

    Super B Complex:
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Okay today is my "official" get back on track, day one. While although I ran five miles last night at 8:17 pace (training for 1:45 1/2 marathon) ...yep, I did it, I ate dorritos and those damn chips ahoy, and honsetly I don't like chips ahoy, but last night they were DELICIOUS! Anyway, i stepped on the scale, my nemisis lately, and yep, up 2. So I have decided while I have the working out on track, the dang food is killing me!

    Luck to all! Day I come!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    nam - Have a wonderful time at the ball and enjoy your Cinderella evening!

    JessikaJ - that sounds like a great time, please take lots of photos to share with us

    mafery - good for you for getting back on track today.

    My BFF from high school is in town and we are meeting for lunch today, part of me wants to chose healthy and part of me wants to say WTF.... we went to Weight Watchers together back then and we used to not eat before our weigh-ins and then go and buy chocolate bars and pepsi and stand in the phone booth outside and eat them before the meeting started......:blushing: :noway: See weight loss is nothing new to me, it's been something I have dealt with all my life and some days are alot easier than others.

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay ladies...

    Pick a part of your body to be extra proud of and loooove today. :smooched:

    I'm digging my shoulders today. Starting to see that collarbone!! Looks especially nice in the shirt I'm wearing today that has a wider collar on it. :happy:
  • sheilabennett
    Just had McDonald's for lunch.... BAD IDEA.... I promise I will get on track tomorrow....
    Okay ladies...

    Pick a part of your body to be extra proud of and loooove today. :smooched:

    I'm digging my shoulders today. Starting to see that collarbone!! Looks especially nice in the shirt I'm wearing today that has a wider collar on it. :happy:

    Good idea Rach!!! I am picking my wrists... sounds silly but sometimes I feel like they are the only slim part of my body!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    I just wanted to share some updates I'm really excited about! I'm in the middle of week 2 for C25K and 100 pushup/200 situp challenges. Today, I put on a shirt I bought about 3 or 4 weeks ago, and the sleeves had buttons on them I couldn't button, but today, I could! I've always had issues with my arms, and it's so amazing to be seeing these results so fast.


    Congratulations! That's awesome - I completely know how you feel about arm issues so that's awesome!!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member

    I HATE running on the treadmill. Hahaha. I can never seem to get my balance and it just seems to make me uncoordinated. My mom is a massage therapist and is really into how each muscle works and other details. She said that running on a treadmill isn't as good as running on a normal surface because you aren't being forced to 'push' yourself forward, the ground is moving backwards for you're not working as many muscles, or not working them as hard. I thought that was interesting. :flowerforyou:

    Yup I've heard a similar thing - I was told if you're running on the treadmill then you need to put the incline to 1% to make it the same as running outside
    That alone makes me go outside instead!!
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    I did my first proper strength training session in the gym today in like 3 months, and I've missed it so much!!
    I love the feeling of my muscles getting stronger and leaner - once upon a time (before my holiday in July) I could squat my own body weight and I SO want to get back to that! Luckily I'm due a review at the gym so I've booked it for Wed night and I'm hoping my trainer can give me some new moves!

    Let's get the sexy back, ladies!!

  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hmm, I'm going to pick my neck/chin/whatever. I looked in the mirror this morning and didn't see a double chin! :D

    Just finished up my son's speech therapy, grabbed Starbucks:blushing: but not my usual, got a tall nonfat hot chocolate.
    Went to the grocery store and loaded up on steamer veggies and came home and worked out. 10 minute kick boxing routine and 35 minutes on the wii. Now I'm tired and going to rest then take my sweet little boy for a walk outside in the beautiful weather!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm still thinking. It would either be my calves (I've always had nicely shaped ones even when doing absolutely no fitness) or my chest (but that's only due to a new bra)... so probably calves.

    This has been a terrible week for working out. I've been slacking on that so I'd have time to work on Halloween costumes. Hopefully, I'll get those finished up this weekend so I can get back to it.
  • brittanydaniel79
    Re:nam--you are going to rock that ball, and I'm sure everyone would love for you to share a picture or two of you in your smokin' outfit!

    I'm loving my calves and back right now. They are both a lot harder in general. LOVE lean muscle. Just occurred to me...will I have those little dimples on my lower back like all the skinny girls have?? That would be so cool!

    Also, my face is looking much more slim too...much less double chin, and if I hold it right, none at all! haha. Soon, I won't have to do the "Myspace pose" in all my pictures to look less fat!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Also, my face is looking much more slim too...much less double chin, and if I hold it right, none at all! haha. Soon, I won't have to do the "Myspace pose" in all my pictures to look less fat!

    LOL!!! I can't wait for that day too!!! :laugh:
  • Katiekat1182
    Katiekat1182 Posts: 83 Member
    Not sure how, but apparently eating more and working out less the past couple weeks is working for me... down to 124.8 yesterday.. thought it was a fluke so i got on the scale three different times and again this morning.. all said the same!! YAHOO!!!!

    Great work!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I found a sweet substitute for my cappuccino/frappe/iced coffee addiction!!!

    It's made by Bolthouse Farms, called Perfectly Protein, Mocha Cappuccino. Tastes JUST like those little starbucks frappuccino's you see at the gas station or walmart. It has 10g of protein in a serving (8floz). So....I'm using that as my recovery drink after I go running!!! It'll give me my little fix while also giving me a good dose of protein, and I'm only allowed to have a serving after I workout. :happy: Yay!!

    Found by the orange juice and fruit drinks at Walmart.

  • Katiekat1182
    Katiekat1182 Posts: 83 Member
    So mini victory!!! I weigh less than my hubby!!! My scrub pants also fit looser!!! Yay!!