Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 6



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay, so since I'm still working on reclaiming my copy of P90x.... along with C25k, I think I'm going to start the 100push-up challenge. After I complete that I'm going to maintain it and start the 200 sit-ups, and after that maintain the two and start the 200 squat. I love a good challenge, and I want to start seeing these things to their completion, not just dumping them a couple weeks in. :flowerforyou:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Alrighty!! Signed both my bf and I up on the pushupslogger so we can start the 100pushupchallenge. Yay!! Starting that after our run tonight. :)
  • brittanydaniel79
    So I want to get down to around 155 by the end of the year........that means I have to lose around 1.8 lbs a week for the next 13 weeks. Hmmmm It doesn't sound like a lot but I fear it will be hard to achieve. I really hope I can make it though.

    Tonight I'm working on my CardioX routine and tomorrow is Arms and Back (one of my favorites) I'm bummed that I got behind this week and didn't get a workout in on Monday, and I'm afraid how Thur will play out because I have class. I think I'll have to wake up early to get my workout in before going to work. We'll see how that goes.


    I think you can make 155 by Dec 31. As long as you can stay focused through the holidays.

    I'm hoping to get to 185 by Dec 11--graduation! I've set up a cheat for myself during Thanksgiving...I'm getting my wisdom teeth out just days before, and unless I can stomach pureed turkey and stuffing, then I should do pretty well for that holiday! lol. Still dreading the smell and look of the food without tasting it. But I can still have mashed potatoes!
  • brittanydaniel79
    A bit lost. I had a great sense of motivation then my son left for a week to visit his dad.

    During that time I did very little and just relaxed.

    Now, I'm struggling to get back into some routine. I have no clue what to do. I'm just so tired.


    Katie (aka Kekibird)

    Oh I know how hard that was on you, but you can get back into a routine! You were so looking forward to being able to do that.

    Maybe you're tired because you're body is used to relaxing for that week? Your energy levels may have dropped. But if you start back slower than you dropped off, maybe it won't be so hard to get back into.

    Good luck. And here's some positive energy: ~~~~~~~~~~~
  • brittanydaniel79
    hey ladies! I have a question, which my be a little personal. So I apologize in advance.

    I was wondering if any of you had ever thought of a breast reduction. I have lost about 20 lbs now, and have lost nothing in my boobs, which are rather large. I plan on waiting until I lose more before I do anything about it... but i don't think they are going anywhere...

    The thought of it freaks me out a little, and just wanted to know if I was alone!


    *Teensy bit jealous here*
    My boobs definitely disappear with my excess weight! And I kinda like them as they are!! (luckily my boyfriend's a bum man...)

    Haha! I definitely don't want my boobs to go away. I'm at a D now, and I love them, but I wouldn't mind if they were a little perkier. But for you, it just depends on what you're comfortable with. And clothes shopping is annoying. But I've never experienced shopping where I didn't hate how I looked in everything. Really looking forward to that.

    @Cath--I'm so with you on that! And my guy's the same way.
  • brittanydaniel79
    I just wanted to share some updates I'm really excited about! I'm in the middle of week 2 for C25K and 100 pushup/200 situp challenges. Today, I put on a shirt I bought about 3 or 4 weeks ago, and the sleeves had buttons on them I couldn't button, but today, I could! I've always had issues with my arms, and it's so amazing to be seeing these results so fast.

  • malpal0111
    malpal0111 Posts: 48 Member

    *Teensy bit jealous here*
    My boobs definitely disappear with my excess weight! And I kinda like them as they are!! (luckily my boyfriend's a bum man...)

    You're not the only one! Every ounce of weight I gain goes straight to my butt and thighs and every ounce of weight I lose seems to disappear from my bra cups! :ohwell: So with every ounce in either direction, I just get more and more out-of-proportion. lol

    But I have a friend who has DDs and she has a lot of back problems and difficulty finding clothing, so I know that both extremes are difficult in their own way. If I were you, I would definitely wait to get to your goal weight and think long and hard before making any decisions.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    A bit lost. I had a great sense of motivation then my son left for a week to visit his dad.

    During that time I did very little and just relaxed.

    Now, I'm struggling to get back into some routine. I have no clue what to do. I'm just so tired.


    Katie (aka Kekibird)

    Oh I know how hard that was on you, but you can get back into a routine! You were so looking forward to being able to do that.

    Maybe you're tired because you're body is used to relaxing for that week? Your energy levels may have dropped. But if you start back slower than you dropped off, maybe it won't be so hard to get back into.

    Good luck. And here's some positive energy: ~~~~~~~~~~~

    Thanks. I have severe anemia and when I fell off track, I lost my routine of taking my iron and multivitamins. So that's not helping either.

    Plus I just laid out my month and damn am I busy. I mean *really* busy. I'm staying up to midnight working on projects and doing chores. It's just crazy busy. So that's not helping.

    Urgh...... :huh:
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Good evening Ladies!

    Well, some of you may have seen on my page that I went to the doc today and he told me I have tendonitis in my right Achilles. It's treatable, but I will be changing things up for the next couple of weeks as far as exercise goes. No more jumping, so Insanity is out, (for now, I will finish that program!) and I can't finish up C25K, as I was planning on doing that 5k in November. Well, the 5k, is still possible, technically. I'll be able to at least run/walk it. I may not be able to run the whole thing and that is totally ok with me.

    So, I am going to start that 100 push-up challenge! I didn't really have have time before, and now I do. I see that several of us are do this challenge. Is there a way for us to link up? I also saw that they do a squat challenge and a sit-up challenge. I might do all of those as part of my interim routine since none involve jumping :smile:
    Doc also said I can continue with the elliptical for cardio and, (my new found love) rowing.

    I gotta keep going! I'm so close to my goal and vacation is coming!

    I see several of us are having some trials right now. I'm glad we have this thread to share our good and ugly on!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm a liiiiiittle but frustrated with my running right now... :grumble:

    I pushed myself and did all 8 runs in Week 1 of c25k, but I HURT!! The arch of my left foot feels like it's ripping when I take a step, my knees almost feel like they're grinding behind my knee caps, my shins hurt but that happens every time, and my hips hurt. I might soak in the tub for a few minutes while my muscles cool down. I'm sure it's lack of vitamins, and not enough/not the right kind of stretching.

    So irritating though!!

    Okay I"m done whining. I'm proud of myself for pushing through though!! Off to do a few push-ups before I make dinner.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I love days I exercise because I eat 1800 calories...yum!! :)

    I just made big burrito stuff with eggs, cheese, turkey bacon, and some honey roasted turkey lunch meat. Ahhhh sooooo good. :tongue:
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I'm a liiiiiittle but frustrated with my running right now... :grumble:

    I pushed myself and did all 8 runs in Week 1 of c25k, but I HURT!! The arch of my left foot feels like it's ripping when I take a step, my knees almost feel like they're grinding behind my knee caps, my shins hurt but that happens every time, and my hips hurt. I might soak in the tub for a few minutes while my muscles cool down. I'm sure it's lack of vitamins, and not enough/not the right kind of stretching.

    So irritating though!!

    Okay I"m done whining. I'm proud of myself for pushing through though!! Off to do a few push-ups before I make dinner.

    I have similar pain in my arch with the tendonitis! I guess the Achilles go from the arch on the bottoms up the back of the ankle/foot. Make sure you are doing a really good warm up and stretch. My doc said today to stretch the bottoms of your feet and calves throughout the day to keep them loose. He said rolling a tennis ball on your arch while you are sitting can really help and feel really good. Like a self deep tissue massage. He gave me a paper of stretches, I'm going to try and figure out how to get it to you.

    Good luck Girl, take care!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I crossed over the 30lb lost mark! Just hoping I can hold onto it now and get into the 160's!! I'm not weighin again until Monday. :)
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Great job Rach on the Wi!!!

    I peek at the scale this morning and I'm holding strong at 177.5! Glad because my weekend eating was not to be desired. Woke up nice and early this morning to get my workout in because I won't be able to do it tonight due to school. In fact I liked being able to work out early and not have the distractions of kids and husband I might make this a habit! LOL
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    ~Congrats Rach!!!!

    ~Today I didnt work out :frown: I did want to, but i am unbelievably sore!! I was sore after the 1st day, but not like this!! It hurts so bad to walk. And sitting and standing are sooo painful!! Not trying to be a wuss lol, but i really dont think i would have been able to complete an effective work out feeling like this. I miss when i worked out all the time & would only get slightly sore once and a while. I cant wait to get back to that. Cause this is the worst!
  • sheilabennett
    Thanks for all the advice guys! I am definitely going to wait before I make any decisions. Its funny though, I was dreading the thought that they would get smaller (I am a D) but now that they are not, and I am noticing a difference in other areas they just seem out of proportion with the rest of my body. but who knows what will happen when I lose more weight!

    Rach - Yipee!!!

    Karin - that's too bad, but at least you can still work out in some form or another. I think I would go crazy if I couldn't do anything...

    Karen - What a week you have been having. I am glad things seemed to have leveled. You'll get back on track! you have been so good providing encouragement to all of us - its glad to see things are getting better for you!!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Seems like we're all getting hit with some challenges! I love the support we have in this group!!!

  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Seems like we're all getting hit with some challenges! I love the support we have in this group!!!


  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Good Morn- - Well almost afternoon, lovelies. :)
  • JessikaJ
    LADIES!!!!!!!!!!! I've gotten lazy....

    My initial goal was to get to my Pre Pregnancy weight of 133...

    Reached that goal.. and am currently at 127....

    My ideal weight would be 118-120.. but ever since ive gotten under my pre pregnancy weight, ive lost all motivation to keep loosing...... HELP!!!!!!!!