Over 200 New Year New Me Part 36



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Ann my vote is for isaiah and annaliece. I love isaiah because he was the prophet in the bible who predicts an end to war, stating a time will come for singing when men will lay down their armor and hammer their swords into ploughs. I love annaliece because it has your name in it.
    Cris i would love to sing your wedding!
    Okie dokie here come the second grade ready to play the xylophones. Bye til tonight!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I am going to ask your guys opinion on names.
    Boy- Isaiah Matthew or
    Aiden Wyatt
    Landon Wyatt
    Girl-Rhema Grace or
    Ashlynne Nevaeh
    Annaleice Rachelle

    I know you have a daughter named Amelia -- what are the other names in your family? I like it when everyones' names kind of fit together. :smile:
    I like Aiden Wyatt and Annaleice.
    IMHO, I'd axe Nevaeh for sure. But, I'm not religious so I imagine that's probably why. :tongue:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    I love Isaiah! I also love Annaleice! One does have to keep in mind that some great people who play a role in the Bible don't make great namesakes... "Dorcus" comes to mind. An amazing woman but none the less...

    So today Shruthi (my amazing co-worker and by the way - one heck of an awesome first name) and I were taken out to lunch by a vendor. We went to PF Chang and I had a nice little lunch bowl with brown rice. 1000+ CALORIES! OMG!!! DORCUS!!! DO SOMETHING! :noway: :explode: :sad: :grumble: :mad: On the up side I had lots and lots of water to drink with our meal :drinker:

    None the less it looks like I'm done eating for the day *sob*!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So, on a whim I decided to buy & try Extra Key Lime Pie flavored gum. IT'S SO GOOD! It has all these levels of flavor including a graham cracker crust flavor! It's kind of bizarre.
    The problem is, oooohhhh how it makes me crave actual key lime pie (don't worry, I'm going to eat my blueberry greek yogurt instead *sigh*).
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    My vote is.......
    Isaiah Matthew

    Ashlynne Nevaeh

    I also love the names (not that you asked) Evan and Ethen. Oooh I love the name Sophia. I like the names Miranda, Haley, Sara and Ryan. (my kids names:blushing::laugh: )
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    LittleSpy - you can buy a few Key Limes and make Key Lime Greek yogurt! Crumble a 1/4 graham cracker in the bottom of a bowl then add your naturaly flavored Key Lime yogurt on top! If you need to sweeten it use some Stevia or even a little honey!

    My sister and her wife are harvesting their honey this weekend. I'm looking forward to getting lots of honey. The maple bush didn't have a good maple syrup year so I'm almost out of that and the honey will be a great improvement over sugar. I use artificial sweetener for most of my needs but I like to use some sort of natural sweetener for foods I make for my family. Plus Meghan needs about 1500 more calories each day than I do:grumble:

    I'm going to go ahead and check in for the day because I'm out of calories and I'm sure tonight is going to be crazy! I leave for a series of meetings in CT tomorrow afternoon, directly from work so tonight I have to pack and worry about Meghan LOL! Ken's coming with me, so it will be Meghan and Beth (our housemate) home alone until Saturday. I'm sure they'll do fine :flowerforyou: But I think I’m required to fret a bit. Ken’s convinced the chickens will starve, the dogs will go hungry and the kitchen will be 3 feet under in dirty dishes when we get home. I hope he’s not too upset when he finds out they can survive on their own for a few days!

    Calories - over by about 100
    Water - fabulous!
    Exercise - nope

    Proud: I'm proud I'm back on the boards and putting in the good, bad, and ugly!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I went to my beloved dailyburn.com today to have it calculate my caloric needs and since they haven't steered me wrong before, I'm going to trust that when they tell me I need 2038 calories for my increased weight lifting, they're right. I love getting more calories in a day! The info they're giving me matches my suspicions that I'm not eating enough, hence the stall in weight loss. I'm going to go with it and just see what happens.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Dorcas (spelled with an "A") was a great woman of the bible! She made clothes for the poor. In Greek her name translates to Tabitha. But I agree, not the best of biblical names. :tongue: I just like Isaiah because of his non-war stance.

    Heather - I know when I upped my calories I started losing again. I hope it works for you - I bet it will.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    heather, I went to dailyburn. Wow I love it. It plannned a workout for me for the week. It made me feel obligated to do the workout.:laugh: :laugh: So I did it and burned 300 calories. I have another one planned on Wed. Yay for that. I am still going to come here but I need some sort of challenge and I have grown acustomed to this site and I have become a slacker. I dunno maybe this is the good kick in the pants that I need since I can't afford to join a gym.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    GOod evening girls !!

    I am feeling awful good given TOM has started...but whatever water or what not i was holding on to i think is leaving the building so that is good...I was in the 245's at night so that is really a good sign...I did see a 244.8 this afternoon before lunch...

    I was very nervous this morning...i was given lead on a project , i have never been lead..i was soo doubting my self, my boss has faith in me so hoping i do good. I talke to some people and starting to feel a "little" better about it still trying to get my head wrapped around it.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    good evening ladies

    Im laying in bed with my laptop, Im absolutely pooped...I have worked out hard the past week. Tomorrow is weigh in day at the gym and Im nervous. Im so used to the big numbers from last time that I dont want to be dissapointed with myself if I see like a 1lb loss. First of all I was wearing shorts when I weighed in the first time, second I weighed in at 9am...with no breakfast and barely any water. I really cant weigh in until after work on Tuesdays so I will have heavy pants on, 2 meals and 2 snacks, and prob a good 100oz of water in my system...I keep telling myself this to remind myself that there may not be a big difference. I weigh up to 3lbs less in the morning...sigh


    Ann- I love the name Landon...
    Deb- way to go being your lightest WITH TOM! Im sure you being the lead is well deserved!
    Heather- if its working dont change it....I have never really stalled when I consistently eat at 1200 cals..at least not yet. When it stops working I will consider upping the calories. Ive stalled before but it was more because I was having too many cheat days
    Melinda- you had me laughing!
    Hi Momma!
    Where is Laila?

    Checking in:
    calories: 1185
    water- 100+
    sodium- around 1800
    excercise- finished up wk2 of c25k
    proud- that I really really did not want to go to the gym but I dragged my *kitten* in there, Im also proud because I had a really tough mental day in regards to eating...I was over tired and wanted to stuff my face with comfort food but I didnt. And Im proud that I got my son's 2nd bday invites out today! I cant believe how big he is...they grow up too fast
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    I'm here Cirs. I have been extreamly busy over the weekend. Hubby did a whole bathroom renovation (kids bathroom) and I did a lot of going up and down the stair and eating what I wanted...sorry to say I had the perception.."I did a lot of manual labor so minds well eat what I want..or I better eat that now so I am not tempted later"...ugh! I hate the way I am thinking...why can't I stick to this this...lately I have been having a really hard time because my life is so hectic and the only thing that gives me comfort from a busy day is FOOD!!! please I need help...I can't stop myself form eating. I have not gotten on the scale because of FEAR fo weight gain..it's bad enough I have gain 4 - 5 pounds from too much of the shred... I feel I am rebelling and can't stop. why? I don't know. I am in tear because I feel I am slipping I need control again.

    Thanks for listening...
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks girls for all the input on names!! I am still deciding but m,y gut is really going for Isaiah Matthew for a boy and Annaleice for a girl not sure what the middle name will be I am hoping for a boy though
    Little Spy my girls names are
    Samantha Rahne
    Paige Madison
    Amelia Ann
    By the way Aiden Wyatt means Little Fire,Strong,Brave,Hardworker
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay I'm not caught up on posts but I wanted to pop in. Scale made me mad this morning. Up 7 pounds..yes..I repeat 7 pounds!! I'm normally up about 3 or 4 pounds the week before TOM arrives...but geeze!!! Somehow my clothes feel looser though. I'm sure it's just water weight...No way is that a gain. My hopes is to be back under 210 by Friday. Time to start guzzling water!! Woke up and did Insanity this morning. My legs are on fire. My cousin just emailed me a list of possible resorts for our trip in February...I'm freaking pumped now!! Makes my early morning workouts worth it. 4 months till my beach vacay! Okay off to eat breakfast and catch up on posts!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh yeah, Paige and Samantha. Annaleice goes really well with your other daughters' names.

    I do love the name Isaiah. Dh and I will likely be naming our son (and it will be a son!) Isaac since that's the only name we've ever talked about and we both really like it. :tongue: We're pretty bad at making decisions in general though so who knows what our kid would actually end up being named. I've recently been thinking a lot about the name Lorelei for a girl (which I will NOT being having any time soon. :wink:). Lorelei is personified as one "whose singing lures men to destruction." Awesome! :laugh: The only thing I hate about it is the Gilmore Girls reference. Stupid TV ruins everything! I also love Eleanor (I know, I'm weird. My poor kids) and dh keeps mentioning Evelyn. But Evelyn sounds a little va-va-va-voom to me. :laugh:

    I get totally stuck trying to figure out middle names for any of those. Ah well, I suppose I'll just cross that bridge if I ever come to it.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laila: Hang in there and you'll get through the food struggles. Take it one day at a time! We're here for you!

    Cris: Great job on dragging yourself to the gym. Don't worry too much about the weigh-ins because stress will just cause you to hold weight, but you already know that!

    Momma: Glad you liked dailyburn.com. I like the food logging on this site better, but the calculations for calorie allowances on that site, so I use them both together.

    Julie and Ann: If I ever have kids, I'm convinced I'm having a girl first who I would name Kyla. I'm split on a few different middle names. It all came to me in a dream one night when I was about 19 years old. Weird, I know. Even though I'm pretty sure I won't ever have kids, I'm at least prepared if I have a girl.

    Checking in for last night:
    Calories: Under by 44
    Sodium: Over by 610, but that's pretty good for me.
    Water: 82.7 oz.
    Exercise: 1 mile walk and ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 1, both with the boyfriend.
    Proud: Did well with the calories yesterday!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I really hope the upping the calories worked for you. It worked for me when I upped mine to 1400. Your weekend sounded like it was sooo awesome! I'd love to spend the weekend on a horse.

    Laila-Hang in there! You will get through this. Like Heather said, take it one day at a time. The struggles aren't going to go away right away.

    Cris-I'm so proud you got up off your booty and went to the gym! Way to not let me down. haha...hope the weigh in goes well today. Just know you have worked your butt off!

    Ann-Glad to hear your pregnancy is going well this far! Hope it continues.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann - THose names are very nice...So 3 girls...for some reason i thought you had a boy..

    My husband swore up and down and sideways we are having a boy...both time...nope...I thought he was going to cry with serena's sonnagram when they said it was a girl.

    I told him we could keep trying and he said "NO" he is good :) My aunt had 4 boys , she alwasy wanted a girl but no such luck, she named the last one chance as her last chance for a girl.

    I am soo excited..well for 2 reasons...I was 245.0 this morning...that is my weigth from over 2 weeks ago...if i don't blow it i may see something good this week

    # 2 - design center called me !@!!! We are going on thursday..I could go tomorrow but got a freaking team meeting ..uggg..THursday is good though !!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh boy. Today's Groupon for my city is for ZPizza (awesome pizza chain). Mmmmmmm.... I already bought 2 of the groupons. It's for $20 worth of food and the groupon costs $10. They'll allow me to buy one more.... And then DH could buy 3.... and then we could eat nothing but amazingly delicious gourmet pizza for the next 5 months. :laugh:

    I'm referring you all to Groupon now. http://www.groupon.com/r/uu5117332
    :wink: Go to it from that link. That way if you sign up, I get $10 Groupon Bucks when you buy your first Groupon (and I don't see why you wouldn't -- they kind of rock).
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hi friends. You all have been busy bees. I'm so proud of all of you that are working hard. You are doing GREAT work.

    I haven't exercised in over a week and I'm definitely losing some gusto. I'm still tracking and watching my food, but need to get my butt in gear!

    Checking in for the past two days...
    Cals - OVER - 2239 YIKES!
    Water - 48 oz - YIKES
    Exercise - Walking
    Proud - Eh

    Cals - Over by 350....not too bad
    Water - 64 oz - better!
    Exercise - Nada
    Proud - Kept most of my cals in check (minus a marshmallow binge!!!)

    Headed to Atlanta today for work. Hope you have a great day!