Over 200 New Year New Me Part 36



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Just back from the wedding - long day!!! It went well and we got some fun shots. I picked up fake fang teeth at Walmart (in green/purple/orange/white) and googly eye glasses and I had the bridle party wear them for some of the shots outside :tongue:

    I also got a pair of black and purple striped "witch stocking" and had the bride put them on for a couple of fun shots - and we did some fun pictures with family and kids... I'll know how i feel about them when I get them all uploaded.

    For being at a wedding and on the road with the Bride since this AM I have to say I didn't do tooooo bad! And we all know there isn't many calories in wedding cake right?

    OK I just realized I didn't put in my alcohol :grumble: I had one of those fruity drinks with cranberry juice, vodka and peach snaups - anyone know how bad those are? So here goes!

    Calories: Over now that I remembered the damn alcohol!!!:drinker:
    Water - I did well!
    Exercise - I'm counting 2 hours of slow walking because I was on my feet all freaking day!

    Proud that I didn't "try" each of the home made desserts, and I didn't try the pasta or the potatoes or that marshmellow fruit stuff that looks so comforting!:love:

    Tomorrow I face the family reunion - and the infamous table of pies! :noway:
  • purpleprose
    Hey ladies!

    I just got back from a wonderful evening with an old friend from NYC - catching up, hanging out, enjoying *delicious* food and drink and just not caring about what I ate beyond keeping portions reasonable and my choices somewhat healthy.

    I'm a little over on cals for the day, over on fat, but had a lot of water, not much sodium, and am happy I didn't stress because dinner was so so so good.

    Cals: 279 over
    Water: 7 - 8 cups
    Sodium: 1000 under
    Exercise: 18 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes-ish of weight machines
    Proud: I went out, had fun, and didn't really worry about my diet beyond making decent choices. Just had fun and reconnected with my amazing friend and caught up on all of her success (she's an author).

    Heading home tomorrow for a few days. Thank goodness Mom is on board with healthy cooking as I want to really be on track tomorrow. Gone are the days of "messing up" and then overeating or bingeing because I'd already "messed up". This was a good dinner with a great friend, and if I went over, I went over. Not stressing about it.

    End the soapbox, but I love that I feel like I've really made progress, both physically and mentally.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning,

    Melinda- Your weekend sounds awesome, I love weddings! The pics sound cute

    Daniella- Welcome back! Hows the baby's teeth?

    Allison- Great attitude! You high calorie day may even help you drop some more since it might shock your body. But def dont do it often! I love that you are done and moving on...one day over especially not by much wont hurt you.

    So Im not normally on during the weekend, but I had to share...I was 200.6 this morning!!!! OMG I cant wait for Onederville again,, and this time I feel like I can keep going and finally see the 190 that has been iluding me...I got so close so many times then would get comfortable and gain back up to the 200s not this time my friends, this time not only will I see the 190, I will see the 180s!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    oh and Julie- that dream was freaking hilarious, I wanna go to fat camp biggest loser style too!!!!!!!!
  • purpleprose
    Cris - you're soooo close to onederland!!! I hope that you'll see it this week. :flowerforyou:

    The scale had me exactly the same from yesterday to today, proof that eating over my cals occasionally won't derail my progress. I needed that reinforcement.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    meokk - your dress is FABULOUS! I love it!
    danielle - good to see you again! Stay with us!
    cris - way to go baby girl on that weight! You will see onederland very soon!!!
    julie - you crack me UP! LOL
    allison - I'm glad you had the epiphany. It does feel good to know that when we do this right we can recover with no long-term effects.
    melinda - seems like we both were at weddings this weekend. I sang at one Friday, two yesterday, a reception, and then another today. October is a busy month for weddings.

    Girls, the ta tas are finally going down. I bought a new bra today in a much smaller size!!!

    check in:
    calories: under a bit
    water: 100
    exercise: 50 minutes walk and 30 minutes elliptical
    proud: my ta tas are shrinking! :bigsmile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh Blue! The Tah Tahs! I have lost pounds in mine too and last week I asked the Oncologist if that would entitle me to a discount on the mastectomy and he said that they don't charge by the pound :tongue: None the less, less fat in the breast area seems to reduce the risk for cancer there (due to enstrogen stuff) AND it will make the surgery easier for the to perform which means less time on the table. All good things!

    Current tah tah removal date is tentativly set for 2/11

    Family gathers - good. My family meeting for a meal afterwards - bad.

    As much as I love my red wine (and trust me - I :heart: :heart: :heart: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: my red wine) I have to admit that the alcohol reduces my self control and more often than not leads me to eat more foods than I intend. Tonight I was doing well, then had a couple glasses of wine, and ate dessert that I didn't need, plus for the first time in YEARS I ordered a sunday at McDonalds when we made a potty stop on the way back from Columbus.

    I knew I would be over calories but to be over for a yucky ol' fast food one that makes me feel ill is just sad. :grumble:

    So checking in!

    Calories - a disaster (1000 over?)
    Water - I did GREAT I would put about 1/2 an inch of punch in the bottom of a 16 oz. cup adn fill the rest with water! Yummmy!
    Exercise - I wore a heavy brown turtleneck to an outdoor party and it was in the 80s. Movement was not on my list of things to do!

    Proud - that I kept the food under control at the family gathering!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Holy crap. :noway:

    So as it turns out, nope, I in fact can not be trusted during TOM with a 1.75qt container of Reese's ice cream.
    :embarassed: Thank goodness I didn't eat much else yesterday because I certainly had about 1100 calories (yep, about 7 servings) worth of ice cream.

    I even pulled out the "I have to eat this now so it won't be here to mess me up tomorrow" logic.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - too funny about the biggest loser dream...after the last few week though...i don't think i quite feel like the loosing weight machine :smile:

    i have to admit this morning i was pleasentrly supprised...I was down like 1/2 lb from friday (still .2 away from lowest), but this is after Friday night getting a take and bake (see it isn't eating out since i got to cook it :smile: , saturday wasn't too bad, had like 1/4 funnel cake and some delicious mac n cheese for dinner...oh yeah don't forget the hot tamales on fri night and 1/2 of some mike and ikes on sat night, sunday we went to family event...lots of food and i pretty much grazed all afternoon...so i will take 245.2...i know i have to be holding on to some sodium from all that...i may ,...just may see a 244 this week !!!!!

    ***TMII warning ****
    So after my dilema with serena peeing in a cup...i drove out there (40 minutes 1 way), i was informed that none of these test are covered by insurance and could be upward of 1000-1500 $$...i thought about it came home talked to jeremy and decided since i had talked to her ped. about her issues at her checkup that i would start going back with her. The tests were with her pscy, i am much happier with her behaviour and attitdue so i decided to go the medical route at this point than to start sticking my child.

    not to mention, i love love love her pediatirian....he is the best...So down to earth doesn't make you feel stupid cause he is a md and you are not...he is great with the kids...anyway...so he had me put her on miralaz 1x a day for a month to try to relieve her constipiation...we are on 3 doses now and not much of anything ...he said even if she starts going , keep doing it...if nothing happens after 2 weeks and she is the same , then that he would want her to go to a GI. He said his daughter was having the same problems, and went to a GI..he really believe that the pee accidents and the constipation goes hand in hand..so we will see how this goes

    Meokk - Love the dress that is awesome you are going to look beautiful in it!!!!

    cris - WTG on a 90 min spin class...i about die in the 60 minute ones.

    So yesterday we went to spin class, then we had to go sign something on our contrac ton the house, so i grabbed some clothes, a shirt i never worn before :smile: when i got it as a gift it was too small ..it fit without any issues...and a pair of bermuda shorts, i swore fit me (and i remember wearing not to long ago). So i got dressed...and realized these pants were huge...all afternoon i was pulling them up, then at a point my mom gave me her camera to hold, i put it in my pocket and they almost fell down...I know realize they look like clown pants !! It is a good feeling.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey girlies,

    Blue- thats fantastic news on your tatas! Mine shrunk as well but Im quite annoyed because I dont have the money for new bras right now. You wanna come sing at my wedding? You sound like your in high demand :laugh: :wink:

    Melinda- I couldnt possibly have wore a turtleneck in 80 degrees! OMG I hate being hot, so much so that I cant even wear a turtleneck at all! Sounds like you had a fun weekend inspite of the alcohol related eating..which I do often too :tongue: I have found that the only way to stay on track is to completely lay off the booze. One drink leads to two drink..then next thing I know I have downed a 6 pack and am eating a cheeseburger..its UGLY!

    Julie- A lot of my set backs were due to the "I have to eat this now so its not here later" theory. I hate it! Im glad you shared with us it makes me feel less alone in my crazy rationalizations.

    So the scale was up to 200.8 from 200.6. I think I over did sodium and my legs are pretty dang sore from the spin class and c25k...hoping to see Onederland again this week...
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    Julie- A lot of my set backs were due to the "I have to eat this now so its not here later" theory. I hate it! Im glad you shared with us it makes me feel less alone in my crazy rationalizations.

    So the scale was up to 200.8 from 200.6. I think I over did sodium and my legs are pretty dang sore from the spin class and c25k...hoping to see Onederland again this week...

    Julie/Cris - I use that rational alot...so i am right there with ya !!

    Cris - I just know you will be in onderland again this week...!!! I know it !!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    So just realized, i am now right about at my 1 year with MFP!! 65 lbs in 1 year (given i was a standstill from jan - may)...(i had lost 8 lbs from may at my highest until October).
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi ladies :)

    Sorry for my absence lately... I've have a rough couple of weeks. Lots of good things, but mostly just a lot. With the break-in, my job ending, the anxiety has been really high. Feeling really disorganized which is usually where the downward spiral begins. The what-if avalanche starts and I can't breathe.

    I hope everyone is well... I'm going to try to catch up on everyone's posts over the last couple weeks.

    I let loose over the weekend (who am I kidding... all of last week). The boyfriend and I were feeling restless and anxious on Saturday so we went and got tattoos that we've been talking about getting. I'll see if I can get a picture posted soon!

    Today I'm going to try and relax and get reorganized. Tomorrow is a new day. New start. Just as long as I can keep my anxiety to a minimal.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    tsout, nice to see you! I hope things get back to normal for ya very soon.

    YAY Blues tatas are smaller!!!!!

    Julie, okay you ate 7 servings of ice cream, move on!!! You have amazing self control and one mishap is not going to mess you up. Maybe you are preggers. I too have used the metality lets eat this so it is not here tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a great day. I have to go to KInder this morning. I will talk to you all soon.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies. I'm off work today. THANK YOU for bank holidays! Just wanted to check in. I'm "trying" to help my mom organize and clean the extra bedroom closet. It's not going well. It's really just putting me in a foul mood. So I gave up and here I am! Going to go tan and shoe shopping a little later. Dropped my car off this morning to have what I hope to MINOR repairs on my car or at least covered under warranty.

    Julie-Love the dream you had over the weekend! Let's go to the Biggest Loser! HAHA!

    mstahl-Way to resist temptation at the wedding! I bet those pictures are going to look amazing!

    blue-Yay for small tata's! That was my favorite part when I got to buy smaller bras!!

    tstout-Hope things turn around for you soon. I do the what if avalanche as well. It's hard not to.

    Cris-I'm so proud of you for staying in control this weekend. You will see onderland soon. I know you will!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Is it bad that I'm jealous of Julie's seven servings of ice cream? Yum!

    Julie: Hopefully your hormones calm down a bit. I definitely have days where I cry for no reason and can't seem to stop. My boyfriend thinks I'm insane on those days...poor guy.

    Meokk: The dress is beautiful. I can't wait to see a picture of you IN it!

    Cris: Congrats on getting back to 200.6-200.8. You will be back in Onederland in NO time.

    This weekend was so much fun and the weather was gorgeous. 80 degree weather in Minnesota in October? Unheard of! But welcome and appreciated. It was HOT riding on Saturday. We spent a total of 7, yes 7!, hours in the saddle between the two days. My poor horse probably hates me, but I'm so glad I weigh 30+ lbs less than the last time I rode her on a three hour trail ride! She was so hot, sweaty and dirty after our rides that she let me hose her down, which is something she usually hates. The last time I hosed her down, it took two of us and we barely got it done. This time, she let me do it, just me and her. I'm pretty proud of her! She even did okay with the trailering, too.

    Needless to say I'm super SORE, especially in the seat bone area and the shoulders. Sadie is an energizer bunny who wanted to go, go, go and I had to hold her back most of the time.

    I didn't do my ChaLean workouts Friday or yesterday, but have rearranged my schedule so I"ll be back on my original schedule by Saturday. I've also made sure I won't be doing lifting workouts two days in a row. It should all be fine. I just need to, like always, get the eating on track. I didn't log my food from this weekend but may still try to. We'll see.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am still here just been walking outside for 2 hours every evening and by the time I get back I forget to log on here cause I am ready for a nap.I am still eating well and exercising everyday!! As my hormones rise I get more teary eyed and moody but other than that I really am having an easy pregnancy .My first 2 pregnancies was sick the whole nine months.I haven't had one drop of morning sickness or nausea except when some guy blew cigarette smoke in my face at the festival I went too a few weeks ago and I should have known then I was preggers because I almost went off on him.I hope this pregnancy stays easy and I can get back to losing weight after he/she is born.My due date is June 8th 2011. I go to my first prenatal visit on October 26th I will be 8 weeks then.Please be praying we get to see or hear its little heartbeating by then too.I really don't think my mom is very excited but my mother-in-law is.It makes me sad that my mom doesn't seem happy and neither does my grandmother.I am going to ask your guys opinion on names.
    Boy- Isaiah Matthew or
    Aiden Wyatt
    Landon Wyatt
    Girl-Rhema Grace or
    Ashlynne Nevaeh
    Annaleice Rachelle
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: I'm glad to hear your pregnancy is going well so far. I love the names Ashlynne Nevaeh and Aiden Wyatt! Those are my votes.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann: I'm glad to hear your pregnancy is going well so far. I love the names Ashlynne Nevaeh and Aiden Wyatt! Those are my votes.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    So, I'm a bit frustrated with how I've pretty much been stalled on the weight loss for a while. I haven't seen much change other than the fluctuation of about 4 lbs. Because of this, I took a look back over the past year at what I was doing when I was losing consistently enough to be happy. I was losing at least something every week. Here's what has changed.

    1. I was drinking protein shakes for 1-2 meals per day and eating whatever I wanted for the third meal.
    2. I was eating at least one snack during the day, usually around 11am or 3pm.
    3. I was eating 2,000 calories per day on average, with lots of zig-zagging.
    4. I was drinking hardly any water.

    Based on my analysis, I'm going back to what I was doing, except I'm going to keep drinking the water like I have been lately (64 or more ounces per day). I'm going to start drinking protein shakes for breakfast again and eating closer to 2,000 calories on average. It seems like so much, considering I've been staying closer to 1800 calories, but that's about the same exact time that my weight loss stalled.

    I'm going to experiment a bit and see if I can get things moving consistently again. I know the weight lifting program may be stalling things right now and that's okay. I just need to figure out what worked for me and why so that I can keep it going. I want to lose the second half of my weight in the next year so that I can be at my goal weight by my 2 year anniversary with MFP.

    I'm open to suggestions if anyone has them! I'm absolutely willing to try new things to find something that works!