Over 200 New Year New Me Part 36



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-YAY for the sample being enough!!! That's great!

    POS Me-I'll send you a message tomorrow and let you know if insanity is a go! I kinda like Cris' idea of maybe doing 30DS every other day though. Maybe your working your body too hard? I've never used the easy tone shoes. My best friend used the fit flops years ago and she said they def made a difference in her thighs and butt when she wore them for long periods of time.

    Heather-I can't wait to hear about your weekend!!

    Cris-I went to Chick Fila for lunch tooo!!! But I think I already told you that...I got a water though. Not sure how many calories.

    purple-Good luck on your run today!! Your going to rock it!

    Co Girl-Your doing amazing! We miss you!

    Lauren-Sometimes our bodies just give us a sickness like that to make us stop and rest. I know mine does. Feel better!

    meokk-I see no pic either!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Okay, so I totally ate too much during our potluck, but I'm not planning on eating again today (maybe a small snack) and I'll be exercising, running around to do my errands, and working with my horse. Hopefully it will be enough to make up for it! On the plus side, I did a lot better than I did with the same meal last year!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Cris - see I want to do every other day ( like Jess's suggestion) however, jillian want it to be done ever day. I might consider doing it maybe 3 - 4 times a week and maybe do cardio 5 times a week. I am sick and tired of seeing a gain..so I am going to push myself to my limit..remember the halloween goal..I have more than 10 pounds to lose now..thanks to the gain. I am not worried..it will come off..but not by me just standing and doing nothing :)

    Jess - once again thanks so much, I am getting tired of Jillan's voice..that is probably why I didn't go to level 2 of Cardio Max..Bob was much nicer/easier..lol I will be waitng for the message...thanks sweety:bigsmile:

    Meokk - I can't wait to see the pic too...

    Colgirl - Miss you around..

    Lauren/elmox - hope you get/feel better soon..sometimes all it takes is a little rest..have a great weekend

    Allison - awwsome job on your running! You're doing better than I was when I was doing the program:smile:

    I just finished doing the Shred and pretty soon I will be going on my walk/run wiht my daughter...she is hungry and wants to eat before we leave..Not sure if my older son will be coming too because he has football practice..he is loving the sport..it beats him sitting and playing psp or playstation..
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    heather - I forgot to mention..have fun on your camping trip...let us know how it goes.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    It's on there now :bigsmile:
    Yep, I'm a blond now but was a brunette a year ago, I like to switch it up. That other photo was from the wedding I went to in May.

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    It's on there now :bigsmile:
    Yep, I'm a blond now but was a brunette a year ago, I like to switch it up. That other photo was from the wedding I went to in May.

    meokk!! That dress is beautiful!!! I love it!!:flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I love the dress Meokk, YOu are going to make one stunning bride..Congrats to you!
  • purpleprose
    Thanks for the encouragement and support on my progress so far, y'all. :blushing:

    Still struggling to write my paper...frustrated because it's the only thing between me and fall break and I am so uninterested in writing it.

    Meokk - LOVE your dress! It looks so cool.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Meokk -- the dress is so pretty (AND OMG TINY!)!

    I'm going to go ahead and share that I've really lost my marbles today. I'm a hormonal nutjob. I actually started to cry (slightly :tongue:) when I was talking to the relationship banker at my bank. The tears were very much against my will... in no way was the conversation that serious. :laugh: I apologized to her like a billion times. I explained that I was "a little frustrated" which was true. But it would have been more true to say "Please forgive me, my hormones have turned me from a perfectly sane, reasonable, and logical person into an effing crazy irrational b*tch." I held it (mostly) together until I finished talking to her and walked outside. I was seriously HYSTERICALLY crying by the time I made it 20 feet to my car. I had to sit in the parking lot for like 15 minutes before I finally pulled myself together enough to drive. The whole time I was crying I just kept thinking "OMG, why am I even crying? This is crazy! I have no reason to be like this right now." I really have no explanation for it. Even right now, 2.5 hours later I feel like I could possibly burst back into tears at any second. :ohwell: I'm not sad or upset about anything (well, now I'm a little upset about being so upset for no reason :tongue:).

    Luckily, I have chili in the slowcooker waiting for me! Though I am out of sour cream at home... Gosh, I hope I don't cry about it. :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie- if you cry about not having sour cream then consider yourself pregnant!

    ok i gotta go check out meooks dress real quick brb
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Meook- THATS STUNNING! I cant wait to see a pic of you in it...my fat *kitten* for sure could not get into that little dress, its BEAUTIFUL!!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    apparently I feel the need to creat a whole bunch of different posts, but anywho- I was planning on going to the gym tonight but I have decided to go to a hardcore 90 min spin class in the AM instead....soooo I am skipping the gym tonight and taking it easy.

    That means dinner has to be around 500 cals and as low in sodium as possible...any advice? ugh im starving and seriously wanna go get take out, but that 199 is soooo close again i cant do it!
  • purpleprose
    Cris - I'm probably too late but a 3 oz piece of baked chicken with some steamed veggies are a pretty safe bet.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Thanks every one for your kind remarks on my dress. FYI it looks smaller on that dress firm than on me. I wish my waist was that tiny. !!!!!

    Litspy - preggers again ?!?!?!

    Pos me - sounds like a good plan mixing up the Jillian and the running. I've been doing something similar. No more trouble zones DVD by Jillian and doing C25k
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    checking in!

    Ironically I worked from home today yet was never able to get on here until now? yeah that crazy! We had some kind of firewall issue blow up at 7:30 this morning and my encryption program is still being difficult so it was non-stop until 5 when I had to take off for a wedding I'm working this weekend. Tonight was the rehersal dinner - photos went well, bride is in a good mood - mother of the bride needs alcohol (and if you're reading this Tammy, you know I'd say this to your face!!!)

    I've got to leave at 10 tomorrow AM to make it to the beauty shop in time to photograph the girls getting ready - so it will be a longgggg day tomorrow! Meghan is planning on helping me but she wasn't feeling well tonight so we'll see. Meghan is a fabulous photographer (she's got a great eye) and it is sooo much help having a second photographer during the wedding ceremony!

    I didn't weigh in today - I'm not going to unti I get a good week under my belt. I'll check in for today!

    Calories - OMG over. Like close to 2000 today (pudding shots are BAD)
    Water - bad
    Exercise - nadah

    Proud - I'm not to proud today, but I'll do better tomorrow!

    Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

    (sorry for the misspellings - to rushed to copy into a spell check screen)

    Edited to add - LOVE THE DRESS!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris & Meokk -- Nah, I LOVE sour cream so crying about not having any would be pretty normal for me. :laugh: Luckily I had exactly 2tbs left of the stuff. Whew! Crisis averted.

    Trying hard not to think I'm pregnant this time. :laugh: TMI but TOM hasn't really started yet... just spotting. Now if the spotting stops and TOM doesn't start, then maybe I'll freak out a little. :laugh: But unless that happens, I'm breezy. :smile:

    Yesterday I didn't really log my food until after I ate it. I just ate whatever I wanted keeping portion sizes in mind (except I definitely overate at dinner :embarassed:). Calorie count? 1503! Hooray!

    Last night I had a dream that I was going to be on Biggest Loser. :laugh: When they gave me my flight information, I saw I had a layover in Dallas. I just KNEW that Jess was coming with me when I saw that. And she was! :laugh: It was going to be a season for people who had already lost a bunch of weight on their own but were a little stuck trying to lose more (which I guess is why Deb wasn't coming since she's a weight loss machine that can't be stopped! :wink:). But when we got there it was weird. There were a LOT of people there & we were staying in cabins. Like I imagine fat camp would be except there were vending machines full of junk food everywhere. :huh: And then I woke up. Silly dreams.
  • purpleprose
    Julie - that dream was epic. And hilarious.

    Yesterday was a good one - had a really enjoyable dinner out with a friend and planned for it, so had a kind of caloriffic/fatty sandwich while still staying within my limits. Down a few tenths of a pound again today, so it's great to see that not really affect my weight loss! Makes me feel more comfortable with eating some of my fave foods.

    Yesterday's check-in:

    Cals - 351 under
    Water - 64 + ounces (not entirely sure
    Sodium - 87 under
    Exercise - week 8 day 3 of C25K! 28 minutes jogging, 10 minutes walking (I seriously can't believe I can jog for 28 minutes)
    Proud - see above! Had my fave wrap for dinner and it's been AGES since I had it because I couldn't eat it prior to surgery, had a good run...things just were nice yesterday.
    Challenge - only got 3.5 servings in, unfortunately. First day that it wasn't met.

    What's the new challenge for this week?
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Julie.........+?? .............0.0%

    I'm down 0.8 from my lowest. which is great. The headache is gone today but allergies are here in full force and I'm a stuffy snotty girl. No so much fun, but oh well.

    Going over to Jersey City tonight to meet friends. I've got abotu 800 cals, so hopefully I can stay pretty close to that. However, it's a girls night, which probably means LOTS of wine. I'll do my best to alternate wine and water.

    It's gorgeous here in NYC - hope the sun is shining on you as well.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    If I'm the biggest loser this week I want to pass the challenge honor to Anne to celebrate her pregnancy !
    Anne - just don't challenge the rest of us to get preggers, OK :laugh: :laugh: well, maybe except Julie.

    BTW Litspy - LOVE the dream, hilarious and they should do a biggest loser show like that !!

    Off to lay on the couch some more, I was out shopping earlier and started getting a headache, by the time I got to the register I was sweating and felt awful. The whole drive back home - 25 mins I was desperately trying not to throw up and I managed to hold just long enough to make it to my own bathroom. So odd and random and I actually feel kind of OK now, I even had dinner.
  • Danielle_81
    Hi everyone....just checking in, catching up on posts. I haven't even been on MFP since a week ago friday and haven't checked the board since tuesday before.

    Just wanted to say hi, and I'm alive :smile: