Over 200 New Year New Me Part 36



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Nancy - I am soo freaking excited for you !!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: NO more diabetes meds that is soo awesome, i can just imagine how good you feel right now.

    Check in

    Cals - around 1500
    Water - horrible :sad:
    exercise - just wasn't feeling it today, but did 30 min (240 cals) on the arc trainer , and 13 min (60 cals) of strength training on machines...
    Given my exericse wasn't as good as i usally am , i am still under by 116 cals !!

    I am soo excited tomorrow is our appt at the design center ...i can't wait to go pick the stuff out.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Quick post then to bed!!!

    Maliboothe - welcome! You'll love it here! check in every day and don't worry about attempting ot keep up with everyone. Sometimes you'll be able to do it- other times you'll be overwhelmed. Just jump in and post!

    Purple - you and I have been on the same hungry spin?

    I'm in CT for training - I never took time to find out where we were going. It's a casino called "Mohegan Sun" and it's freaking HUGE. Last night felt sur-real - like one of those dreams where you get lost in this big building and the place keeps changing and more rooms show up etc... Probably partly weird because on a Tuesday night it was mostly empty.

    Food is freakishly expensive but OMG amazing.

    Checking in:
    Calories - dinner was 1000+ so very very bad
    Water - OK
    Exercise - maybe 30 minutes of walking around the mamoth facility

    Caloires - thought we did better at dinner but NOPE not really!
    Water - not great
    Exercise - one lap of facility

    Proud: That I didn't actually eat my weight in food. Mostly because I don't have enough open to buy on my credi cards - but I'll claim it's self control!!!

    Love you girls!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    OH okay girls...my scale is broken :sad: This morning it was telling me i was 229 so i know it was all wacky ...then it says "Lo" so i think i offially hae worn the batteires out...it is like 8 or 9 years old so i guess it is about time.

    So not real sure how real that 242 # was number. We are getting new batteries today and we will see...i have to admit when it was telling me 229 or 231 this morning i really like it :smile: even if it wasn't real.

    ONly 1/2 day of work for me today ...wohooo... and then off to the design center, we have 4 hourse, but i am doubting it will take that long.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1410 ("goal" 1500)
    Exercise: None; worked all day
    Water: Only about 6 cups! Not enough, especially considering all the sodium I consumed.
    Proud: Cals under control. I fought to get up to that 1410, too. I'm afraid I'm trying to slip back into not-eating-enough territory especially after logging the food I brought with me to work today. I don't know why it's such a battle for me to not over or under eat.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay I have a confession!

    I did something really dorky for fun -- psychic! :blushing: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :blushing:
    I've never done it before and I was just feeling silly enough to do it after reading all the psychic stories on my TTC forum. Can I just say I LOVE what the psychic told me? (well DUH!) :tongue:
    Anyway, I just wanted to share. :wink:

    "Happy and lasting relationship path." :love:
    3 kids
    #1 conceived November/December this year - GIRL! :grumble: (j/k! :happy:) Healthy pregnancy
    #2 conceived May 2012 - GIRL! :laugh: Healthy pregnancy
    Moving! (We so want to move in 2011 though...)
    #3 (:noway:) conceived August 2015 - BOY BOY BOY! :wink: Healthy pregnancy
    She also mentions a "lady spirit" with an "E" initial. Must be my dog Emma. :wink: :tongue:

    Anyway, it was just for a bit of fun but somehow it made me so naively happy. Guess I need to get to work figuring out those girls' names... The cynic in me just wants to say that she says girl mor often just because there are more girls born so that by saying "girl" she's more likely to be correct about it more than 50% of the time. :laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, I hope you all have a wonderful day. Today is my day off of kindergarten. I had an e-mail that says I have a large packet of papers for you to fill out about Ryan. So it begins. The school is doing many different evaluations of Ryan. I am still waiting on the I don't know what you would call them a clinic any how one of their specialties is autism. So finally I can get an answer. I have been told "no" then "maybe" by so many different so called professionals. Now it is finally going to be with someone who is technically able to diagnose not guess. I feel sad and relieved all at the same time. One thing is for sure I have faith in God and I know that nothing can happen without it going through HIS hands first. So my mind is at the point where I know WHO holds my future and I am just relaxing and trusting. Some lady said to me recently and it touched me so deeply. She said, "God must have thought a lot of you" I looked at her like "What" and she says "Because HE trusted you to raise such a special little boy" :cry: :blushing: I was so touched. Any how today is a good day and I am still working towards my goals. I am not going to let anything stop me from doing this. ICAN do this
    Sherry-this post brought tears to my eyes.You are a wonderful Momma and Ryan and all your other children are so lucky to have you.Just remember with whatever diagnosis you get with Ryan,God already knows you can handle honey.You are so strong and your faith in him makes you stronger and stronger everyday.I had a nephew who had Aspbergers which is closely related to autism and he is a genius.He had to be put into special classes to deal with his behaviors with certain things but he is in high school now and you would never know that he has Aspbergers.He acts just like a normal teen to me.There are people out there that can help and with God on your side my friend you already have conquered half the battle.Love ya Momma and you take care of yourself and know we are always here for you.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Blue-WTG on being off the diabetes medication! Fantastic! I bet you feel like a million bucks!

    Julie-How cool is that!? Guess we have a short period of time before we see if the first one comes true!

    Count me in on the wanting to eat everything in sight. I haven't felt like working out. I skipped it completley last night and laid on my big butt on the couch all night. Why did I do this when I have a wedding in a week!? So...I will hit it tonight! I WILL I WILL I WILL!! Just feel yucky and blah! But I did get some exciting news. Mike won some kinda drawing from the Texas Rangers and gets the option to buy World Series tickets this morning in case the Rangers beat the Yankeees this round. I've never heard him so excited before...and he wants me to go with him. YAY ME!! :bigsmile: My goal for today, is to make it a better day eating wise!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - I was like that last Thursday, a few days before TOM, i could not stop eating :sad: That would be cool if the rangers win against the Yankees and they go to the world series and you get to got :smile:

    Julie - :smile: so we will see if her predictions come true before the end of year :smile:

    2 more hours then i am off work !!! take a shower, eat lunch and then head to the design center then to the store for batteries for my scale !!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Ann, thank you!!! You are so sweet and I appreciated everything you said. Thanks for sharing about the nephew those kind of things really make me feel good. :flowerforyou:

    Blue...............CONGRATS!!!!!!! I am so proud of you. YOU did this!!!! YOU,YOU,YOU, got yourself off of diabetes meds. I feel like singing that "its your birthday" song to you. But you may get sick then I would feel bad. My singing is pretty sickening!!

    Okay, I am so HAPPY that daily burn does not have me scheduled for a workout today and tomorrow's work out looks less difficult than yesterdays. I thought I was going to die. Don't that website have my weight on there. An over 200 pound girl can't get into those positions and if she can she really shouldn't. :laugh: :laugh: I tried to but I am sure it was not pretty!!! I burned 422 calories though. I felt like the biggest loser competitors I thought I was going to barf and snot all over everything.:laugh: :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Jess, hang in, I felt like that a couple days ago. when I wanted to snack I ate lot of celery stick because I don't want to see a high number again on the scale..it's MISERABLE!!! You better workout, if not, make better eating choices..remember 1 week till wedding day. good luck girlie!

    Deb, if you are looking for a bathroom scale or food scale battery I bought a pkg of 4 battery from the dollor store..just be sure to take the battery with you..

    Julie, so happy for you too, hopefully your *prediction* comes true :-)

    Nancy, Yah, for beating diabeties....So happ for you!

    did I forget anyone...hope not.

    By the way today I got TOM...I feel like crap, but I will still go running/walking because it on my workout schedule..I hope I can run/walk my 3 miles I have planned..
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Laila - Thanks, I haven't seen these kinda at the dollar store i usally go to...I will have to check..They are two like big round batteries, but i am taking them with me...Funny it tells me i am about 15 lighter but only like 3 lighter for abby i guess when you only way like 40 lbs it doesn't have to work as hard :smile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Laila - Thanks, I haven't seen these kinda at the dollar store i usally go to...I will have to check..They are two like big round batteries, but i am taking them with me...Funny it tells me i am about 15 lighter but only like 3 lighter for abby i guess when you only way like 40 lbs it doesn't have to work as hard :smile:

    Deb, If the scale you are using needs a lithium battery.. the size of a quarter.. there are 2 different kinds, one is fatter then the other. I needed the thinner, quarter size battery. that is why I said take it with you.. I found them behind the register counter. Just ask someone, hopefully they will have it.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess, hang in, I felt like that a couple days ago. when I wanted to snack I ate lot of celery stick because I don't want to see a high number again on the scale..it's MISERABLE!!! You better workout, if not, make better eating choices..remember 1 week till wedding day. good luck girlie!

    Thanks girl. I wish I could say I'm snacking on healthy items but that hasn't been the case the last 2 days. :frown: So I'm making today a better day. Just hard when I'm this moody. Hope things turn around cause I hate feeling this way!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Scale was at 199.4 this morning...whoop whoop! was kind of expecting it because I usually weigh 3lbs lighter in the morning and after dinner I was weighing between 201-202 with my clothes on. It was still super exciting to see the actual "1" this morning.

    I will not will not will not let myself go back to 200+ lbs...it makes me feel so miserable!!!

    Momma- Im so glad you did yourk out!! Your descritpion of what you looked like had me cracking up!:laugh:

    Blue -WOOOHOOO! That is FANTASTIC news! Im so happy you have achieved yet ANOTHER milestone on your journey..you are simply amazing! :heart:

    Melinda- Mmmm Im kind of jealous of your trip! Sounds yummy...but bad :frown:

    Jess- So now you are avoiding me! If you had texted me last night you know I would have made you feel guilty about not working out! Oooo the worl series thing sounds exciting though! (PS- I forgive you)

    Deb- Its cute to see how excited you are! Have fun today!

    Julie- I have always wanted to go to a psychic too! Just curious, did you mention that you were TTC or was this just something they tell everyone? Just curious how it all works! I cant wait to see how her predictions turn out....sorry about the whole girl thing :laugh: :tongue:

    So, my son has officially started his terrible 2's. He's been frustrating the hell out of me for the last few days. I really am not a patient person at all...and he's really really testing me. I had a horrible day with him yesterday. He was acting out the most out of all the kids on the field trip, I had to remove him from the group several times and we had soo many tantrums yesterday. I was exhausted, frustrated, and fed up by the time I got to the gym for spin class. I thought it would be good to take the frustration out by working hard but I barely got through class...I was dragging....it was a horrible class because I didnt work at all. He started with his little acting out already this morning and by the time I dropped him off at daycare I was done with him and just walked away...I never walk away without a kiss and regreted it as soon as I drove off....now Im sitting here missing my lil man wondering if he hates me for not being patient with him :brokenheart: :sad:

    checking in for yesterday-
    calories- around 1200
    water- did bad with this too....but prob around 70-80?
    sodium- right on targ t wish it was lower
    excercise- spin class
    proud- that i went to spin class when i had every excuse in the world not to
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-YAY!! Congrats on the onderland!! I'm so so so so proud of you. I didn't text you cause I knew you would of made me workout. LOL I didn't wanna do it last night. I'm in a funk and need to snap out of it!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Guten morgen! It is a horrendous, dreary, rainy day here in Maryland. The bad news? My kickball game has been cancelled. The good news? That means I get to go to my niece's gymnastics class tonight and I have been missing her something fierce!

    Check in from yesterday:
    Calories: 100 over (not too bad for just starting back)
    Water: about 10 glasses- aww yea!
    Exercise: Does living on a third floor walk up count? I didn't think so....
    Proud: I am getting better at not judging myself by other people's bodies (kind of odd, but I suspect you all understand that one)

    By the way- what is the daily burn? I saw that it sends you emails with workout schedules? This sounds like something I NEED!

    Cris: That is fantastic news!! I am so excited for you and can't wait until I can join you in Onederland!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member

    Scale was at 199.4 this morning...whoop whoop! was kind of expecting it because I usually weigh 3lbs lighter in the morning and after dinner I was weighing between 201-202 with my clothes on. It was still super exciting to see the actual "1" this morning.

    I will not will not will not let myself go back to 200+ lbs...it makes me feel so miserable!!!

    Momma- Im so glad you did yourk out!! Your descritpion of what you looked like had me cracking up!:laugh:

    Blue -WOOOHOOO! That is FANTASTIC news! Im so happy you have achieved yet ANOTHER milestone on your journey..you are simply amazing! :heart:

    Melinda- Mmmm Im kind of jealous of your trip! Sounds yummy...but bad :frown:

    Jess- So now you are avoiding me! If you had texted me last night you know I would have made you feel guilty about not working out! Oooo the worl series thing sounds exciting though! (PS- I forgive you)

    Deb- Its cute to see how excited you are! Have fun today!

    Julie- I have always wanted to go to a psychic too! Just curious, did you mention that you were TTC or was this just something they tell everyone? Just curious how it all works! I cant wait to see how her predictions turn out....sorry about the whole girl thing :laugh: :tongue:

    So, my son has officially started his terrible 2's. He's been frustrating the hell out of me for the last few days. I really am not a patient person at all...and he's really really testing me. I had a horrible day with him yesterday. He was acting out the most out of all the kids on the field trip, I had to remove him from the group several times and we had soo many tantrums yesterday. I was exhausted, frustrated, and fed up by the time I got to the gym for spin class. I thought it would be good to take the frustration out by working hard but I barely got through class...I was dragging....it was a horrible class because I didnt work at all. He started with his little acting out already this morning and by the time I dropped him off at daycare I was done with him and just walked away...I never walk away without a kiss and regreted it as soon as I drove off....now Im sitting here missing my lil man wondering if he hates me for not being patient with him :brokenheart: :sad:

    checking in for yesterday-
    calories- around 1200
    water- did bad with this too....but prob around 70-80?
    sodium- right on targ t wish it was lower
    excercise- spin class
    proud- that i went to spin class when i had every excuse in the world not to
    Cris wait till he turns 3.Sorry to give you this new but 3's are WAY worse.At least in my experience it has been.My daughter went to the grocery store with me yesterday evening which I knew was a mistake to begin with but she promised to be good so I took her (she is 3) She was fine the first 20 minutes we were in there and then for the next hour we were in there she decided to scream and cry because I wouldn't let her out of the buggy.I was ready to scream.Mind you at this point in my pregnancy I am either ready to tear someones head off or just cry.Hormonal imbalance big time.So my frustration continued when she cried all the way home and then stopped when she saw her daddy again .
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - WTG On being in onderland once a again!!!!!

    I soo know the feelign...abby still is in the terrible 2's, 3's and now almost 4....She was just awful yesterday...this morning a tad better but not by much...I soo understand it...she is soo dramatic too...she turns on the tears in a second and then next minute she is fine, she won't eat her food a majority of the time, won't stay in her room, if you don't give her exactly what she wants she cries and throws a fit, don't even get me started of going to the store...I am hoping it will pass....her bday is in a month and a 1/2 i am hoping she outgrows this. Serena was only bad like a little when she was about 2-3, i am dealing with the brunt of that now, so hopefully he is just have some bad days ...i feel for ya little mommma....

    Thanks :smile: Thing is i am sooo excited, and we will be there for maybe an hour and it is over :sad: nothing else till the builders meeting in a few weeks, then probably not doing anything on the house til after thanksgiving...dang how i hate waiting...but at least we will know our colors :smile:
  • purpleprose
    Good morning! Got up super early to tackle week 9 day 1 of C25K but had two issues while running: the first was having a dire need to go #2 (waaay TMI, sorry) and the second was nearly having an asthma attack at minute 20. So I ran about 20 minutes, but then really did have to stop, get home, and take my inhaler. So I'm bummed I couldn't finish, as it's the first time with C25K other than my first run post-surgery where I couldn't do the whole thing.

    Trying to brush it off and will try again Saturday morning.

    We have a huge presentation tomorrow, so not much time to talk today and no workout tomorrow AM, but am going to try and work one in between the end of the presentations and the school's celebration of Diwali tomorrow night. My friend even brought a saree back from India for me, so I can't wait to wear it for the first time!

    And my munchies have not diminished. All I want to do is eat!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Nancy: I'm so excited for you! Getting off of medications is always a huge accomplishment, especially when it's for diabetes! You're amazing!!

    Julie: I've always wanted to go to a psychic, too, but could never figure out where to find one that wouldn't be insanely expensive and would be somewhat (possibly) believable.

    Momma: Way to go on completing your workout!

    Mallorie: dailyburn.com is a site similar to MFP, but you can set up workouts and other things. I use that site to determine how many calories I should be eating a day because I think it's more accurate and takes more things into account that MFP does for that. However, I don't like the food tracking as well on that site, so I stay here for that and the message boards.

    Cris: Yay to being back in Onederland!

    Jess: I feel you on the not wanting to workout. I skipped my workouts both yesterday and Tuesday and am not feeling horribly guilty and trying to figure out how to "catch up" without messing up my original schedule too much. Why did I do that to myself? I've just been SO tired the past two days and felt like sleep was much more important. Well, that an watching The Hangover on Tuesday.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 678...I blame the 10pm McDonald's stop because I was starving and didn't plan ahead. The Angus Deluxe is delicious, though!
    Sodium: Over by 1843
    Water: 41.8 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: Of the progress our riders made this year. I'm sad I won't see most of them until April now, but it was a fun season!