Over 200 New Year New Me Part 36



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- Sorry your son is acting out. I struggle with lack of patience, too, but mostly just with my incompetent and irrational employees. As for the psychic, it was a pregnancy/conception reading, she knew my full name, date of birth, if I currently had any kids, and if I was currently ttc. And I guess since she had my full name she could pretty safely assume I'm married (since my middle name is my maiden name).

    Mallorie -- I am HORRIBLE about judging myself against other women.

    And on that note, I have a horribly innacurate body image. Dh has always said I do but last night I was watching an infomercial (yeah...) for body shaping underwear (nice, right?) and they were measuring women before and after to see how many inches different their waist measurement was with the shapewear on. One lady came on and I said to dh that I saw myself as similar to that woman's size. He looked at me like I was in-freaking-sane. And apparently I am. Because her waist was 18 inches bigger than mine. EIGHTEEN. 18. :noway: Her waist measurement: 49" Mine: 31". 49-31 really does = 18. Holy crap. I was NEVER her size, even at my very biggest.

    It's like the "How to look good naked" show when they line women up slimmest to fattest & tell the person they're working with to put themselves where they think they belong in the line. They always put themselves in line as fatter than the fattest and then the host has to move them to where they actually belong and they're blown away to see what size they really are compared to other women.

    I know my best friend and I wear the same pants size. I know I only weigh 10 pounds more than she does (she's also a couple inches taller than me though). Yet I feel like she's SO much smaller. To me, I look like a big fat cow and she looks like a normal sized girl. Why do we do it to ourselves?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ann/Deb- OMG please dont tell me that...I seriously can not handle him like this for a day let alone several years!!! I start out by being very diplomatic and asking him why hes upset/sad/mad...etc...but uhm yea he doesnt talk so then we are both frustrated because he cant tell me why hes upset, what he wants, or why hes acting that way.. He cried over every possible thing yesterday and I jsut wanted to shake him and be like snap out of it what the hell is wrong with you...hmmm pretty sure CPS would take him away if I did that though so I refrained :tongue:

    Julie- interesting...

    Jess- I think you are too comfortable because the wedding is a week away and you are rocking the BM dress...Im sure that if you were still unhappy with how you looked in it youd be singing a different tune. Maybe its time to go try on a bathing suit for your trip? maybe that will help the motivation come back?....dunno sister sometimes we just need a break too!

    Heather- Im sure the kiddos will miss you too!

    Allison- good luck with your presentation and keeping the munchies under wrap! remember those size 18s!!!

    I am super hungry and its 1230 here...I havent had time to get food so im going now ttyl!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member

    Hello all! I’m back from Atlanta and feeling rather “eh”. I’m going to yoga tonight, which will feel amazing – I haven’t been in two weeks (yup, two weeks since I have done any exercise. No wonder I’m feeling “eh”!) Atlanta was good – I let myself go a little crazy on Tuesday night and had four beers and a burger. I did stop myself from getting fries or mashed potatoes and had the steamed veggies (quite good!) as my side. But there were all these beers that were down in Atlanta that I can’t get up here in New York, so I HAD to try them. Then yesterday at the airport, we realized that we had enough time to find the one Chick-fil-A there and I split a 12-piece nugget meal with my manager. She had never had Chick-fil-A before, so I felt it was my duty to right that wrong. YUM!!

    Checking in for Tuesday and Wednesday –
    Cals – OVER by 888 =2088 cals
    Water – 32 oz
    Exercise – none
    Proud – Steamed veggies instead of fries

    Cals – Over by 645 = 1845 cals
    Water – 48 oz
    Exercise – none
    Proud – Ate lots of fruit yesterday at our conference instead of the chips and candy that were lying around

    Ann – Loving the names. You’ve got lots of great options!
    Cris – Your little guy knows that you love him. Good work on those spin classes and ONEDERLAND!!
    Blue – Hooray for you!! What an amazing feeling and accomplishment. You will never need to take those drugs again – you are a new Nancy!
    Jess – Girl, you know I feel you on the losing motivation. You were rocking those Insanity workouts – if you can’t go back full, just see what activity you can start to do. So cool that Mike wants to include you in the World Series tickets!
    Mallorie – Welcome!! So glad you are here and great job only being 100 over on your first day tracking! Small steps!
    Heather – It’s great you have a boyfriend that loves you and cares so much about what you are passionate about. That’s a good thing to be proud of!
    Julie – Love that you made stuffed-crust pizza! Ha! Even better that you worked for it – I bet it tasted even better knowing that you had earned all that deliciousness.
    Laila – You are too kind to say that I’m an inspiration for you. However, that’s a pretty good kick in the pants! I’m coming back…just taking my time. Your dinner from last night sounds amazing!
    Deb – Have fun at the design center today. What a cool thing to pick out everything about your new home. Happy hunting for the right battery!
    Momma – God did choose you to be Ryan’s mom. And as you’ve said, He doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle. Also, you are AMAZING on these Daily Burn workouts!
    Allison – You have been doing amazing busting through those C25K workouts. Such an inspiration to me! Sometimes those long runs need a few tries. You WILL get through that workout on Saturday.
    Mstahl – Enjoy the food….and the state of the art workout facility that’s probably on site!! :laugh:

    Oh! I can’t believe I almost forgot what happened last night. I’ve got to do interviews (as the interviewer) next week and I realized that I wasn’t sure what to wear. I put on an old suit I haven’t worn in years (size 12) and Jonathan just laughed at me. Nothing fit quite right. So that’s a no go. Then I found another suit (w/a skirt – also size 12) and put that on. He said that it was OK, certainly better than the other one. The skirt looked a little frumpy. Then I got a little risky and remembered this great black sheath dress I’ve had for years. I thought, “Hmm….perhaps I can wear this dress and put the jacket over it.” The risky part – the dress is a size 8. Put on the dress. It fit!! Jonathan said it looked amazing. You all – I was ROCKING a SIZE 8!!!! AHH!!! It was the coolest freaking feeling! I’ll be sure to take pictures next week when I’m wearing it. Thanks for the support and cheers through the rough times. Putting on that dress was pretty freaking awesome. I have you all to thank for a lot of that feeling.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris, I don't know much about babies but I am pretty sure you're not supposed to shake them. :tongue:

    Lauren -- mmmmmm, Chick-fil-a. My only saving grace is that it's "expensive." :laugh: I used to work with James Cathy, a grandson of Truett Cathy (the founder/CEO of Chick-fil-a). AT PAPA JOHN'S! :laugh: Every time he worked he'd bring in huge amounts of Chick-Fil-A food. We all thought it was commendable he was working at all (even if just part-time for a couple months :tongue:) considering his future is pretty much Chick-Fil-A inheritance gold. Really, really nice kid.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Cris, I don't know much about babies but I am pretty sure you're not supposed to shake them. :tongue:

    ***SIGH*** But its soooo tempting sometimes!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Lauren- I had chik fil a this week too, their original fried sandwich is like 430 calories...so I make it work. I saw your pic on FB and laughed as I ate my delicious sandwich...

    Welcome home!!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Lauren a size 8 is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo AMAZING!! I can put a size 8 dress on my left thigh only! Congrats!!!!

    Cris, they forget what we do seconds later and they still love us NO matter what. That is what makes children so GREAT!!!! He is doing his job which is being terribly while 2!!! HA!! Also my girls were worse at 3 but my son got better so maybe it is a girl thing.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: Great job rockin' the size 8 dress. That's awesome! I can't wait to join you in the size 8 department. I'm glad you're back home safe. I so wanted to right the wrong of my sister never having Chik-Fil-A when we were in Kansas, but they're closed on Sunday. Stupid! They could totally dominate the fast-food world (away from McDonalds) if they would only be open on Sunday...and build a few here in Minnesota!

    Julie: I hear you on the size thing. I think I look way bigger than I apparently do. I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that I'm 185-188 lbs instead of 219 lbs. I'm not sure when I'll ever get past thinking I'm huge. I mean, really, the average size pants for the "average American woman" is 14! I'm TWO sizes smaller than average. I think I should skip the psychic and go get hypnotized for better body image.

    The boyfriend is trying to find someone to go to dinner with us tomorrow night, most likely in Minneapolis and I'm kind of thinking I want to wear a dress. Yep, I said it...."want" to wear a dress. With my high, awesome black boots. I have exactly what I want to wear in mind, so it's just a matter of seeing if I can find it affordable enough at the few stores I'll have time to visit. Since when did I want to be girly? Weird.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    WOOOHOOOO ON SIZE 8's thats so exciting...single digits!!! You better post pics or I will be forced to drive to NY to see you!

    Heather- I always seem to crave chik fil a on Sundays, must be one of those "forbiden" things haha! If you find a dress dont forget to take pics for us!

    I should have my engagement shoot pics within a few days from Sunday so I will def be sharing those with the group...! YAY
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Can't wait to see the engagement pics

    Lauren-Size 8!? WOW GIRL!! That is simply amazing! Great job!!

    Heather-Hope you find the outfit you have in your mind. Weird wanting to be girly huh? Can't wait to see pics if you find "The outfit"

    Thank you all for the support on losing some motivation. Cris is probably right that the bridesmaid dress is looking good so I have slacked off. I should go try on swimsuits. The trip is a little less then 4 months away if we go on the date we are thinking...it could change. So I could roughly lose 20-30 pounds by then IF I get my big butt in gear...That would put me at about 180ish...I'd love to be 180 by then...Too bad I couldn't rock a bikini at 180...not sure I would ever be able to do that..I'd feel to naked!:tongue:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    Just wanted to pop in and share my walking story...

    Today I set out to walk 3 miles...I went to my normal walking/jogging spot. when I left the house to drop my son to pre-school it was misting. I dropped him off and went straight to the community park. it was still misting and I said no matter what I am going to walk those 3 miles I set for me today. well, it begain to drizzle a bit and stop and I kept walking. it was about an hour into me walking and when I checked my 3 mile mark on the pedometer I had passed the 3 mile mark and I was closer to the 4 mile mark...walking @ about 4.5 mph..and In this whole experience I felt like I could do more but it began to rain even harder and I didn't want to get sick..but I felt like I could do anything I put my mind into...mind over matter.. sorta way.

    ok. enough rambling. Have a great day!

    check back in a few...son is jumping around like a monkey because hie has nothing to do...all I hear today is "i'm bored" well buddy so am i...I hate when it rains...
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi girls ... just checking in but not actually back. Our German student left this morning, and although it is nice to get back to our normal busy routine (without being 'crazy' busy with having a guest) ... we will miss her because she was very sweet. We did way too much eating out while she was here, and I didn't watch what I ate at all. I kept up on my step class though. I am struggling with the day and time change - instead of Tuesday/Thursdays at 6:45 it is now Monday/Wednesdays at 6:00 and that seems like a lot earlier ... and the day change has been tough too. At least my Saturday class has stayed the same, but I need to add in more exercise on my 'off' days.
    We are getting closer on buying the family farmhouse from my Aunt's estate... appraisal this afternoon. Now I just have to hold my breath that we get a closing date soon and make it through it.
    I hope to be back tomorrow, and will hopefully have more time to catch up with how everyone has been doing.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awesome job Laila! 4.5mph is a great pace! :happy:

    Lauren -- I somehow missed the news of size 8. WOOHOO!!! :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Istpaul -- great news the purchase of the family farm is progressing. I'm so glad for you that you've been able to work that out.

    I'm meeting up with some old coworkers tomorrow evening. It's been about 6 months since the last time we got together. I've lost 13 pounds since the last time I saw them. While I'd normally grumble hardcore about "only losing 13 pounds in 6 months" I realized that I thought I've just been pretty much maintaining my weight since then. 13 pounds isn't much yet somehow it seems pretty significant. If I can lose 13 pounds in the next 6 months, that puts me around 179 in April. Not thrilling by any stretch but somehow I'm okay with that!

    We're going to Buffalo Wild Wings. I'm completely confident I can make a healthy-ish food choice there. I am not confident I'm not going to drink 3-4 beers. I'll likely be ovulating soon (lol way tmi :blushing:) so this could be the last time I go out with friends for drinks for a LONG time! Looks like I"ll be gymming it up this weekend! I'm really hoping to go for a long bike ride on Fort Jackson (a super protected part of the "Palmetto Trail") Saturday or Sunday. That would rock my socks. I. love. biking. I've never been on the trail before. I hope it's a good one because I would LOVE to have a long trail like that to bike regularly.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Lauren - WTG On Rocking the size 8 dress !!!!!!!

    Laila - Good job on the walking !!

    Just got back from the design center, it was soo much fun, if i had limitless funds it would of been soo much more fun :smile: We did spend about 900 in upgrades. We got upgraded dishwasher (i hate this one, it sounds like it will take off any minute), upgraded carpet pad (which i think is well worth it, in the long run), and upgraded light fixture in our foyer (it is the only place jeremy can't change one out since it is like 20 feet in the air, and 4" square accents for our back splash (we weren't thrilled with our tile slection but we are living with them, this makes it pop a little better). THe 900 will be all fianced in to our loan, and only changing our payment like less than 5$ a month, we just have to pay 1/2 here in a few weeks.

    We were debating on our tile, they pretty much had a real light color, a medium color and a darker color. We went for the darker for everything downstaris. Our kitchen is going to be dark but i it real open and a big windown over the sink so hopefully it won't look too dark.

    GOt my batteries so need to go put them in the scale :smile: maybe it will be super accurate now and won't go all freaky on me all the time :smile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Yoga was great tonight - felt great to be working out again!

    Checking in for the night:
    Cals - Under w/exercise = 1484 cals
    Water - 128 oz
    Exercise - 1 hour of hot yoga = 416 cals burned
    Proud - Exercising again!! YEAH!

    Thanks for all the size 8 love. Can't wait to show you all pics next week. :smile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I didn't read anything- just checking in and omg is it bad news!!!!!!!

    Calories - over by more than a thousand!!! seriously! holy cow BAD!
    Water - well I did good here!
    Exercise - sat in class all day although I did trot up the steps a few times during breaks

    Proud - that I didn't throw up my bazillion calorie dinner because that's not a good plan.

    Oh I was such a bad girl!!!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I am NOT looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. I am sure I've gained; I just hope it isn't too much. Been on a bad food eating frenzy for a few days. Bleh.

    check in:
    calories: under for once
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 minute walk
    proud: my first day as a non-diabetic was great!!!
  • purpleprose
    It is absurdly early. I am almost too tired to be properly excited over the 2.6 pound loss since last Friday. Almost. :bigsmile:

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Laila...............-3................0.0% ( previous weight I gain)

    Congrats allison on almost 3 pounds...You rock!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning girls!! TGIF !!!!

    I am very excited, so I am officially on the other side :smile: I have now lost 1/2 my weight !! Not by much but i am !! I have passed the 75 lbs mark!! Barely , but I did it. I was at 242.6 this morning.

    Laila...............-3................0.0% ( previous weight I gain)
    Debra ............-2.4............0.98%