Over 200 New Year New Me Part 36



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sorry I didn't come weigh in or post yesterday. All is good! No loss this week for me. Darn TOM! Just been busy. Got to spend some time with Mike at the Fair (I was semi good). Had a sausage on a stick and fried frito pie. But 4 hours of almost constant walking. Went to the TCU VS BYU game..had a good time..alll in all so far it's been a great weekend. Have read any of the posts. Will get caught up tomorrow! Night everybody.
  • purpleprose
    Hello from DC! One of my best friends is European so I get to see him only 4-5 times per year but he is in town this weekend in advance of work this week so I came up to see him. :)

    Weather is gorgeous, ran week 9 day 1 of C25K yesterday before driving up here, and he was so complimentary of my weight loss. Checked in at the hotel gym this AM - am only ONE pound away from 250!! Better be seeing that this week.

    Anyway, I'm doing some homework while he does some real work, then off to a few museums and monuments. Haven't been to DC in ages - I'd forgotten how pretty it is.

    Happy Sunday!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Still struggling with getting back on track. (So much so that I've developed this lovely eye twitch). Anyhow.... good day so far, I got up and did some yoga. I've made a plan to apply to at least one job today. My job has been gracious enough to give me another week of work, so I can end with a full paycheck.

    I have also made a plan to get back in the habit of logging food. I haven't been awful (except for yesterday's ice cream binge) lately, but I haven't been good either.

    I hope all of you are well! I miss everyone :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies...

    Well we gave in on the not eating out this weekend :sad: so we blew money and eating good...but we only at once on sat or sunday so maybe that helped, once i meaning for dinner/lunch...

    I am like 3 lbs up from friday, but considering i am sure i had like 10mill mg of sodium, between mexican on saturday and pizza buffet yesterday...not tooo too worried

    I did do spin clases on saturday and sunday so hoping that helped.

    So i was soo freaking ticked off on saturday...so we go in to spin class, our teacher we love was subbing, so we decided to go.

    We go in jeremy turns the fans on (cause noone wa sin there), we sit right under the fans. ..some jerk wad comes in turns the fan off appearently and left (we weren't in there), then right before class he comes in and turns them off...says it is better to not have them on,he left, and teafcher asked who wants them on and 90% says yes...he comes back in and she tells then we need them on, he throws a fit that your muscles work better if it is hot...(coming in with like wind breaker on)...she agreed to put them 1/2 way...at this point i was was just pissed,...more that this guy than them being at 1/2 way on...teacher asked jeremy what my problem was, then like 1/2 way she turned them back up :smile: and she admitted it was getting hot in there.

    So jerk wad stopped really working and said he lost his motivation with the fans on and left.

    Come on dude!! Why do you freaking think they put those big fans in the spin class...for appearence...I mean there are only 4 , so don't sit under one if you don't like it...But of course he goes and sits right underneath one then complains about the fan.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning girls!

    I saw a a198 this weekend and a 197 this morning but I think they were both flukes. I wont be recording my weight until Fridays now because before I was just doing it daily because my ticker was so close to the beginning I needed to see it move!

    Anyway- the weekend was pretty good. Saturday I went to my stepson's football game then we came home, relaxed for about 15 mins and went to the pumpkin farm. We visited the petting zoo, went through the maze, haunted house, and took a hay ride..at the end we picked out pumpkins and went home. We didnt get to carve them yet because it was getting late but we gutted them and cleaned the inside. It was a fun family day! Eating wise I had a cereal bar, like 3/4 of a hot dog (gave some to my son), and then a lasagna. We were running around so much I didnt have time to eat...my only excercise was all the walking, and I came in within calories

    Sunday- yea thats a different story. We had our engagement shoot and I was getting ready for like 2 hours because I am so self concious I just wanted to look my best..but anyway. Bobby and I took these little shoots to losen up because we both really were uncomfortable with the whole thing cause her focus was us..so anyway it did work and we had sooo much fun! I cant wait to get the pics..but the one shot made me want to drink more so I went and bought a 12 pack...all in all I came in at 2100 calories for the day yesterday which is supposedly my maintenance ? does that sound right?

    So I saw 197.4 on the scale but thats because beer dehydrates me A LOT. I have shown like 10lb losses after a night of drinking...so I will wait until tomorrow to get a better gauge on where I am after the weekend.

    I am so hung over irght now so I dont have time for personals...ttyl

    Oh Deb- I dont know if thats with a ll spin classes but there is a guy in our class who demands taht we only turn 2 fans on and he shuts the door so it gets really really hot....the more you sweat the better...It gets crazy hot in there sometimes its like a sauna and I feel like im going to pass out. I have never heard that about your muscle working more efficiently ...interesting
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    Just a quick check in for the last few days!

    I was over Friday by more than a thousand calories, under Saturday and back up last night :sad:

    So today is it. I missed breakfast so I grabbed a spoon full of peanut butter - and I'm going to down plenty of my green chai tea!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - Can't wait to see the pics !! The fans go on or off, that is it. But they are on the ends and the middle doesn't have them. I have been to almost at least 1 every week since may, and NEVER had anyone say that...We close the door all the time. SHe was ticked at him too...she kept giving him a hard time cause he wasn't sweating and she said "we turned the fans down you better start sweating". I mean her class is hard enough and i sweat plenty doing it....
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Good morning! I kind of dropped off of everything this weekend. With the exception of walking around a pumpkin patch and pushing my niece's stroller for 2 hours, I didn't exercise at all. And food?? Well, when I think about the amount of times I ate I am ok, then I think about WHAT I ate, and I am not. I will have to go back tonight and log it.

    I am trying very hard not to emotionally eat today. Those of you in HR will appreciate this: two Friday's ago my assistant was offered a branch manager position in the company. She took it- as in THAT day she started. So for the last week I have been alone. I am not just HR, but also Executive Assistant AND Office Manager: for 9 branches and 80 employees. I am trying to hold it together while doing payroll this morning, ordering all of the cold/flu supplies for all of our branches, dealing with employee isses (such as two terminations last week), billings, and oh yea- AAP compliance for the over 100 applcations that were received between last Thursday and today.

    BURNT--- OUT!!!!! And when I finally leave here today? Yea- I get to go take a mid-term on campus for an online class. Woot? I see myself calling some friends afterwards and meeting them out for sushi or drinks. And by drinks I actually mean diet coke for me. I WOULD do a Shirley Temple (SOOO GOOD!) but there is way too much sugar in there.

    Oh yea- the scale hasn't moved. Which is better than going up, so I am ok with that for today.