Over 200 New Year New Me Part 36



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    Cris, about the terrible 2, 3 , 4, or even 5, my son mildly went through the terrible stages, however, this year ( 4 y/o about to be 5 soon) and since he has been going to school he has been so whinny…I can’t stand the whining. Over the stupidest things, for example, he wanted a snack after breakfast so I said OK I have apples or oranges on the table grab on and I will cut if for you..he was like “no, I want you to give me Pringles” I said no, he began to whine and gibberish talk…”why can’t I have my snack..I want a snack” me trying to be calm and explain to him I am not giving you a junky snack at 8am…more like after lunch you can have your Pringles. This is new to us…so what I have learned was to ignore the action you want to eliminate..so I did. He stop and came to his senses and said..I can have it when I come home from preschool. I said yes. Last year he developed the whining but it stop when he stopped going to school..but also I ignored it..Yea, it gets to you but I sometimes leave the room to collect myself before I have an outburst on him because this year it’s a whine with screaming and wanting to throw something…and I don’t tolerate this behavior. I knew before ( when he was younger) he was hardheaded. It’s usually his way or no way… every little thing he want to do, eat, or play is some negotiation behind it. Let say he wanted to play with the playdough I would say take two jars..he would say how about 3. I’ll no, but momma why can’t I have three I won’t mix them up. And he will keep at this until “you” give up..but No I stay strong and say I said two or nothing. And then he plays with the two and mixes the colors up..I would tell him why, he says, “ you said I couldn’t mix the 3 colors you didn’t sayd the two colors” so that is what I have to deal with. He is tough, hardheaded, and very very active 4 y/o child…so that is the day of a 4 y/o…

    And yah , like the other girls said in public places is the worst..but he knows not to act up because I will grab his hand and squeeze it and he know to stop his nonsense..and he pretty much does…ya I know I am a stricked parent..but if I’m not, I will be considered an unfit parent..and anyway one parent has to be strick while the other is more lenient … and in our household we play both rolls..good luck Cirs!

    Sorry for the long novel..lol

    Allison, wow, you are doing an amazing job with C25k…there are many times I had to redo a day or week..like you said “brush it off and try again” just don’t think you can’t do it when you can…Good luck and I know you will finish it. Just take your time…

    My older son has asthma and he doesn’t rely on it like the doctor wants him to, I say “only when needed” and last year he probably only used it twice…but this year not sure do to him playing football. I make him take the inhaler with him in case something does happen.

    Julie, I hate those infomercials…makes us feel so self conscious all the time. Have lots of fun with your friends…party hard before you know what happens..

    Elmox, welcome home… and an amazing job fitting into a size 8..you are doing terrific!

    Healther, can’t wait to see pic of the outfit… I bet you will look great :)

    Istpaul ,I am glad things are working your way..property wise

    Deb, glad you had lot of fun at the design center. I love watching HGTV every night..and you giving us descriptions reminds me of some of the shows..good luck!

    Mstahl, just brush yourself off and make better choices the next meal…

    Nancy, sorry to hear about your day :flowerforyou:

    Deb, congrats on almost 3 pounds…awesome girl!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Allison-- AWESOME!
    Laila -- look at you shimmying on down! That water weight is coming off. ^_^
    Deb -- Weight. Loss. Machine!

    Laila...............-3................0.0% ( previous weight I gain)
    Debra ............-2.4............0.98%
    Julie............... 0...............0%

    Still up one pound from my lowest ever at 192.4 but that's down 2 pounds from last Friday. I'm okay with it. I've been so bad with my sodium intake this week and TOM just left me last night. With TOM lasting so long and my cycle being as short as it is, I'm about to O now and I always retain water around that time, too. I have so many excuses! :tongue: I'm slowly but surely getting back into slow weightloss mode. I fully expect a loss from lowest next Friday.

    Put my size 14 no stretch jeans on right out of the dryer this morning That's a very good thing. I always wear a size bigger in denim. I think jeans are usually not cut well to accomodate my hips because it's always that way no matter what size I am. This time last year even after losing like 15 pounds I couldn't even comfortably wear my size 22 very stretchy jeans right out of the dryer. :happy:
    I can't really be upset with myself, you know? No matter how slowly, I'm still losing weight after 13 months. :bigsmile: With a "diet," I would've lost like 50 pounds and gained it all back by the time month 13 rolled around.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1745 (goal 1500) I had it in the bag until I stayed up too late and got hungry again. For some reason I HAD to have 1/2 a peanut butter sandwich and a cup of milk. At least there was some nutritional value in that.
    Water: Around 8 cups. Better but not where I want to be.
    Proud: My serious junk food cravings are now for food that in my past life I would have considered pretty healthy. I made soft serve strawberry/mango frozen yogurt (blend plain yogurt & frozen fruit) and crushed 2 oreos in it. It was exactly what I wanted. Previously I would've eaten half a package of oreos & like half a gallon of milk with the same craving. Then last night I had the major snack attack for a peanut butter sandwich. While those things aren't so fantastic for weight loss, they're really not so bad especially compared to how it used to be for me.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Laila...............-3................0.0% ( previous weight I gain)
    Debra ............-2.4............0.98%
    Julie............... 0...............0%

    Just down a little bit from last week but fine by me - I am at 167.8 this morning and I cannot be any lower than 167 or any higher than 169 on my wedding morning anyway so the dress fits perfectly. Anticipating some gain later next week after Bachelorette party, rehearsal lunch and various family meals, all should be perfect.

    I read very few posts this week but..... MAJOR CONGRATULATIONS TO BLUE :drinker: :drinker: That is such a huge accomplishment. I'm so proud of you :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Sorry I can't comment on everyone else this week and this will probably be the last day I can post for a while. I won't be checking in next week but I'm still going to log as much as I can.

    Congrats to all the losers this week.:flowerforyou:

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    OOH OOH OOH!!! Today's Groupon in my city is for a $10 2 hour horseback trail ride! I'm so freaking excited! I've never ridden (aside from like... the ponies at the zoo when I was a small child :laugh:) and I've always wanted to. One of the best parts is I'm 60 pounds under the weight limit. :bigsmile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Laila...............-3................0.0% ( previous weight I gain)
    Debra ............-2.4............0.98%
    Julie............... 0...............0%

    I'm not too worried about being up, since it's TOM and I had a week full of travel, and only one day of exercise. I'm pretty confident I can get back down to last week lowest weight soon.

    Congrats to our losers - you are KILLING it!

    Julie - What an awesome deal - sounds super fun! The only scary thing about Groupon is I have to always ask myself, "Is this a really good deal? Do I actually NEED this?" Silly, but true! I bought a spa one in August (facial, massage, exfoilating scrub) and I want to schedule it sometime in the winter. Love me some Groupon!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Wokas been hectic so I onltime to check the boards now

    Posme- Your walk story is really inspiring 4.5 is a GREAT pace! Thats what I did my c25k runs in the first time around. Thanks also for sharing about your son. My son is def stubborn aI know he gets it from me...I am the strict parent as I am the one with him most of the time. I will keep sticking to the rules and someday hopefully he will get it! I try to be consistent but its hard when most of the time you re doing it alone...

    Istapul- great news about your Aunt's farm! Keep us posted

    Deb- your visit to the design center sounds fun!

    Deb/Allison- GREAT LOSSES!

    I was at about 1300 cals last night, right on target with sodium, good with water, spin class was my excercise

    I was at 199.2 this morning- 4.2lbs until my Halloween goal!!!

    I've noticed that I am eating a lot more foods that I like and enjoy but trying to balance the sodium and extra calories from heatlhier foods so that I am still within calories. Ive been eating bagels (love them!) my pizzas, sandwiches everything and it hasnt hurt me at all as far as I can see...so Im super happy and it makes me more confident that I wont binge, since I am eating stuff I like, and that I can keep at this for the long term...portion sizes are really becoming moreclear to me which is HUGE


  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - Glad to hear you are being able to eat the stuff you like that is great...and YAY on the 199### You are doing great, just keep at it and you WILL get to your halloween goal.

    THis morning has been soo busy freaking 11 already...i got this new project and actually got to do lots of work :smile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    julie, thanks for hte sweet comment :)

    cris, congrats in losing almost 6 pounds girl!!!!

    meokk, sending a viral hug you way..you might need one right about this time:heart::flowerforyou:

    So my brother (younger than me by 6 years - and a lot less thinner) challenged me to do P90x ab ripper...he is complainng it is so hard and I won't last 2 minutes doing the moves..So I utube it and found the moves...it's like 14 differnet moves in about 18 minutes. I want to see if I can actually CAN do it and rub it in his face. I asked him many times to bring the dvd to my house so I can see what he is doing..and he keeps saying "It's too hard for me" my main concern is that my tail bone hurts when I do abs, I tried to put a pillow under my butt, but I'm not sure if I get the same results...

    so now I am off to see if I can do it..because it might look easy (that's what I thought about 30day shred) but turns out so hard. wish me luck...

    BTW, where is Jess??? she is usually a morning poster...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Meoo- OMG its almost wedding time!!! Soo excited for you! Please please post pics...please? haha I know its early to start hounding you but that way you wont forget

    Posme- I think you can prob do it! I havent seen the workouts but ur a determined chick!

    So I got 2 slices of cheese pizza from this fantastic restaurant nearby....oy looks like I will be spending quite a bit of time at the gym today..and drinking a billion oz of water. Julie what would you recommend logging the pizzas at? I know you eat them at work so I was wondering what you log it as...2 slices of cheese pizza...pretty thin crust
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    You'd probably be safe logging it as 2 slices from a large cheese pizza, handtossed crust from some chain like papa johns, pizza hut, or dominos. Rough guess without knowing exactly how big the slices are & how much cheese was on them would be 300 cals/slice and a ridiculous amount of sodium. :laugh: I'm assuming it's a 1/8 slice from a 14" pie with that guess.

    Heyo, I'm good. Looked up nutrition for papa johns, dominos, and pizza hut. 290-320/slice (at 1/8 of 14" pizza). I guess that's what working at pizza restaurants for over 10 years gets you -- fairly accurate pizza nutrtion estimating skills. Yay (note sarcasm and lack of enthusiasm).
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: I'm excited about your Groupon...that's a GREAT deal! Horseback riding typically costs $25-50 per HALF hour. Have fun! Ooh, and I'm jealous about Buffalo Wild Wings. I could eat there every day.

    Laila: Great job on the walking!

    lstpaul: Glad to hear things are progressing on the farm. Best of luck!

    Deb: Yay to having fun at the design center and getting upgrades that won't change your payment much. Woo hoo!

    Cris: Great job on making progress with the food and portion sizes.

    I'm going to eat lunch now. I'll try to check back. Oh, by the way, no one had the outfit I had in mind, so I'll probably wear a dress I already have. I don't have time to go shopping more tonight. Boo!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 91
    Sodium: Under by 620!
    Water: 50.7 oz...FAIL
    Exercise: None...FAIL
    Proud: Had a good sodium day.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laila...............-3................0.0% ( previous weight I gain)
    Debra ............-2.4............0.98%
    Julie............... 0...............0%

    Even though no official loss, I'm down a little bit from last Friday. The higher calorie thing is going okay so far and I've maintained a 2 lb. loss this week since I upped the calories. I also started doing protein shakes again as of this morning, so we'll see how it goes.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks Julie a lot of the generic pizzas on MFP were showing 200 so I chose that but Im about to change it to 300 each...booo! Im gonna have to do my c25k run AND bike/elliptical for awhile to get rid of those calories!

    Im not TOO worried about the sodium because I know its high so I dont need to have that number be accurate, I do want to get as close as possible in calories though just so I dont overeat for dinner!

    Heather- is it the same dress you took the picture in last time? Maybe u should take a picture anyway and see if you can tell a difference in your shape! I love doing that, but havent been able to for quite some time since I GAINED...

    Anywho 14lbs until my end of year goals so I really should stop eating pizza and get moving!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Woo the day is getting close to end...have a meeting in a bit hopefully it will make sense when i am all done...ug..

    went to the gym had a good workout.

    Finally got notice of our ach for our payment for oure rental house, i usually get the email about teh 10th and it is in the bank before the 15th...just got the email today so means won't be there till next week which m eans a late payment fee on our mortgage :sad: but apparently the guy paid late this month, along with a 54 $ fee...so that should cover my late fee..

    I am soo freaking paranoid about this house in Mississippi...i want this renter to stay forever..or at least till we move...if he moves out means extra costs for us and I cna't afford that, i am on a very strict plan to have enough to put down for the house....hubby tells me not to worry jut don't know how not to. :sad:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris, yes, I plan on wearing the same dress from last time. I'll see how it looks tonight before I decide whether I'll be taking another picture. I should try to get our friends to take a pic of me and bf together, since we don't often get in pics together. Usually we take all of our pictures while out hiking, so we just take each other's pic. We have very few together and none since we've lost eh bulk of our weight.

    Because I like to brag about him, I think he's cute AND awesome!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    that ab ripper x was so hard. I managed to do the first 7 until my legs and stomach began to hurt...I might just do a little at a time. I still feel it in my stomach and it's been 2 hours ago..

    Have a great weekend girls!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oooo Heather I want to see this awesome bf of yours!!!!

    So I went to the gym straight from work...did c25k w3d2 burned 300 cals (1 pizza down, 1 to go) then I got on the bike and stayed on it until I burned another 300 cals-pizza from lunch officially burned off!!!

    I have no idea what to have for dinner but something low in sodium would be my best bet if I dont want to see a 2-- on the scale tomorrow! Im just proud that I worked of those slices of pizza!!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- Way to freaking go at the gym!!

    Heather -- I'm also excited about seeing this bf of yours!! He sounds so awesome! :smile:

    Melinda -- I'm joining you in the OMG HOLY COW club. Check in to follow.

    Jess -- You better get your little *kitten* back here right now. Hope you're well. :flowerforyou:

    As you all know, I went out with old coworkers last night. As always we got tipsy, and then we got loud, and then the conversation went way downhill. Last night somehow we ended up talking about ob/gyn visits and the man actually left at that point. :laugh: I don't know why men get so uncomfortable talking about lady parts. :tongue: I was a mess. It's been quite some time since I drank anything (at least a month) so I was quite tipsy after my first pint of beer and then 2 pints followed.
    I did really well at first. I ordered what I planned to order after looking at nutrition info and then ate half of it. Drank 3 pints like I planned. And then I went home... and since it had been like 4 hours since I had eaten at the bar, I proceeded to eat the rest of my food. :ohwell: So that of course put me waaayyy over cals.

    Calories: 2410 (goal 1500. My dinner & drinks were more than 1500 cals :embarassed: )
    Exercise: nope
    Water: 15 cups; YAY!
    Proud: I only drank about 12oz diet soda. I love naturally flavored sparkling water (the kind with no sweeteners). And I plan to buy cans of that to keep at work instead of soda from this point forward. I do so well with water when it's all I have anywhere near me to drink because I'm too cheap to buy a soda from the vending machine instead. :tongue:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Laila...............-3................0.0% ( previous weight I gain)
    Debra ............-2.4............0.98%
    Julie............... 0...............0%

    Oh yes, you read it right. Bleh. Back on track as of yesterday. :grumble: