Touchy subject.......Regarding Physical Attraction



  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    Personally i don't fall in love with someones looks, i fall in love with their personality. So unless if they gain weight or lose weight and their personality changes i would not care. And if i gained weight or lost weight and my partner stopped being attracted to me, i would stab him/her in the back and get a divorce in a split second because that means they only loved me for my looks. True love is emotional not physical. And people that love their partner just for looks is a complete worthless human being. Love someone for who they are and not what they look like.

    Again false dichotomy. It is not an either/or proposition. People who are physically attracted to their spouses are not by definition shallow people and of course if their spouse changes to a point where they are no longer physically attractive to their partner that will have an effect on the relationship. Again that isn't shameful its just the admission of the reality that any int I mate relationship has or has the potential for physical attraction and that is a GOOD thing not a shameful thing.

    You can be physically attracted to someone, its okay. I honestly don't get people who would brag about how their relationship lacks a physical component.

    Everyone has their own opinion but if a relationship is just about sex or physical appearance is not love, it is lust.

    You realize you can have both right? That physical attraction on top of emotional connection adds rather than detracts and that having that but then losing it will hurt but the fact it hurts does not make you shallow or lustful.

    Seriously you are acting like you either are in love or in lust which again is a false dichotomy.

    I am sorry but the idea that a relationship built solely on a strong emotional connection that allows one to tolerate a lack of physical attraction is somehow a strong/better relationship to one where you have both strong emotional and physical attraction is bullsh@t. One does not somehow negate the other and yes if you have both then lose the physical attraction you will feel that negatively because you lost something you enhoyed. Never having it in the first place isn't better.

    Honey i never said you can't have both, i was just saying for people who ONLY want looks. Don't put words in my mouth darling. Having both is best of both worlds. Like i said before i was only talking about people who don't have an emotional connection and just physical, that is lust. So don't judge me babe.
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    Doesn't there come a time for most people when sexual attraction is a lot more complicated than finding someone physically attractive? If there's personality changes along with it, then okay, I can maybe get behind it, but marriage is work. Communication is work. Sexual activity and keeping it interesting is work. It's lazy to just go "Eh, you changed how you look, I can't get my rocks off anymore." There are ways to work with what you have and work on intimacy when outward appearance is a challenge.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    Doesn't there come a time for most people when sexual attraction is a lot more complicated than finding someone physically attractive? If there's personality changes along with it, then okay, I can maybe get behind it, but marriage is work. Communication is work. Sexual activity and keeping it interesting is work. It's lazy to just go "Eh, you changed how you look, I can't get my rocks off anymore." There are ways to work with what you have and work on intimacy when outward appearance is a challenge.

    This! A million times THIS!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I hear all the time looks don't matter...

    Well, that's nonsense. We are programmed for attraction, and there is nothing wrong with feeling that way.

    It's not the only thing that matters, of course....
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member

    Honey i never said you can't have both, i was just saying for people who ONLY want looks. Don't put words in my mouth darling. Having both is best of both worlds. Like i said before i was only talking about people who don't have an emotional connection and just physical, that is lust. So don't judge me babe.

    Oh good a patronizing tone. Not sure what I did to deserve that but I think I'm done now.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304

    Honey i never said you can't have both, i was just saying for people who ONLY want looks. Don't put words in my mouth darling. Having both is best of both worlds. Like i said before i was only talking about people who don't have an emotional connection and just physical, that is lust. So don't judge me babe.

    Oh good a patronizing tone. Not sure what I did to deserve that but I think I'm done now.

    Really? So you were judging me and making me out to be a dumbass and you want to play the "i'm innocent and i never do anything wrong" card. ...Okay then


    Seems like you just don't want to admit that you were wrong by patronizing me first and putting words that i didn't say in my mouth.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member

    Honey i never said you can't have both, i was just saying for people who ONLY want looks. Don't put words in my mouth darling. Having both is best of both worlds. Like i said before i was only talking about people who don't have an emotional connection and just physical, that is lust. So don't judge me babe.

    Oh good a patronizing tone. Not sure what I did to deserve that but I think I'm done now.

    Really? So you were judging me and making me out to be a dumbass and you want to play the "i'm innocent and i never do anything wrong" card. ...Okay then
    Seems like you just don't want to admit that you were wrong.

    You refered to people as being worthless human beings in your opening post along with a mocking gif and I responded saying why I didn't think that fair and felt it overly judgemental. I never called anyone wortless human beings i said its not such a clear cut dichotomy and it is wrong to place such a strong value judgement on the relationships of others simply on the basis of what you personally value more. That physical attraction can be an important part of a couples relationship without them being shallow.

    Did I call you honey or sugar or darling or idiot or worthless? No I did not as anyone can see.

    Clearly both of us see this differently so i will just leave what we said up and let others decide what if anything they agree on.
  • lwestmill
    lwestmill Posts: 91 Member
    Physical attraction is part of the relationship. It's hard to be intimate with a partner you're not physically attracted to, which IMO is why in lots of marriages or relationships, sex tends to wain as people gain weight over the years.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    You are so right.
    I noticed that since I have lost weight, my mate is MUCH more attracted to me. Therefore, I "felt" he wasn't as attracted to me when I was heavy. However, I do have to say, he never said anything or denied me anything. But, yea... I could just tell.
  • moya1219
    moya1219 Posts: 54 Member
    i dont think losing the urge for your significant other means you dont love them anymore or that its ONLY lust and theres no love..i mean yes there are those fellas that as soon as their women gain weight they run and dont look back now those i think are shallow. but my partner instead or running hes helping me through it .. he ran in the begining caus he didnt know if he could love me at this point , then came back the same day after he realized it didnt matter to him hoe i looked. that he fell in love wih my personality not my size. now idk if its just me but when you dont like the way you look at all and just seeing how much youve left yourself go your attitude will change, mind did for sure ! i was always moody and angry, insecure and i still am a bit but im working on it.. my partner and i dont really have sex because he doesnt find my body as attractive like he used to but he says he loves me the same and maybe even more than before and that the sex isnt bad its just not the same, he doesnt get that "urge" to rip my clothes off like he did before..he still thinks im beautiful and tells me everyday and how much he loves me and that if i stay the way i am or get bigger he wont leave because his love for me is stronger than that..which i used to take offensive and i still do at times but i know if he gained 60 pounds just for being lazy id probably feel the same way. ill still love him but the sexaul urge wont be as strong as before? he still offers to have sex more often but i say no because right now it jsut feels like a chore.. i wanna wait until he can enjoy it to the fullest and not feel bad and that would make me very happy.
    i guess everyone is different and has their own turn offs and opinions
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    i dont think losing the urge for your significant other means you dont love them anymore or that its ONLY lust and theres no love..i mean yes there are those fellas that as soon as their women gain weight they run and dont look back now those i think are shallow. but my partner instead or running hes helping me through it .. he ran in the begining caus he didnt know if he could love me at this point , then came back the same day after he realized it didnt matter to him hoe i looked. that he fell in love wih my personality not my size. now idk if its just me but when you dont like the way you look at all and just seeing how much youve left yourself go your attitude will change, mind did for sure ! i was always moody and angry, insecure and i still am a bit but im working on it.. my partner and i dont really have sex because he doesnt find my body as attractive like he used to but he says he loves me the same and maybe even more than before and that the sex isnt bad its just not the same, he doesnt get that "urge" to rip my clothes off like he did before..he still thinks im beautiful and tells me everyday and how much he loves me and that if i stay the way i am or get bigger he wont leave because his love for me is stronger than that..which i used to take offensive and i still do at times but i know if he gained 60 pounds just for being lazy id probably feel the same way. ill still love him but the sexaul urge wont be as strong as before? he still offers to have sex more often but i say no because right now it jsut feels like a chore.. i wanna wait until he can enjoy it to the fullest and not feel bad and that would make me very happy.
    i guess everyone is different and has their own turn offs and opinions

    I have experienced something similar to that moya can appreciate what you said about it not just effecting your partners attraction to you but also affecting your own confidence in a way that is detrimental. Sounds like you have a loving and supportive partner who was honest and although that must be hard it sounds like you are using this as motivation to be healthier for yourself and your own confidence which is great. Nothing shallow here at all :-).

    I am also trying to get back into fighting form for similar reasons. For my health, for my confidence and because I owe it to the love of my life who has committed herself to me and I do not wish to disappoint.

    Ive seen people on this forum be critical of wanting to lose weight or get in shape for the sake of your significant other but personally I think there is nothing wrong with external motivation if the result is a healthier happier more confident you.

    Wish you the best and hope your boyfriend remains supportive.
  • lorigrocks
    lorigrocks Posts: 123 Member
    To me...first of all you have to love yourself and feel good in your own body...if you lose weight or gain weight or even change your personality if your spouse/partner doesn't like it then maybe it wasn't meant to be...bottom line you can't please everyone and you need to learn to love yourself first regardless if anyone doesn't find you attractive anymore.
  • bandb18
    bandb18 Posts: 2
    Personally: when I wasn't taking care of myself I didn't 'feel' attractive and that hurt my sex drive. Being unhappy with one's own body doesn't make one want to spend time naked! Hubby's weight gain may have had the same impact on him, but his putting on the weight didn't change how I felt about him.

    I completely agree. This is part of why I want to lose that I WANT to be naked and definitely hurts my drive and interest...
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Been reading the last 2 pages, I am really confused on how judgemental some people can be. I NEVER said love or affection would be lost, these are both emotions but a "Physical" attraction is just that...It is physical as in pulpable made of matter and your attraction to that. If anything even changed the way my husband looks drastically I would still love him over all others. Implying that people that value a Physical attraction as well as an emotional one are is someway shallow or have a bad relationship is just asinine. To be blunt if I gained 100+ lbs and then expected my husband to want to have sex with me, even though I know he would find this the complete opposite of attractive. I would be the one in the wrong. Would he still love me...yep he would probably still have sex but asking him to accept something that is fixable and then insulting him for having a feeling about it is not a partnership. It is someone who feels they are superior and everyone must go along with what they want and to have no opinion. I love myself but I do value my husband's opinion. We will grow old together and laugh at the wrinkles and still have sex, will it be as hot as now only time will tell. Being so self involved that one can not see their action (or lack of) having an effect on their partner is selfish. No wonder the divorce rate is so high. Enjoying a Physical attraction in no way harms a relationship and the emotional attraction just makes it amazing.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Been reading the last 2 pages, I am really confused on how judgemental some people can be. I NEVER said love or affection would be lost, these are both emotions but a "Physical" attraction is just that...It is physical as in pulpable made of matter and your attraction to that. If anything even changed the way my husband looks drastically I would still love him over all others. Implying that people that value a Physical attraction as well as an emotional one are is someway shallow or have a bad relationship is just asinine. To be blunt if I gained 100+ lbs and then expected my husband to want to have sex with me, even though I know he would find this the complete opposite of attractive. I would be the one in the wrong. Would he still love me...yep he would probably still have sex but asking him to accept something that is fixable and then insulting him for having a feeling about it is not a partnership. It is someone who feels they are superior and everyone must go along with what they want and to have no opinion. I love myself but I do value my husband's opinion. We will grow old together and laugh at the wrinkles and still have sex, will it be as hot as now only time will tell. Being so self involved that one can not see their action (or lack of) having an effect on their partner is selfish. No wonder the divorce rate is so high. Enjoying a Physical attraction in no way harms a relationship and the emotional attraction just makes it amazing.

  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member

    It depends on the emotional strength of the relationship in question. Speaking personally, I was married to a multiply disabled man for 14 years. His disease ravaged his body, but I loved him just as much at the end as at the beginning. More even, I think, because I knew what I was losing. So yes, the emotional attachment we shared definitely trumped any lack of physical attraction and desire we suffered. But not all couples have that strong a relationship. My second marriage, my ex left me probably mostly based on my weight gain. but I knew from the beginning he was a mistake. I don't blame him anymore, and I wish he would have left me sooner, or I would have been strong enough to leave him when I knew what a jerk he actually was.

    In the end, if it doesn't work out due to lack of physical attraction, both people are better off, and likely there were other problems in the relationship. imo :)

    This is what I was asking about, except my question was made based on a self inflicted physical change. Above you state "lack of physical attraction and desire we suffered" . That is sort of the point love didn't change but desire did. You were caring and compassionate, having a lack of physical attraction or lack of desire did not make you a shallow awful person. That is what the original post was regarding. Now wether or not a relationship is as strong as your, not all are but that is a different subject. So if you were with someone that inflicted a massive physical change upon themselves and you felt you were having a lack of desire or physical attraction to your changed mate, this is normal and does not reflect negatively upon you for feeling that way. You will still love them.
  • thirteeninches
    thirteeninches Posts: 61 Member

    It depends on the emotional strength of the relationship in question. Speaking personally, I was married to a multiply disabled man for 14 years. His disease ravaged his body, but I loved him just as much at the end as at the beginning. More even, I think, because I knew what I was losing. So yes, the emotional attachment we shared definitely trumped any lack of physical attraction and desire we suffered. But not all couples have that strong a relationship. My second marriage, my ex left me probably mostly based on my weight gain. but I knew from the beginning he was a mistake. I don't blame him anymore, and I wish he would have left me sooner, or I would have been strong enough to leave him when I knew what a jerk he actually was.

    In the end, if it doesn't work out due to lack of physical attraction, both people are better off, and likely there were other problems in the relationship. imo :)

    This is what I was asking about, except my question was made based on a self inflicted physical change. Above you state "lack of physical attraction and desire we suffered" . That is sort of the point love didn't change but desire did. You were caring and compassionate, having a lack of physical attraction or lack of desire did not make you a shallow awful person. That is what the original post was regarding. Now wether or not a relationship is as strong as your, not all are but that is a different subject. So if you were with someone that inflicted a massive physical change upon themselves and you felt you were having a lack of desire or physical attraction to your changed mate, this is normal and does not reflect negatively upon you for feeling that way. You will still love them.

    I agree. When the feelings are there, no amount of body changes will make a difference.

    I've been reading along in this thread and wondering why there tends to be a moral weight to whether or not a person is physically attracted to another person. That's kind of where the topic has wandered. I don't think there should be, as if I'm physically attracted to someone I don't know, it is typically a biological response. I don't love that person. On the other hand, a person I've built a strong loving friendship with, I can find either physically attractive or not.

    To put it simply, love is not (or shouldn't be) dependent upon physical attraction. One may grow from the other, and that's cool. Most people require that spark to remain in a romantic relationship, and I get that, and it is perfectly ok. My contention is, if the spark is gone and the relationship fails, it's not necessarily because of a lack of attraction, but because the emotional relationship was flawed in the first place. It is what it is. Count yourself lucky it's over and you can move on.

    In my second example, if my ex had come to me and been honest and frank about his feelings, I would have made an effort to change. (I don't quit on people easily-even bad people. I'm stupid that way.) But then, he wouldn't have been a jerk, and I would have been happier, and maybe I wouldn't have eaten for comfort, which is my biggest struggle in this whole diet thing.

    The truth is, people who really love each other are willing to say the hard stuff, and talk about those topics that are difficult to bring up, for the sake of the relationship. That's just how it works. (Others have made the same point on this thread.)
  • moya1219
    moya1219 Posts: 54 Member
    """I have experienced something similar to that moya can appreciate what you said about it not just effecting your partners attraction to you but also affecting your own confidence in a way that is detrimental. Sounds like you have a loving and supportive partner who was honest and although that must be hard it sounds like you are using this as motivation to be healthier for yourself and your own confidence which is great. Nothing shallow here at all :-).

    I am also trying to get back into fighting form for similar reasons. For my health, for my confidence and because I owe it to the love of my life who has committed herself to me and I do not wish to disappoint.

    Ive seen people on this forum be critical of wanting to lose weight or get in shape for the sake of your significant other but personally I think there is nothing wrong with external motivation if the result is a healthier happier more confident you.

    Wish you the best and hope your boyfriend remains supportive.
    [/quote] """

    thank you and yes ive seen some people being judgemental about things like that. some with good reasons others with none. you can change and try to get healthy and sometimes we need a motivator that isnt ourselves. or at least i do, nothing wrong with thatt. now if your only losing weight because if you dont your partner is leaving you then thats not a good thing at all and thats where you should do it for you and not to try and keep someone else happy.
    goodluck to you on getting back to your goal ! im sure your lady will appreciate it soo much (: a new happier and confident you will make everything much better with yourself your partner and just other aspects of your life as well . goodluck !
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Looks do matter, but if I have to compare a bit of extra padding to bad grammar, vocabulary and such, the latter is honestly a much bigger turn-off for me; I can't stand primitive writing. And a guy, who behaves like an *ss, can be visually as gorgeous as can be, but there's nothing attractive about him. I'm all for personality, the body is just a vessel, and it's true for me what someone said earlier; a huge part of sex is between the ears. Sharing household stuff equally, showing interest in each other's thoughts and daily impressions, happily fulfilling the needs (outside of the bedroom) of each other, and so on are the glue for me. Honesty, consideration, love, kindness, having each other's backs. Yes, sex is great, but only a fraction of what happens in a good relationship.

    I don't know why it popped up in recently popular threads, it's weeks old, sorry.
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    For me, it hasn't mattered so far. My husband is noticeably heavier than when he first caught my eye. I am noticeably heavier, too, and can't blame it all on having 4 kids. We still have the hots for each other. ☺️

    yes. this is the same for me. i have gained and lost the same 20 lbs a few times since we met. he was thinner when we met and has since put on maybe 40 lbs. i still see him the same. yes i notice his belly is a little bigger and his chest isnt as tight. but it doesnt matter to me. i still am as attracted as i was that 1st day. the only thing that has changed is how he feels about himself.
    that is what i wish he could change. He now thinks if im "not in the mood" its because ive lost attraction to him. which is not true.

    i include him in my daily challenges and success because its like "hey, im not happy with my body either, lets do this together" and for the most part he does but he hasnt found his motivation yet. i dont care what the scale says or how much flab is there. I just want us to live a long healty life together.

    so, yes attraction is definetly there!

    i do agree with the "u have to take care of yourself" statement. But to me that does not always mean slim and trim.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Love covers a multitude of sins.

    The longer you're with someone, and truly in love, the more your attraction to them tends to move beyond skin deep. I know that I've personally seldom found fatter women attractive. But my wife has put on a decent amount of weight through the years. She is beyond the point where I thought my attraction would seriously wane, but it has not. I'm still madly in love with her, still attracted to her.

    But does that mean that looks don't matter at all? Absolutely not. If my wife hit 300, or anywhere close to it, I'd still be in love with her, but I do believe there would be some attraction issues on a purely physical level. Doesn't mean my emotional/psychological attraction would disappear, or that we wouldn't still make love together in a connected, real way, but it would be an issue.

    Take a look at me. I HATED being fat. My largest was over 300lbs. I would not have blamed my wife if she lost her physical attraction to me. But she didn't. To this day I am thankful that even at my heaviest, she was still attracted to me, still wanted to be with me, at my worst.

    Still, it's undeniable that the way she looks at me, the way she touches me, how often she touches me, has changed since my weight loss. She's more taken by my appearance and it's reflected in how she is with me. I've mentioned that and she's initially denied it. She gave the "I'm attracted to you not matter what" spiel. And she was attracted to me, but she's even more attracted to me now. It took me coaxing out the truth over the course of the conversation, but finally she felt safe to admit to me, and herself, that yes, she's hotter for me now. Part of that is physical, and part of that is me just being more comfortable and confident. The better I feel about myself, the better lover I am, in addition to just looking better physically.

    So it's not all black and white. There are levels of attraction. If you've got something real, solid, and potent with your lover, your sex life can still thrive even when physical changes have happened that aren't necessarily for the better. Still, it doesn't preclude the fact that improving your physical appearance just might make your significant other even hotter for you.

    My ultimate goal? To have the kind of body that my wife would lust after even if she didn't know my name. She deserves that, and I do too.