Why do people seem to bash "healthy"eating?



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I'm just trying to eat healthier because it makes me feel better and it makes it a lot easier to stay under my calorie limit. I imagine one day when I'm at maintenance and have more calories to play with, I'll probably eat some pizza and burritos once again. I will not go through a bunch of mental gymnastics and lie to myself that those things are healthy or good for me though.

    What about pizza or a burrito makes it unhealthy?

    Edit: Saw your response above.

    So...it's the amount of calories that you see as being unhealthy?

    It's the calories to nutrients and satiety ratio that concerns me the most, so for me yes.

    Keep fighting the good fight brother. I love these people pulling a "pizza is a vegetable" nonsense. thoroughly enjoyable, but entirely sad at the same time.

    At which point did the person above say pizza was a vegetable?

    They obviously meant with a cauliflower base!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm just trying to eat healthier because it makes me feel better and it makes it a lot easier to stay under my calorie limit. I imagine one day when I'm at maintenance and have more calories to play with, I'll probably eat some pizza and burritos once again. I will not go through a bunch of mental gymnastics and lie to myself that those things are healthy or good for me though.

    What about pizza or a burrito makes it unhealthy?

    Edit: Saw your response above.

    So...it's the amount of calories that you see as being unhealthy?

    It's the calories to nutrients and satiety ratio that concerns me the most, so for me yes.

    So, what keeps you satiated longer for less calories and the same amount of macros/nutrients?

    Just curious...because usually a burrito or pizza will keep me full for a while.

    Same here! A couple of slices of pizza and a beer, and I'm good for dinner. For lunch, I'll usually just have one slice with a Coke Zero.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Ok, recap for the late comers. MFP seems to be fractured into a couple of main groups - the healthy eaters and the eat whatever you want eaters. Within those two groups there are a variety of sub-groups. For the most part, there are preachers on both sides who like to bash. They resort to name calling, food shaming, sarcasm and generally aren't very nice simply because the clean eaters choose to lose weight and/or get fit in a manner which they deem as being extreme. Secretly, they hold the clean eaters in high regard so their inner conflict leads to outwardly belittling the clean eaters. The trigger for the eat whatever you want group is "clean". If that word is used in any way, shape or form, OR implied, OR used as flame bait, the eat whatever you want group is in for the kill. Some of the clean eaters are a tad fed up with the bashing EVEN though we personally have never preached clean eating, told others that was the way they had to eat or it was the only way to eat. That's what this thread is all about. Oh, and so far nothing much in the way of gifs but I'm sure they are just around the corner. Cheers!
    Of course they don't. They just say that people who DON'T eat clean will die of cancer or some other mystery illness, or they will preach about their "health" superiority when they either have no avi, an unimpressive avi, less than stellar ticker, or closed diary.

    You funny.

    I like whiskey, cigarettes, wine, chocolate and white stuff of all shapes and sizes. My diary is open. I had that stuff today.

    I don't haz no canzerz and I is well hot.

    White stuff with a cherry on top!

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    ETA: Oh, and white rice or GTFO! (Brown rice...pshaw!)

  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    So, clearly, I wasn't going to take a poll and cause drama, but I'm just going to leave this here.


    I honestly wonder how many of the people with the negative responses, i.e. soda is bad, would identify as "clean" eaters. My completely unscientific guess would be many.

    I'm a clean eater and while I don't drink soda, I don't label it as bad, good or neutral. I'm rather indifferent to the issue of soda because it doesn't concern me personally. Do I think others should drink soda? You're guess :huh:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm still honestly 3 pages back where pizza and burrito bowls are not filling?

    WHO SAYS that!!!

    they are incredibly filling... I don't get it.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    Awww, heck yeah I'm in.

    In the original, original post, OP states that

    i am working with my treatment team to break labels off good and bad food. as someone recovering from an eating disorder, i have to look at it as food is good in moderation, and to not be scared of "bad" foods. of course this doesn't apply to me, and if i could do it without issues i would prefer to live off of fruits veg beans and whole grains. but for me that is not possible, and it is better off to not have good or bad labels.

    I am also recovering from an eating disorder and my treatment team doesn't give a hoot about clean vs. dirty, good vs. bad. That's the kind of thinking that started my disordered eating that eventually became an eating disorder.

    Besides, your post confuses the gosh-darned heck out of me. You don't want to label foods as "bad" (YES! People recovering from EDs should not label foods as "bad") but then you say that it doesn't apply to you.

    Consider me all in and confused as all heck.

    I'll save to read later once I finish my dinner from Chipotle.
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    I'm just trying to eat healthier because it makes me feel better and it makes it a lot easier to stay under my calorie limit. I imagine one day when I'm at maintenance and have more calories to play with, I'll probably eat some pizza and burritos once again. I will not go through a bunch of mental gymnastics and lie to myself that those things are healthy or good for me though.

    What about pizza or a burrito makes it unhealthy?

    Edit: Saw your response above.

    So...it's the amount of calories that you see as being unhealthy?

    It's the calories to nutrients and satiety ratio that concerns me the most, so for me yes.

    Keep fighting the good fight brother. I love these people pulling a "pizza is a vegetable" nonsense. thoroughly enjoyable, but entirely sad at the same time.

    Who are "these people" and where are they pulling this nonsense?
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    ETA: Oh, and white rice or GTFO! (Brown rice...pshaw!)



    yes white rice is about 100x better tasting than brown rice. But hey, that's subjective. You know, like this entire thread!

    eta: Hey chocolate cake avatar lady, we keep bumping into each other and I keep quoting your posts. I think this friendship is meant to happen, just saying.

    eta2: and hey I just went back to see which chocolate cake lady you are, because there's two of you (one is from Australia). You're both pretty legit. I think I'm gonna join the chocolate cake club, seems like good people.

    eta3: Okay, I'm in the chocolate cake club now. I have a strawberry on mine because I'm the CRAZY BASHING vegan sector...who doesn't really bash or care about what other people do!

    eta4: (okay, maybe more vegetarian, my vegan card has been weak lately)
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member

    You do realize that people like that need help? When I was in that place, it also led to substance abuse. My husband talked me into seeing a counselor, who helped me figure out how to deal with my issues in a healthy way. People like that need professional help, not a message board. Hopefully a loved one will steer them in the right direction. Strangers in a forum aren't going to help much.

    Yes, when I finish my practicum and my internship, I might be treating some of them.

    Also for the record, I had a quarter pound hamburger, a cup of mashed potatoes, a large bowl of salad greens, a half cup of cheddar cheese, two tablespoons of dressing, and two sugar-free cookies for lunch. I still have 700 calories left for dinner. I feel full and happy. Now that's good eatin', as we say around here. Healthy? I don't know, but it fits my macros IYKWIM. :)

    With all due respect, perhaps you should finish those things and see a patient or two IRL before trying to diagnose everyone who disagrees with you on a forum with an eating disorder. Just spitballin here.

    Show me one post in which I have ever attempted to diagnose anyone. Ever. Anywhere. You won't find a single one. And please don't try to play me for a sucker--we both know that you mean no respect for anyone, but for some reason you have chosen to be aggressively nasty to me. I wasn't going to engage with you, but when you accuse me of unethical behavior, that's where I draw the line.

    Actually you did. Several times in this thread alone. I have no idea why you think I'm being aggressively nasty to you, but whatever. I'm actually not an aggressive person at all. I'd tell you to confirm that with some of my FL peeps in this thread, but you already called them a bunch of orthorexics so....

    You're misinterpreting what I wrote is not the same thing as me diagnosing anything. But you know, it's funny how you perceive yourself as not being aggressively nasty to me and still have managed to turn both threads we've posted in together into being about me (or other people with whom you disagree). But then, I guess you call everyone you're not being aggressively nasty to either "delusional" or unethical? If you find me so distasteful, why not just put me on ignore?

    It does appear you were diagnosing by calling some folks a bunch of orthorexics. In the professional world, slapping that label on a person is a diagnosis and doing so without actually consulting with that individual is unethical. You are entitled to your opinion BUT putting it in print when you don't have the credentials to make the diagnosis and have never consulted with the individual you put the label on, could get you into hot water.

    For the record, many folks are actively healthy and/or clean eaters. A small subset of these folks may develop orthorexia but further investigation would show that as with most eating disorders there are other underlying issues contributing to the disorder than just food.
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    I'm still honestly 3 pages back where pizza and burrito bowls are not filling?

    WHO SAYS that!!!

    they are incredibly filling... I don't get it.

    This guy who can easily put down a large pizza and laugh at it's pathetic attempt at filling the black hole that is my stomach, says that.
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    Completely off topic, but jmv7117's avi makes me want to slap on my HRM and have a good b*tch session just to test a theory.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    Completely off topic, but jmv7117's avi makes me want to slap on my HRM and have a good b*tch session just to test a theory.

    I guarantee being animatedly pissed off will burn more calories than lying on the couch. :laugh:
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Completely off topic, but jmv7117's avi makes me want to slap on my HRM and have a good b*tch session just to test a theory.

    I guarantee being animatedly pissed off will burn more calories than lying on the couch. :laugh:

    Half an hour of face palming will burn 200 calories. But will also cost a lot of brain cells (but then doesn't arguing on MFP do that anyway)?
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    I'm just trying to eat healthier because it makes me feel better and it makes it a lot easier to stay under my calorie limit. I imagine one day when I'm at maintenance and have more calories to play with, I'll probably eat some pizza and burritos once again. I will not go through a bunch of mental gymnastics and lie to myself that those things are healthy or good for me though.

    What about pizza or a burrito makes it unhealthy?

    Edit: Saw your response above.

    So...it's the amount of calories that you see as being unhealthy?

    It's the calories to nutrients and satiety ratio that concerns me the most, so for me yes.

    Keep fighting the good fight brother. I love these people pulling a "pizza is a vegetable" nonsense. thoroughly enjoyable, but entirely sad at the same time.

    Who are "these people" and where are they pulling this nonsense?

    I know it's tough for you guys, but sometimes people use metaphors.

    The gov't classifies pizza as a "vegetable" because of the tomato sauce, and Wendy called pizza a "nutritionally complete meal" - which is equally laughable.

    That was the allusion being made. Relax.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Completely off topic, but jmv7117's avi makes me want to slap on my HRM and have a good b*tch session just to test a theory.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Completely off topic, but jmv7117's avi makes me want to slap on my HRM and have a good b*tch session just to test a theory.

    I guarantee being animatedly pissed off will burn more calories than lying on the couch. :laugh:

    Half an hour of face palming will burn 200 calories. But will also cost a lot of brain cells (but then doesn't arguing on MFP do that anyway)?

    Calorie burn for typing on computer - 32 calories per hour
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm just trying to eat healthier because it makes me feel better and it makes it a lot easier to stay under my calorie limit. I imagine one day when I'm at maintenance and have more calories to play with, I'll probably eat some pizza and burritos once again. I will not go through a bunch of mental gymnastics and lie to myself that those things are healthy or good for me though.

    What about pizza or a burrito makes it unhealthy?

    Edit: Saw your response above.

    So...it's the amount of calories that you see as being unhealthy?

    It's the calories to nutrients and satiety ratio that concerns me the most, so for me yes.

    Keep fighting the good fight brother. I love these people pulling a "pizza is a vegetable" nonsense. thoroughly enjoyable, but entirely sad at the same time.

    Who are "these people" and where are they pulling this nonsense?

    I know it's tough for you guys, but sometimes people use metaphors.

    The gov't classifies pizza as a "vegetable" because of the tomato sauce, and Wendy called pizza a "nutritionally complete meal" - which is equally laughable.

    That was the allusion being made. Relax.

    Meat, dairy, grains, veggies....What is more complete than that? :laugh:
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    Completely off topic, but jmv7117's avi makes me want to slap on my HRM and have a good b*tch session just to test a theory.

    I guarantee being animatedly pissed off will burn more calories than lying on the couch. :laugh:

    Half an hour of face palming will burn 200 calories. But will also cost a lot of brain cells (but then doesn't arguing on MFP do that anyway)?

    Calorie burn for typing on computer - 32 calories per hour

    On MFP it's 94 cal/hour for the sheer agony of it all.
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    Completely off topic, but jmv7117's avi makes me want to slap on my HRM and have a good b*tch session just to test a theory.

    Maybe stress eating is really eating back your complaining calories.