Over 200 New Year New Me Part 37

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I am here my daughters birthday was Saturday and she turned 6.So I have been swamped with parties and then cleaning up!! How is everyone else doing?By the way did my 30 minutes on my elliptical this morning burnt 467 cals.This pregnancy has been pretty easy thus far.I am 7 weeks tomorrow.This is the week that the evil morning sickness usually occurs for me .I am trying to stay focused on eating right and exercising and drinking lots of water.I am trying so hard not to pay any attention to the scale but I just can't help it.I have gained 6 pounds already lol .I already have a baby bump which is perfectly normal considering this is my fourth pregnancy lol.I just want to do all the right things this time with my pregnancy.I have been over weight everytime I have gotten pregnant and I just let myself eat whatever but this time I refuse to do that.I am letting myself have some cravings but within reason.


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Morning ladies. Still not caught up on posts. Probably wont be on today. Lots of chaos at work going on. Just bad. Not in the mood to chat and don't want to be a downer. Hope to be back soon. Luv ya girls!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Sorry you are having a rough day...We will be here when you are ready to vent

    ANn - Good luck , maybe morning sickness will pass you buy this pregancy!! but good outlook on the eating...WTG>
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Sorry to hear things at work aren't going well. Hopefully it will all work out soon and you'll be back with us. Make sure you're still taking care of yourself no matter what!

    Cris and Julie: Yep, we forgot about taking pics on Friday night. I was running behind and completely spaced. However, I did not wear the shapewear because it was so uncomfortable. I put it on and about three minutes later in the car, I was taking it off! I had to tie my wrap dress really tight to keep it from showing too much of the ta-tas, which means I need to buy a smaller dress! I think I looked good, though. Yay! I did try on a few other dresses Friday after work and one would be perfect in about 5-10 lbs., but I held off on buying it until I can wear it the day I buy one!

    Cris: I'm glad you had a nice family day at the pumpkin farm and that you and Bobby had fun with the engagement pics. I can't wait to see them!

    Mallorie: Sorry to hear you're burned out right now. Just make sure you're focusing on yourself enough. It can be hard, but you need to make sure you're taking care of yourself no matter what. It's the only way you'll be able to keep up when things are busy!

    This weekend I did poorly on the eating, but last night I did re-start Week 3 of ChaLean Extreme. I made a protein shake for breakfast and have another one for lunch. I have snacks packed with me for today and have my dinner planned. It's my rest day for ChaLean, but have bowling league tonight so I won't be completely inactive.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 815
    Sodium: Over by 2538
    Water: 24 oz.
    Exercise: Raking leaves, sweeping the driveway and ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 1
    Proud: That I got back on track with ChaLean. Also, that AB (awesome boyfriend) and I spent some time on house-related items yesterday. He cleaned and fixed my gutters, repaired the roof vents that are cracked, grouted the tile in the downstairs bathroom and sealed other small cracks/crevices on the roof. Yesterday was also leaf clean-up day and we burned the brush pile that has been accumulating all summer. Whew, busy. We then met friends for drinks after that!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    So far so good with the baby steps today... laundry is started, work is not insane, breakfast is logged. Contemplating starting the couch25k over again at lunch. Not too much pressure (the eye starts to twitch again)... just nice and easy.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    allison, way to go in doing week 9...so proud of your progress, thus far, keep it up!

    ann, morning sickness is the worst..had it with alll three of my children...more like all day sickness for about 7 months...wish you luck (w/ no sickness this time around) and a healthy pregnancy :)

    jess, glad to see you around again, but sorry to hear that work it so overwhelming.. take a breather..vent all you want, if you like.

    Deb, sorry I can't help in the spin class thing..most of my workouts happen at home or outside. Don't have a gym membership.

    Cris, way to go in another weight loss...197...YOU ARE AWESOME!!!! btw, I can't wait to see the engagement pics too...

    Heather, I admit I did poorly on Sunday, eating wise. But today is a new day, new beginning. I restarted The Shred, but instead of doing it every single day. I will be doing every other day, so about 3 days a week. Plus, I have my normal walking/elliptical/jogging thing I will be doing every day. We are back on track, right :-)

    So dh left to Baltimore, Maryland yesterday evening ( will be gone for about 5 days..comes home friday night till sunday night and goes back for more training for another week) and this is my time to re~focus and be loyal to my health 110%. I tend to slack off because when he is around he like all the bad thing and it's hard to say no to him when he says it in an adorable way. I am so close to ONederland that I can taste it. I am hoping to see 200 by Friday. that is like 4 pounds away.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    So far so good with the baby steps today... laundry is started, work is not insane, breakfast is logged. Contemplating starting the couch25k over again at lunch. Not too much pressure (the eye starts to twitch again)... just nice and easy.

    Tstout, I had a problem with my (left) eye twitching and I think it was a sign of nervousness/stress. so taking baby steps is a great way to getting back to your old ways. but if you screw up, pick yourself up , brush yourself off and move on...but don't quit.
    anykind of physical activity will help alleviate the stess...so I think redoing C25k great...{{{{HUGS}}}}
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh my - I am NOT doing well my friends! Not well at all.

    Today started late with a spoon full of peanut butter. I planned out lunch and dinner and a nice workout after work - all was in line for a great day! Then Shruthi (my awesome co-worker) wanted to go to lunch so we could catch up from last week's training. It's a rainy day here in Ohio, and we didn't want to walk as far as our regular place, so we decided to duck out the back of the building and dash across the street to the Indian, all-you-can-eat buffet.

    Have I ever mentioned how much I love Naan? How it's like warm pita bread just waiting to sop up some wonderful broth/sauce and how my fingers seem to be able to taste the food as I scoop it up with the warm soft bread? *looks away - takes shuttering breath and a drag on a cigerette* yeah man - I love naan like a fat pony loves apples!

    So I had about five peices of naan, goat curry, lamb curry, dal, vegitible curry and some chicken! So good!

    Now I need a nap!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay. I'm a little bit more cheery. Just having some problems at work and some frustration. It's a long story so way too much to type. I think it's gonna be okay though. I was just grouchy and had to drop my car off again at the dealership. Then got to work and realized I had forgotten my lunch. And I'm not taking any lunch breaks this week so I can leave early Thursday and not cut into my vacation time. So thank goodness for wonderful Mike. He brought me chicken and shrimp fajitas from the mexican place he works at. YAY! I haven't read the posts from Friday. Will have to go back'n do that. Hope everybody had a great weekend. Mine was crazy busy!

    Ann-Glad to hear your pregnancy is going so well. Very proud of you for continuing the lifestyle change. Hopefully this one will get al ot more smoothly for you.

    mstahl-Hope your day gets better!! HUGS!

    POS Me-I'm crossing my fingers for you to see onederland soon!! You totally deserve it girl!

    Cris-I can't wait to see your engagement pics

    Heather-I can't say I have given Insanity 100% of everything I have the last two weeks. I skipped a few days here and there. But at least it's getting done. And it is making a difference, as I'm sure yours is! I find it hard to commit to something every single day for 6 days. I just GOTTA do it though. I know you can rock week 3 this week. Congrats on needing the smaller dress size by the way!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    So far so good with the baby steps today... laundry is started, work is not insane, breakfast is logged. Contemplating starting the couch25k over again at lunch. Not too much pressure (the eye starts to twitch again)... just nice and easy.

    Tstout, I had a problem with my (left) eye twitching and I think it was a sign of nervousness/stress. so taking baby steps is a great way to getting back to your old ways. but if you screw up, pick yourself up , brush yourself off and move on...but don't quit.
    anykind of physical activity will help alleviate the stess...so I think redoing C25k great...{{{{HUGS}}}}

    Thanks :) I have been a big ball of anxiety lately... doing things makes me feel a lot better. I got the house cleaned and the eyeball has been behaving, so I'm off to a good start. I've also been looking at Women's Health Mag.com which usually helps motivate me a little, too.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yuck. New employee orientation today. Finally done. Apparently can't type complete sentences. Tagging for later.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Wow, everyone must actually be busy at work today! It's quiet here. I was expecting pages to catch up on.

    Jess, I've been frustrated with work today, too. It sounds like Mike might be a keeper even with the dorky sunglasses!

    Thank goodness for my awesome coworker who is patient and great at explaining things. As a short background, I was hired to be an HR assistant where I work, but due to turnover and such, I ended up doing Accounts Receivable, which was super easy. Well, another turnover in the office and I get moved from accounts receivable to accounts payable and am responsible for reconciling some accounts in the general ledger. Anyway, prior to being hired, I had NO accounting experience and today I was supposed to do something in the general ledger that I didn't know how to do. My boss isn't a good teacher, so I had my coworker explain it, but I was still frustrated. I HATE feeling like I was set up for failure and won't do well. It's done now, but it irks me anyway.

    Laila: I'm so hoping you get to Onederland soon! You've been working hard for it!
  • Tagging for later. Back from DC and getting ready for yoga later. :wink:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I wanted to report a small victory! My co-worker and our manager both broke into the emergency chocolate this afternoon and I was able to resist! Whoot!:tongue:

    (ok it helped that i was still stuffed with amazing Indian foood but still!)

    Now I'm getting ready to pack up and head home. I'm planning on going home, changing and then going to the gym. I've been there ONE TIME since May. Hopefully I'll find some ways to burn off a few hundred calories even though I'm out of shape!

    Chris - I like to think that you didn't really have a little relapse - you were just waiting for me to come back on the boards so that we could continue on our path together - and Julie - you just didn't want to get TOO far ahead of us :flowerforyou:

    I am looking forward to getting back into the phase where every month I have to go to thrift stores to buy "new" work outfits so that I don't look like I'm dressing in tents! I've decided that since my "real" tah tahs only have a few more months here, I'll reward myself with pretty bra's at every ten pounds mark :glasses:

    Jess - you look fabulous!

    Ann - I'm so happy to hear about your healthy pregnancy - have you ever been pregnant when you're this healthy and strong? I think your physical fitness counts more than the number on the scale and I bet this will be a breeze for you knowing how fit you are!

    Blue - if I haven't already said something - omg so happy to hear about your diabetes change! That's fabulous! Just think how amazing you're going to look at Christmas this year :love: I'm going to be driving through St. Louis November 4th or 5th - it would be a dream come true if we could meet for a quick cup of coffee?

    OK I'm off! love all of you so much!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I think you are right on him being a keeper. We will keep him around for a bit and see what happens. Lets see if he's still around after meeting my entire crazy family. Have I mentioned he's going to be meeting 7 aunts and uncles, and my Grandparents...and more friends? YIKES! Hope your day with work ended well!

    mstahl-I can feel all the positive energy in your post!! So glad you are back!! And thank you for the compliment!:blushing: I looked at the pics from this weekend when my friend posted them and almost didn't recognize myself...it's craziness. Hope you had a great workout at the gym.

    tstout-Glad to see you back. It's all about the baby steps. Take it one day at a time. Anxiety is the worst! I feel for ya girl!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for last night:

    Calories - OK
    Water - awesome
    Exercise - FAIL

    Proud - that I limited myself to one glass of wine and one ounce of cheese.

    What is up with this quiet board? Did the iPhone ap fail or something?

    I got home last night and Meghan had finished her homework and then fallen asleep. Oh those 17 year olds are soooo adorable when they're sleeping :love: Meghan doesn't wake up in a perky mood *understatement* so we just chilled last night rather than going to the rec center. I didnt' get home until after 7 so I wasn't too crushed to skip the gym.

    The good news is that I didn't eat more than my minimal dinner (1 glass of red wine and 1 ounce of cheese) so I was within my calorie goal. I used that other site Heather likes to check my calorie needs and it suggested 1300 / day. I decided to go with that for now since getting down to 1200 was near impossible. Thus any day where I end up somewhere between 1200 and 1300 I'm considering a win!

    I am wearing pants that are too small. They weren't too small last spring and I have been ruthless in getting rid of all the clothes I diet out of so I'm making myself go to work looking like a fool because I refuse to buy anything bigger or limit myself to the three pairs of pants that fit (or - heaven forbid - just wear skirts!). So I will spend the day on the alert for 'Camel Toe' :grumble:

    Julie - when I abandoned the ship last spring, you were just starting to run in those cool five fingered shoes. Mine came in the mail, but they were too big and as it was the month of crazy life-ness I didn't get them returned so I ended up giving them to my sister in law. How did running in those shoes work out for you? I want to start up again and I'm trying to decide if I should get a pair? I can hear people run in them at the gym, and it sounds like a lot of them haven't augmented their stride enough to cushion the shock. That book (online version) you found the guy talks a lot about runners running "wrong" if you can hear them pounding along - that you're supposed to run light like a cat. I'm worried I won't be able to figure that out?:huh:

    OK back to work before my co-worker kills me!:tongue:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I suck, back to 201 this morning after struggling so hard last week to get to stupid Onderland.

    I ate Wendy's for dinner, fries and all...my only win was that I got diet coke instead of regular. So I saved myself like 200 cals there.

    I was so freaking hungover yesterday I need grease in my system...and now Im paying for it. Booooo

    Anyway, today is weigh in day at the gym and I am NOT happy....if I had behaved during the weekend I would have been showing at least a 2lb loss...but nooo now im showing a gain

    Melinda- I like your thinking...I have been patiently waiting for you to get back! And boy am I happy to be reading your posts again! MISSED YOU!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I suck, back to 201 this morning after struggling so hard last week to get to stupid Onderland.

    I ate Wendy's for dinner, fries and all...my only win was that I got diet coke instead of regular. So I saved myself like 200 cals there.

    I was so freaking hungover yesterday I need grease in my system...and now Im paying for it. Booooo

    Anyway, today is weigh in day at the gym and I am NOT happy....if I had behaved during the weekend I would have been showing at least a 2lb loss...but nooo now im showing a gain

    Melinda- I like your thinking...I have been patiently waiting for you to get back! And boy am I happy to be reading your posts again! MISSED YOU!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    I have a confession to make...yesterday morning and afternoon I did pretty good eating wise and then my brother came over (the one who is doing p90x) so I made dinner for him and I (grilled salmon fillet with steamed broccoli), but it was after the dinner that had me way over on calories....my darling daughter decided to make fudge brownies...I didn't want to eat them...but she put them in front of me ( I should have had the willpower to push them away but instead I push them into my mouth..ugh!!!) and I couldn't resist:cry::sad: :cry: :sad: and you would think that I stopped at that..but no I had a bowl of honey bunches of oats w/ almond cereal w/ 2% milk..mind you this was @ 10pm. I feel so misrable this morning...I have a pounding headache/migraine.

    My Tuesday plan is to go for a walk/jog @ my local park...to make up for yesterday's bad eating I plan to run more than walk and it will be about 4 miles today. So I am taking my pedometer, my HRM, and my music...I think I can burn @ least 400+ calories in an hour.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    My eating went downhill yesterday evening, too Laila. :flowerforyou: I don't want to talk about it. :laugh:

    Melinda -- I like the 5fingers a lot but when I run in them, I get blisters on the pads of my feet. They've been mostly retired for light runs and trail walking. I still :heart: them, but I found better shoes for me for running. New Balance 100s are my fav. running/workout shoe. I think they just came out with an updated model this month (or are about to if they haven't). I'm definitely going to look around for sales on the old one. The only gripe I have about them is that if I run/walk/workout a longish distance in them, I'll get a raw spot on the back of my heel/tendon area. Doesn't happen if I'm proactive & put a bandage there before I run and I've only noticed this the times I run/walk/elliptical a total of over 5 miles at a time (it's usually a combo of the 3). Anything shorter and I've had no problems whatsoever. Love them so much.

    I'm completely slammed at work. :noway: I think this is the most work I've ever had piled up to do here.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    My eating went downhill yesterday evening, too Laila. :flowerforyou: I don't want to talk about it. :laugh:

    Julie, thanks:heart: . I needed that, but I need to kick my butt today. I am so desperately wanting to see 199 on the scale. I am tired of saying "this week will be the week "and not putting any kinda determination that goes with my words..saying it for the heck of saying it...not this time! I am going to work so hard to see 199..even if it takes me 2 weeks or the end of October.

    talk later, I have to go send my son to pre-school...and my walk.

    Have a great day!
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