Over 200 New Year New Me Part 37



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lstpaul-Yay for the closing on the farmhouse! I'm hoping everything goes smoothly. Hope you enjoy your night with your hubby tomorrow night. So sweet of him to surprise you like that.

    lauren-I'm loving your dress and the boots!

    Heather-Yay for Mexican food!!! LOL We all know my love for Mexican food. And you are right I think we both built up the day too much. I usually try not to for that exact reason. That and we had seen each other I think everyday for a week straight. And then he wasn't feeling well. I hadn't gotten much sleep. Was just a combo of things. But the night turned out still good. Once we got to the game we both perked up. Sorry you saw a gain this morning. It's gotta be the Mexican and Chinese food. I know what I eat on Wednesday affects my Friday weighs in.

    Deb-Sorry you didn't get to see your lowest weight today. Don't be so hard on yourself. You've done so well. I've stalled at 30 pounds lost, then 40 and 50...so don't let it get you down. Just keep going. Your doing amazing!

    Laila-CONGRATS on ONEDERLAND!!! I'm so so so so so proud of you for not giving up!!! Sending you big hugs!!

    purple-I'm not sure if I got to congratulate you but congrats on completing c25k! Seems like yesterday you started. You did so well keeping at it. Very proud of you!

    Sorry I've been MIA so much lately ladies. Just had so much on my mind and haven't felt up for chatting. I'm feeling much better today. I think part of it was due to lack of sleep as well. But my house is empty and I'm ready to get back at it. I'm going to re start Insanity on Monday!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Helloooooooo !!!!

    I'm finally back in my normal routine (sort of). Family have all left town, phew!
    Just getting used to life as a married woman :heart: :heart: :heart:
    The wedding went really well and I enjoyed myself, no major disasters.
    If you are on FB with me there are a few photos on there now and I'll put some in my profile soon.

    Have not read posts but I hope everyone is well
    Not doing a proper weigh in today. I managed to eat near (just above) maintenance for most of the past week and so I'm up about 0.6 of a lb which is fine with me. Back into weight loss mode for real next week.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    What a day! Sometime later when I have figured it all out, I'll let you know haha

    For now! I am happy to record a real loss for the first time since the beginning of September. I'm soooo close to the 21#s! My future mother-in-law is visiting this weekend, so I'm hoping I can keep my good eating on a roll. (Next weekend will be hard, too as my mom, sister, and her fiance are coming)

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess and Meokk: I'm glad you're both back and ready to get back to your normal routines.

    Jess: Yay for restarting Insanity! If you start Monday, you'll still be done at the same time as me, so we can still technically do it together. Woo hoo!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    meokk-I looked on your fb and didn't see any of your pics from the wedding. :sad: I will wait patiently here.:smile:

    Heather-I am ready! I've been going to lunch with Mike almost everyday. I'm gonna have to start bringing us lunch or something. I do eat smaller portions which is good and I have still managed to lose. With him working nights that's the best time I get to see him. Kinda sucks. I think he thinks I starve myself though cause I eat so little in his mind. We will see what happens.

    tstout-Enjoy your weekend with your MIL! Hope you are still able to maintain your loss.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    OK, now photos are on FB under my profile - they were only under Hubbys before.

    Why so quiet ???? Did I miss something, like a mass exodus from MFP?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    OK, now photos are on FB under my profile - they were only under Hubbys before.

    Why so quiet ???? Did I miss something, like a mass exodus from MFP?

    Okay I must be dense cause I still don't see them. LOL

    I'm here I'm here to talk. :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I think just about everyone else has been really busy with work lately. Kind of sad.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think just about everyone else has been really busy with work lately. Kind of sad.

    Goodness gracious I haven't!! I'm going to another Mav's game tonight. Pretty stoked! Not dressing crazy this time!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    OK, now photos are on FB under my profile - they were only under Hubbys before.

    Why so quiet ???? Did I miss something, like a mass exodus from MFP?

    Okay I must be dense cause I still don't see them. LOL

    I'm here I'm here to talk. :laugh:

    Ha ha - I know you can use the Facebook girl.......the photos are the 1st thing on the top of my wall right now.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    OK, now photos are on FB under my profile - they were only under Hubbys before.

    Why so quiet ???? Did I miss something, like a mass exodus from MFP?

    Okay I must be dense cause I still don't see them. LOL

    I'm here I'm here to talk. :laugh:

    Yea I still don't see them. LOL I must not be able to see them from my iPhone. I'll check tonight on the computer. I'm excited!

    Ha ha - I know you can use the Facebook girl.......the photos are the 1st thing on the top of my wall right now.
  • Welcome back meokk!!! How was the wedding?

    It's been really quiet here lately, which is really sad. I think people have been busy and, in many instances, not as focused on weight loss as some of us.

    I'm still here, though! Just got back from a long day of school, meetings, and yoga. It was supposed to be "stress-relief" yoga, but it was still really intense! I feel great now and am trying to figure out what on earth I'm doing for dinner. Tomorrow I'm getting up early to go to DC for the Rally to Restore Sanity with Jon Stewart. :happy:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hi Meokk!!! Glad you're back & had a fabulous wedding! Congratulations again!
    When I'm not busy with work I'm busy obsessing over potential pregnancy symptoms again. :laugh:
    What is this, phantom baby number 4 for me? :wink:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Congratulations, MRS. Meokk!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Deb - I feel your frustration. I am there with you! Only I have been gaining and gaining. :sad:

    Jess - I am not caught up on posts, but I am guessing your pic is from the wedding. You look so beautiful!!!

    Julie - maybe all these phantom babies are really a sign that when you get preggers you are going to have multiples!

    Yes, I know I have been really stressed out at work, so that is why I am incognito a lot. Sorry girls! And I am paying for it dearly with weight gain. Ugh.

    I need some serious mojo overhauling.
  • Hey ladies! This weekend I helped restore sanity (and/or fear) in DC at the rally, then dressed up as an 80s sorority girl for a Halloween party where I had lots and lots of ice water and only one mini twix! Spent most of today at school getting work done. Was really under cals both days, but didn't do much by way of exercise, so am hitting the gym early tomorrow to get on the treadmill and get back into the swing of things and training for that 5K on Thanksgiving!!!

    Saturday -

    Cals: 530 under
    Water: 7+ cups
    Sodium: 350 under
    Exercise: walking around DC extensively, but I didn't track it then
    Proud: made it through a Halloween party without giving in to the alcohol and candy

    Sunday -

    Cals: 479 under
    Water: 7 cups
    Sodium: 518 under
    Exercise: none
    Proud: I got so much done today...schoolwork, laundry, cleaning, etc

    Who is in charge of this week's challenge? Are we still doing them anymore? It seems like no one else cares.
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