Over 200 New Year New Me Part 37



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Heather - it sounds like we do have things in common! :)

    My main "problem" is that I've been conditioned to just say "I'm fine"... and then not until later do I figure out how I actually feel about stuff. And then I feel like it's way too late to bring it up. And then the cycle begins! Do I bring it up? Do I squash it? Will I be a crazed female for bringing it up? Should I just deal with it and move on? Blah blah blah... Then I get dizzy. haha

    I think Chicago is in danger of getting blown off the map today! Wind gusts up to 60+ miles an hour! They're saying this could be the worst storm in 70 years for the area. Yikes!
  • Theresa - I hope that today is a better day for you. :heart: And I'm sure your exam went well (says the person who freaks out EVERY time a grade comes out!!).

    Mallorie - welcome back!

    Heather - congrats on your new low weight AND for talking with your bf! I didn't realize you'd been plateaud for 7 months - yikes! How's ChaLean going?

    Lauren - welcome back! And that was an awesome interval set, so good for you! We'll rock those 5Ks at the end of the month for sure.

    Deb - glad the scale's moving down again...you worked too hard to hit the halfway mark to let it drift up now.

    Melinda - you never seem to eat much dinner...how do you do that? I am usually pretty hungry in the evening.

    I'm down a total of 3.5 pounds since our last weigh-in on Friday, though I've only counted that first big drop on my ticker. Feeling pretty awesome this morning and am off shortly to work out with my trainer. She kicked my *kitten* so hard last week that I'm a little more nervous this time around, but I literally saw the weight fall off of me in the past week, so I'm also pumped! Went to Trader Joe's last night and stocked up on hummus, string cheese, fruits and veg, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can make it through Halloween without much damage.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    I just finished typing this long post and for some reason it was deleted...ugh!!!! I hate when that happens. I will try to post again later. I think my internet is slow this morning or it could be the website is jamed w/ lots of new users..not sure.

    back later :)

    off to change and my walk/jog....I am planning on doing 5 miles today.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laila: Good luck with your 5 miles. You rock!

    Theresa: Ah, yes, the vicious cycle. It's hard to talk about it, but I know it's healthier if I do and I feel so much better after last night. I slept awesome, too.

    Allison: Yes, I've been the same weight (until this morning) since the end of March! I'm pretty proud of myself for not giving up and I'm hoping the number on the scale this morning is an indication that I'm about to be rewarded for my persistence. ChaLean is going well; I love the weight lifting workouts but have found I've slacked a lot on the cardio. I need to step it up a bit on the workouts again! Time to start running again for the 5k next month!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay. I'm all caught up on the posts! WOW!! Seems like everybody is doing great. Theresa hope you are feeling better today. I find it hard to voice my feelings as well. I'm in the same boat with do I say something do I not. Do I look like a crazy nagging person or should I just let it go. Boy do I feel you on that subject right now! You have no idea! Hope you figure things out soon. Anxiety is the worst!

    Still have family in town. Now it looks like we may have a full house till this weekend. Good news is tomorrow I'm off work and get to have my day of fun with Mike. I have quite the ensemble picked up for the game. LOL

    Not even gonna lie. I haven't tracked calories in 2 weeks. Been so much going on that coming and logging it has been the last on my mind. I think I been doing okay. I was down to 208 on Sunday when I got home. Up to 210 today. Not too bad with wedding food, eating out, not to mention cake and beer. So I'm pleased with seeing 210 right now. Be back later!

    P.S. Thank you all for your comments on my pics. It was a great day. Had a lot of fun. I didn't feel very comfortable in my dress. I felt very bloated and a bsuted can of bisquits. But I got over it. It was my sisters day, not mine.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I burned 700 calories at the gym last night. WIN!
    I don't know my calorie intake because I had 2 meals of homemade chicken and dumplings and I wasn't paying enough attention while I was making them (I'm bad about not measuring stuff when I cook). So, since a guess would just be a guess I'm not going to bother. I'm confident I was under maintenance.

    I know I keep changing my approach but that's because I haven't found a method that makes me happy yet. So, new approach is to focus less on logging and weighing and measuring and more on exercising. I'm switching to how-this-is-going-to-work-for-the-rest-of-my-life mode to see if I can get the scale moving that way. Of course I plan to eat reasonably but my #1 priority is going to be exercise.

    I felt good at the gym last night and I *almost* got up early to do 30 day shred. *Almost.* :laugh: (I got up, picked up my exercise clothes, went to the bathroom to change, peed, and then went back to bed for 30 minutes :tongue:). So since I missed this morning's workout, I'm going to walk at lunch instead. I'm breezy about it but I *will* exercise EVERY day.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: I used every last exercise calorie - but I did stay under.
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    proud: made good lunch choices (not so good at night though)
    water: not so good

    crazy day yesterday - the zoning issue did come up with our lender and I had to call the county, and found out that they were looking at an incorrect date of when the farm was originally subdivided - and that the farmhouse we are buying is grandfathered in to the old zoning rules - so we are ok - but the zoning director is on vacation and his assistant wasn't comfortable with faxing me what I needed in writing so that the loan could go through. It took about 4 hours for me to discuss it, have her discuss it in her office, and then convince her to fax me what I needed ... by this time it was 4:15 ... I was waiting for the fax when I got a call from my 10-yr-old son in tears ... I had forgotten it was Monday and he walks home from school and I pick him up at 3:45 for swim team practice. YIKES! I felt like a TERRIBLE mom. Luckily our neighbor was home and has a key, so she let him into our house and waited with him until he had talked to me. What a day! AND after all that - the closing was cancelled today anyhow because the underwriters said they need the appraiser who first brought up the zoning issue to correct his appraisal and resend it now too. Once they get that they will reschedule the closing. So it sounds like it will still happen in the next few days - but I ran around like crazy yesterday and forgot about picking up my son FOR NO REASON! Aaargh! Oh well. hopefully everything will go smoothly now.

    Awestfall: that is terrible waiting to know what is happening with your pregnancy, hang in there!

    purpleprose: Good job!

    tstout: I hope your problems work themselves out, you hang in there too!

    lildeb: Good news on your daughter!

    mstahl: it sounds like you are having some successes with Meghan, that's great!

    heathermn: congrats on your ticker moving!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lstpaul - I am glad it seems that everything will workout on the farm house...sorry about your son :sad:

    i am soo ready for this year to be over :smile:

    I want the house to get moving !!!

    We had our benefit meeting today, and i am torn. I am torn to do the insurance i have been doing, which is the traditional type, with a 500/1000 deductible, and pay like 20% for office visits or the High deductible ones, you have to pay everything out of pocket until you reach the deductible of 1500/2400 then you only pay 10%, but the company gives us like 700 towards the costs, and the difference in the premiums is about 1000, so if i took that, i would have 1700 to pay for medical expense , and then just like a gap of 600 before my deductible...but then if we don't use the 1700 it carries over till the next year.

    I have always done a traditional plan, just a little worried about going to this other plan , more with the girls than me,
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: I'm glad everything worked with your son having someone let him in the house and that things are still moving on the farm. Yay!

    Jess: Glad you're back!

    Julie: I'm with you on the changing of methods to find one that works for you. Now that I'm two weeks into my increased calories, I'm seeing movement (in the right direction) on the scale, so I think it's working. If I'm right and this is what works, I'll be super happy because I'm happy with the amount of exercise I'm doing now and I love being able to eat more calories.

    I'm still having trouble deciding what to do about the career and school issues. I'm still leaning toward paralegal and am really hoping it's a good decision. Sometime next week I should know where I stand on the financial aid. Ugh, I hate thinking I might be making a bad choice!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lstpaul - I am glad it seems that everything will workout on the farm house...sorry about your son :sad:

    i am soo ready for this year to be over :smile:

    I want the house to get moving !!!

    We had our benefit meeting today, and i am torn. I am torn to do the insurance i have been doing, which is the traditional type, with a 500/1000 deductible, and pay like 20% for office visits or the High deductible ones, you have to pay everything out of pocket until you reach the deductible of 1500/2400 then you only pay 10%, but the company gives us like 700 towards the costs, and the difference in the premiums is about 1000, so if i took that, i would have 1700 to pay for medical expense , and then just like a gap of 600 before my deductible...but then if we don't use the 1700 it carries over till the next year.

    I have always done a traditional plan, just a little worried about going to this other plan , more with the girls than me,

    I switched last year to a high deductible plan where my company pays 1000 towards the deductible ... for us it worked out well and was a lot less expensive, especially if you also have a pretax medical plan to pay for things once the company money is used up and before you have met your deductible. Dealing with the bills was a little confusing at first, but ok once I figured out what was going on. But I suppose it all depends on your situation.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Deb, I have a high deductible health insurance plan. And I mean HIGH deductible. $3000 annually, with just me covered on the plan. If I covered dh, it would be $6,000. I also have a health savings account (which, according to the IRS, you qualify for if your health insurance has a deductible of $1500 or more for individual coverage). I've used my HSA to buy my glasses, and for dental work, and over the counter medication like tylenol & nyquil (but that's changing for 2011 -- can't do it anymore. Booooo!).

    It's worked out really well for me over the last 2 years but I'm changing to a lower deductible plan for 2011 because of the whole I-wanna-baby thing. I've also increased my contribution to my HSA for the last 3 months of this year because once I switch to the lower deductible plan I can't contribute to it anymore. At the end of this year, I should have about $800 in my HSA and my deductible for my new health plan will be $350 & after that they pay 80% so I'll have enough to cover the deductible & then a good chunk of my 20% after that with my HSA versus having to pay it straight out of my pocket. I hear babies ain't cheap. :wink:

    If I didn't have baby fever I'd happily keep my $3,000 deductible plan because it costs $84 less per month than the plan I'm selecting for 2011.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks gals !!
    DH has a high (i mean super high, higher than yours julie :smile: his is 5k. he never ever goes to the doctor for the most part sofar it is working out okay, but he is soo cheap he would be dying and probably won't go.

    My HDHP is p retty good i think, i mean the deductible for all 3 of us (me and the girls) is 2400 (1/2 of what jeremy's is anyway), and they give us like 750 or something like that.

    we had soo much med costs last year, but that was cause we had tubes in abby's ears, tonsels removal for serena, lots of counseling and psyc visits for serena, lots of hearing tests for abby.

    Just trying to weigh my options.

    Worse case that i see, if i put 1000 in to the hsa a year, and they put the 750, (the 1000 being the difference between the low and high plans), i would have 1700 before i would really be out of pocket. It would be the between 1700 - 2400 that i would be responsible for really...

    Julie - and on the note of the no more otc that really is crappy :sad: I used my FSA alot for that.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-That's the kind of healthcare plan I have. My deductible is $2000 and my company pays for the first $1000. To go to one that isn't that high for me is almost triple the cost. So I do what Julie does and use the flexible spending account. Good luck in making your decision. Health insurance always frustrates me!

    Heather-I'm so proud of you for sticking in there through your whole plateau. Let's hope this is the end of it for you! I know how badly you want to see that scale moving again. Glad things are better with the awesome bf!

    lstpaul-Crossing my fingers for a closing for you this week on your farm house!! Sounds like it's been quite a frustrating process. Sending you calming vibes.

    mstahl-Sounds like Megan is doing great living with you!! I think that is so awesome you are focusing on what she is learning and not on the grades. I never thought of that approach. Fantastic!

    So I'm ready for this day to be over! I'm off tomorrow! WOOHOO!! I'm going to slee in and then going to meet Mike for lunch and start our day of fun. haha...I'm sure I will take pictures of our crazy outfits at the Mavericks game. The Mavericks start tomorrow and the Rangers start the World Series. Oh Happy Day!! :bigsmile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    so those of you with a high ded plan...when you go to the doctor do you pay the submitted amount from the doctor or the negotiated rate??
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am feeling so much better today because my blood results came back and they were 65 which means that I am miscarrying naturally.I have cried and accepted the fact that it wasn't meant to be right now and I know in my heart God will bless me with my baby boy soon.I have had dreams about it consistently for a few days now and I just know it will happen.My OB told me today at least I know I can still get pregnant so that was a helpful way to look at it.I have come to terms with it and I will be trying again very soon because I know I am meant to mother another child I just feel it in my heart.God is so wonderful to me and he has answered everyone of my prayers he never fails me .It may not be the answer I want but I trust him that its the right one and my faith is strong that God will bless me again when he feels the time is right.Time to get it in gear and get myself healthy for my baby boy to come.Thanks again for being there for me.I love you girls like your my sisters.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Ann - What an amazing attitude. {{{HUGS}}}
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann - What an amazing attitude. {{{HUGS}}}
    Thanks all I can be is positive for myself and my near future son to be!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Oh lordie mae I survived another show. Now time to work on my show which runs in December.

    I am sorry I am not here for you all, sisters. I feel terrible about that. My life is hectic - I am sinking into a depression about my job and how much it has changed and how for some reason I am on my bosses *kitten* list. Add this to my busy already life and, well, let's just say the scale has not been kind. I've lost my mojo. Not my cat, Mojo - MY actual mojo! :noway: Don't seem to be losing WEIGHT, but MOJO, yeah, gone.

    I miss you all and will try to slip in here and there to check up on you girls - make sure you're behaving. :wink:
  • :happy:


    Will check-in later but needed to come in and celebrate!!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member


    Will check-in later but needed to come in and celebrate!!!!

    THat is great !!! Congrats !!!
This discussion has been closed.