Over 200 New Year New Me Part 37



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    Bad food week, bad exercise week, you name it, it was bad. But the good news is I am OFF today and am determined to make it a good one!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ann- I hadnt logged in yet but I read about your loss on FB, I am so sorry, my heart just breaks for you. Im in awe at how gracefully you have accepted God's message that it wasnt time for another one yet, you truly are an inspiration. You are a strong woman and I admire you so much! My thoughts are with you and your family....
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm getting ready to pack up for the weekend. We're having one of our friends weekends at my parents farm. Mosly friend that come over for Thursday night dinners (TND) but also my sister and her wife and a cousin... The weekend is about more than calories - it's often hiking and playing goofy games and rocking on the porch... but if it's cold there's a good chance it will be MOSTLY about calories!

    Cold or rain will mean sitting in the kitchen around the table and I'll be cooking and my friend Loren will be mixing drinks, and someone will be opening up a bag of chips....:sad: I know I'll be bad!!!

    So far today -

    Calories - fine
    Water - good
    Exercise - uhm...:grumble:

    Proud - that while working from home I still managed to get breakfast made (Fritata with last nights left overs - sauteed mushrooms onions, some spaghetti noodles, roasted garlic, mozt. cheese and the egg/milk mixutre), got two loads of dishes through the dishwasher, and still had a very productive day on the work front!

    Figgy was able to get within about ten inches of Henry (Meghan's new kitten) and teh two of them were sleeping under the dinning room table together this morning. It was very sweet. It looks like Henry will be a medium length haired tabby - he's very soft with hair that is kinda feathery - very cute.:smile:

    I'm packing drawing paper and pencils for the farm, as well as my camera- I'm hoping to get back to sketching more. I'm not at all good, but I do love trying it :ohwell:

    I have text messaging at the farm but not enough signal to get to the internet so I won't be checking in again until Monday. I hope each of you has a restful and peaceful weekend!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann- I hadnt logged in yet but I read about your loss on FB, I am so sorry, my heart just breaks for you. Im in awe at how gracefully you have accepted God's message that it wasnt time for another one yet, you truly are an inspiration. You are a strong woman and I admire you so much! My thoughts are with you and your family....
    Thank you Cris!! I have to honestly say that I am ok with what happened.Of course I am sad at moments but I am moving on and working that much harder to my goal so that I can have a happy healthy pregnancy in the near future.This miscarriage just made me realize that much more how badly I want another son.
  • Laila - it looks like it's up to you to give out this week's challenge! Congrats on being the biggest loser. :drinker:

    I've had a relaxing weekend so far...got loads of sleep last night and hit the gym this morning and have been lounging ever since! I should really be doing some schoolwork but am just feeling lazy. Maybe in a little bit I'll buckle down.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Ann - I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I am praying for you and your family. :heart:
  • My Wii Fit just told me I've lost 2.4 pounds since Friday. :noway:

    That means I've FINALLY crossed the 250 threshold I wanted to hit 2 weeks ago! *does a little dance*

    I'm going to try not to update my ticker again until next Friday as I am really really trying not to officially weigh myself more than once a week because I know it can be depressing when the weight fluctuates during the week. But I'm not in the 240#s AND I've crossed the 35 pounds lost marker!

    :bigsmile: :smokin: :happy:

    Happy Sunday!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Trying to post images. It's not working!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I was so depressed Saturday when I had to go have my HCG levels checked because my youngest Amelia doesn't understand what happened.She told the nurse that her mommy was going to have a baby and we were naming it Aiden Wyatt and that he was in her belly.I teared up right then.The nurse asked me if I was having another one and I had to explain it to her and then again to my two girls.Paige my 6 yr old started crying and asking why Aiden went to heaven with Jesus because she wanted to play with him and change his diapers.Amelia still doesn't understand fully because she is only 3.I promised them both that mommy and daddy would make sure we prayed everyday that God would bless us with a beautiful baby boy that we would name Aiden Wyatt.Funny thing is Friday night I had a dream that I was 50 pounds lighter in March 2011 than I am now which would make me 180lbs and I found out I was pregnant with twin boys,and the crazy twist of the dream is that my Nana had the same dream the night before I even had my dream and she didn't tell me until Saturday when I told her mine.Maybe its a dream of things to come for my near future or maybe I am just overly hopeful and faithful that it will happen.For those of you who pray please pray that God blesses me with at least one baby boy and also that I am 50 pounds lighter by March 2011 LOL!!!Losing this baby made me realize how badly I want a little boy to raise.I have always dreamed of a big family and I have 5 children but I feel like I have room for a few more.My children are 17,16,14,6,3 and I know some of you are going to ask.THe older 3 are from my husbands previous marriage but I have mothered them like my own since the oldest one was 9.I really just want my baby boy so badly and thats why I am working on being healthy and getting fit so I can make it happen.Thanks gals for being there for me
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ann - sorry you had a rough time. I can just imagine how tuff that would be. I know you will be alot lighter in march and hopefully you will be pregant in the spring with that precious baby boy.

    Well ladies...i have offically lost my mind this week...i freaking went insane!!! THis mroning on the scale i was 251.5 , yep that was 9 lbs up from 2 fridays ago...i am doubting that is actualy fat gain , since that would mean like 31,000 calories over my maintain calories. I hate lots of sodium, pizza 3 x and mexican 2x., pluse a variety of other things :sad: I don't know what got over me this past week...i have to stop it though...

    I really hated seeing that 25# again this morning...i just wanted to cry, i was soo close to a 23# and now to be over 250 is soo sad to me. I know a good portion is water , but still...so re-committing today eating in my cals (dont think i ate in my cals 1 day last week), and exercise (didn't exercise all week long).

    I have 1 month till thanksgiving when my sister is coming down...she hasn't seen me since last september when i was over 300...wanted to be 90 lbs down but that AINT happening...If i can be 80 i will be happy...but i got to get my butt in gear!!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning girls,

    Sorry I have been MIA the past couple of days…hubby left again to Baltimore and not it’s time for me to refocus.

    Since I am the biggest loser this week (thanks Allison for the reminder); my challenge is for everyone to exercise @least 3x a week, stay within the recommended calories, drink @least 8 cups of water, and (most important) check in everyday (calories, water, exercise, and being proud).

    Come on girls, summer is over, it’s time to get back to becoming a healthier and better person, inside and out. Let’s do this!

    Be back in a few...
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ann - sorry you had a rough time. I can just imagine how tuff that would be. I know you will be alot lighter in march and hopefully you will be pregant in the spring with that precious baby boy.

    Well ladies...i have offically lost my mind this week...i freaking went insane!!! THis mroning on the scale i was 251.5 , yep that was 9 lbs up from 2 fridays ago...i am doubting that is actualy fat gain , since that would mean like 31,000 calories over my maintain calories. I hate lots of sodium, pizza 3 x and mexican 2x., pluse a variety of other things :sad: I don't know what got over me this past week...i have to stop it though...

    I really hated seeing that 25# again this morning...i just wanted to cry, i was soo close to a 23# and now to be over 250 is soo sad to me. I know a good portion is water , but still...so re-committing today eating in my cals (dont think i ate in my cals 1 day last week), and exercise (didn't exercise all week long).

    I have 1 month till thanksgiving when my sister is coming down...she hasn't seen me since last september when i was over 300...wanted to be 90 lbs down but that AINT happening...If i can be 80 i will be happy...but i got to get my butt in gear!!!!
    Deb thank you and I know exactly how you feel putting on 9 pounds cause I have put on 12.I was down to 218 a month ago and I am back up to 230 this morning so I have definitely re-evaluated as well.I know alot of mine is water weight because I haven't really changed what I have ate with the exception of some really high sodium days.We will get it back down and you totally will hit your 80 pound mark before Thanksgiving.As hardworking at this as you have been you may see 85 who knows.Keep at it girl you look great all your hard work is paying off and it shows
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Morning girls,

    Sorry I have been MIA the past couple of days…hubby left again to Baltimore and not it’s time for me to refocus.

    Since I am the biggest loser this week (thanks Allison for the reminder); my challenge is for everyone to exercise @least 3x a week, stay within the recommended calories, drink @least 8 cups of water, and (most important) check in everyday (calories, water, exercise, and being proud).

    Come on girls, summer is over, it’s time to get back to becoming a healthier and better person, inside and out. Let’s do this!

    Be back in a few...
    I needed this pick me up Laila but unfortunately I cannot exercise this week. My doctor told me Saturday at least another week before exercising again.He wants my body to heal but I will be staying within my recommended calorie limits.Thanks again for the uplifting words.I am going to lose lose lose.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Morning girls,

    Sorry I have been MIA the past couple of days…hubby left again to Baltimore and not it’s time for me to refocus.

    Since I am the biggest loser this week (thanks Allison for the reminder); my challenge is for everyone to exercise @least 3x a week, stay within the recommended calories, drink @least 8 cups of water, and (most important) check in everyday (calories, water, exercise, and being proud).

    Come on girls, summer is over, it’s time to get back to becoming a healthier and better person, inside and out. Let’s do this!

    Be back in a few...
    I needed this pick me up Laila but unfortunately I cannot exercise this week. My doctor told me Saturday at least another week before exercising again.He wants my body to heal but I will be staying within my recommended calorie limits.Thanks again for the uplifting words.I am going to lose lose lose.

    Awestfall: follow your doctor's advice and take it easy and rest - you will be back to exercising soon enough. Be good to yourself through this time.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    well ... I didn't track my calories or log in all weekend ... but I did lose a pound last week so I'm happy with that, and I'm back today. I feel like I am slowly getting my brain back on track to working on my weightloss. I didn't do great with food or exercise over the weekend though :ohwell: . I'm just holding my breath until tomorrow at 4:00 when hopefully all will go well with closing on the family farmhouse.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Morning ladies. I'm definitely not caught up on the posts. I'm beyond exhausted so I was just going to jump back in. The wedding went well. It rained and we didn't have a plan b. Always have a plan B!! It still came together beautifuly despite the rain. Mike got to meet the family. Think that went pretty well. Minus him telling people we were getting married! Not sure where that came from. Kinda weird! But we had a good time!! I tried to post a blog with some pictures but for some reason they will not post correctly. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what. So there is a collage in my profile. The pics are real tiny though. I can post links to photobucket if anybody wants to see more, or bigger images. I can't wait to get back into my routine. We've got 16 people staying at our house right now. Exercise is out of the question! I basically get zero privacy right now except when I'm in the bathroom. I'm going to try and catch up on the posts today. Hope everybody had a great weekend!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ann -- ***HUGS*** to you.
    Maybe we'll be bump buddies afterall. :wink:

    I've been very blah. I was pretty bad (relatively) last week & over the weekend but I haven't really gained any weight (I'm up about 3 pounds from my lowest but it's no wonder with all the sodium I've had. My pants are actually looser than ever) so I'm kind of in that "I can bust my *kitten* and not lose weight or I can not workout and eat whatever I want and not lose weight" mentality.

    I KNOW if I went at it full force again I would lose weight. And I WANT to lose 40 more pounds but I'm not at the same kind of breaking point I was when I weighed 270+ pounds. I think I'm just tired and I'm letting myself have a little break from focusing so much on it and allowing myself to focus more on other things. But I am NOT letting myself gain any real weight back. :smile: I absolutely refuse to see 200 again. Like... EVER again. And that includes during pregnancy so I really need to lose a little more so I won't have to worry so much about that awful number..
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann -- ***HUGS*** to you.
    Maybe we'll be bump buddies afterall. :wink:

    I've been very blah. I was pretty bad (relatively) last week & over the weekend but I haven't really gained any weight (I'm up about 3 pounds from my lowest but it's no wonder with all the sodium I've had. My pants are actually looser than ever) so I'm kind of in that "I can bust my *kitten* and not lose weight or I can not workout and eat whatever I want and not lose weight" mentality.

    I KNOW if I went at it full force again I would lose weight. And I WANT to lose 40 more pounds but I'm not at the same kind of breaking point I was when I weighed 270+ pounds. I think I'm just tired and I'm letting myself have a little break from focusing so much on it and allowing myself to focus more on other things. But I am NOT letting myself gain any real weight back. :smile: I absolutely refuse to see 200 again. Like... EVER again. And that includes during pregnancy so I really need to lose a little more so I won't have to worry so much about that awful number..
    Thanks Julie!! Once I get out of the 200's I never want to see them again either.I plan on knocking off at least 50 or 60 pounds before I do decide to get pregnant again and if I do I will only be gaining the minimum weight required during pregnancy.That would be awesome if we did become bump buddies.My sister-in-law wants me to get pregnant when she does with her first so she can ask me all kinds of question about pregnancy and compare bellies and stuff lol.I told her to let me lose some more weight and then we will eat a baby together at the same time:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: thats how my daughter Amelia-3 thinks yyou get pregnant by eating babies.She told me the other day not to eat oo many babies because pretty soon I wouldn't have anymore room for one because my tummy was getting smaller and smaller by the minute.3 yr olds have a mind all there own and come up with some crazy theories.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Hopefully I will be eating twin babies soon enough though lol:laugh: :laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann -- ***HUGS*** to you.
    Maybe we'll be bump buddies afterall. :wink:

    I've been very blah. I was pretty bad (relatively) last week & over the weekend but I haven't really gained any weight (I'm up about 3 pounds from my lowest but it's no wonder with all the sodium I've had. My pants are actually looser than ever) so I'm kind of in that "I can bust my *kitten* and not lose weight or I can not workout and eat whatever I want and not lose weight" mentality.

    I KNOW if I went at it full force again I would lose weight. And I WANT to lose 40 more pounds but I'm not at the same kind of breaking point I was when I weighed 270+ pounds. I think I'm just tired and I'm letting myself have a little break from focusing so much on it and allowing myself to focus more on other things. But I am NOT letting myself gain any real weight back. :smile: I absolutely refuse to see 200 again. Like... EVER again. And that includes during pregnancy so I really need to lose a little more so I won't have to worry so much about that awful number..
    I think you are right that you may need a mental break from it all.You know how to keep yourself healthy and not overdo it.Look how far you have come.You are a true inspiration to me and many others.So if you need a break you need a break.Just be reasonable about your decisions and get back at it when you feel its time to go again.I think you will maintain nicely in the mean time if you decide to take a break.YOUR AWESOME!!! Vent to us whenever you feel like your falling apart thats what we are here for
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member

    Emotionally chaotic weekend for me... still trying to process things. I know everything will be fine...

    Now I am left without an appetite... I'm almost 3 pounds down from Friday.

    I managed to log food from yesterday. Saturday wasn't worth logging... I probably ate 500 calories total (paired up nicely with my 2 hours of sleep).

    Just keep swimming...
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