Over 200 New Year New Me Part 37



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Theresa: I'm sorry to hear you had a rough weekend. We're here if you want to talk about it. No matter what, make sure you're taking care of yourself!

    Jess: I'm glad you had a good weekend and that you had fun at the wedding. So when are you and Mike getting married? Did you tell him you want to see the ring before agreeing to such things? Do you have pics posted on Facebook?

    Ann: That's a crazy dream and I'm hoping it comes true for you, as long as you don't have to eat any babies! You can totally lose the weight by then, just stick to it!

    Julie: I hear you on needing a break of sorts. I'm maintaining and actually saw 185.8 on the scale again this morning, but I'm honestly not putting much effort into things other than doing the weight lifting routines. I need to get back to it soon because I want to see my goal weight by my birthday in April.

    I'm feeling a bit down right now, so it affected my eating a bit and my emotions are out of whack. The bf and I are going to talk about some things that have been bothering me lately, this evening, so my stomach is churning and I can't concentrate on work. He's not an emotional type, so sometimes it's hard to bring things up. I usually let things build for about six months and then talk them all out at once and then the cycle repeats. Ick. Yep, this is the one area that he's not so awesome at...talking about feelings. They all have to have one flaw, right?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-There are lots of pics posted on facebook from this weekend. And more pop up everyday from family tagging me in them. Hope your talk with the bf goes okay tonight. It's hard to talk about feelings when one doesn't like to show them. I'm one of those that doesn't really like to show them either. Hope it goes well. Try not to let it affect your eating. HUGS!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - My Fb was acting up for like a week now couldn't see the picsk , but the littl version on fb, i just fixed it and got to see them all !!!! You looked great and looks like a good time is had by all :smile:

    Teresa - SOrry you are having a rough time, we are all here if you want to vent/talk

    Heather - GOod luck with BF.
  • Jess - weird that the photos won't post...I'm bummed because we're not FB friends! Regardless, glad you had a good time, despite the rain.

    I got up and planned to knock out week 9 day 3 of C25K but remembered that I was also doing yoga later and didn't want to burn through 700 calories today. Personal training tomorrow, week 9 day 3 of C25K on Wednesday. Food's been good, down another .7 pounds this morning (my ticker updated to show I was under 250 after all....there was no way I could wait until Friday!) but I am holding off on making further ticker adjustments until the Friday weigh-in.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I'm back! The last few weeks have been nuts. Because they have been nuts, I have been allowing myself to do whatever I wanted and that meant eating whatever and exercising never! So yeah...I'm definitely up about 5 lbs. Boo to that. However, it does give me some motivation to get myself back on track and back to the gym.

    I can easily sum up my check-ins from last week:
    Cals - Over, always.
    Water - Usually about 64 oz (yeah for that at least!)
    Exercise - Nada
    Proud - Saw some people at our watch party on Saturday night - got lots of compliments on how I looked. That was pretty awesome. I also decided to stay away from beer (well, I did have one in the 4th quarter, but we were beating the #1 team in the country, I'm allowed a Bud Light!) at the watch party, which felt like a good decision.

    Anyway, this week is also busy - I've got something every night, but I'm not going to let that stop me from being active. I've got to change my habits and start exercising in the morning. I've got to get back on track in terms of eating and stop letting myself make excuses.

    I had a dream the other night that I gained back 20 lbs and weighed 195. This was a pretty startling dream, because I realized that that could easily happen if I let myself become complacent. While this is a lifestyle change and not a diet, it means that I have to commit to it. Getting off-track for a few weeks may happen, but it's so important I get back on track instead of wallowing in all I've done wrong.

    In other news, my mom has started Jenny Craig and it logging her food here on the site. If you want to encourage her, her screen name is carolfarell. I'm super proud that's she's committing to better heath for herself and even more proud that I'm inspiring her!

    Time for a good butt-kicking Cris and Jess!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Girls I am totally confused now!! Found out the results of my recent bloodwork and my HCG levels went up.Not aalot but they did rise.I go to the OB tomorrow which I wasn't going to but now I am questioning what is going on.My HCG was 217 at the ER last WED Saturday they were 241 which they told me I would be considered 4 weeks pregnant gestational age.I am so freaking confused I really don't want this to be a repeat of what I went through the first time I miscarried or at least thought I was maybe I should have given it time and it would have developed properly but my first pregnancy my doc told me it was either an ectopic or a miscarriage but my numbers are doing the same thing this time.PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!! I am going crazy not knowing whether I am still pregnant or not.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Ann I'm sorry you're on this roller coaster right now... One thing that is totally different from the last time? You as so much stronger now :flowerforyou: I'm sorry you couldn't get into see your OB sooner. Remember to breath, and please be kind to yourself!:heart:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ann - sorry for the ups and downs. I Hope the ob can give you some answers

    Well girls , I am starting this week off pretty good...so far so good, eating witin my cals no snacks (i mean i will have snacks but last week i was snacking all freaking day), and hit 50 min at the gym burning 444 ..I say pretty good since i haven't worked out in over a week!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Way to go Deb!!! :drinker:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    ann, so sorry you are going through an emotion roller coster, but please take a breather. Hopefully the doctor will give you the answers you are looking for:heart::flowerforyou:

    Elmox, glad you are back and remember Mstahl's wise words "a weight gain is ALWAYS water weight and a weight loss is ALWAYS fat loss"

    deb, awesome burn girl!

    Mstahl, I read a couple of pages ago megan is taking Arabic lesson...it's an awesome language (and it has nothing to do with me speaking it:wink: ) I kinda speck Arablish..lol

    Jess, you look so cute in your dress and you and Mike make a cute couple..

    Heather, I don't like to share my feeling too, so I hope you try to open up and speak you mind tonight with bf..good luck girl :flowerforyou:

    Allison, If you like to add me on facebook..my email is falha@aol.com
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Hello girls. I know I have been MIA for a while now. I have been thinking about you during the time, but with the work chaos, and the home chaos, well- the internet has not been a priority, Neither has my food logging or exercise.

    Last week:
    Calories: over until TODAY! YAY
    Water: avg'ing 72 oz (which just shows that water isn't enough)
    Proud: I DID go for a mile plus walk on Saturday and then came home and started the 100 push up and 200 sit up challenges. Tonight is the second night for them.

    I have a lot of posts to read through, and I hope you will bear with me as I get my footing and become more active on this site.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Mallorie: Glad to see you're back! Don't worry about keeping up to date with every post...it can be overwhelming. Just jump in whenever you have a chance!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Checking in for today:
    Cals - Under w/exercise = 1544 (1728 goal)
    Water - 96 oz
    Exercise - 50 min of running/walking = 528 cals burned
    Proud - Back to the gym! That 5K is in less than a month and I really want to try and run the whole thing.So I'm playing with intervals. Today I:
    -Walked 7 min (warm-up) @ 4 mph
    -Ran 8 min @ 5 mph
    -Walked 3 min @ 4.2 mph
    -Ran 6 min @ 5.2 mph
    -Walked 3 min @ 4.2 mph
    -Ran 4 min @ 5.2 mph
    -Walked 3 min @ 4 mph
    -Ran 3 min @ 5 mph
    -Walked 13 min (w/cool down) @ 4.2-3.5 mph

    So yes, good to be back on track for today. Focused for tomorrow!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Today's post is brought to you by the word EAT. Last Friday morning I was at 223, Sunday afternoon (after a day and a half of not eating due to meltdown/panic attack) the scale read 221 (YAY!!!)... Yesterday I barely ate anything, as food just turned my stomach. This morning, I'm back at 222.2. So, eat your food, ladies! Starvation is not helpful.

    Feeling a little better today... breathing all the time, focusing on things that have to be done (as opposed to laying on the couch and letting my mind reel. (I'm a little hesitant to let it all out here since it's an open-to-the-world forum... but I very much appreciate everyone's support and concern!! :heart: )

    Class is tonight and I'll be getting back my very first grad school midterm! I'm slightly nervous not that I did badly, but that I didn't do better than everyone else... haha Sounds awful of me? Yes. But that's because most people in my class are convinced I'm some sort of linguistical genius. Although I might be close :wink:

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories - way under (and what I did eat - pizza, ice cream, cereal - not great)
    Water - awful
    Exercise - Cleaned up the house, went grocery shopping.... one day at a time
    Proud - I didn't shy away from how I felt and used real words to communicate it! (Sounds easy for most people... not so much for me)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning gals

    Well only 6 1/2 lbs up instead of 9 this morning...so at least it is going in the right direction.

    Got to get my but working, i have been slacking when it comes to work, and have lost of stuff to do so beter get on it.
  • Yesterday's check-in:

    Cals - 700 under
    Water - 9ish cups
    Sodium - 46 over
    Exercise - 10 minute run plus 10 minute walk in the AM, 1 hour of yoga in the PM
    Proud - I'm having a hard time "seeing" the weight loss...I *know* that I've lost almost 40 pounds, I *know* that my clothes fit better, but I have a hard time looking in the mirror and seeing a difference, so I spent some time yesterday being positive about my body and noticing some changes. It's really hard for me to do that.

    Laila - that is a GREAT challenge!!! We all seem to have been slacking lately and a challenge like that is good to kick us all in the pants and get us back on track.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    check in yesterday

    Cals - 150 under
    Water - 4 cups (not nearly enough), but it is a start
    Exercise - 50 min arc trainer (444 cals)
    Proud - THat i got the week started off good.!!

    Had a little pick me up yesterdya, when i took serena to the counseror the lady at the sign in, was like how much weight have you lost, i told her about 75 (even those i was feeling like i was lying since that was 7-9 lbs agao), and was like you look great...So that felt good !!

    And on the conselour note...serena has graduated from counseling !!!! Her counsleor said we are just leaving it as needed, so if she is struggling and we want to start again then that is fine, or if we want to check in that is fine, or if she is doing good and we don't feel the need to then that is fine too....So proud of my baby girls.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Just watched this video and it was very disturbing to me. It was the about this woman who wanted to get fatter and fatter.

    She said she was 600 lbs ,and wanted to know how it was to be 700, then 800 and is hoping to hit 1000 lbs. Said she ait 12,000 calories a day.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Deb: I bet it was an interesting article. It's hard to imagine someone wanting to gain weight like that. Basically, it's a slow suicide. On a more positive note, yay for Serena!

    Allison: I'm proud of you for spending time being positive about your body. It is hard to do!

    Theresa: Good luck on your midterm. Wanting to do better than everyone else is something I completely understand, so don't feel bad. Great job on communicating your feelings, too. I struggle with that....hmm, sound like we have a few things in common? Thanks for the friend request...I assumed we were already MFP friends!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 98, which I consider on-target!
    Sodium: Over by 255, which I consider a big win!
    Water: 89.8 oz
    Exercise: None, it was my designated rest day
    Proud: Bf and I talked...well, I did most of the talking. It was hard for me to do, but I feel SO much better today just getting things off my chest.

    On a super happy note, the scale showed me a new low this morning of 184.2 so I counted it on my ticker. Hopefully it will stick around for a while, especially since we go to bf's family reunion at an indoor waterpark next weekend and I'd love to be down a few more pounds! I won't hit my Halloween goal :ohwell: but after a seven month plateau, I'll take any loss right now!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Good morning!

    First I'll check in for yesterday:
    Calories - under with an *
    Water - not great (out of iced green tea at home)
    Exercise - none

    Proud- I had a good talk with Meghan - I think she's starting to really FEEL like learning is the point of school, not grades. Her dad used her grades as weapons, even when she did well it wasn't good enough adn she just shut down and stopped turning in assignments. Since she started school here it's been a little hit and miss but we have been focused on what she's learning rather than how she's doing and I think she's starting to catch on and realize that she actually likes to learn! She stayed up until three AM to complete a writing assingment that she'd put off and she was SO PROUD of herself this morning :)

    * Dinner consisted of several 3 yr old See's dark chocolates I found cleaning out the cupboard.

    Laila - Arabic is Meghan's FAVORITE class! She has beautiful hand writing and she loves the Arabic Script, and she enjoys learning both the speaking part and learning about Arabic cultures. Her high school offeres it as a language along with the usual (Spanish, French, German, and Latin) they also started offering Chinese a couple years ago. I bought her Harry Potter a book printed in Arabic :laugh:
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