Over 200 New Year New Me Part 37



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Praying for you and your family, Ann!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Ann, I am so sorry to hear about the sad news. Prayers to you and your family during this tough time...stay strong girl:heart: {{{HUGS}}} for you...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: How terrible! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We're here for you, you know that.

    Melinda: Meghan's plate sounds so appropriate. She sounds like such a sweet girl and I'm so glad she's been able to come stay with you to have a better living situation. As far as school goes, I have a meeting with a counselor tonight to go through my options. I'm leaning heavily toward paralegal because I think it would be interesting. Healthcare management is interesting me less and less because I didn't use my Associates degree which is Medical Administrative Assistant. I've also considered accounting because it's something I do for my job now, but if I'm honest, I hate it. Vet Tech interests me, but I'd be sobbing anytime I had to put down an animal. Sports and Fitness is still intriguing, but the pay scales and job outlooks aren't as good as healthcare and paralegal. Oh, what to do, what to do! Of course, this is all assuming that the financial aid people can figure out a way for me to go without having to cough up a bunch of money up front!

    Allison: I wasn't going to give my daily check-in, but you convinced me.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: over by 442 (tried a new BBQ place for dinner)
    Sodium: Over by 1468 (see above)
    Water: 68.9 oz.
    Exercise: None, unless I can count shopping for a few hours.
    Proud: That I didn't spend money when shopping...just window shopped.

    Still working on figuring out what I want to be for Halloween, but at least bf is on board for a couples costume again this year. Just need to figure out what...
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Checking in:
    calories: I tracked them and I was UNDER! woo hoo
    exercise: good, good
    proud: that I'm back for 2 days in a row!
    water: not very good
    Family farmhouse buying update: I am FREAKING OUT! We finally got to the point where our loan was approved and the final approval is with underwriting and a closing date has been set for next Tuesday, the appraisal was done last week (we paid extra to have it done quickly), and aaaaargh! the appraisal has 2 problems. One is that it came back waaay higher ($23,000 higher) than the appraisal done a year ago for the estate (which makes no sense since the real estate market hasn't improved). That is good for the loan, but bad because even though we think the appraisal is likely too high - we felt the need to share it with the other estate inheritors to make sure the favorable purchase price that we agreed on is still ok with them. I've heard back from 2 that they are fine with it and haven't heard from the other 2.
    The other problem with the appraisal may be more serious - the county is saying the farmhouse property has a zoning violation and can't be sold without bringing it into compliance. I talked to our mortgage representative - who talked to the title company - and so far the title company says there isn't a problem. So we are holding our breath that the closing will happen on Tuesday and then we will try to figure out how to fix any zoning issue. It would be better to figure it out ahead of time with the county, but I don't want to jeopardize our loan closing. Very, very stressed right now - barely slept last night thinking around and around about what we should do. I would love to finally get this all settled.
    Of course stress isn't helping me with eating ... I've done well so far today just because I was too busy and stressed out to leave my desk and get much to eat - the problem with that is that now I'm starving and am already thinking of bad choices to eat when I get home. I need to make a plan.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm so sorry Awestfall - I will be thinking of you, take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • Ann - I am so sorry for your loss and will be keeping you and your family in my prayers. :flowerforyou:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I had a nice lunch with my co-worker and I limited myself to the eggplant and NO carbs! The waitress brought a veggy in place of the pasta. I didn't even have any bread!

    This is important since tonights our big dinner. I'm trying to save money so our "theme" is 'celebration of the lowly spegehtti noodle. I'm having everyone bring a different topping like mushrooms, sausage, pesto... I'll cook up a red sauce with venison...

    I'm hoping I'll just have a glass of wine and some mushrooms (unlikely)

    IstPaul - I'm so happy you're getting the farmhouse! You are doing such a wonderful thing for your children and future grandchildren!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am a bit better this morning.My doc said I need to be on bedrest at least until Monday!! I feel fine other than it feels like a regular period.My first miscarriage was much more worse than this so I am thankful that the pain isn't greater than I can bare just the pain in my heart but I am coping well with it.I am just remembering why I began this journey and I need to finish this journey first before I begin a new one so I am going to fight fight fight everyday to improve my overall health and achieve my weight loss goals and then I will have my baby boy.Thanks for all the sweet comments I love you gals.Its wonderful knowing I have such a great support group.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Mixed feelings about weighing in today... I have lost .01 pounds since the last time I weighed in. So I feel: CRAP! That's nothing... and then YAY! Because I haven't weighed in since 9/3. THEN I feel CRAP! I haven't weighed in since 9/3? That's terrible!! Then I think... but since 9/3 I haven't gained back anything that I've lost.

    And 'round and 'round and 'round we go!

    I applied for two jobs yesterday... my sister is a teller at PNC and referred me. Here's hoping! (Isn't Jess a teller?) My current boss is hell-bent on keeping me around longer... which is really helpful so I won't have to go without a paycheck until I find something local. Other good news... I have over a week's worth of vacation that I will get paid back :) So my last check will be more than 3 weeks' pay!

    Ann - I'm glad to see you're feeling better. I will certainly keep you in my prayers.

    Happy Friday everyone :)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    I guess I am the first to weigh in


    my current weight is 202.0 my new lowest weight ever..... However, I have lost, since Monday, 6 pounds and 2.88%, but it was weight I gain over 3 weeks...

    Happy weigh in girls!

    I have to go shopping now and I am not sure if I can post today..busy busy busy...

    Have a great day!!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Mixed feelings about weighing in today... I have lost .01 pounds since the last time I weighed in. So I feel: CRAP! That's nothing... and then YAY! Because I haven't weighed in since 9/3. THEN I feel CRAP! I haven't weighed in since 9/3? That's terrible!! Then I think... but since 9/3 I haven't gained back anything that I've lost.

    And 'round and 'round and 'round we go!

    I applied for two jobs yesterday... my sister is a teller at PNC and referred me. Here's hoping! (Isn't Jess a teller?) My current boss is hell-bent on keeping me around longer... which is really helpful so I won't have to go without a paycheck until I find something local. Other good news... I have over a week's worth of vacation that I will get paid back :) So my last check will be more than 3 weeks' pay!

    Ann - I'm glad to see you're feeling better. I will certainly keep you in my prayers.

    Happy Friday everyone :)

    tstout, look at the bright side, you didn't gain weight, so a loss is still a loss even if it's .01...Congrats girl!!!

    and good luck on the job interviews..crossing my fingers for ya
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I got a big fat "0" today !!! Well actually a big 3++++ I know it is cause we had pizza last night since before we ate i was only at like .5 lbs up from my weight last week..But since i ate like crap all week !! NO exercise...guess it is what i deserve :sad:

    Teresa - Good luck on your job, and WTG on maintaining. I pretty much did that between jan - may, yep 4 months...i think that proves i can maintain!! Now if i could get this other 75 lbs off then maintain that will be much better...You will get going again soon!!

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Theresa and Deb: I've basically been maintaining since March! It's making me lose some of my motivation. Every week starts strong then dwindles by Friday. I need to figure out how to keep the motivation.

    Ladies, I am going to restart training for our 5k. It's only a month away! Maybe signing up for that will get me motivated, at least on the exercise front.

    lstpaul: Best of luck with the farm. It's always something, isn't it? I'm sure things will work out, even though there's no way around losing sleep. I know what that's like!

    Ann: I'm glad you're feeling okay. I wish there were something else I could do for you ***HUGS***

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 504
    Sodium: Over by 2421
    Water: 75.8 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I went to bed early and felt a little refreshed this morning.

    So, I had the meeting with the college counselor last night and I'm really thinking about the paralegal program. I have to do my financial aid application this weekend, then meet with their financial aid counselor sometime next week to see if I can make it all work. I'm just tired of doing jobs that I didn't want to and hate doing. My job description has completely changed from the time I was hired and I had no choice over any of it. It's frustrating.
  • Laila..........-1.8...........0.88%
  • Here's yesterday's check in:

    Cals: 489 under
    Water: 10+ cups
    Sodium: 37 over
    Exercise: 25 minutes on the stationary bike
    Proud: I powered through the pain to continue on the bike and work through the lingering muscle soreness from the personal training earlier in the week.

    Finished week 9 day 2...yet another 30 minute run behind me and am getting closer and closer to that 5K goal on Thanksgiving.

    I still haven't met the goal of being 250 by the weekend of 10/8; this morning I weighed in at 250.9. So I've adjusted my Christmas goal to be 235, which is now a little more realistic, especially given holiday-season eating and whatnot. If I hit 230, that's great, but I'm okay with just 235.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    I was doing SO WELL last night! I skipped the appetizers, I didn't have a bite of bread... I took micro sips of my wine...

    Then it seemed like it got crazy, a friend came with two extreamly high energy boys (9 and 10) and it got loud and glasses (boys) were getting broken... and then I ate spaghetti, garlic bread, and dessert.


    Today I will make better choices!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So this is how busy I've been this week: I didn't realize it was Friday! :noway: I think that's the first time that has ever happened to me. :laugh:

    So, no weigh in but I'm pretty sure I haven't lost anything. Surprisingly, my jeans are looser than usual today but I've definitely not been in weight-loss mode this week. I've lost some of my focus and I'm okay with that right now because I understand that my focus is presently split among several things (namely: October is my super stressful busy month at work, and of course that whole baby thing :tongue:). I refuse to gain back any weight, though, focused or not. :wink:

    Work has hit peak crazy time. Full moon tonight and only 2 people are here in HR today (yeah, normally there's 13 of us). I'm the only one here in the Benefits/Payroll department right now. Thank goodness it's not a payday or I'd probably have a meltdown. :laugh: Back to work! I can't believe my phone stopped ringing long enough for me to type all this. :happy: Maybe it'll be a quiet afternoon?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am going to give myself at least two weeks before I start weighing in again with you gals.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Apparently it's been a busy week for everyone!

    Allison and Laila: Great job on having a loss this week!

    Allison: You're killing the C25k! You're seriously about done with week 9? I'm in envy of your dedication.

    It's been so quiet here with Julie busy at work, Jess getting ready for her sister's wedding, Meokk getting ready for her wedding, I've been a little busy at work....whew. Where's Cris? I'm sure she's busy at work, too, with her dad's upcoming surgery. I'm hoping things calm down for everyone soon. Oh, and Nancy's busy at school, Lauren's traveling for work...

    Well, I think almost everyone is at least accounted for!
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