Over 200 New Year New Me Part 37



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    quick pop-in

    I'm about to go drop my son to pre-school and go for my walk/jog...today's plan is to do 3 miles. I feel much better ( my sinus are calmer) thanks Allison for the advice. I am only going to use it "when needed". Plus, I am going to do shred, back to level on day 2..

    Have a great day girl!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Laila- my doctor says that the over the counter (now LITERALLY over the counter) decongestants’ are very safe as long as you don't cook up a bunch of other chemicals and then mix them together. There is nothing that can cause the high from Meth to happen with these medications without doing a lot of work.

    I used to get massive horrid sinus headaches and have the bleeding and all the rest - the worst was when I would get one in my front sinuses (below the eyes):frown: :sick: . Per my doctor's recommendation, I started using a sinus rinse 'positive pressure' and large volume - basically a squeeze bottle with a straw. I rinsed my sinuses morning and night for about a month, then slowly backed off. Now I only rinse if I've been in a lot of dust or allergens, or if I feel an infection coming on. I haven't had to go back to the doctor for sinus problems since! My husband does this too - he was in serious pain before he finally gave it a try and now he's a huge fan! Here's the link http://www.neilmed.com/pdf/ppnasalirrigation.pdf Yes it's a little gross at first but it's SO WORTH IT!:flowerforyou:

    I'm eating a chicken and mushroom quesadilla for lunch. The cafeteria says it's 240 calories but it tastes like more. I'm trying not to eat the extra tortilla at the ends! I was good and said NO to the sour cream! :blushing:

    Meghan wants to start helping with meal prep so I had Ken rinse off four frozen chicken breasts and put them in the crock pot (still frozen) and pour some left over homemade mushroom soup over them. Tonight Meghan can chop up an onion and smash a few cloves of garlic - saute, then add some sliced mushrooms to the skillet (they have to be used today!) with a little butter, cook down some - and add all that back into the crock-pot. If she boils some egg noodles we should have a nice meal! I might even have her stir in some Greek Yogurt before serving to make it more straganaugh like :wink: I'll admit - I'm pretty proud of myself for coming up with an easy recipe that uses up stuff in the fridge. It's usually so much easier for me to just figure out what I can make and make it than to delegate.:smokin:

    Girls - we can DO THIS!!! :flowerforyou:

    I can't WAIT to get back down so more clothes fit (wearing a skirt today).:grumble:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Wow, I hate babysitting adults! Those of you in HR...Julie, Mallorie, you KNOW what I'm talking about. We're doing our medical renewal for the year and are "shopping" plans to save employees money. Everyone had to fill out a generic application for the process. Today, a rep from the broker doing the "shopping" called, saying she needed to speak to a few people for more information. Well, one employee refuses to fill anything else out because "they should have it from last year."

    Why can people figure out that if they just do what the directions say the first time it's easy? The worst part? This guy is a department supervisor! Ugh, I wanted to hit him or throw something at him! I hate HR, I hate it, I hate it. I need to figure out what I want to be when I grow up so I can get the heck out!

    Okay, rant over.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mstahl-Reading your outlook on the crazy things we do and eating really made me think! What a different way of putting it to me.

    purple-I am exhausted just reading your busy days!! WOW GIRL!! You are rocking! And I am very excited yet nervous for my sisters wedding. I'm ready for it to be here!

    Deb-I'm proud of you for still putting in your calories! Says a lot about your commitment. Hope Abby let you work today. Glad she is feeling better.

    Laila-Are you feeling better today?

    Heather-I'm proud of you for still doing your workout last night. Yay for getting some much needed rest!!

    I know I missed a few people. Trying to get caught up on posts. Was on a conference call this morning and Mike took my car to get my oil changed and apparentley there are some problems. That's what ya get for taking it to Walmart!! GRR!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Middle of the day... got on the scale (because I was feeling brave)..... and miraculously I am at the lowest weight I was when I was logging everything religiously.

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I had an amazing interval training section, walked/jogged for 4.5 miles in 60 minutes. I feel great, and I sweated so much and it's kinda cold today. there was a guy that cleans the park and watches over the park...he stops me to say "wow, that was some workout" I didn't know he was watching me the whole time..he was like "you did real good" .....I smiled and thanked him for the kinds words..I felt amazing afterwards.

    got to go cook chili (daughter wants chili w/ beans and cornbread muffins) I am going to eat the chilli but not the cornbread or tortilla chips (which she also wants) then I wonder how she stays so thin...

    Have a great day girls!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm here ... trying really hard to get back on the motivation train ... I know I need to. I tracked what I ate so far today - my goal is to track all week - no other goal yet, taking those baby steps.

    positively_me: I had/have the same thing! bad sinus headache - dizzy almost like vertigo, my son had it too and we've been home for the last 2 days - back at work today. Lots of viruses starting to go around again. Claritin seemed to help me,
    and Mstahl is right - I had been doing sinus rinses and hadn't had a sinus infection for a long time .... I quit doing them though over the summer and sure enough I got sick again. I'll have to start doing the rinses at least daily again and see if it helps.

    Momma2four: thanks for the San Francisco advice for our Anniversary trip coming up - I've been so inconsistent with logging in here that I missed your advice before... I need to make that reservation for a boat tour around Alcatraz.

    I will be back tomorrow, it's a date!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Wow, I hate babysitting adults! Those of you in HR...Julie, Mallorie, you KNOW what I'm talking about. We're doing our medical renewal for the year and are "shopping" plans to save employees money. Everyone had to fill out a generic application for the process. Today, a rep from the broker doing the "shopping" called, saying she needed to speak to a few people for more information. Well, one employee refuses to fill anything else out because "they should have it from last year."

    Why can people figure out that if they just do what the directions say the first time it's easy? The worst part? This guy is a department supervisor! Ugh, I wanted to hit him or throw something at him! I hate HR, I hate it, I hate it. I need to figure out what I want to be when I grow up so I can get the heck out!

    Okay, rant over.

    OMG Heather. I had an employee come to my office today FUMING mad because her supervisor was on vacation this week and her supervisor's supervisor wouldn't approve her to be out of work ALL WEEK next week (yeah, essentially 2.5 days notice) because there was a staffing conflict on 10/29 because so many employees had already been approved to be off. She agreed to letting her have 4 of the 5 days off which I thought was extremely generous given the nature of the request. The employee was fighting mad so she runs down to HR to whine about it. Like I'm going to pull out my magic Leave wand and grant her all of her leave wishes or something. :laugh: She was in a much better mood when she left somehow. Maybe she just needed to vent to someone. All I told her to do was sit down and talk with her boss's boss again and work it out like adults.

    We have had an insane day today in HR (Benefits). Just... unbelievable. Unfreakingbelievable. I didn't know so much crazy could happen simultaneously.

    Going to see The Avett Brothers and eat some fried stuff at the State Fair tonight! Woot!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    See, Julie, I knew you'd understand what I'm talking about! I really do hate HR and have been taking interest inventories and career tests to figure out what I want to go back to school for. I can't really afford it, but when can we ever afford college? It will only get harder the older I get. Enjoy the State Fair tonight!

    Theresa: Great job on your low weight! Sometimes it pays to be brave.

    Jess: Sorry to hear there are problems with your car. Mike's a sweetie for taking it to get the oil changed, though. Yay for nice guys!

    lstpaul: I'm happy to see you back! Baby steps!

    Yay, only about ten minutes left, then I'm calling the college counselor back to set up a time to meet with her and financial aid. If I can decide on a program, I think I have my school decided. If I go back to MN School of Business where I got my AAS, it will only take me about 1.5 years, maybe less, to complete my bachelor's. The programs I'm currently considering are health & exercise science, paralegal and healthcare management. I did take one assessment today that said my perfect job would be Library Sciences...funny because like Julie, I've always considered it a dream job. But, it's not practical because the number of jobs are so limited AND government funding is crappy for good things like schooling and libraries.

    "See" you all tomorrow!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    I am in the middle of tech week for a show so I do not get too much time to get on here. Sorry! It will all be over Sunday.

    I am sorry to read that some of us are struggling with over eating. Well, count me in, too. I have had some pretty terrible eating days - so much so that the scale now reads a five pound gain. :sad:
    I know I can get back on track - it may not begin until Monday when the show is over, but I WILL get back on track!!!

    Melinda - I would LOVE to meet you for coffee when you drive through old Lou! I will PM you!

    Keep on keepin' on, sisters of the weight loss pants! We can't turn back now! :heart:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello everyone! Look - I’m back like a week and I'm totally stalking our boards LOL!

    Meghan brought home a sample of the work she's doing in her glass making class. It's this cool green glass plate and on the top half she's etched Arabic words and the outline of the top half of a heart, and on the bottom half the plate is etched and Arabic words and the heart outline are in relief (not etched?). It was supposed to say something like "Love in my home" but it says "Love in my Homes" which I think is totally close enough and really could mean that since she left CA and came to OH, she is loved, and loves others in both homes :smile:

    After dinner tonight while I was cleaning up Meghan was trying to demonstrate how she taught Cecil (her Jack Russell Terrier) to lay down. She was using treats and fussing over him and Figgy decided to investigate. There was a huge dog fight with Meghan freaking out and Cecil getting shaken by his back leg, limp like a doll. I had Figgy by her scruff and when she tried to drop Cecil he was still hanging on to her face. Blood was everywhere (Cecil is white) and Meghan was freaking out hysterical :sad: I shoved Figgy into a crate and picked up Cecil (who was dancing around Meghan) looking for the damage. He has a small puncture wound on his back leg (ham) and was very slobbery. We cleaned him up and cleaned his bite and held both Meghan (sobbing) and the dog and after she calmed down we noticed that Figgy's face was dripping blood all over the place. It turned out that most of the blood was from Figgy.:noway:

    Both dogs are fine and I'll have to figure out how to get them to work through it but it was kinda funny that as horrific as it was, Figgy the big mean bully mastiff at 130 lbs was the one that was injured and Cecil at 12 lbs is fine. Meghan's taking a shower, Cecil is sleeping by the fire, and Figgy is out in the back yard sulking. My white Tshirt is spotted with blood. what a night!:ohwell: Thank god Cecil is OK I don't think I could have stood it if Meghan lost her little boy!:brokenheart:

    All this talk of college has me wanting to go back! I thought I'd be in graduate school this fall :frown: I'm too busy but I do really want to go back! I want to get my Masters in Economics.

    Heather - if you get a degree in something like paralegal and healthcare you will HAVE A JOB. You're super smart - have you thought about going to law school? There are lots of good lawyers ya know :tongue: The hospital where I work has a bunch of amazing lawyers who do awesome work getting people the care they need. If you like working with computers or just learning new stuff you should think about information systems and business. I love it!:heart:

    Blue- Meghan and I will be driving to Potosi MO on Friday Nov 5th - We'll probably make it as far as Indy the night before... I would LOVE to meet you! We're going to the YMCA camp at Trout Lodge for a Harry Potter music festival. There - I've outed myself as an ultra nerd :embarrassed: Yes - a weekend of listening to bands play music about Harry Potter stuff! What can I say...:laugh:

    I'm going to check in for the day - I think I've made it three in a row! Whoot!

    Calories - under, even if I have a toasted marshmallow! (I love fall and nice wood fires!)
    Water - Awesome!:drinker:
    Exercise - fail:grumble:

    Proud - that I kept my head during the "Storm and Furry" dog fight, and I didn't get the sour cream with my chicken and mushroom quesadilla :smile:

    I'm so proud of ALL OF YOU!!! I'm so excited to be back! I'm so thrilled that I can sit here after eating about 1200 calories and not feel hungry! YES we CAN DO THIS!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Two days ago, I logged in and started recording food.
    Yesterday, I completed my food log.
    Today! I am checking in :)

    Calories - too far under... 1100something. I was really indecisive about what I wanted to eat/if I should eat after dinner (despite the rumbling coming from my stomach).
    Water - not great ~40oz
    Exercise - walking,walking,walking
    Proud - in my bout of trying to decide what/if I wanted to eat after dinner, he suggested pancakes and I said no! (I have a serious weakness for pancakes lol)

    I think I am going to keep focused on eating well this week and this weekend and try to add in a little exercise next week. Little by little, I'll get back into it.

    Thank you all for your love and support!! :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Mstahl - What a night...glad everyone is okay.

    This week just hasn't been a good eating week for me at all...but to much suprise i was like less than a pound up this morning...not sure why.

    I went to bunco last night and hate chips and queuest, cookies and cake ..yeah i was way over my cals i am sure, i was snacking all day yesterday too..oh and to top it off i have not been to the gym since sunday. I i am not sure if i am going today thought, not feeling great, very tired..
  • Checking in from yesterday -

    Cals: 381 under
    Water: 9 cups
    Sodium: 400ish under
    Exercise: brief run and stretching out those sore muscles
    Proud: I resisted fast food while out at the mall with a good friend

    Where is everyone? Where are all the check-ins? Let's get it in gear, ladies!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    morning, no time to chat, be back later for that..miss ya all :)

    check in (monday)
    calories, over (forgot by how much though)
    water, 100+
    exercise, shred
    proud, nada at this point

    check in (tuesday)
    calories, under = 1122
    water, a lot, about 13 cups
    exercise, 2 miles of walking ( I aimed for 4 however my sinus were horrible so I only did 2)
    proud, still tried to do my walk before giving up

    Check in (Wednesday)
    calories, on target = 1239
    water, a lot, about 15 cups
    exercise, about 4 miles in the park and did some kinda workout at home, but not shred..I danced with my kids using "Just dance" for Wii, about 30 minutes

    check back when I get back from my walk...Have a great day girls...
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Unfortunately for those of you who knew I was pregnant I went to the ER this morning and I am now bleeding and passing clots .My hcg levels are low(217) and the odds don't look good.This is just God's way of telling us we aren't quite ready for another one but we will try again later after I have lost some more weight.I am really sad but also motivated to get this excess weight off.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ann - :cry: :cry: I am soo soo sorry for you. My heart is with you and your family.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh Ann!!!! I'm so sorry to hear your news!!! :cry: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:

    Please know that you will be in my prayers!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ann I'm so sorry to hear about your sad news. You and your family are in my heart. Prayers are being sent your way. HUGS!:flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks gals my heart is broken but I am starting tomorrow moving on and contuining my weight loss journey.My husband and I will try for our precious little boy again sometime after I get closer to my goal weight.Just more motivation for me to lose this weight.
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