Over 200 New Year New Me Part 37



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Melinda: Great job on staying away from the emergency chocolate yesterday. I'm with Cris...I missed you and am so glad you're back! Apparently, I was waiting for you, too.

    Jess: I'm sure Mike and the family will be fine together. He seems pretty steady and if he likes you as much as it sounds like he does, then he'll do everything he can to make a good impression with them. You should post a pic of him! I'll try to get a recent one of my bf, too.

    Cris: I had Wendy's for dinner last night and it was delicious! I would have been fine calorie-wise but I was frustrated at the bowling alley and ended up having a snack when I got home. At least it was hummus and pretzel thins, so it could have been so much worse.

    Speak of bowling alley...I've been talking to the league coordinator for over a month to join a fun league. I was told that they would have a spot for me on a team. Well, I show up last night for the first night of leagues and I'm told first that they aren't sure what to do since I don't have a full team (it's only me) and they had me sit at a lane and said they'd let me know. After waiting 20 minutes, I ask another person and she says they're waiting for the rest of the teams to show up and they'll fill me in on a team that isn't full. I wait another 20 minutes and start packing up. Someone comes over to tell me that they don't have a spot for me, but since some of the teams are missing, I can check back next week. I told her to forget it. Then, I'm about 1.5 miles away and my phone rings. I'm told a team just walked in looking for a fourth bowler; am I interested? I said "I don't think so" and hung up. I was pissed, to say the least. Of course the league coordinator I've been talking to is on vacation this week. Needless to say, she's getting a nasty email to come back to!

    What blows my mind is that I bring a $3,000 holiday party to them every year. It makes me wonder if they'd known who I was, if they would have treated me any differently. If so, I think it's sad that someone would get star treatment just because they bring their company party and others would get tossed aside like they don't matter. If the other bowling alleys in the area weren't already booked for the day we want to do our company party, I'd certainly move our party out of principle!

    Anyway, as you can tell, I was frustrated which caused me to snack last night. I knew when I was doing it that I shouldn't, but sometimes we don't listen to ourselves. I'm bummed because I really wanted to bowl but I do not want to spend my time or money somewhere that doesn't care about their customers.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 244
    Sodium: Over by 1549
    Water: 42.25 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I didn't give the bowling alley employees my total b*tch act even though I wanted to!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I would be super upset if I were you too! I'm proud of you for not giving them the *kitten* attitude. I would of. I'm trying to work on that. One of my flaws. haha....is it possible to find a bowling league somewhere else? Or is that the only alley close by you? All my pictures of Mike were on my iPhone that crapped out on me. I have 2 that he sent me but neither one are very good. I can post one if you want. Otherwise I'm sure I will have some from the wedding this weekend. He's so good with talking to people I don't think he's nervous at all. He's just not a drinker and well, my family is just like me and so I'm sure he's looking forward to the entertainment of the night. Jessica's drunk family!

    Melinda-Count me in. I been waiting for you too! HAHA!

    POS Me-Have a good workout today. Forget about last night. Drink lots of water! Stay on track and I'm crossing my fingers that you see 199 this Friday! I know you can do it!!!

    Cris-Good luck at your weigh in!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Dear water,

    I'm sorry I don't spend more time with you. I've had just 30 ounces so far today and I already feel better... no more head ache and a bit more energy.

    I promise to set aside more time for you.



    PS - If you see workouts around, please let them know I miss them and I will be visiting soon.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sounds like you gals are doing great!! I am still logging food to make sure I don't go over calories!! I upped my calories to 1500 and I think this will be good for me.Glad to see everyone doing so well.Be back later !
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Heather- next time def let her have the b#$%@ act! That way you take out the frustration on her...and thus you dont bottle it all inside then eat your feelings later...but then again I jsut enjoy b@$% people out at times...I find it to be a good stress reliever

    Jess- I cant wait for wedding pics

    Theresa- loved you letter!

    Ann- so glad you are still logging!

    Julie- I miss you! Stupid training taking u away from us!

    So my dad is going to have back surgery so its damn near impossible for me to leave the company now, and to add to it my fiance is having shoulder surgery....AND my breaks are completely done, like grinding metal on metal. That means lots of expenses coming up! Between bobby not working, and the car repair we are looking at a couple grand...when it rains it pours :(
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    just logged my stuff from yesterday:

    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Fiber
    Totals 1,752 199 70 82 2,873 11
    Your Daily Goal 1,200 150 33 75 2,500 18
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Chris - I'm sorry about Bobby and your dad both having to go under the knife. Maybe they can have their surgeries around the same time and re-hab together? A chance to bond?:laugh: :wink: :ohwell:

    Ann- so glad you're still here logging! You have come so far and it's awesome you're not losing track of your health (and you babies too of course) right now! You rock :flowerforyou:

    Work has been crazy and I'm heading for home soon! I did NOT resist the crisis chocolate today but at least it was just one Hershey’s mini dark chocolate and the peanut butter I put on top was the trader joe's with flax seed - so a wee bit healthy!?!:noway: :grumble:

    We were talking about all the crazy stupid things we did as kids and I realized that as crazy as I was (jumping my horse over the tongue of a moving hay wagon) continuing to eat too much is just as dangerous for me now. I have GOT to fix this for my own well being and for the well-being of those who rely on me.:indifferent: I mean yeah! :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    well today has been a day.

    So i knew i was meeting my co-workers casue i am on call next week "yet again, short break this time cause i swapped with someoneon ugggg.." anyway. THey picked steak and shake, i hadn't been in about 8 years...oh it was soo freaking good...good for calories not so much....the burger and fries were high enough , shouldn't of even looked at how many cals that milkshake i had was :sad: , lets just say my lunch alone was more than my daily calories, by like 500...so i will be lucky to be under maint today, more like ove rmaint.

    but on the way to meet them i get a call from the day care, abby has a fever...i told them i wasn't home but would be there soon...i ate real quick then went and got her. she had went to sleep rigyht after they called, so didn't feel soo bad about taking soo long. They said she had 101.7 fever, she look pittiful when i picked her up. She felt warm i took her temp and not really high..but she kept saying her ear hurt, and was saying last night they hurt. So i was conviced ear infection.

    So i took her to the dr, and no ear infection, he thought maybe strep so tested her for htat, and nope no strep. SO he said most likely a viral thing. just to push liquids and can give her a little tylnol or motirn if needed. She fell alseep 5 min in the car, then came home and has been sleeping for the last 1 1/2 hours.

    Soo...no day care tomorrow :sad: I am hoping to at least to be able to work 1/2 day. I only have 1/2 day sick time left, then i will start going into my vacation (which i have 2 unplanned days right now left, so i can take that), was hoping i didn't have to though.

    Oh well...hopefully she will feel better soon.
  • Hey everyone! This is long....you've been warned! :laugh:

    As usual, life has been incredibly hectic, but hopefully I have some time to breathe tonight and tomorrow as well.

    DC recap - AMAZING! Had so much fun, got a TON of walking in, and still managed to eat well 90% of the time. Enjoyed splitting a sorbet tasting with my friend, and enjoyed some wine and treats, but was really good on the whole.

    Monday - Drove down from DC and went straight to class. Didn't get too much food in me, but enjoyed yoga and had some quality time with some friends.

    Cals: 360 under
    Water: 7+ cups (it was definitely more than 8, I think, but I only logged 7)
    Sodium: 513 under
    Exercise: 1 hour of yoga
    Proud: Didn't stop at Chick-fil-a on my way back to school; instead bought some yogurt, fruit, and cheese at the cafe.

    Today - slept in a bit, did some work, then had my first personal training session. YIKES! I am completely sore and feel thoroughly worked over. My trainer is great, and my HRM said I burned over 550 calories during that hour, and I wasn't doing any cardio besides a quick warm-up! My mind has been blown.

    I'm hobbling a bit now...my legs are still the consistency of jell-o, but I feel great and she completely taught me stuff I didn't know how to really do on my own. Any soreness is worth it, IMO. Unfortunately, though, I'm STARVING and have not had nearly enough time to eat today. My news profs hate it when people eat in class, so it's banned. I then had stuff after class, GA hours, etc, so I have a nice steak waiting for me at home when I get back to watch Biggest Loser.

    TOM is here, but I'm only up .2 pounds from Sunday, which is still lower than my current MFP weight, so that's awesome! :happy:

    Have a big mock interview thing tomorrow morning then will HOPEFULLY have some time in the afternoon after class to just relax for a bit.

    Julie/Laila - congrats for re-focusing and getting back on track. Bad days are bad days, but you can't let one bad day (or even a few of them) stop you from hitting your goals.

    Deb - sometimes jumping up over your calories can be a good thing, or so I've been told. Sorry your daughter is sick, and I hope she feels better tomorrow!

    Cris - sorry onederland has momentarily vanished. But I'm sure that it will be back soon. You can do it!!

    Amy - WTG on logging and tracking during your pregnancy! Has the morning sickness kicked in yet? I remember you saying earlier that this was when it would start to happen....fingers crossed that you avoid it this time around.

    Theresa - I had a bad headache this AM, too...PMS and something else, who knows. But water really helped get rid of it.

    Jess - how excited are you for your sister's wedding this weekend?

    Heather - that bowling alley business is shady. I'd be beyond annoyed at them, to the point where a nasty email wouldn't cut it! But I think that's because I spent so much time living in NYC. I have that Brooklyn attitude sometimes.

    Whew...I think I'm done! I've tired out even myself just typing this. :yawn:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hey, I have not read any post since this morning. I have this darn sinus headache and it's making me so tired, nauseous, and dizzy.
    I tried to do my walk this afternoon but I could only do 2 miles instead of 4. after my second run my head was so heavy and pounding even harder I felt I was going to pass out . I was so congested and my nose was/still is so dry. I started to bleed from my right naustril because it was so sore. I stopped at cvs to pick up so sinus/congestion med. and the shelves were wiped out. I had to go to the pharmacy department to ask what happen to all the medication..little did I know it was hidden in the back, behind the pharmacy desk. I am guessing people are getting high on that too..but not sure..

    Have a great night girls :)
  • One of the ingredients used to make meth can be found in OTC sinus drugs, which is why it's behind the counter now.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    One of the ingredients used to make meth can be found in OTC sinus drugs, which is why it's behind the counter now.

    OMG, are you serious? should I still take it. so scared now...
  • There's no reason not to take it. I don't know the particulars, but something in the sudafed (or whatever) is cooked and added with other chemicals to make meth.

    OTC stuff is fine.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I'm here. Travelling for work and crazy busy. Eating is OK...not great. No time to fully check-in. I'm under maintenence cals, and for 14 hour days, that's not too bad!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    So it seems abby is feeling better, she was up at 4:30 ready to go this morning. She has to stay home from day care today :sad: i am hoping she will watch tv and be good today, but somehow i doubt that, and thinking i may have to take 1/2 day at least...we will see how it goes.

    I have a teacher conf this evening too with serena's teacher, jeremy is taking off early to come too, this is the only day she had evening times where we both could be there, (she is doing them for everyone in the class), so guess we are taking abby with us.

    So even those i was grossly over my cals, i put them in, yeah i was like doulbe my cals...i did the 5 week thing, and yep if i eat everyday like y eterday i would gain 14 lbs in 5 weeks!!!
  • Deb - good for you adding the cals, even if it's bad. Not adding them is only lying to yourself in a way. And isn't it scary how quickly the pounds can pile back on?? 14 pounds in 5 weeks...yikes!!

    Here's my check-in for yesterday.

    Cals:576 under
    Water: 8+ cups
    Sodium: about 200 under
    Exercise: one hour training - nearly 550 cals!!
    Proud: the student auction kicked *kitten* and raised nearly $1000 for a local women's shelter.

    Am massively sore today, but still did a 10 minute run to try and loosen them up.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hope everyone is well. Can't read, can't comment. Full moon is Friday and "crazy starts early at the DMV." :noway:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Yes, there are other bowling alleys but the leagues at those places are like 30 weeks long (ugh) and the one I was going to join was 9 weeks long. Oh, well, no league bowling for me this year. Trust me, I'm not heartbroken because it just means I'll have more time to spend exercising and being with bf.

    Melinda: Wow, jumping a horse over the tongue of a moving hay wagon?? Were you insane? You must have had one hell of a trustworthy horse for that. My eyes literally popped open wide reading that!

    Cris: Bummer about the upcoming surgeries and repairs. Did you have your interview at Under Armor yet? I know it would be hard to leave your dad's company with his surgery but I think if you didn't have the interview yet, you should still go! It's good experience and things happen for a reason, so you never know what may come from it.

    Deb: I hope Abby feels better soon! Hopefully you'll get good news at conferences tonight.

    Yesterday I was in a bit of a funk and decided to go see my horse. She didn't want to be caught, but she did let me pet her and hang out with her, so I was there for about an hour. I'll have more time to spend with her this weekend, but it did make me feel a lot better. My mom made sloppy joes for dinner, which are a huge comfort food of mine and she didn't even know I was feeling a bit down, so that helped, too. We watched Biggest Loser and then I did a ChaLean workout. I slept like a rock last night and even work up a half hour before my alarm this morning. I gave serious thought to working out this morning, but though 6.5 hours between workouts wasn't enough, so I rolled over and snuggled with my cat until I had to get up.

    I've been going over calories and sodium, but find it strange that I'm maintaining the 2 lb. loss from last week. I'm still not back to 185, but have been sitting at 186.X all week. I'll take it, especially considering I've been eating 2200-2300 calories every day! I think my body was telling me I needed to eat more!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 285
    Sodium: Over by 2856
    Water: 94.05 oz.
    Exercise: ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 2
    Proud: That I did a hard workout last night when it would have been so much easier to just go to bed.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Heather - my horse "Devil" was as crazy as I was. I got him when he was a yearling - he was my first horse- sometimes it felt more like we were siblings squabbling over everything than owner /animal. We did the dumbest things! When I read the first chapter of 'The Horse Whisperer' I had that horrid stomach turning sensation of "there but for the grace of God go I" because so often the only reason I wasn't hurt or killed was because of luck!:noway:

    I did well last night! Finally I had two decent days in a row! I'll check in while I still remember.

    For Tuesday:
    Calories - good!
    Water - Great!
    Exercise - fail

    Proud - that I resisted the offers for seconds and to "help" Ken finish his rice. I love :love: :heart: brown rice:heart::love: ... LOVE IT and I said "no" - I feel like I was able to turn away from Froto offering me the Ring LOL!!! And I didn't take a second glass of wine (although after getting a 4 oz pour from Ken I did go back for the other 2 oz I'd budgeted!):drinker:

    Last night I'd planned on going well under my calories with just a glass of wine and some cheese for dinner - but Ken made steaks. So I had six ounces of grilled tenderloin (and didn't eat the "extra" he left on my plate), a BIG portion of the steamed broccoli, and just a 1/2 cup of the :heart: brown rice:love: .

    For breakfast today I had my favorite - 1 cup of canned pumpkin and 1/3 cup of 2% cottage cheese - with 1 tsp cinnamon and a packet of sweet leaf mixed in. Cinnamon is a "super food" and I love getting a bunch of it in my diet and it's soooo good with the pumpkin! :bigsmile:

    I count my green chai tea as water since it's pretty much all good liquids - and I'm back to really drinking it down! I take my coffee mug plus a Styrofoam cup to the hot water dispenser, with two tea bags, and fill them both up at once. It still tastes great at room temp so if I dont' drink quickly that's OK. I use a packet of sweetener in it and no cream and its delish! Lately I've been adding a peppermint teabag - sharing one between two cups of chai and it adds the nicest little zing! At home we keep a two gallon jug with a spiket in the refrigerator, filled with Green Chai tea - and we drink it cold or nuke it for hot tea. Everyone loves it and I can make it (thin not robust) with ten tea bags so it's only about 1$ for the two gallons!:drinker:

    While I've been typing this two more trouble tickets have come in and I need to finish a memo I worked on from home last night... lots and lots of work but I do love it!!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Logged everything yesterday for the first time in a long time :) I was still under despite the "necessary" hershey bar I "had to have" during class.

    I've even logged everything I'm planning to eat today.

    Class was excellent last night. My first midterm was easy peasy, I was one of 3 people (in a class of 30) to figure out the homework from last week, and I don't have to make any corrections for my project! (There were about 15 people who had corrections/revisions to make)

    Still trying to keep my anxiety in check... it doesn't take off quite as quickly as it had been. But it's still a bit erratic. Just trying to breathe and tackle what I can...
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