Over 200 New Year New Me Part 37



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Blech... still am unable to eat. I've been below 1200 calories everyday since Friday. :(

    Quite lame. I have tried to plan out my day food-wise, if I stick to it I'll have about 1400... Here's hoping

    On the good news front, I got a 100% on my midterm (woo!)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Theresa: I'd say 100% is better than everyone else!

    Ann: Your positive attitude is so inspirational. Hang in there!

    Nancy: Sorry things aren't going well with your job. I know the feeling! Check in when you can and take care of yourself. Trust me, you're going to need to check on us a lot because we're terrible at behaving!

    Allison: Congrats on finishing Couch to 5k. I'm in awe of how dedicated you were to the program! You're going to kill that 5k next month! Speaking of which, I plan on spending some time with the treadmill tonight to start re-training for the 5k. I've slacked big time on the running.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 782, but still just over 1700 for the day, so it's okay.
    Sodium: Over by 59...lowest in a LONG time
    Water: 80 oz.
    Exercise: ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 2, burned 467 calories.
    Proud: I ate a reasonable sub for dinner, had my ice cream and was still under on calories.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Nancy - Sorry things are tough at school. Glad you're still checking in when you can and I see you're still logging, so that's great! We'll all lost the mojo every now and then. It'll come back around.

    Heather - I'm with you on the 5K creeping up - I'd like to make a clear commitment to hitting the treadmill at least twice a week (not going to be crazy and say 3-4 times) until then. I REALLY want to be able to run the whole thing. I know I could run/walk it, but the goal is for FULL-ON RUNNING!

    Theresa - Cograts on that awesome grade! Feel better soon!

    Allison - WTG on finishing C25K. I think you are probably the most prepared out of all of us!

    Checking in from last night:
    Cals - Over, but just by 100 or so w/exercise. No bad considering I had a burger and some fries!
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise - Walked about 1.5 miles, slower pace
    Proud - I bought boots yesterday that ZIP UP over my calves. This is a big deal and I've never really had small enough calves to be able to do this. So very excited!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Awestfall: Take care of yourself and be prepared for feeling highs and lows for awhile about this. It's not only emotional but your hormones need to settle down too. When I had a miscarriage - it surprised me how many people talked to me about their own miscarriages when it happened - I never realized how often it happens. That made me a feel a bit better to realize that it is just part of the miracle of life. I got pregnant again the following year after my miscarriage with my son and everything was fine, so I'm sure you will be able to get pregnant again when you are ready.

    Bluenote: So sorry things are rough with your job, I hope things get better. You have done a fantastic job with your weightloss! Don't sweat a little plateau, remember 'it's a journey - not a race'.

    Redneckwm: Thanks for the calming vibes - I need them! Still no closing date rescheduled. I called this morning and they said they were still waiting for the zoning correction from the appraiser - but then she double checked the file and sure enough it was already there! So if I hadn't called how much longer until they would have noticed, aaargh! Now it is back with the underwriters and if I don't hear back by this afternoon I had better bug them again.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: don't know yet - but I'm sure I went over ... tried to have a good night but did too much 'grazing' because nothing satisfied me
    exercise: none
    water: bad
    ... not the best of days ... but I'm still here
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks everyone for your kind and uplifting words it really has helped to keep me positive and moving forward.I found out my blood results yesterday and my number was 65 so I go again on Monday just to make sure they are at 5 or less.I will be trying again soon though.My OB told me I could try again next month if we decide too but I am hoping to stick to losing some more weight first and then I will try for a baby bump again.
  • I am feeling so much better today because my blood results came back and they were 65 which means that I am miscarrying naturally.I have cried and accepted the fact that it wasn't meant to be right now and I know in my heart God will bless me with my baby boy soon.I have had dreams about it consistently for a few days now and I just know it will happen.My OB told me today at least I know I can still get pregnant so that was a helpful way to look at it.I have come to terms with it and I will be trying again very soon because I know I am meant to mother another child I just feel it in my heart.God is so wonderful to me and he has answered everyone of my prayers he never fails me .It may not be the answer I want but I trust him that its the right one and my faith is strong that God will bless me again when he feels the time is right.Time to get it in gear and get myself healthy for my baby boy to come.Thanks again for being there for me.I love you girls like your my sisters.

    Ann, I am sorry to hear about the miscarriage but you are exactly right. God is so good and it will happen when He wants it to happent for you. I will be keeping you in my prayers that you will be able to get pregnant and keep the pregnancy till it's full term.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    thank you Laura and I so glad to see you post in our group again!! I really hope you peek in once and awhile just to let us know how your doing.
  • thank you Laura and I so glad to see you post in our group again!! I really hope you peek in once and awhile just to let us know how your doing.

    yw Ann. I will try to stop by and post and see how everyone is doing. I really want to do this this time. I want to have a baby too, but first I wil have to have a tubal reversal b/c my tubes are tied, and I don't want to go through that and having a baby like this.
  • Hi everyone, I have been here before. My name is Laura and I am back. I will do this this time. I want to have a Tubal Reversal in the next year or so so I can have another baby and I don't want to have a surgery or a baby while being overweight. It will just make things so hard for me and I don't want that. So, I am back and back to posting in this group.

    Cals- right on and going to finish this day well
    water- 32 oz right now but I am not done drinking water
    exercise- nope, have not felt the greatest today
    proud- That I am back and sticking with this this time. Today is my 3rd day so far.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hello girls,

    sorry my post have been minimual..only one computer since dh took the laptop and when the older kids come home they do homework all afternoon/evening.

    I will try to log in more and post more soon when I get a chance to breath again..*sigh*

    check in (monday)
    calories, over by 200
    exercise, nada
    water, 100+
    proud, one bad meal didn't derail a whole day of bad meals...

    Check in (tuesday)
    calories, under by 100
    exercise, walking @ the park..burned 300 calories
    water, tons
    proud, that I can walk and run for a long time without getting winded

    check in (wednesday) yea, I am early but not sure if I will be back on later...
    calores, on target
    exercise, 30 walk/jog on treadmill and 20 on elliptical burned 500+
    proud, I ran for 25 minutes w/ a slight incline @ 5.2mph ( walking/jogging outside has really paid off)

    Have an amazing day girls!!!!

    miss yall so much! btw, what happened to Cris?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laila: I was just wondering about Cris, too. Time to cyberstalk her, I think.

    Laura: Welcome back!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I think I remember reading on Facebook that Cris is under the weather. :frown:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Yeah i saw something to that she was sick, and maybe the baby too...
  • I'm still riding high on the success of completing C25K this morning and my friend is taking me to celebrate at the shooting range...not my usual form of entertainment (I've never done that before!) but I think it will be fun.

    Here's yesterday's check-in:

    Cals: under by 490
    Water: 9+ cups
    Sodium: over by about 400
    Exercise: 1 hour with the personal trainer
    Proud: no idea, but I remember that it was a good day!

    It's so quiet here again today.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: Have fun at the shooting range! I'm jealous!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 397, but should even out the 700+ deficit from the day before.
    Sodium: Over (Chinese for dinner)
    Water: 66 oz., should have been more with the Chinese!
    Exercise: None....FAIL
    Proud: Went to bed early and remembered to dig out my tax return to complete my financial aid application for school.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in for yesterday

    Cals - Under by 58 (including eating 2 halloween cookies :smile: )
    Water - NOt so good...about 2 cups is all :sad:
    Exercise - 45 min arc trainer - i think like 420 cals or so.
    Proud - That i am getting back on track !

    Still not down to my lowest but getting closer!! This morning i was about 1 1/2 lbs away from my lowest (since on monday i was like 9 lbs up i will take that ).

    Going to really really try to get the water down today, would be nice to see my lowest weight tomorrow.

    Really cool, DH got a free $50.00 gift card to a place called Maggianoos (i know i didn't spell that right). It is really good (usally pricy though). He got it for posting his favorite meal on the facebook post!! HE was like i won a $50 gift card , i was whatever no you didn't, and he did!! I was soo suprised.
  • I've never shot a gun before, so that was a crazy experience! It actually reinforced my fear of guns in the wrong hands, to be honest!

    Yesterday's check in

    Cals: 588 under
    Sodium: 36 under
    Water: 9+ cups
    Exercise: 30 minutes running and the COMPLETION of C25K!!!!!! :happy:
    Proud: See above lol
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: Yes, guns in the wrong hands are dangerous, but did you get any thrill out of shooting? I took gun safety classes a few years ago and feel much more comfortable around guns, as long as I trust the other people who are around, too.

    Deb: Congrats to your hubby for winning the Maggianos gift card. That place is delicious, if it's the same we have here.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm here. I'm so busy at work I imagine you won't be seeing too much of me through the end of next week at least.
    I'm eating lunch in semi-peace at my desk right now because I have been granted a WONDERFUL little button on my phone that sends all my calls directly to voicemail. Aaahhhhhhhhhhh, so nice.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Closing on the farmhouse is set for Friday afternoon ... hopefully it will all go smoothly now.
    I forgot to mention yesterday that it was my 20th Anniversary! :heart: We are going to a hotel on Saturday night, and also to San Francisco in November to celebrate ... so I didn't really think we were doing anything yesterday. But my hubby took off work early and surprised me at my son's swim team practice, then we did manage to go out to eat after a meeting at school (I think he was hoping to skip the meeting and just go out to dinner). Unfortunately I had showered at the Y in the morning which means my hair looked goofy and I was lacking makeup - I also wore a Timberwolves sweatshirt and dockers with a hole in them ... not exactly my best look. But we just went for burgers and fries so I fit right in. Hubby also surprised me with a beautiful bracelet with some amber stones, and a romantic card. Too bad I didn't get ANYTHING for him! My 10 year old said 'Really mom - you didn't get dad anything???'. I'd better get something for Saturday night. :ohwell:

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: stayed under even with going out for burger and fries, bloody mary and beer ... but did eat almost all my exercise calories again
    exercise: good - step class in the am
    water: not so good
    proud: that I only ate 1/2 my patty melt at dinner
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