The Five Foods That Lead To Belly Fat



  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    You cannot have any idea of how human biology/ chemistry works, if you had even the slightest clue you'd be embarrassed to be caught out saying this stuff.

    Not only does nothing you say make sense, but you actively contradict yourself with the most basic things. Sugar is fatty? Don't eat any flour based foods but then suggest pita chips? Massive amounts of calories that your body can't process... so how is that making you fat if you can't process it?

    For future reference: banner ads, "some guy at my gym" and scare stories in the tabloids are not valid educational sources.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    your views on food and fat storage are a little out of wack my friend
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member

    Sorry, had to quote because this gif is awesome. :drinker:
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I love meat
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member

    Sorry, had to quote because this gif is awesome. :drinker:

    ^^^^ All of this
  • usmcj80
    usmcj80 Posts: 58
    I can't figure out one reason why this makes me angry, so I'll itemize it.

    1. The fact that you are blatantly spreading misinformation, and are a "trainer" and "coach" to people.
    2. The fact that you are demonizing foods, and saying they're go straight to your stomach as fat. You have absolutely no research to back up these claims, and making people fear foods does not lead to healthy lifestyle changes.
    3. The product plugging on your page. You aren't outright soliciting, but it's pretty close.
    4. By your misinformation, people need to eat a bland diet with little variety to avoid belly fat.
    5. You completely miss the most basic mark; more calories in than you are burning will lead to weight gain. A calorie is a calorie. It doesn't matter if you get it from fried chicken or a leaf of lettuce. If you take in more calories than you need, you will gain.

    You aren't going to get many (if any) positive responses to this thread, and I already know this topic is going to become a mess. I'd highly suggest you contact a mod and have this thread closed.

    These are exactly the reasons that I myself want to become a personal trainer. There is so much misleading information out there and so many people that believe it and thus fail and get discouraged that there is a need for real trainers and life coaches to be around. If anything, the positive you get out of this is ridiculous post is that I am now more motivated to get my certification just to go against and beat down horrible thinking like the OP has posted.
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    Reason: Any white flour, white rice, and white foods are usually refined to make the color more attractive, but the refining process removes all of the nutrients from the foods and leaves them with little to offer your body aside from empty calories. Those calories cannot be processed easily by the body, and thus they are turned to fat the minute you consume them.

    The minute you consume them.


  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I think I may have consumed foods from each of those 5 categories... every day for the last two weeks.


    eta... ok, not the alcohol bit... but I did have a caesar last week
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I guess that bottle of wine I drank last night made my belly fat. The scotch before the wine and the beer after probably didn't help either. But I feel great, lost another two and a half pounds and hit a new record low. I also upped my calorie intake and was under by only 14 calories. Only .8 pounds from my goal too! I do however eat good foods and avoid crap foods.
  • akh1981
    akh1981 Posts: 67 Member
    I am so totally having a KFC double down after my workout, in honor of this thread. Thanks for the inspiration!

    As well you should! Thanks for the idea....I think I'll join you. :)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I'm enjoying seeing all the women with visible abs on here saying we still eat those foods. After all, it's supposed to be harder for us to lose belly fat.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I can't figure out one reason why this makes me angry, so I'll itemize it.

    1. The fact that you are blatantly spreading misinformation, and are a "trainer" and "coach" to people.
    2. The fact that you are demonizing foods, and saying they're go straight to your stomach as fat. You have absolutely no research to back up these claims, and making people fear foods does not lead to healthy lifestyle changes.
    3. The product plugging on your page. You aren't outright soliciting, but it's pretty close.
    4. By your misinformation, people need to eat a bland diet with little variety to avoid belly fat.
    5. You completely miss the most basic mark; more calories in than you are burning will lead to weight gain. A calorie is a calorie. It doesn't matter if you get it from fried chicken or a leaf of lettuce. If you take in more calories than you need, you will gain.

    You aren't going to get many (if any) positive responses to this thread, and I already know this topic is going to become a mess. I'd highly suggest you contact a mod and have this thread closed.

    These are exactly the reasons that I myself want to become a personal trainer. There is so much misleading information out there and so many people that believe it and thus fail and get discouraged that there is a need for real trainers and life coaches to be around. If anything, the positive you get out of this is ridiculous post is that I am now more motivated to get my certification just to go against and beat down horrible thinking like the OP has posted.

    Good! We need more people like you. Any reputable trainer would be embarrassed to try and spread this information. I'll keep referring to the OP as a "trainer", since I highly doubt he is a qualified health coach and trainer outside of his membership fee to BeachBody (assuming that's where he got those titles, because I've never heard of a real trainer trying to spread this to people).

    You keep at it, rock your certification, and spread some positivity to your future clients!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Yes! I get 5 out of 5.

  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I'm enjoying seeing all the women with visible abs on here saying we still eat those foods. After all, it's supposed to be harder for us to lose belly fat.

    Fact! My tummy and hips have slowly started to shrink, even with my frequent wine sipping, pizza eating, and *gasp* balanced lifestyle.
  • theserpah
    theserpah Posts: 109 Member
    What would you recommend for a meal replacement shake?
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Also, as an Irish girl, I take offense to potatoes being on your bad list.
    The potato is a beautiful national treasure.
  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Perhaps consuming them all at once is the antidote to belly fat?

  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    He sells Herballife.

    Nuff said.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    What would you recommend for a meal replacement shake?

    1 cup yogurt, 1-2 bananas, frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries. Or, look up green smoothies online with citrus, kale, and spinach.
    I drink a yogurt-based one for breakfast every now and then. Several hundred calories and packed with good nutrients.
    Don't waste your money on the products he's going to try to sell you. You can easily make your own smoothie meal for a fraction of the price of Herbalife.