how would you feel?



  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    If I read right, OP pushed drunk husband and he pushed her back. Not an ideal situation, but certainly not bad enough to write the guy off for. Not domestic abuse. Hate it when people jump to conclusions.

    Really? Wanna show me the part where she said she pushed him, much less pushed him first?

    Since you hate people jumping to conclusions and all...

    I think that would be this part:
    In saying that I was kinda trying to usher him out of the room because he woke the kids up raising his voice and was scaring them. So I may have nudged a little harder then I rrealised and he pushed back but still........

    Again, her getting his drunk self away from her kids is much different than her willfully pushing him away.

    "nudged a little harder than I realized" = pushed.

    So she was involuntarily trying to push him out of the room? I don't get it.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    the club and the hair are the last of your worries. If he's resorted to violence get out.
    It sounds like this isn't healthy for either of you.

    Take care.

    so... your troll senses aren't tingling? Mine are buzzing like a live wire...
    who knows. MFP is a mixed bag.


    this one though, feels faker then a set of fakies. It's coming across to me as dirty play that's making light of people who do have to live through that.
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    If I read right, OP pushed drunk husband and he pushed her back. Not an ideal situation, but certainly not bad enough to write the guy off for. Not domestic abuse. Hate it when people jump to conclusions.

    Really? Wanna show me the part where she said she pushed him, much less pushed him first?

    Since you hate people jumping to conclusions and all...

    I think that would be this part:
    In saying that I was kinda trying to usher him out of the room because he woke the kids up raising his voice and was scaring them. So I may have nudged a little harder then I rrealised and he pushed back but still........

    so you condone his pushing her hard enough to fall, or are you just pointing it out?

    a "nudge a litter harder than realized" does NOT justify a push hard enough to make his pregnant wife fall (nothing really does).
    he probably lost his balance because he was drunk. dudes a total loser 110%.

    Just pointing out that the bicep up there was incorrect.
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    If I read right, OP pushed drunk husband and he pushed her back. Not an ideal situation, but certainly not bad enough to write the guy off for. Not domestic abuse. Hate it when people jump to conclusions.

    Really? Wanna show me the part where she said she pushed him, much less pushed him first?

    Since you hate people jumping to conclusions and all...

    I think that would be this part:
    In saying that I was kinda trying to usher him out of the room because he woke the kids up raising his voice and was scaring them. So I may have nudged a little harder then I rrealised and he pushed back but still........

    so you condone his pushing her hard enough to fall, or are you just pointing it out?

    a "nudge a litter harder than realized" does NOT justify a push hard enough to make his pregnant wife fall (nothing really does).
    he probably lost his balance because he was drunk. dudes a total loser 110%.

    Just pointing out that the bicep up there was incorrect.

    Not in the slightest, but whatever dude
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    OP, you two have issues. For the sake of your kids, you need to make sure whatever actually happened NEVER happens again...

    Only you and he know the truth here. So do something about it. Discussing or venting here is one thing, but it sounds like you two need much more than an internet forum.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    the club and the hair are the last of your worries. If he's resorted to violence get out.
    It sounds like this isn't healthy for either of you.

    Take care.

    so... your troll senses aren't tingling? Mine are buzzing like a live wire...
    who knows. MFP is a mixed bag.


    this one though, feels faker then a set of fakies. It's coming across to me as dirty play that's making light of people who do have to live through that.

    I dunno; OP's posted before. She's been on here for 2+ years. That's a pretty long con for this type of trolling.

    In your defense, the gradual reveal of more and more details to keep the topic going made me pause, but I do think it could be because OP truly didn't see the being pushed as big of an issue as *we* did.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    If I read right, OP pushed drunk husband and he pushed her back. Not an ideal situation, but certainly not bad enough to write the guy off for. Not domestic abuse. Hate it when people jump to conclusions.

    Really? Wanna show me the part where she said she pushed him, much less pushed him first?

    Since you hate people jumping to conclusions and all...

    I think that would be this part:
    In saying that I was kinda trying to usher him out of the room because he woke the kids up raising his voice and was scaring them. So I may have nudged a little harder then I rrealised and he pushed back but still........

    so you condone his pushing her hard enough to fall, or are you just pointing it out?

    a "nudge a litter harder than realized" does NOT justify a push hard enough to make his pregnant wife fall (nothing really does).
    he probably lost his balance because he was drunk. dudes a total loser 110%.

    Just pointing out that the bicep up there was incorrect.

    he most certainly was not.

    you ever dealt with a belligerent drunk? tried to get them to do something they didnt want to with words?

    she was well within her rights to get him out of there, whether that meant dragging by arm, or nudging.

    his reaction was totally uncalled for and dangerous.

    edit: idk which bicep youre referring to.
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    If I read right, OP pushed drunk husband and he pushed her back. Not an ideal situation, but certainly not bad enough to write the guy off for. Not domestic abuse. Hate it when people jump to conclusions.

    Really? Wanna show me the part where she said she pushed him, much less pushed him first?

    Since you hate people jumping to conclusions and all...

    Nothing sinister happened:smile: we were angry things were said he pushed me I fell over and hit my head and now have a little egg :grumble: really super angry about that part because he could has done some serious damage seeing as I'm pregnant.
    In saying that I was kinda trying to usher him out of the room because he woke the kids up raising his voice and was scaring them. So I may have nudged a little harder then I rrealised and he pushed back but still........

    And as I said, not an ideal situation. People are telling her that this is abuse and to seek counseling. I don't agree with that. It seems like an isolated incident and he didn't intend to harm her. Just my opinion.
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    If I read right, OP pushed drunk husband and he pushed her back. Not an ideal situation, but certainly not bad enough to write the guy off for. Not domestic abuse. Hate it when people jump to conclusions.

    Really? Wanna show me the part where she said she pushed him, much less pushed him first?

    Since you hate people jumping to conclusions and all...

    I think that would be this part:
    In saying that I was kinda trying to usher him out of the room because he woke the kids up raising his voice and was scaring them. So I may have nudged a little harder then I rrealised and he pushed back but still........

    so you condone his pushing her hard enough to fall, or are you just pointing it out?

    a "nudge a litter harder than realized" does NOT justify a push hard enough to make his pregnant wife fall (nothing really does).
    he probably lost his balance because he was drunk. dudes a total loser 110%.

    Just pointing out that the bicep up there was incorrect.

    Not in the slightest, but whatever dude

    But I pointed out the part where she said she pushed him, much more where she said she pushed him first.
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    Let me know when we're done making excuses for the drunk who knocks down his pregnant wife and heads to the titty bar.

    Heads to the titty bar, comes home, and knocks down his wife. Jesus, are you even paying attention to this?
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    There's absolutely nothing wrong with being insecure or not liking that a spouse went to a strip club. There's many people in many relationships who don't find that appropriate. While you can't give permission for him to do or not do something, make sure he knows how it made you feel when he broke that promise. It's less about permission and more about respect.


    Just realized there's some pushing and drunk shoving going on in this story now. I really need to read the entire thread. :(

    I love my nerd. :D
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    the club and the hair are the last of your worries. If he's resorted to violence get out.
    It sounds like this isn't healthy for either of you.

    Take care.

    so... your troll senses aren't tingling? Mine are buzzing like a live wire...
    who knows. MFP is a mixed bag.


    this one though, feels faker then a set of fakies. It's coming across to me as dirty play that's making light of people who do have to live through that.

    I dunno; OP's posted before. She's been on here for 2+ years. That's a pretty long con for this type of trolling.

    In your defense, the gradual reveal of more and more details to keep the topic going made me pause, but I do think it could be because OP truly didn't see the being pushed as big of an issue as *we* did.

    Length of time as a user doesn't mean anything when it comes to trolling. However, the slowly added deets, and the soft details just read as fake.

    If it's legit, she knows what she has to do. If it's fake, she just ran a good game on folks. Having worked as a DVERT counselor before and having heard a lot of things *like* this, makes me think it's a little too contrived. Then again, I'm made of jade.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    But I pointed out the part where she said she pushed him, much more where she said she pushed him first.

    Even if she hit him, it doesn't give him call to go World Star Hip Hop on her, since she is pregnant and he's drunk. (If it happened)
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    I know this could seem like trolling its a pretty crazy story! I'm actually still laying here myself thinking wtf happened.. I don't blame you for not believing me. But here I am laying on my daughter's fold out sofa in her room while he's sleeping comfortably in our bed :-/

    Again I'm not trying to excuse his behaviour. But I genuinely do love this guy and this has never really happened before. So I'm willing to lead him 'plead' his case to me. There may be something a little more going on with him I didn't realise, who knows. But I am going to let him know it's not ok my any means and how serious it really could have been.
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    Let me know when we're done making excuses for the drunk who knocks down his pregnant wife and heads to the titty bar.

    Heads to the titty bar, comes home, and knocks down his wife. Jesus, are you even paying attention to this?

    You should stop posting.

    you should learn how to follow a storyline
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Well I would never specifically ask him not to.

    However you did. You being pregnant has little impact on the situation. If you asked him not to and he agreed then did anyway, then there's a serious trust issue (not with the strippers but with honesty). I'd suggest some serious conversation and possibly counseling.

    **ETA: I only read the OP...
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I know this could seem like trolling its a pretty crazy story! I'm actually still laying here myself thinking wtf happened.. I don't blame you for not believing me. But here I am laying on my daughter's fold out sofa in her room while he's sleeping comfortably in our bed :-/

    Again I'm not trying to excuse his behaviour. But I genuinely do love this guy and this has never really happened before. So I'm willing to lead him 'plead' his case to me. There may be something a little more going on with him I didn't realise, who knows. But I am going to let him know it's not ok my any means and how serious it really could have been.

    Yeah, I'll be honest, I totally don't believe you.

    However, here is the two finger double of it.

    The fun bar isn't a real issue. The fact he put hands on you is. Call a local shelter, and ask to talk to a domestic violence counselor. Just talk to them, get some perspective. You don't have to do anything, but just have a little conversation and ask for their perspective and advice.

    You don't have to act on the advice.

    Do read up a little about the cycle of violence. Get a little context on what happened from an outside pro, someone who sees this daily. From the few words we see here, it sounds like a case on continuing domestic violence based on what you wrote and how you wrote it.