how would you feel?



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Let me know when we're done making excuses for the drunk who knocks down his pregnant wife and heads to the titty bar.

    Heads to the titty bar, comes home, and knocks down his wife. Jesus, are you even paying attention to this?

    You should stop posting.

    you should learn how to follow a storyline

    Can I watch you two make out?
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Seriously, my ex used to beat on me and leave him was the best thing that ever happened. When I was about 8 months pregnant, he was drunk and kissing a girl at a party while I was there! I was pissed, sober, trying to get him home and he punched me in the stomach, pushed me off the porch, down two steps and onto the sidewalk. His friends saw, did nothing. Someone across the street saw, screamed out their window and called the police. The cops came, he ran and they caught up to him. Wasn't even 24 hours later and he called me sobbing and apologizing. I always accepted his apologies because they were sincere. A few days after our son was born, I found out he was cheating and locked him out. He broke down the door and bashed my head in with his electric guitar. I was laying on our newborn so he wouldn't get hit! THAT changed things. And the mortification of having an EMT call my dad, as they were cleaning up the cuts on my head. I had never felt so embarrassed and stupid in my life.

    Learned two things from that relationship:
    -No matter how sorry he says he is and how much you believe it, he won't stop doing it.
    -Even though it was his friends who watching him when I was pregnant, they didn't stop him and that makes them just as bad as him.
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    Let me know when we're done making excuses for the drunk who knocks down his pregnant wife and heads to the titty bar.

    Heads to the titty bar, comes home, and knocks down his wife. Jesus, are you even paying attention to this?

    You should stop posting.

    you should learn how to follow a storyline

    She never once said she pushed him. She said she nudged him away to keep a drunk off her kids. You want to use that as justification for him knocking her to the ground while she's pregnant?

    I've gone over this twice now to remove all the choice things I really want to say to you. Because I'm sure you'd report me like the..person you are.

    Knocking a pregnant woman to the ground is not ok. Ever. Is any part of that unclear to you?

    Where did I ever say it was? I was simply pointing out that you were incorrect.

    nudge verb \ˈnəj\
    : to touch or push (someone or something) gently

    Once you "nudge too hard" the "gently" part of the definition is gone and all that's left is a push ..
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    -No matter how sorry he says he is and how much you believe it, he won't stop doing it.

    I will argue this. I've seen it many times where the aggressor stopped. However, it required extensive professional assistance. So I'd amend it as:

    - No matter how sorry he says he is and how much you believe it, he won't stop doing it without significant professional help.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Nothing sinister happened:smile: we were angry things were said he pushed me I fell over and hit my head and now have a little egg :grumble: really super angry about that part because he could has done some serious damage seeing as I'm pregnant.
    In saying that I was kinda trying to usher him out of the room because he woke the kids up raising his voice and was scaring them. So I may have nudged a little harder then I rrealised and he pushed back but still........

    Ok, now this is a serious problem, and I don't think strip clubs are the real issue here. Your husband needs to get his s**t together like yesterday.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Let me know when we're done making excuses for the drunk who knocks down his pregnant wife and heads to the titty bar.

    Heads to the titty bar, comes home, and knocks down his wife. Jesus, are you even paying attention to this?

    You should stop posting.

    you should learn how to follow a storyline

    She never once said she pushed him. She said she nudged him away to keep a drunk off her kids. You want to use that as justification for him knocking her to the ground while she's pregnant?

    I've gone over this twice now to remove all the choice things I really want to say to you. Because I'm sure you'd report me like the..person you are.

    Knocking a pregnant woman to the ground is not ok. Ever. Is any part of that unclear to you?

    Where did I ever say it was? I was simply pointing out that you were incorrect.

    nudge verb \ˈnəj\
    : to touch or push (someone or something) gently

    Once you "nudge too hard" the "gently" part of the definition is gone and all that's left is a push ..


    she pushed him to get him away from the kids.

    this changes nothing but a word.
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    Like I said I don't blame you for not believing me :-) it's crazy. I really wish I was that good of a story maker but I'm not.

    As for the advice from everyone not only you. Thankyou.very much. Really the only part I was gunna post was the original question. When someone said something about the full story and how it makes a difference to the answer I thought yea it does so.. I wasn't even going to mention the part about him pushing me because although I'm really angry and it's not aacceptable I really don't believe he meant to hurt me.

    ETA: I accidentally pushed the post button. As I was saying I don't believe he meant to hurt me. This has never really happened before. I think when he's pushed me he hasn't realised his own strength in a way and I've fallen and hit my head. Also when I say I was trying to get him away from the kids he would never hurt them just as I believe he would never hurt me. However since the kids were asleep and the yelling woke them up they were scared ****less (as anybody would be being woken up that way) so I tried to move it elsewhere away from them.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Read up on the cycle of violence in domestic violence.

    The victims at the start *always* think it's a mistake, an accident, they didn't mean it... etc.

    Just, for context's sake.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    -No matter how sorry he says he is and how much you believe it, he won't stop doing it.

    I will argue this. I've seen it many times where the aggressor stopped. However, it required extensive professional assistance. So I'd amend it as:

    - No matter how sorry he says he is and how much you believe it, he won't stop doing it without significant professional help.

    OK, I'll take that.

    What I meant, In my case was: No matter how sorry he said he was and how much I believed it, he continued to do it showing me that he would never stop.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    Seriously, my ex used to beat on me and leave him was the best thing that ever happened. When I was about 8 months pregnant, he was drunk and kissing a girl at a party while I was there! I was pissed, sober, trying to get him home and he punched me in the stomach, pushed me off the porch, down two steps and onto the sidewalk. His friends saw, did nothing. Someone across the street saw, screamed out their window and called the police. The cops came, he ran and they caught up to him. Wasn't even 24 hours later and he called me sobbing and apologizing. I always accepted his apologies because they were sincere. A few days after our son was born, I found out he was cheating and locked him out. He broke down the door and bashed my head in with his electric guitar. I was laying on our newborn so he wouldn't get hit! THAT changed things. And the mortification of having an EMT call my dad, as they were cleaning up the cuts on my head. I had never felt so embarrassed and stupid in my life.

    Learned two things from that relationship:
    -No matter how sorry he says he is and how much you believe it, he won't stop doing it.
    -Even though it was his friends who watching him when I was pregnant, they didn't stop him and that makes them just as bad as him.

    So now I'm going to spend the rest of my work hour daydreaming that I saw your husband doing this and I got to kneecap him with a .45.

    I hope you don't mind.
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    Let me know when we're done making excuses for the drunk who knocks down his pregnant wife and heads to the titty bar.

    Heads to the titty bar, comes home, and knocks down his wife. Jesus, are you even paying attention to this?

    You should stop posting.

    you should learn how to follow a storyline

    She never once said she pushed him. She said she nudged him away to keep a drunk off her kids. You want to use that as justification for him knocking her to the ground while she's pregnant?

    I've gone over this twice now to remove all the choice things I really want to say to you. Because I'm sure you'd report me like the..person you are.

    Knocking a pregnant woman to the ground is not ok. Ever. Is any part of that unclear to you?

    Where did I ever say it was? I was simply pointing out that you were incorrect.

    nudge verb \ˈnəj\
    : to touch or push (someone or something) gently

    Once you "nudge too hard" the "gently" part of the definition is gone and all that's left is a push ..

    Congratulations. You're a pedant. You can shut up now.

    The guy who can't get the story right, can't get the timeline correct, and is raging at the boyfriend is telling *me* I can shut up? You should never have started talking there, spanky.
  • morehealthymatt
    morehealthymatt Posts: 208 Member
    How many times have you "forbade" him from doing something? If the list is long and its a power trip you pull frequently, then you're in wrong.

    If this is the first time you've asked him not to do something because it upset you, then maybe you've got a right to be a little PO'd.

    Have you been a little wacky lately with hormones and such that he was getting sick of your shennigans and decided to act like a petulent child and did something you didn't want him to do?
  • GallifreyanGirl396
    GallifreyanGirl396 Posts: 76 Member
    Bump for later.

    Edited because: Thread was funny. A couple of plot twists in, no longer funny. :noway:
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member

    The guy who can't get the story right, can't get the timeline correct, and is raging at the boyfriend is telling *me* I can shut up? You should never have started talking there, spanky.

    Fine. I'll tell you you can shut up. Who gives a rat's *kitten* about the timeline or the difference between a nudge and a push?? He pushed his pregnant wife to the floor. That is NEVER ok. I'm flabbergasted that you are working so hard to defend the guy.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Like I said I don't blame you for not believing me :-) it's crazy. I really wish I was that good of a story maker but I'm not.

    As for the advice from everyone not only you. Thankyou.very much. Really the only part I was gunna post was the original question. When someone said something about the full story and how it makes a difference to the answer I thought yea it does so.. I wasn't even going to mention the part about him pushing me because although I'm really angry and it's not aacceptable I really don't believe he meant to hurt me.

    ETA: I accidentally pushed the post button. As I was saying I don't believe he meant to hurt me. This has never really happened before. I think when he's pushed me he hasn't realised his own strength in a way and I've fallen and hit my head. Also when I say I was trying to get him away from the kids he would never hurt them just as I believe he would never hurt me. However since the kids were asleep and the yelling woke them up they were scared ****less (as anybody would be being woken up that way) so I tried to move it elsewhere away from them.

    I honestly don't care if this has never happened before, your husband clearly has some issues. None of this seems ok to me. Ignoring you concerns about the strip club is not ok, and I would be pissed if my husband and I had talked about doing something together and then he went and did it without me. Especially if I was staying home with the kids and pregnant. The strip club isn't going anywhere.

    Then to come home drunk and belligerent, and shoving you - that's over the line. Way over. I second the suggestion to contact a domestic abuse hotline or shelter and talk to someone. Even if you don't do anything with the information right now, talking to someone might help. Take care of yourself and your kids.