50 pounds by june 1st challenge!!!



  • kidakiwi04
    Gah yesterday sucked, I went a little more than crazy with the leftover Halloween candy. Today sucks even more because I'm stressed out. But hopefully I'll eat better today than yesterday.
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Gah yesterday sucked, I went a little more than crazy with the leftover Halloween candy. Today sucks even more because I'm stressed out. But hopefully I'll eat better today than yesterday.

    Don't worry about the candy today....that is done and over with! Just walk around when the stress starts getting too bad or get on here and search one of us out for support. :)
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Does the group have a designated weigh in day or is it different for everybody?

    We weigh in on Mondays....you will need to message Billybed your weigh in cause he is keeping a spreadsheet for us!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Does the group have a designated weigh in day or is it different for everybody?
    Most of us have Monday as the report day.
    We a mailing our results to Billybed and he is keeping a wonderful chart for us.
  • billybed
    billybed Posts: 90 Member
    Does the group have a designated weigh in day or is it different for everybody?
    I am asking most to weigh in on Mondays but there is a few on different days
  • AmandaR910
    About to go off to the gym. Got some candy canes yesterday but stayed under my calorie goal anyways. :) I did have 4 of them though lol...
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Monday and Tuesday were good, Wednesday not so good... Looking forward to my workout today, hopefully it will be a calorie scorcher!!!

    One more day til the weekend! I certainly can't wait :-)
  • toepick83
    COUNT ME IN!!! I'm a little slow and just barely found this! I am excited! Two weeks ago I stopped drinking soda (gasp??!?!) so that was huge thing for me. I bought one of those nifty Camelbak water bottles with the bite valve and keep it at my desk all day long at work. It holds about 25 ounces of water, so I try to drink two of those throughout the work day and then one more when I get home at night. So far it's working!

    I have two Disneyland trips planned for next year, so this challenge will be perfect! I'll be in shape again to be able to handle constant walking for 3 days straight!
  • bfaith7
    Just checking in! I burned over 700 calories in Zumba today, yay! I'm also staying under my calories every day but I feel like the weight isn't budging like it should. Any suggestions, tips? I workout everyday except Saturday.
  • AmandaR910
    Just checking in! I burned over 700 calories in Zumba today, yay! I'm also staying under my calories every day but I feel like the weight isn't budging like it should. Any suggestions, tips? I workout everyday except Saturday.

    That's a great work out!!

    Are you eating back some or all of your work out calories?
    Are you getting a net 1200 calories a day? Sometimes you can not be eating enough and that will stall your weight loss. Other than that, are you getting a lot of water and watching your sodium??
    If you're doing all of that I would say just keep it up and you should see results. Maybe start taking measurements.
  • AmandaR910
    As for me, I burned 447 calories on the treadmill and bike at the gym today.

    Staying under on my sodium and calories everyday and getting my water. Not much to show for it right now (still pregnant) but definitely making a good start on a new, healthier, more active lifestyle.
  • SpiritCymbal
    Just checking in! I burned over 700 calories in Zumba today, yay! I'm also staying under my calories every day but I feel like the weight isn't budging like it should. Any suggestions, tips? I workout everyday except Saturday.

    Are you eating enough calories? Too few calories and your body goes into starvation mode and will actually store the fat rather than burn it.

    How often are you eating? If you're only consuming food 2 or 3 times a day, you're not fueling your body the best you can. Try to eat something every 2.5-3 hours (best choice is protein and/or fiber, definitely not sugar or empty carbs). This will raise your metabolism for the entire day rather than just after you eat. You'll burn more calories each day just by doing nothing because of this.

    What kind of cardio exercise are you getting each week? I see that you mentioned Zumba which is good. On days that you don't do that, make sure that you don't just run at a steady pace for XX minutes. You'll get more by doing interval training. You can run for the same amount of time, run the same distance and even burn the same amount of calories during that workout, but the interval training will keep your body burning calories after you're done for a lot longer than just doing a steady run.

    What kind of strength training are you doing each week? This is one very important aspect that gets looked over pretty easily. Each pound of muscle burns anywhere to 30-50 more calories per day while at rest. If you're physically active, you can burn up to 100 calories per day. You don't need to turn into a bodybuilder and get "yoked out". Go for more reps rather than just amount of weight. You'll also notice yourself toning up for a quicker aesthetic return in your appearance too.

    One last thing...don't get discouraged if you just happen to have an off-week. After introducing a different diet and exercise program for a couple of weeks, your body will naturally try to "defend" itself. Just keep at it and you'll see an even bigger loss in the following weeks.
  • futureflaka
    futureflaka Posts: 72 Member
    I'm in too!! my ulitmate goal is to get to 120...im currently around 170, so that works perfectly!!! let's get ready for summer 2011!!!!
  • bfaith7
    Just checking in! I burned over 700 calories in Zumba today, yay! I'm also staying under my calories every day but I feel like the weight isn't budging like it should. Any suggestions, tips? I workout everyday except Saturday.

    That's a great work out!!

    Are you eating back some or all of your work out calories?
    Are you getting a net 1200 calories a day? Sometimes you can not be eating enough and that will stall your weight loss. Other than that, are you getting a lot of water and watching your sodium??
    If you're doing all of that I would say just keep it up and you should see results. Maybe start taking measurements.

    I love me some Zumba. I'm doing it 3 times a week! The other days I do a step class and a powerlift class. I'm eating about 1700 calories a day, and definitely not eating my exercise calories. I'm drinking about 7 glasses of water a day but trying to up it everyday.
    Thanks for your reply! :)
  • bfaith7
    Just checking in! I burned over 700 calories in Zumba today, yay! I'm also staying under my calories every day but I feel like the weight isn't budging like it should. Any suggestions, tips? I workout everyday except Saturday.

    Are you eating enough calories? Too few calories and your body goes into starvation mode and will actually store the fat rather than burn it.

    How often are you eating? If you're only consuming food 2 or 3 times a day, you're not fueling your body the best you can. Try to eat something every 2.5-3 hours (best choice is protein and/or fiber, definitely not sugar or empty carbs). This will raise your metabolism for the entire day rather than just after you eat. You'll burn more calories each day just by doing nothing because of this.

    What kind of cardio exercise are you getting each week? I see that you mentioned Zumba which is good. On days that you don't do that, make sure that you don't just run at a steady pace for XX minutes. You'll get more by doing interval training. You can run for the same amount of time, run the same distance and even burn the same amount of calories during that workout, but the interval training will keep your body burning calories after you're done for a lot longer than just doing a steady run.

    What kind of strength training are you doing each week? This is one very important aspect that gets looked over pretty easily. Each pound of muscle burns anywhere to 30-50 more calories per day while at rest. If you're physically active, you can burn up to 100 calories per day. You don't need to turn into a bodybuilder and get "yoked out". Go for more reps rather than just amount of weight. You'll also notice yourself toning up for a quicker aesthetic return in your appearance too.

    One last thing...don't get discouraged if you just happen to have an off-week. After introducing a different diet and exercise program for a couple of weeks, your body will naturally try to "defend" itself. Just keep at it and you'll see an even bigger loss in the following weeks.

    I'm not really keeping tabs on how often I'm eating but I will from now on. I also am going to start drinking protein shakes as I haven't been getting enough protein in my diet.

    On the days I'm not doing Zumba, I do a step class and a powerlift class. Will the powerlift be enough training or should I add in some more? The class is about an hour long. Oh and the teacher is more about doing more reps versus more weight.

    I'm trying my best to keep the positive attitude! Thanks for your suggestions!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I love me some Zumba. I'm doing it 3 times a week! The other days I do a step class and a powerlift class. I'm eating about 1700 calories a day, and definitely not eating my exercise calories. I'm drinking about 7 glasses of water a day but trying to up it everyday.
    Thanks for your reply! :)

    Good Morning ... I've been reading through some of your comments. Love the exercises you're doing. I'm a huge Zumba fan. Way to go. But I noticed you said that you are "definitely not eating" your exercise calories. I find that if I don't eat my exercise calories I don't lose weight or I lose less then usual. I seem to lose more weight when I eat the extra calories I burn during exercise ... at least a good chunk of the calories if not all of them. Maybe that will work for you too. Good luck and again, congratulation on your health quest.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    It's weigh in day for me today, I was down another 1/2 lb this week. Slow and steady slow and steady.
  • AmandaR910
    A loss is a loss!

    I am definitely holding steady after losing 12lbs really quickly, so I'm not expecting a loss this week, but that's okay. I'll catch up after this baby pops out in a month.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    A loss is a loss!

    I am definitely holding steady after losing 12lbs really quickly, so I'm not expecting a loss this week, but that's okay. I'll catch up after this baby pops out in a month.

    I'm so excited for you ... I love babies
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! You all are doing great!

    I've burned a little over 500 calories so far today.

    I'm going to try for eating every 3 hours...Thanks for the advice SpiritCymbal! :o)