using your children as a profile pic?



  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I dont hate it but I dont feel like Im talking to a real human when it happens. Every time I see someone with no picture of themselves I think they lack on confidence because they think they are ugly or they are not happy with the way they look. I thought Photoshop softwares were made for that but it seems like they dont like to use them. lol

    Me thinks that you are totally wrong. Desire for privacy doesn't equal lack of confidence or unhappiness about personal looks.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I agree. People who don't post profile pix of themselves should be boiled in oil! Olive Oil, preferably -- EVOO even better.

    I refuse to be boiled in anything but coconut oil.

    That's cop out. You'd probably want it in a tub at a nice tepid bath temperature, too, huh? Head on a pillow. With cucumber slices over your eyes. And a chilled glass of your favorite wine.


    Move over....

    Maybe a few spa jets?
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    But he's so cute...and he looks so much like me... :(

    People don't lose their sense of self after becoming parents. It's called PRIDE. Yes, I am proud to be a mother....I'm also proud to be a nerd/gamer/bookworm/poet. I KNOW WHO I AM! :P
  • _mlee_
    _mlee_ Posts: 90
    I'm on your side! I ESPECIALLY don't feel you should have your children displayed all over MFP. There are a lot of creeps in the world and I don't feel like letting them have access to my kids pictures. Also, it is true that they are my kids but they didn't give me permission to plaster their faces on public sites. I wouldn't appreciate someone taking my pics and posting them :)
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    Rather surprised by the heat this has garnered.

    My avatar pic is of my kids, several years ago, because:
    - they are one of my reasons for getting healthy
    - the picture makes me smile every time I see it
    - I didn't consider anyone else's opinion of it before I chose it as my avatar (except the boys who said it was ok to use it)

    But if its the reason that you don't want to 'talk' to me on MFP, then that's just fine.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Rather surprised by the heat this has garnered.

    My avatar pic is of my kids, several years ago, because:
    - they are one of my reasons for getting healthy
    - the picture makes me smile every time I see it
    - I didn't consider anyone else's opinion of it before I chose it as my avatar (except the boys who said it was ok to use it)

    But if its the reason that you don't want to 'talk' to me on MFP, then that's just fine.
    Now see that's cool.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I dont hate it but I dont feel like Im talking to a real human when it happens. Every time I see someone with no picture of themselves I think they lack on confidence because they think they are ugly or they are not happy with the way they look. I thought Photoshop softwares were made for that but it seems like they dont like to use them. lol

    or perhaps they don't take online forums seriously enough to care about stuff like this.... Because I don't. It's just a calorie counting website and the forums are entertainment (although I do try to help people on their "journey" by providing information that I think might help them). I like myself and how I look, but there are other ways to express yourself through an avatar than just putting a picture of yourself up. And there are many things in life that mean a whole lot more to me than what I look like. I agree that if someone's *only* reason for not putting a pic of themselves in their avatar.... i.e. they really want to but are put off because they think they're ugly, then yes that person needs to do a lot of work on their self confidence (ditto people who feel that they can't put a pic of themselves up without photoshopping it extensively)....... but there are plenty of other reasons why people might want to put something other than themselves up as their avatar that have nothing whatsoever to do with self confidence.
  • tazroni
    tazroni Posts: 24 Member
    how do you know if its their child they are using or maybe its them when they were a child.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I'm on your side! I ESPECIALLY don't feel you should have your children displayed all over MFP. There are a lot of creeps in the world and I don't feel like letting them have access to my kids pictures. Also, it is true that they are my kids but they didn't give me permission to plaster their faces on public sites. I wouldn't appreciate someone taking my pics and posting them :)

    I'm always curious about the "creeps" part - what do people think is going to happen? What is so terrible that the "creeps" are going to do?

    I have zero issues posting photos of my children on the internet. 1. I do so with their permission and 2. I've literally never, ever used their real names online - even my very closest online friends only know them for their nicknames.

    So many strong opinions about something that has zero impact on your (general people in this thread) life. What photos I choose to post have no bearing on your life. The level of security via the internet I've chosen with regards to my kids safety is exactly none of your business.

    I seriously cannot believe the level of self righteous judgement going on. I wish people put this much energy into food-poor people in our country.
  • Corsetopia
    Corsetopia Posts: 307 Member
    Clearly I've upset many people with my avatar being an antlered bird sitting on a bacon branch daydreaming of a cupcake.

    Who the eff cares?!

    If you're sitting on MFP and becoming agitated because of someone else's choice of photo, I feel sorry for you.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Clearly I've upset many people with my avatar being an antlered bird sitting on a bacon branch daydreaming of a cupcake.

    Who the eff cares?!

    If you're sitting on MFP and becoming agitated because of someone else's choice of photo, I feel sorry for you.

    I love creative and eccentric avatars. :drinker: Does your avatar have a name? Apparently mine's called Wilma and was so named by the curators of the Neandertal museum in Neandertal, Germany. She's a forensic reconstruction of a woman who lived and died approx 50,000 years ago.
  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    I enjoy the diversity of pictures that people use - it's part of the fun. My picture has my cargo trike in it, which I think is awesome and good exercise. However, one of my boys' arms is visible. Clearly he is now in danger from internet arm perverts. Or something.
    Time to chillax, everyone!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I enjoy the diversity of pictures that people use - it's part of the fun. My picture has my cargo trike in it, which I think is awesome and good exercise. However, one of my boys' arms is visible. Clearly he is now in danger from internet arm perverts. Or something.
    Time to chillax, everyone!

    your trike is truly awesome :drinker:
  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    I like Wilma - she's awesome too :) Don't think she'd put up with Fred Flintstone ;)
    I enjoy the diversity of pictures that people use - it's part of the fun. My picture has my cargo trike in it, which I think is awesome and good exercise. However, one of my boys' arms is visible. Clearly he is now in danger from internet arm perverts. Or something.
    Time to chillax, everyone!

    your trike is truly awesome :drinker:
  • jjchapa2
    jjchapa2 Posts: 135 Member
    I just think this is a pointless discussion, who cares about what picture anyone prefers as their profile, its their personal account. If it truly bothers you, simply delete, block, unfriend whatever the case may be. We should be worrying about other meaningful things like focusing on our physique and maximizing our full potential everyday. That is all.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,072 Member
    I dont hate it but I dont feel like Im talking to a real human when it happens. Every time I see someone with no picture of themselves I think they lack on confidence because they think they are ugly or they are not happy with the way they look. I thought Photoshop softwares were made for that but it seems like they dont like to use them. lol

    Me thinks that you are totally wrong. Desire for privacy doesn't equal lack of confidence or unhappiness about personal looks.

    Yes exactly.

    This is called projection - when you wouldn't do something for x reason, so you believe that is why other people wont do it.

    If you don't like my Xmas pudding avatar, that is fine - but please don't tell me my reasons for choosing it.

    On the other hand perhaps I am not a real human - perhaps you really are talking to a pudding :wink:
  • Corsetopia
    Corsetopia Posts: 307 Member
    Clearly I've upset many people with my avatar being an antlered bird sitting on a bacon branch daydreaming of a cupcake.

    Who the eff cares?!

    If you're sitting on MFP and becoming agitated because of someone else's choice of photo, I feel sorry for you.

    I love creative and eccentric avatars. :drinker: Does your avatar have a name? Apparently mine's called Wilma and was so named by the curators of the Neandertal museum in Neandertal, Germany. She's a forensic reconstruction of a woman who lived and died approx 50,000 years ago.

    Ha! Nice! Wilma rocks! :drinker:

    Nope, mine doesn't have a name. I don't even remember where on the internet I saw it, but as soon as I did, it became my MFP avatar. I never took a step back and thought, "Now what would my friends and peers on MFP think of this particular illustration?"
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I just have to know if I'm the only one that gets a little irritated when someone uses their children as a profile pic?
    Just when I thought I'd read every little thing that amazingly irritates someone, I run across a new one. This bothers you? Seriously? Wow.

  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    It annoys me too and I was thinking of it a couple days ago when I noticed everyone uses their kids as their facebook banner, but I realized I have my cat and it's probably just as bad. My cat is cute though and not everyone's kids are cute. I do think people tend to lose their identities to their kids and maybe that's why it bothers me.

    Also I just kind of like being anonymous and mysterious so I use my cat, it's not like I'm particularly proud of her I didn't make her :)