So I'm thinking about doing a push-up challen for Nov...sinc



  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    I haven't done pushups in a week. I might need to repeat week 3 of the challenge...
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    soooo I didn't make it to 100 push-ups for November, but I'm going to shoot for December. Anyone with me? :happy:
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    I'm still in it!
  • ccker080
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I'm still in. I reached the Nov goal as I was doing 10 a day and made it all the way til the 29th when things went crazy....I have 280 push ups for the month of November. Will start December's goal tomorrow. So sorry for my absence but here's what has been going on for the past 2 weeks.

    I've not been in the chat for about 2 weeks, sorry for my's what has been going on.

    I took John (hubby) to a routine checkup/physical Monday morning ( Nov. 29th) to start getting under a dr's supervision for a diet plan and when John told the dr for about 2 weeks he had been having a hard time breathing doing easy little things (like walking to the car) he thought it was just his weight and was the main reason we were there. So, the dr order an EKG and found his heart was around 160s and it was basically fluttering.

    So he sent us to Memorial hospital where I spent most of the day with him. There were 2 treatments the cardiologist talked to us about, the one was blood thinners and then an other medicine to get his heart back on track but he would be on those for a month and then have to return to see if it worked and it only had a 50% chance of working....the other treatment was to put him to sleep, put a scope down his throat to see if there were any clots and if not, then they would shock his heart to get it back in place.....which is the treatment they did.

    He was pretty groggy when I was allowed in the room and his heart was back down to 94. Before I left, when he tried to eat some dinner (about an hour after the treatment, the dr allowed him to eat) he was pouring sweat buckets down and getting light headed (assuming he got up too fast and the medication was still trying to wear off).

    He called me around 9:45ish last night and told me his heart rate went back up to 140.

    Well, his heart rate had gone back down to about 90s to the low 100s. So, they released him last Wednesday night. Saw his cardiologist Thursday morning and got some prescriptions for heart medicine to help keep his heart in rhythm and then blood thinners (only for a short time though)....went back Friday to see how meds were doing. His heart was back out of rhythm and heart rate was back up. Gave us a different one, told us to come back Monday (Dec. 6th) to see how the meds did over the weekend.

    The weekend went by and hubby was still feeling great. But Monday came, heart was still out of rhythm and heart rate was back up. So, back to the hospital we went, where they wanted to keep on eye on his vitals, kidney functions, etc. After a couple of days of the new meds, they did the electrocardioversion again (where they shocked his heart while he was "asleep") and with the new meds in his system and the shock, his heart went back into rhythm and heart rate is staying down. The nurse called me here at home, and said he is doing well and that they are hoping throughout the night, he stays in rhythm and heart rate stays down.....please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, as I"m stressing about all this, taking care of the kids, and trying to be positive about things. Thanks!!! Will be back on to normal schedule as soon as things settle down.


    His heart stayed in rhythm all night long and all day (Tuesday night & Wednesday)! Went to go see him this afternoon and to see if there was any other news. And he got to come home this evening!!! Yay!!!! (Wednesday)


    Had an appt with his cardiologist this morning, he was STILL in rhythm. YAY!!! Blood pressure was awesome and his heart rate was awesome. Goes in for one more check up tomorrow and he can return to work on Monday.:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: