Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties! - November Challenge



  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    So tomorrow morning is my official weigh-in and I am not very optimistic about it. I think I have managed to catch that cold that you girls have been circulating. I am trying to fight it off before it turns into anything big. And I can't even tell you the last time that I worked out. So that goal has been an epic fail. I am taking the kids to the gym after work again tomorrow and hopefully it will go better than last night. I think I have managed to stay on track with my food choices though. I have to admit that it gets easier and easier everyday. As long as I don't have bad food around to eat then I simply can't eat it. One of the other managers at work brought in leftover goodies from their church bake sale in an effort to sell the remaining inventory. He sat it at the desk in front of me. I browsed the inventory, was encouraged to make a purchase from one of my co-workers, and in the end decided that I didn't need it and also didn't really want it.

    I hope everyone is having a good week!!

    Saying no to baked goods?! That is a huge victory! I have a lot of trouble doing that, but it is totally worth it!
    Also, I hope you feel better... cyber colds are the worst!! :bigsmile:
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    Hey guys!!!!

    This is gonna be a bit of a selfish post as I'm in a rush to get to Uni!!!

    Yesterday my mum and grandparents came down to visit and took me to my favourite restaurant. Think I managed to order well but because they don't have their nutritional info on the internet it was kind of an estimate. But the rest of the day I made really good choices so hopefully these last 2 days of my routine being broken won't affect my weight too much!!! Back on track today though, and I'm gonna get my first bout of swimming in this afternoon after my lecture!! Really wanted to go last night but I couldn't keep my eyes open!!! Don't think the goal of 3 swims this week will be met but hopefully I still meet the calories I am meant to burn for the week from walking back and for to Uni.

    Check in with properly with you amazing ladies tonight.
    :heart: Emmy
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    Weigh in day was today - and I maintained. A maintain after a 2lb loss last week, and the lightest that I've been since I restarted MFP in September. So I am not disappointed at all. I know that there were some poor choices that I made over the past week and I'm glad that they didn't make my weight shoot up!

    Mixed pumpkin in with my oatmeal this morning (thanks to the suggestions on this thread!!)... yummmm. I usually mix in about a tablespoon of peanut butter and then some spices but I like the pumpkin version too - yay variety!!

    I had kind of a frustrating day yesterday. On Tuesday I got home at 9pm and DID find a yoga video online and go along with it! That's why I love this thread - it helps keep me accountable to myself. I had a sweet potato in the oven while doing the yoga, so when I was done, I had a delicious treat :bigsmile: Coming out of one of the poses though, I had shooting pain in my neck on the right side. I nursed it a little and then continued with the video, and the neck felt better. Then I was rockcliming yesterday, and we went to an outdoors adventure course, which enabled us to climb a lot higher than the indoor wall. I went up at the beginning of class and at one point I decided to push myself up with my right arm (like I'd push myself out of a pool) because I couldn't reach the next handhold. That immediately KILLED my shoulder and neck, where I had the problem from the night before. So no more rockclimbing for me yesterday, which really sucked because I wanted to make it all the way up the tower to test my endurance!! I took some pain killers, iced and heated it and it still HURTS! Yes, I'm a wuss when it comes to pain, but I'm really frustrated with it right now, and really nervous that it's going to throw me off completely.

    Sorry to end on a bad note, I guess I put all the good news at the beginning of the post!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member

    Don't push neck pain at all!! It can get so, so much worse. You can throw it out just like your back and truuust me not pleasant. I would say take it super easy on the working out, and when you return to working out, esp yoga, always try to make sure your head is as supported as you can. Sorry to jump right on that but neck pain I have done and it not only sucks cuz it hurts but also cuz there is like zero you can do about it.

    Cool beans about the pumpkin tho.

    Emmy- Good luck with the swim today, and I'm sure you did fine with the going out. But *Quirks eyebrow* I look-ed at ur diary lady, an you gots some seriously low days in there. You got a couple of good ones right around your calorie goal (huzzah!). But I gots my eye on you missy... ::eyeball::

    Meag- We missed you!! Before you come running in NYC (or rather Queens) you will have to let me catch up to you training wise. I *might* be able to make some of your distances, but I KNOW I'm not at your speed. One of my goals for over the winter is to be able to pick up speed in my shorter runs so I can run with the BF come spring when he ventures outside again. He was on track in HS tho so he runs mad quick- he just decided to start running this summer and was like immediately able to run a pair of 7 min miles. *kitten*. :wink: But he can't make it past like 2.5 mi, (cuz he runs too damn fast!) so I got the endurance gene for tradsies.

    Guam- rocktastic!!! Avoiding the baked goods and the guilt trip!

    Ok Sorry if I missed peoples- i need to hop back to work (I know they expect me to do my job here, WTH is that?)

    See y'all laters!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    @Roo - Don't feel guilty about only going over 115 calories! If you're following MFP's set goals (which I don't know if you are or not) you're eating 500 calories less than you actually need to maintain your weight, so essentially you're still under. Also, I'm glad you logged you it, because it's good to see where the calories did come from, even on days you decide to cheat. I cheat once a week, if I've lost enough weight that week. It hasn't stalled my weight loss at all.

    @stuartme123 - I hope your shoulder and neck feel better quick!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    We totally are Kicking *kitten* this month! Its great to see people see people noticing healthy changes they are making and sticking to even if the scale isnt exactly what they want. In the long run its all about the healthy changes that will help us get fitter and learn skills to stay that way as we hit maintenance. Great job ladies.

    QOTD (from yesterday)- I would have to say that in my current routine strength training is my favorite workout. I just feel so good during, after, AND the following day! I also just started spinning last week (silly cold has kept me from it this week) but it is really up there on my list. I DESPERATELY want to get in to running again. It really all depends on all my old injuries (metal rod in my femur and knee issues from that, and a broken foot beginning of this summer) BUT I refuse to let those be an excuse- so I just need to start taking it slow and steady and get back in to it

    all you crazy running ladies (gonk and meag) any suggestions on getting started (SLOWLY) haha- would love to hear them :)

    stuartme123- great job on the maintaining this week! sometimes that is the best scenario ever! Injuries are tough- definitely a lot of tlc for that injured part give it a lot of rest!!! and take care of you

    emmy- great job sticking to your guns even when you were out of routine!

    Crap I cant see back far enough to respond to more people :( will try to hop on later and do a better job!!!!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Meredith - Yikes! Sounds like you may have tweaked your neck pretty badly. Definitely take 'er easy for a while. Don't want to aggravate it. I know how uncomfortable that can be! Rock climbing can be very rough on your muscles because of the constant tension required to hold your body up. It's hard to relax your muscles when you are literally on the edge. Just take a few days off and be cautious with the yoga. I'm sure you'll do great :bigsmile: You're a smart cookie! Glad you enjoyed the pumpkin! I had some in my oatmeal this morning. So, so good. With a little tiny maple syrup and some walnuts it's the perfect breakfast. Yummy, warm and very filling. Feels like a breakfast hug.

    God I love oatmeal... Definitely my biggest "find" in weight-loss and healthy living. I can't imagine trying to get through a week without oatmeal!

    Gonks - I am SURE you'll be catching up to me in no time, girl. Your boyfriend is just like mine... The *kitten* hasn't run in years and the first run we take together he's speeding out of the gates (even though my legs are 4 inches longer than his). Of course, after a few miles he's spent. Tradsies indeed. Lately I've been telling him to maintain my pace and try to run for longer. He made it 3.5 miles on Monday with me but he was definitely tired. Our avg pace was around the 11 min/mile, but we stopped to walk a few times and then walked the last little bit home to cool down so the running portion was around 10:15. We are thinking about doing the Warrior Dash ( somewhere in the Northeast next summer. You and your boy should consider it! Looks like tons of fun :bigsmile: I love adventure-y, absurd, ridiculous things like this haha

    Anyway, I am sure that if we ran together you'd have no problem keeping pace with me. You seem to be pushing yourself like crazy. Your motivation is really inspiring! I am sure I could learn a thing or two... :happy:

    Alright well I did a tentative non-official weigh-in today to see what damaged I had done over my trip and it actually wasn't too bad. Up 1.3lbs over 4 days but I am sure most of that will be gone in a day or two. I am pretty OK with my progress. I'll be back on track by Monday's weigh-in and hopefully drop some pounds by the end of the month. Maybe not 5lbs but oh well. Progress is progress.

    Keep it up ladies!! :heart:
  • Roobean33
    inskydiamonds - thanks! I am follwing MFP's set goals, and didn't realize the 500 calorie gap between losing and maintaining so that was comforting.

    stuartme - OUCH. I hope that doesn't take long to heal up for you. Great job maintaining...

    meag - 1.3lbs is nothing! You did great staying fit on vacation!

    finn- take it easy getting back into your routine just in case you aren't a 100% yet. I'm kinda with you on the running thing (minus those crazy injuries) so maybe we can help motivate each other.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Roo - 115 calories isn't that bad at all!! I am sure if you would have done the same thing just a few months ago, the outcome would have been a lot worse. But the good thing is that you logged it and held yourself accountable, rather than hiding it and basically lying to yourself.

    stuartme - sounds like you need to nurse those muscles before you pull something. Pullling a muscle will make everything worse!!

    finn - Sounds like you just need to slowly ease back into running rather than hitting it hard. After listening to everyone doing so well with their running on here, I am really interested in taking up running but I have never been a fan of it in the past. But things they are a changing so I guess we shall see!!

    Thank you for the confirmation that I made the right decision with the baked goods. Unfortunately my weigh in this morning didn't turn out very well. I gained back 2 pounds. I think it has a lot to do with my day yesterday. I ate most of my calories for lunch and was hardly hungry for dinner last night but I knew I needed to eat something. My choices contained a lot of sodium not nearly enough water for the day. But today is a new day and I am in charge of my choices. I am feeling a little better. I am not too sure if its just allergies because the wind is blowing like crazy over here or if I am actually attempting to fight off a cold. I have my gym stuff in the car though and if I am feeling well enough after work then I will pick up the kids and head to the gym.

    Happy Thursday ladies!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Great Job Meags! I consider that a great thing that you were able to maintain so well on your vacay!

    Today was a little crazy getting started, we had someone threaten a bomb on the bridge I usually take to work. I managed to take a train in, but it somewhat threw me off. I had a good run training last night and my knee is a little sore so I am going to take tomorrow off since my race is Sunday. I came home from training and wasn't that hungry so my BF made me a big salad and I ate a sausage on the side. Very yummy! I am slightly worried about my WI tomorrow. I shouldn't be but I am. I am just going to hope for the best and trust that I have been doing well enough to see a loss.

    Everyone is doing soo good! Looking at the MB is seriously the highlight of my day! Good job everyone! I love all the encouragement and enthusiasm! Tonight is swimming, laundry, making dinner, picking up books....very busy!

    QOTD: What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it? What about fitness books?

    The last book I read was a James Patterson Mystery thriller, I believe it was called the beachhouse. I love his books! I have read a million. I am picking up the Harry Potter series from a friend tonight guess I am jumping on that bandwagon. I am interested in buying the Weight Lifting for women book, but honestly I can't spend too much time lifting right now anyways so I might wait until after training season.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    QOTD - I love to read!! Especially books that get turned into movies. So, right now I am reading Marley and Me. I am always up for a good book. I just wish that I had more time to read them. I haven't read any fitness books but should probably incorporate them into my reading as well.
  • kattungen
    QOTD - I am so boring, definitely when we're closing in on our finals in Uni, and I haven't read anything but school books for weeks. But the last GOOD secondary curriculum-book I read is called "The Burned Books" and is actually quite interesting :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Thanks Aly!

    Laundry, circuit training, grocery shopping and a run today. Working tonight at 10pm. Kind of a long day but so nice to get back to routine. Had a protein shake and raw cauliflower after my workout today and it felt so comforting to have my "control" back! Perhaps I have some control issues...? haha yea...

    QOTD - Just finished Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America by Barbara Ehrenreich. Highly recommend it if you are interested at all in class issues or the condition of the working poor. This is the sort of thing I studied in school and so it was right up my alley. Also, it's relatively accessible since it was written by a pop-journalist. Can't say that I ever read fitness or health books... Maybe I should start!

    Homemade taco salad tonight with spinach and vegetarian chili. Pretty hyped about that. Adding some extra avocado for healthy fats and protein. Am going to *try* and bring healthy snacks to work. Should be a good night!

    -Meag :heart:
  • cruan
    cruan Posts: 13
    QOTD: I can't even remember the last non-textbook I've read. I've started so many and haven't had a chance to finish them. But I'm pretty sure the last book I read was Emily Giffin's latest book a couple of years ago. I also have a few fitness books, one that I want to start reading again is "Flat Belly Diet". My husband did the "Abs Diet" and workout when we were first married and liked it, so when I saw this one, I had to get it. If nothing, else for the recipes.

    GuamGrly- How are you liking Marley & Me? Have you seen the movie already?? I read that one when it first came out and couldn't put it down. I laughed, I cried, I loved that book!! When the movie came out, my husband and I saw it together and I know I cried, but I'm pretty sure he cried too. We're so attached to our dog that we have, the whole movie hit home for us. Enjoy the book!!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    QOTD: What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it? What about fitness books?

    The last thing I read was my Property Law Casebook. Totally dry, totally boring. I haven't had an incredible amount of time to read for pleasure because of the amount of homework I have a week, but the last book I read was called Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Hi I'm Gonks and I am addictied to books.

    Srsly tho 85% of what I read currently is what we affectionately call "slush" or unsolicited manuscripts of people trying to get published...I have a problem and it's baaad. The other 10% is books on narrative theory, which though fascinating to me, isn't exactly one of the world's great conversation starters. %5 is left for fun.

    But since I started here there have been a couple of books I <3. 1- I started reading Robert Parker (he is my editor's flagship author) and he has some amazing and fun mystery novels. I read his "Jesse Stone" Series from beginning to end but he is most famous for the "Spenser" series (much longer, but similar character).

    2- Creation of Eve by Lynn Cullen- holy crap can this woman write!! The Creation of Eve is about an italian woman painter who studied under Michelangelo- just before he is taken by the Inquisition she is called to Spain (which still ruled parts of Italy then) to teach the new Spanish Queen (a young French Princess who married the Spanish King) how to paint. It is soooooo good.

    3- JASPER FFORDE- I cannot say enough about him so I wont even try. Nursery Crime. Yup.

    Ok so I have about a billion and 1 authors to recommend so I'm going to stop. I don't really read a lot of fitness books but I have read a lot of nutrion "fad" books- French Women Don't Get Fat was pretty interesting, Skinny B*tch was annoying but made some good points but everything else I've found to be mostly junk.

    and one more thing...
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    i've been sick!!! i haven't been exercising in two weeks. it really sucks, all i want to do is get well. i've been coughing so much i look like i'm bringing tuberculosis back into fashion. because of this i haven't weighed myself at all : | perhaps i will weigh myself tomorrow morning to give myself a reality check!

    QOTD: What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it? What about fitness books?

    the last book i read was Non-Fiction by Chuck Palahniuk, i was reading Sex, Drugs & Cocoa Puffs but i seem to have misplaced it. i'm reading The Zombie Survival Guide now. i know, nothing too deep. just books i borrowed from friends!

    i don't think i read that many fitness books, but i try to look up for workouts online! there are tons of good ones out there, especially if you don't have a lot of equipment at home to work with.

    hope everyone's having a good day!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    QOTD: What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it? What about fitness books?

    I love to read when I have the time...however, free time with 2 kids under 6 "me" time is not in their vocabulary!!! I do read to my students every day. Today I started reading Charlotte's Web to them. I am sure I will be reading a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and a Princess book to my girls tonight :wink: I also LOVE James Patterson, especially his Alex Cross novels!

    Happy with my day and choices so far today...still have about 130 calories before I even touch my exercise calories. Had a nice 35 minute run on the treadmill tonight, feel really GOOD!!! Time to get the kiddos ready for a bath!!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Thanks for all the book ideas guys! I am digging this QOTD thing, man I am so smart hehe. So I just now started feeling sick :( So it looks like swimming is out for tonight and tomorrow might have to be a day off too so I am not sick for my race on Sunday. I know Triathlon training just started but taking care of my body comes before workouts. I have learned that the hard way. Well looks like a soup night for me tonight... at least soup is super low in Cals. Have a good evening everyone Talk to you tomorrow!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Crystal - I am really enjoying the book so far. I don't get too much time to read so it will take me a little while to get it finished up. I haven't seen the movie yet. I like to read the book first and then go and see the movie to see how they compare to the picture that I have painted in my head. When Eat Pray Love came out, my boyfriend wanted to go and see it but I told him that we had to wait until I read the book first.

    Melissa - I know what you mean about having "me" time! I am a single mom to a 6 year old and a 3 year old, along with working full-time and school full-time. I somehow manage to make it all work though.

    Aly - hopefully after some rest and TLC, you will be back to your normal routine. I thought I mine might have just been allergies because the winds have been blowing like crazy down here but I think I really am getting sick. I am not happy about that. Luckily, the boyfriend is going out of town tonight and I won't see him til Saturday night so I hope to be back in working order by then.

    Hope everyone else is having a great week! Its almost Friday!