Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties! - November Challenge



  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    stepped on the scale today.. did not like what i saw and quite frankly embarrassed by myself!

    also, my friends started a website and i'm one of the featured writers! please visit it!

    any feedback/comments will be much appreciated : )

    i'm feeling PARTICULARLY hungry today - what are foods that you eat or things that you do to try to curb hunger? also, i have a huge appetite, is there a way i can decrease it?

    QOTD: like everyone else, SOUP! if i'm sick = non-functioning --> canned soup instead of home-cooked. i love soup on rainy days, cold days.. mmhmm.

    shameless advertising, but again GO VISIT: and tell me what you think!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    QOTD: I too love me some soup!!!! I make a mean white bean turkey (chili), a tortilla chicken soup, and chicken noodle soup all in the crock pot and they are YUMMY!!! TOM arrived this morning...which explains my crabbiness and teenage complexion over the past few days...oh well! Today is my rest day and I did indulge in a tasty turkey reuben and a kit kat today but I still haven't changed my calories over to maintain so I did go over but technically I didn't. My hubby is hunting all weekend AND my mom surprised us and dropped in for a visit so I am super excited to see her BUT that means I can also get in a 6 mile run either tomorrow or on Sunday and I can go kid-less to the grocery store which is a BONUS!!!! Good luck to everyone this weekend! Keep making those good choices!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    k first off...i hope everyone feels better!!

    finn-great job as always!! no matter what is thrown at seem to push past it!! WTG!!

    Roo-2lbs is awesome! and you will be in the 120'2 before you know it!! congrats!

    laura-congrats on the 1.5lbs!

    kat-2.6lbs!! you are killing it this month!

    allie-i agree turbo jam is my fave workout too!!

    QOTD(previous)-just finished "The Scarlet Letter", good book...better movie!!

    QOTD(new)-gonna have to go with good old fashioned chicken noodle soup!!

    Keep up the great work everyone!!! You all are doing awesome!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey everyone!! congrats to all those losses! i'm sitting here at work which is slow for the moment, about halfway thru the shift, bored out of my mind. thank god for these forums! the day before vacay is always the longest lol. i almost didn't workout today, but forced myself, and surprise surprise, i felt so much better after it was over. one of my college friends is in NJ for the weekend, so i met up with her and her husband and their adorable 4 month old for thai tonight. so delicious! i probably didn't need the fried spring rolls, though after getting home late, and thus waking up late followed by the workout, i really didn't eat before dinner, so calorie wise, i think i did ok.
    after work tonight i'll be getting about 2 hours of sleep, then heading into NYC for a relaxing massage and green tea wrap! my friend at work found some good deals online, so we'll be luxuriating in them tomorrow. i may pass out on the table lol. after that it'll be home for sleep and then out for dinner/drinks at night. hopefully there will be some decent choices. sunday i'll def have to work it since weigh in is monday, and will be very close to TOM.

    meag- you can come cook for me anytime!! i want the frozen hot chocolate recipe!

    as for QOTD: i'm gonna be the weird one and not say soup! for me it's orange spice tea from celestial seasonings, and toast. my mom always gave it to me as a kid, and it still makes me feel better. that plus making a coccoon for myself in my bed with a movie!

    enjoy the weekend everyone!!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    My arms, my waist, my chest and for sure my thighs. They used to rub together so uncomfortably that I couldn't wear skirts in the summer. This summer for the first time ever I was able to wear skirts and not worry -- As strange as it sounds that was a huge victory for me. I always loved skirts in the summer and resented my thighs for always being in the way. Needless to say, I really wish I could quantify my loss in inches. As nice as it is to SEE the difference myself (my legs no longer touch when I am standing straight - what!) I would love to know how many inches I have actually lost...

    Meag- I TOTALLY know what this is like...well not the thighs NOT touching part but I love skirts and never wearing them cuz it hurt/uncomfortable. And it SUCKS. It's one of the things I am most excited about. I've got a skirt that I've been able to wear recently, but only once in a while (just takin it slow). I also really look forward SHORTS!!! I want to wear shorts and not spend the whole time thinking "Ug my thighs".

    Good luck with your race- I know you will do/are doing (since it almost noon) great!.

    I am still for the half marathon. I know it's a huge training committment, but I think its the kind of acheivement that is worth going for. Idk- it's a lot and a big step but I think it would really push you. And with distance races, you can find "pace groups" to join, even if they aren't close friends, I'm sure you could find someone to train with.

    As for my update- Down 1.8 lbs this week, firmly into the 150s! 158.2. I am actually really close to my "halfway point" which is cool because I hadn't planned to be there until a little after the new year. It will be good to go into a new year with that milestone down. And yesterday... I ran my *kitten* off for my short run- a 9:26 min mile (I had to walk the last .5 mile of my 2 mi run). I couldnt string 2 together but it was awesome to hit a sub 10 min mile!

    Yesterday was also a big shopping day with the boy. Bought new running shoes- grey and pink, not quite as bright as I wanted but super comfy and overal awesome. YAY! Also new running clothes, and a couple of pairs of work pants- size 10. I fit into some size 8's but I didn't like any of them so I stuck with the 10's.

    So it's been a pretty good week for me. 1.2 lbs away from my November goal! The only thing I totally dropped the ball on was push ups. I haven't done them adequately once this week.

    QOTD: When I am sick i actually like to eat cheez-its and gingerale. mmmm Nom nom nom. I need something salty to settle my stomach (plus the gingerale). But saltines are so bland I just can't eat them.

    Peace Out

    WTG every one! Can't wait to see how everyone does over the week! Go Team November!!
  • keysr
    keysr Posts: 19
    I am new, and I know it is half way through the month but I hope thats ok :)

    My goal is to lose 3 lbs by the end of the month, including thanksgiving, and to stay very active the entire week of thanksgiving when I will be on vacation and out of my element.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Gonks - congrats on easing your way down the 150's!! And great that you are nearing your halfway mark. That has to feel amazing!!

    Allie - here is how I make the frozen hot chocolate: 4 tablespoons of sugar free cool whip, one cup of almond milk, one packet of 25 calorie hot cocoa mix, and as much ice as you would like. Blend in the blender and enjoy!! Comes out to about 165 calories. Tastes like a yummy chocolate shake!!

    As for me, I thought I would check in with you ladies before moving onto my busy day. I was supposed to get up and watch my nephew play football but this cold had me sleeping in this morning. But the kids and I have 2 birthday parties to go to today. One will be at lunch time and the other at dinner time which will work out cause I don't have to worry about what to make us for dinner. But the downside is that I eat whatever they are serving and hope that I don't start to binge cause it tastes so yummy. But I had my pumpkin oatmeal this morning and decided to make myself a protein shake before the first party so that I won't be hungry. Hopefully it will work. The 2nd party is right across the street from my house so I can always run home and make myself a quick something if I need to.

    Hope you ladies have a great weekend!! I probably won't check in again until tomorrow.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    keysr - of course!! The more the merrier! Welcome to our gang!!:smile:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    allie-great job staying within your calories even with the eating out! and enjoy the massage and wrap!

    gonks-150's are awesome! size 8 (single digits) is great! and congrats on the less then 10minute mile! you are doing fab!

    keysr-welcome to the thread and great goals :)

    guam-way to prepare for the day!!! you will do great...stay strong :)

    as for me...hanging in there...gonna be doing my push-up challenge in a minute, and trying to stay under on my calories and my sodium today! My hardest day of the week!!! Grrrr....
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Had a GREAT 6 mile run today pace was about 10:26 so I was really excited! I also got to restock the house with some YUMMY groceries. Now spending the rest of the night hanging out with my babies...we're going to watch Toy Story 3 and make those DELISH sounding hot cocoa milkshakes!!!! :tongue: I can't wait!!! Happy Saturday everyone!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Crazy busy day today and my boy is here as well, so just checking in for a sec!

    Chip time for today's race: 49:47.4 !!! Which means I had 13 or so seconds to spare :happy: Not bad considering I was under by 3 seconds on my 5k race hahaha!

    Paced just under 10:00 min/mile so I am SUPER happy. Very good day! Ate a ton and will pay for it on Monday but oh well! Take care everyone. Catch up tomorrow!

  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    woooow... this thread is JUMPIN!

    Been working the past three nights, so even though I could get on and off here and there I felt like I really needed to sit down and go through everyone's posts once I was home. So here goes...

    Gonks: I couldn't make it through Skinny B*tch.. so preachie and annoying! Congrats on your loss this week! Sounds like you did so good on your run 2! Why didn't you buy the 8's. You know the 10's will be falling off you soon. ;D

    meagalayne: .. a half marathon?! Wow that is a big decision, but I'm sure you can do it! I don't know what the training is like for that, but it seems like you would have enough time (now til May)

    Great job on your 8K! That is so awesome!

    Lostalykat: Rest up and feel better! Maybe you could start measuring yourself? Even without a big scale-loss you probably lost inches. That is what helped me stay motivated with my last weigh in.

    Lola: Feel better!! I hate a lingering cold... ugh.

    Alli: Thanks for the tips!! I am excited to try TF soon. The cost may make it hard for me to get it any time soon (maybe a Christmas gift?? joint?? lol). Gasp! I should totally be Chalene's friend on facebook 2! She really does motivate me.

    Emmy: Hope you like the SHRED! I hear a lot of people on this site raving about it. There's nothing like something new and different to get you motivated. Sometimes you also have to front-load to get motivated... like work out even if you don't want to and then you feel great after!!

    Also.. yes.. Harry Potter fans are very very very cool. ;D

    kattungen: CONGRATS!!! 3 lbs is huuuge! You must be walkin' on sunshine!

    Finn: Way 2 go!! Also glad you are feeling better!

    Laura: Good job! That is a big slap in the face for TOM!

    Roo: WAHOO! Good job this week! You must feel great!

    Jill: I'm sorry for your nephew. Please let us know how he does. Also, please take care of your knee! I don't know how long a dislocation takes to get better, but one day might be pushing it.

    Inskydiamonds: I have been meaning to take some “before” pictures. I think it is really important to see that change over time, but I am clueless about how to get it into a thread.

    Tai: I was just talking about decorating for Christmas! My husband was like... isn't it a little early?? But he had no objections to starting soon =D. First I have to actually have a clean house... ugh, lol. I sympathize with you... lunges huuuurrt!!! Drink lots of water. I find that makes the soreness go away faster.

    Melissa: Sounds like you are in for a weekend with some YOU time! Yay! Have a great time with your mom (and by yourself lol).

    Keysr: Welcome!!

    GuamGrl: Feel better! Stick to your guns this weekend and let us know how it goes!

    QOTD: Tea... love it. Chamomile or Mint. I don't have to have anything in it either.. tastes like flowers to me. Also soup, but normally I don't eat too much. If I get even a little sick and I make myself sleep for huge chunks of time until I wake up and feel better...or I have to work lol.

    I am down 2.2 lbs this week! That means I'm only .8 lbs from my Thanksgiving goal (weigh in next Sunday) and 1.8 lbs from my November goal. I will also measure myself next week (do that bi or tri-weekly).

    I'm concerned that I am also getting sick. =( That will really throw a wrench into my work-out plans, so I am skipping my workout today and will start fresh Monday to kind of head things off. I had two one hour workout sessions and one 40 minute session this week, so I didn't technically make my goal. For the sake of stopping this cold before it gets any worse I'm ok with that. Back to work on Monday for three nights =(, but at least I'll get it over with in the beginning of the week.

    I am going to start working through a new body weight circuit that I am probably not in shape enough to do yet, but I really want to try. If it is 2 hard for me then I'll start working on the exercises individually or just do as much as I can. I am really interested in doing something like this because I'm going to be traveling a lot for the holidays without a gym or necessarily a spot to do work out videos. If you click the link below it will show you the one I want to try... even the guy explaining it is out of breath!

    I've been really happy with my calorie intake (except for one day last week... over like 400 calories ack!), and am actually having some trouble eating them all now. Well.. trouble isn't the word... excitement is the word. lol. I'm excited to be able to have a little ice cream or cereal at the end of the day because I have the calories!! yay!

    Mostly I just want to stay motivated... I really want this to be my new lifestyle!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Back! I just got home from working @ the nightclub and despite being on hour 20 of my long race day I am WIDE AWAKE! So I figure, HEY why not come and update my amazing, inspiring wicked-cool MFP friends instead of getting to bed... :happy: Brilliant!

    Rai - I am *definitely* checking out that circuit training tomorrow. Thanks for the link! I am currently doing Nerdfitness but am starting to get a bit bored of it and I worry that maybe it's not quite hard enough... I break a sweat and can feel it in my legs a few hours after I finish, but I still think I could push myself harder. Maybe this one will be the change I need! The good news is that after about a month of circuit training/push-ups, I am getting some definition in my shoulders, back and arms. Looking toned. I'll hopefully be able to post a pic at the end of the month to show my progress. Esp since my weight-loss this month is going to be less than stellar...

    Melissa - GREAT run, as always! Seems like we are running at about the same level. Wish I had a Melissa-clone in my city to run with :laugh: I love that you are pushing and pushing. Keep it up!

    Guam/Allie - I still haven't tried the frozen hot choc... Long story but I was going to make them on Fri and then I ended up eating lots and my boy and I were way too tired after dinner to do anything but veg on the couch and not lift a finger. So they didn't get made. Going to have one on Mon night I think as a treat! Bough almond milk as well to use. Sooo excited!

    Gonks - What can I say, girl. You are friggen awesome! Wicked weight loss this week and a major victory - size 8/10, WHAT!?!? Incredible. I am sure you must feel like a million bucks! I can't wait to hear about this shopping trip... I am driving down to NY state on Tues to do some major shopping at the outlets. So bloody excited! I'm an addict... You run sounds awesome and impressive, as usual. Your drive to improve is really inspiring! I love reading about all your successes. You are so dedicated and I don't think I've ever once heard you b*tch or moan about it -- Definitely more than I can say for myself. Love having you in this thread!

    Allie/Cait - I'd love to cook for you! And anyone else on this board who wants a personal chef... I accept payment in the form of free room and board in an interesting city for a while :happy: Any takers? hahaha

    tai - running + lunges is a KILLER! gah! I've made that mistake before... haha Feels good after a while though. Its so nice to know those muscles are working hard. Hope you had a great time decorating :happy:

    OK now another selfish update -- Because I'm sure you guys are SO interested in my life! hehe

    1) Half Marathon... Still on the fence. Honestly, I have rarely had doubts about my ability to train and reach my goals but ATM I feel like a half is REALLY pushing my limits. I am just not sure my body can run that far and I am worried about registering and then bailing on it because I don't think I can finish in the weeks leading up to the race... This is obviously all mental. I need to psych myself up for it, commit and just get it done. No excuses.

    2) My race today was amazing. Honestly. I have not felt that good about a race yet. It was so awesome to beat my goal and avg less than a 10 min/mile over 8k. I am so happy with my progress thus far and really proud of myself. This was a huge victory for me. It was also amazingly nice to have so much support from my MFP friends... I was telling my boy in the car today that often times it seems like I get more support and motivation from my MFP friends than my friends here, which brings me to point 3...

    3) My friends - they don't "get it". I am tired of hearing rude/inappropriate comments from my friends about my weight. Honestly. A few of my best friends that I've known for years (they've always known me as about 40lbs overweight), who are now living about 500kms away, are really not supportive of my life choices. They don't understand that this about wayyy more than weight-loss and are constantly making really inappropriate comments about my weight (which IMO is absolutely NONE of their business), how much exactly I've lost, how I "never eat" (uhhhmm look at my diary and tell me this girl doesn't eat) or never eat enough, how I'm "practically anorexic", how I'm supposedly forcing my boyfriend against his will to be active and fit (he's a soccer player and has been for years), and how I'm supposedly obsessed with being "skinny" -- ARGH! :explode:

    This was a constant struggle on my trip and nearly ruined our stay in Ottawa, although thankfully my boyfriend was patient and considerate and listened to a lot of my venting in bed at night. I have absolutely no patience or time in my life for people who project their own insecurities and/or failings at healthy living on me out of jealousy and resentment. And I certainly am tired of feeling like I have to defend my choices when it seems like my food and fitness choices are the ones least in need of defending -- If I don't want to gorge on sh*tty food, then I shouldn't have to and I shouldn't need a reason. And when someone asks and I say "because I don't want to eat that", somehow I am the rude one because I am "judging" their eating habits... Very, very frustrating.

    I need to find some friends that "get it" because this is totally unacceptable. I am finally comfortable in my own skin and I refuse to let anyone take that away. I am just incredibly thankful that my boyfriend is accepting and supportive and wants to lead a healthy, active life with me. Thank goodness for that! :happy:

    End rant. Thanks for reading that if you managed to get through it!

    Alright, so I guess that's all I've got hahaha Terrible eating week and not expecting very good results on the scale on Monday but that's life. I have thousands of weeks ahead of me to kick *kitten* and take names. That's what makes this a lifestyle change. I'll catch up in the long run.

    Have a great, great, great Sunday everyone and enjoy the rest of your weekend! You are all so FAB!
  • francesstewart1
    Bump!! Keen for join a dec challenge if you are doing one!?? Halfway through November so will make a goal of a 3 pound loss by the end of the month!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    welcome!! it is loads of fun and there is always LOTS of activity on this thread. everybody is so awesome!!!

    meag - sry bout your buds, but you are right!! it seems like they are taking your life changes personally... which is pretty defensive. i hope they will start to understand that this is an awesome life style change for you! have you had any heart to hearts with any of them about this??

    i'm actually pretty apprehensive about going to thanksgiving with my in-laws. Unlike most wives.. i LOVE my in-laws. They are AWESOME people and love me to death, BUT they eat out ALL THE TIME and really pay attention when you don't order an actual 'meal' when you go out (which i wouldn't be caught dead eating now because most fast food 'meals' are a bad bang for your buck!).

    I'm not even worried about the actual day of thanksgiving (you can kind of hide that you aren't eating everything in site on a holiday with lots of people). Its the days following when my mother in-law makes biscuits and gravy or chicken and dumplings or we go out to eat and I have to say 'no thank you' to dessert afterwards that I'm afraid of.

    I think if I stick by my guns they will be supportive, but in the past they have thrown me off track because I don't want to 'rock the boat'.
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    I've been off-track the past 2-3 weeks but I'm definitely back & already pushing myself. Because of the way things have been, I've decided to change my goals a bit. Goals are to have 1 serving of fruit everyday this month and ensure I don't go over calories that would be needed to maintain my weight next week since I'll be on vacation. I know it'll be impossible for me to exercise and eat healthy during the vacation but want to ensure that I don't gain any weight; hence, will count calories to maintain.

    Good to see all of you doing well. This thread has given me a lot of encouragement and I've seen the fastest weight loss ever, even though it's only been about 10lbs so far. Thank you everyone & keep up the good work!!
  • kattungen
    Just checking in to toot my own horn. I've had to switch my engangement ring from my ring finger to my middle finger, as it kept sliding down my ring finger, threatening to fall off!

    Yay :D
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Great goals, speellbinder! Enjoy your vacation and try not to think about it too much :bigsmile:

    Rai - I can totally understand... You almost feel guilty about not eating, even though your intentions are really positive. Hard waters to navigate... Especially when you are eating out. Perhaps you and your husband can work out some kind of meal sharing tactic. This is what my mother and I have always done when we eat out - we order 1 entree and one salad/soup/healthy app and then split them both. Half the calories from the enteree is usually more than enough to push me over my daily intake but it's much better than eating and entire portion myself. Get the salad with the dressing on the side and try to pick the more nutritious one you can find. It's always a craps shoot with restaurants, but at least you are making an effort! Most of all just enjoy your family time and know that you can make up for it once the holidays are over. My eating was not so great while I was away, but I made the best choices available to me and I feel good about it. Making up for it now (well, Monday :wink: )

    YAY Kat!! That's great news :drinker: What a happy update!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Oh and WELCOME Frances!! This group is fantastic and I hope you join in. There will certainly be a Dec challenge (I, for one, will need it!) and we'd love to have you join in... Speaking of which, here's the list re-posted (with my update) just to remind us of our goals. Let's stay on track and finish the last half of this month strong, ladies! 16 days to go :drinker: WOOHOO!

    Kattungen: To lose 5 lbs :) Starting at 188.5 - want 183.5 by December 1st!
    kvr413: lose 10 lbs, thanksgiving included, which will put me at 169!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 157 lbs & to run the first 2 weeks of my 10k running program (mileage13-14 and 15-16)
    Emmyworthy: To reach 199lbs, swim 3 times a week, lose 8 inches over all with 1 inch coming from my upper arms.- OMG down 7lbs in the first week of November! What the hell!!!hahaha! Only 3lbs to go before I'm 199lbs=]
    ksv123: to lose 3 pounds (yes, including Thanksgiving!!), and ramp up my workout routine that I have managed to ignore lately. The workout will include a minimum of 4 days a week of either elliptical or 30 Day Shred.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - To lose 5 pounds and work out at least 2 times per week.

    meagalayne- To reach 130lbs, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge at my own pace, and run my 8k (Nov 13) under 50 mins :D -- MET! Chip time: 49:47.4

    LostAlyKat (Aly) - To lose 6lbs from 172.6, follow my prescribed food plan, and workout 6 days a week!
    Tjradd73-to lose 9.6lbs, and to continue on with the push-up challenge :)
    allislefttogain: Maintain (120-125 range); no scale until December 1st; 2 days a week with strength/body weight training; run 3-4x a week and run my 10K in 56 minutes or under (be happy with 59:01 or under though!)
    rai8759: loose 3 lbs by Thanksgiving, 5 lbs in total/workout 3x a week 60-90 minutes/5K in 30 min or less/be true to food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    tai_88: to lose 5 lbs, stopping eating candy for the month and continue working out at least 4 times a week.
    wardiemelissa-my goal is to lose my last 0.5 pounds (taking me to 125 pounds-my wedding weight from 7 years and 2 kids ago), to maintain my weight, continue with my exercise routine (running 3-4 days and strength on off days) and finish my first 10K under 75 minutes on Thanksgiving Day!!!
    spellbinder - Reach 146lbs, exercise 5 days a week, do strength training + crunches + squats 3 days a week, ensure that I don't put on any weight during thanksgiving week!!
    SkierElle- reach 180lbs/exercise every day/limit sweets and desserts (apart from Thanksgiving)
    ttaylortulsa: 8 lbs for month - C25K training 3 days/wk - 30 Day Shred (or equivalent) 2 days/week - YBB vid 1 day/week
    allie7383: to get into the 150's (6.5 lbs away!), workout 6 days a week, and increase my water intake.
    inskydiamonds: (November 1-14): eat vegetables with dinner every night / lose about 5 pounds (November 15-28): make low(er) cal Thanksgiving dishes. Lose at least 4 pounds.
    mcanals123: To drop down to 165 and break my plateau :-)
    finncmh: Lose 1 pound a week- bringing me to 198 by end of the month. Full body lifting routine two days a week. Get to spinning class at least two times a week.
    miss_amy: lose a total of 25lbs, work out 5x a week & eat more fiber & protein. -5.6lbs to go!
    purpleprose: lose 5 pounds from 10/29 weight, run the whole 5K on Thanksgiving (no walking), and to eat organic, whole foods at least 60% of the time
    oreganoqueen: brave the gym at least once a week & eat more protein
    coatadaycarrie: finally get down to 145, and to work out at least 5x a week for at least half an hour each time.
    lauratx22-lose 8 pds! starting weight 188.5!
    ottawagirl613: lose 5 pounds to get me halfway to my goal weight of 130 pounds by christmas! also to complete my 15 mins a day of toning exercises EVERY DAY :)! (and squeeze in a few 15-30 min walks a few times a week)
    stuartme123: lose 4 pounds, workout at the gym or attend yoga class lasting 30+ min, 3x a week, keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day - this includes YOU potato chips!!!
    CraftyGirl4 - Do all the P90X workouts for this month (maybe taking off Thanksgiving Day). Not to step on the scale until Decemeber 1st, 2010.
    vbos~ lose 8lbs, 8 cups of H2O a day, run/elliptical 4x/week, strength train 3x/week, 5k Turkey Trot in 30mins, oh and drink alcohol only once a week!!
    cruan - Stick to my 2 shakes a day, really watch my calories so I don't go over, lose 5-7 pounds, somehow fit some exercise into the craziness that is my life!
    lolahippie-to lose 5lbs!
    Roobean33- to lose 4 pounds and tone up - and bring my hubby along for the ride! :)
    emmarie1630- lose 5 pounds, 3x a week workout, more veggies
    AshleyVeronica - lose 4lbs, DRINK less calories, monitor what I eat holding back, stop eating after 9pm unless it's a weekend
    trebhun - lose 4lbs, and work out more, start exercising again after knee scope surgery (last Thurs 11/4)
    francesstewart1 - lose 3lbs (and join the Dec challenge!)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Meag - sorry to hear about all of the negativity that your so-called "friends" are directing your way. They are probably just bitter that you have the drive and initiative to make things right in your healthy life while they would rather indulge in not-so-good choices. I kind of experienced that myself this morning. My mom got up and made breakfast...waffles, scrambled eggs, and sausage. I told her that I wouldn't be eating any. And then as I was in the kitchen dishing up my kids' plates, she tells me that there are plenty of eggs left if I would like to have some. I told her that I wouldn't eat them. So then she proceeds by saying...let me ask you something, all of this food that you are denying yourself, how much weight have you lost? Wow...I could not believe that those words were coming out of my own mother's mouth. Because heaven forbid that I decide to make better choices when it comes to food. I told her that I had lost some weight but don't completely stick to the program and haven't exercised in a while. And I also would have a harder time to drop my weight than she would because I have less to lose. Not how I wanted to start my Sunday morning.

    So...yesterday I still managed to give into temptation but I still think I did pretty well overall. I made sure to take my protein shake with me so that I would be full. Which worked wonders!! I grazed very little on the appetizers and stuck to the vegetables in front of me, mostly. But then, the pizza came! I had 2 pizzas but I know I shouldn't have eaten that second one cause I was already full but I don't eat pizza (my absolute fave food) very often anymore so I indulged. And then I had a piece of cake. But my snacking was minimal and I definitely would have started with 2 pieces of pizza and gone back for more than just leaving it at 2 pieces.

    Today I am headed to a Thanksgiving dinner cooking demo with my mom and aunt. It's put on by a chef that owns a small chain of vegetarian restaurants so I am thinking it won't be all that bad. I think I am gonna start with a protein shake this morning and save my lunch calories for the cooking demo.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! I know I didn't get a chance to comment on everyone right now but hopefully later tonight I will get the chance.