Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties! - November Challenge



  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    QOTD: ASPARAGUS!!!! mmmmmm I've discovered that I love the stuff!!! yum yum yum!! I will have some with anything!!!! Although my pee is starting to go a bit green=] But like you aly I'm turning into a proper stir-fry freak!! I just chuck some egg noodles, some bean sprouts, some onions, mushrooms and cabbage into a wok and start frying!! No oil either because I use 1 cal spray instead! Then I add either some diced and cooked turkey or some chicken style quorn pieces!!! Tastes so good with a bit of soy sauce and really fills me up for Dinner=]

    Today I had lectures all day and forgot to take any lunch with me so I had to buy a low fat sandwich instead!! But I was too scared to buy anything else for lunch so I'm quite down on my calories today!!! BUT..... I'm going to a friends house for dinner tonight so I'm glad I have a stock pile of calories to fall back on because God only knows what she's gonna serve up!! hahah!!!

    Spellbinder- I know exactly what you mean!!! I just can't muster up any enthusiasm when it comes to food's containing pumpkin!!! Before talking to you guys I literally thought that pumpkin was inedible and that they were just a decoration!!! My friend made pumpkin pie this halloween though and it was awful!!! It might have been her cooking but it's put me right off the thought of pumpkin based foods!!!

    Off to watch some fireworks tonight!!! Yay!!!

    Hope everyone is doing great!!!
    :heart: Emmy
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wow things have changed around here... Where to being. Boy's in the shower so I just have a min.

    Congrats Allie on your amazing weight-loss. Freaking awesome!:drinker:
    Meggon you are kicking *kitten* as always! I totally expected this. Those pounds don't even know what's comin' to them!:bigsmile: You are so motivating to me!

    The rest of you all who don't like the idea of pumpkin are just NUTS! I eat pumpkin puree EVERY DAY. It's so amazing as an addition to just about everything. High fiber, tons of beta carotene. Just an awesome food. Buy it, love it, add it to everything you eat. Seriously. haha

    Uhmm food choices here are hard. Went out on a run today again but it sucked. Oh well! :ohwell: Boy and I had a hard time getting motivated to run. Dinner out tonight but I'm going to try and be good with it. Lots of water all day and a healthy breakfast + lunch. Plus loads of walking. Should be set.

    Hope everyone's having a great week. Wish I could say more.

    Good luck on your half Aly and Emmy - You're a freaking star! Just sayin'
    To the rest of you I promise I read your posts. Thinking about everyone. Be home soon! XOXO
  • kattungen
    QOTD - Ouch, that's a tough one! I lovelovelove cottage cheese, and eat it with just some spice or low-sugar jam as either a snack or a dessert. Then there's this cheese-yoghurt-thing called Skyr with mango-flavor that I love. Not to forget tomatoes, and red bell peppers, and chicken breasts, and soup, and... yeah! :p
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    LMAO, Meag we miss you too- but go be on your vacation you nut! :-D
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    QOTD - I don't think I have found a staple food that I turn to in time of need. I am still finding new things that I like and can incorporate into my daily routine. At this point, I am still having fun finding new recipes, new snacks, and new ideas. I love hearing all of your ideas and how you make things work for you. I need to keep a better supply of fruits and vegetables on hand. I need to bust out the wok and prepare a stir fry or two some time this week. And I loved Meag's idea of doubling the vegetable content in any recipe. My easy go-to snacks that I keep on hand are the Special K 90 calorie breakfast bars...the chocolate pretzel one fulfills my sweet, salty, chocolatey needs. Breakfast staples consist of oatmeal, egg beaters, and bagel thins.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Eggs! (mostly for the AM)
    Greek Yogurt (CHOBANI!) - gets me through the day
    Spinach (I can fit it into almost anything - can on occasion center a whole meal around it.)

    Those are the three things I NEVER leave the grocery store without.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Holy heck! This thread is flying:drinker:

    @ Finn - I know what you mean. Initially on MFP I was more of a sugar-coater than I would be in real life, and then I decided to just be real with people, because not being honest wasn't helping them. I try not to come off as being b*tchy but it's somewhat inevitable on the boards. Open dialogue is key!

    @ Gonk - Nice job on your longest run! Woohoo 150s! NICE NICE NICE!

    @ Aly - Nice run! Woo for following the food plan and not feeling hungry!

    @ Roo - Not sure what your schedule is like, but you could you workout after work, eat something and then go to bed?

    @ Meag - Hi! Bye!

    @ Allie - Congrats on the loss!

    @ Stuartme - Detox! Lots of water, I've been having way more pizza lately than I should and it's made me feel ughhh. Water will help - particularly to flush out that extra sodium before your weigh-in!

    @ Spellbinder - 0.5 is a good sustainable loss. Just keep working at it. November and December are VERY hard months.

    @ Emmy - nice job with making a good lunch choice! Have fun with your friend tonight!

    Regarding pumpkin oatmeal - I think it's gross. I'm not a pumpkin fan, though I do like pumpkin muffins and pumpkin bread. 100% pumpkin is not my thing...I only eat it if it's been baked:heart:

    QOTD: Chobani and (no salt added) cottage cheese. Hated yogurt and cottage cheese (texture! blech!) before MFP. Oh and hummus, I used to hate it because of the texture...I :heart: it so much now!

    Did No More Trouble Zones last night. Not a good calorie burn because I got a phone call from my sister mid-way and learned that my nephew (who is only 17 months old) has to have emergency surgery. Very upsetting news. Did the best I could with my workout and didn't eat my weight in chocolate. This morning, ran at 5:15 (!!!) in somewhat warm temperatures. It was just below 40, but not too much wind chill and a bit of light drizzle. Legs were so stiff/sore so it was just a slow 10 minute mile pace. Looking forward to not having to workout tonight...I like the morning workouts, just hard to get up for them!

    Today is sort of my hump day. Work tomorrow, holiday Thursday, and back to work Friday. I'd rather take a day off Friday but am trying to rack up some vacation time:love:
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    OK! Today was my weigh-in. I lost 1.4 pounds in the last week and am down to 191. This whole thing is so motivating to me and every week when I weigh I understand exactly why I'm doing this.

    All in all, I feel like I'm not doing very much to lose the weight. For me it's been all about portions and not eating out. It's awesome how those changes have taken off 28 pounds. I still have a lot to go (I want to get to 150) but it's going great.

    I do biweekly food challenges for myself in my blog. I've been working on making sure i eat a vegetable with every meal. There haven't been any problems with that, but it's definitely been allowing me to eat more because they're so low in calories. It's definitely been making me feel fuller, which is awesome.

    You guys could help me with my next food challenge! I'm going to make one Thanksgiving dish a night, lowered in calories. I need ideas though for Thanksgiving dishes to make. What are you favorites? Share your recipes if you have them, or just basic suggestions as well (like.. cranberry sauce, stuffing, etc)

    QOTD: There isn't a particular ingredient in food that works best for me, but having a smoothie every morning has been more than beneficial. I never used to eat breakfast, so by lunch time I was starving and would kill it with how much I would eat. The smoothies are light enough that I don't feel stuffed first thing (because I hate that feeling) but they get me through til lunchtime and they're full of yummy. This morning my smoothie was 1 banana, 3/4 cup frozen mango, 1/6 cup Chobani no fat yogurt, 1 cup Pomegranate juice, 1/2 tbsp lemon juice.

    @ allie7383: Congrats about the 30 pounds lost! That's awesome! I haven't been checking this thread enough, but I definitely should be, because you guys are all great.

    @ spellbinder25: I think it's great that you kept your goals reasonable, given the month. I'm sure you can lose the 4 more though!

    @ allislefttogain: I hope your nephew's ok. I don't think I would have been able to keep up exercising, life makes it hard. My thoughts are with him and your family!
  • tai_88
    tai_88 Posts: 23
    TOR – Welcome!!!

    Gonk – CONGRATS ON 150s!!!!!!

    Meag – Leave the site alone and enjoy your vaca! You might have a problem but IDK what they can do for a mfp addiction.

    Allie – Congrats for the big 3-0! Must be super stoked!

    Stuartme – I’m looking forward to those side 10 jeans too…

    Aly – Glad you enjoyed your run. I’m sure your body was excited to get a few needed days rest! Good luck on your ½ marathon…

    Spellbinder – any lose should be celebrated! Congrats

    Allisleft – Sorry about your nephew… hoping he’ll be alright! Thoughts are with you and your fam.

    Diamonds – I already told you about my creamed corn casserole… it is so good! Though I’ve only made it in big portions and recently learned how calorie hogging Ritz crackers are…

    2 cans regular corn (drained); 2 cans creamed corn; 4 eggs; 2 sleeves of crushed Ritz crackers; 2 cups sharp cheddar cheese; 1 stick of butter; Garlic, salt, pepper to taste

    Mix corn, eggs, cheese and 1 sleeve of crushed Ritz crackers. You do not want the Ritz crackers too small, so try not to powder them. Add garlic, salt, and pepper to taste. Pour into an 11 cup Pyrex dish.

    For the topping, melt the stick of butter and mix with the 2nd sleeve of crushed crackers. Spread on top of the corn mixture.

    Bake at 350 for about 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes. The center of the corn should be firm and not jiggle too much. Let rest for 10 minutes before serving. Makes like 15 servings

    QOTD: Im with emmy. I love asparagus. Little EVOO and salt and pepper make them AWESOME. Recently I’m into this really great apple acai granola I got from whole foods. Its super sweet and I only need 2-3 spoonfuls to kick the hunger mode. I’ve also started throwing my unsalted roasted almonds in the granola because they grab some of the sweetness from the granola which helps me not to miss the salty almond version.

    I officially lost 0.6 pounds from last week, which is a little disappointing. Though I can account for the small loss on a few different things (TOM, too much pizza Sunday night).
    Kicking it into full gear today and eating much better. Last night I ran for the first time since August, on a track versus elliptical or treadmill. Honestly it was super hard. I can’t understand how I can hurt so much more from doing last night’s 25 mins versus 30-40 mins I usually do on the elliptical. Well I guess I’ll just have to keep doing it until it gets easier. Haven’t decided whether I want to try and run tonight or if I should take a break then try again tomorrow.

    You guys definitely help my work day go by faster with all these awesome posts… keep it up. You are all doing awesome and I will catch up with you guys tomorrow morning!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member

    Diamonds – I already told you about my creamed corn casserole… it is so good! Though I’ve only made it in big portions and recently learned how calorie hogging Ritz crackers are…

    2 cans regular corn (drained); 2 cans creamed corn; 4 eggs; 2 sleeves of crushed Ritz crackers; 2 cups sharp cheddar cheese; 1 stick of butter; Garlic, salt, pepper to taste

    Mix corn, eggs, cheese and 1 sleeve of crushed Ritz crackers. You do not want the Ritz crackers too small, so try not to powder them. Add garlic, salt, and pepper to taste. Pour into an 11 cup Pyrex dish.

    For the topping, melt the stick of butter and mix with the 2nd sleeve of crushed crackers. Spread on top of the corn mixture.

    Bake at 350 for about 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes. The center of the corn should be firm and not jiggle too much. Let rest for 10 minutes before serving. Makes like 15 servings

    That sounds delicious! I'm going to see what I can do about lowering the cals on that. Be on the lookout next week!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Hey guys... bummin a little cause I cant kick this head cold. Thought I was feeling better yesterday but it hit me in the face again today... blegh. So two of my goals for the week are out. Missed spinning yesterday and missed lifting today...

    I was off of work today and just vegged around. I know I just need to let my body rest, but it was really hard not to be working out. I guess this is a success though now that I think about it- in the past I would have used being sick as the beginning of slacking off on exercise and eating right. Not this time! I am anxious to get back to my routine and I have managed to stay in calories and eat pretty healthy. So fingers crossed for weigh in Friday. But more importantly fingers crossed for getting rid of this cold soon and being better!!!!

    Off to lots of fluids and some hot tea! Keep up the great work ladies :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Gonks-great great job on reaching the 150's...that is so awesome!!!

    Stuart-wtg on getting back on track and good luck at your weigh-in Thursday!! Mine's tomorrow :)

    allis-sorry to hear bout your couz...I hope all goes well :) and good job not eating your weight in chocolate!

    diamonds-great loss this week! keep it up :)

    tai-great job going out of your comfort zone with the running! I think that running is a lot higher impact on your body then the elliptical take it slow and keep on moving!

    finn-i hope you feel better soon! no worries bout missing your workouts it's more important to get rest! and great job sticking on track with the eating! you are doing awesome! :)

    As for me...weigh-in tomorrow and feeling a little hesitant, but that's nothing new! we are already a 1/3 of the way through November and this will be my first weigh-in! I set a goal of 9.6lbs this month which means that I need to lose on average 3.2lbs per week to get there!!! I don't know if I will do it this fingers are crossed!!!

    Everyone else keep doing a great job!!! I'll post my results tomorrow!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    My weigh in was today lost my last I am now officially at maintenance. I plugged in my changes and am a little scared to consume 1800 calories when I have finally figured out how to eat 1320 and not be hungry. I know I can add in nuts, peanut butter and whey protein but other than that I am LOST!!!!! How is it that I was SO excited to finally hit my goal weight but now I am PETRIFIED to maintain?????? AHHHHH:sad:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Melissa- Good job reaching maintenance it feels so far away from me right now but I know I will be there eventually. Don't worry too much about the calories. Listen to your body, it knows how much food you need to survive.

    Today has been a good day food wise. Not the most amazing lunch but its ok. We are going to a friends house for dinner and to watch the last harry potter movie. They know about my special diet but I still feel like a pain. I am also slightly concerned about consuming extra alchohol calories. We always drink at friends houses.....Maybe I should just say no. That will be tough tho. I need to stay strong, I have running tomorrow after work with the team, very excited. I got my time off work for my trip to Hawaii, not it is totally official I will be going there for 10-11 days! Bikini body here I come!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    QOTD– For a quick lunch/dinner: I have been eating a lot of nachos lately. I do a single serving of tortilla strips, ½ cup kidney beans over top with ¼ cup fat free cheddar cheese (can also add tomatoes, lettuce, peppers..). Pop in the microwave for 1 minute. It fills me up. I keep a big tub of mixed spring greens in my fridge and grab 2 handfuls and add 2 tbsp of low fat ranch dressing. I'll add that to flesh out almost any meal.

    Breakfast/Lunch: I'm also a big egg eater. I probably eat 1-3 eggs a day! If I have the calories a half slice of LOL American cheese with it is delish! Farina is a hot cereal that is easy to make but also thick and filling.. with a little sugar and skim milk...mmm I look forward to it.

    Snack: Orville Redenbacher's makes a 100 calorie bag of Kettle Korn which I eat for my snack/sweet fix. Mmm. Also Almonds. Helps me cut my hunger. I always have a litle bag of them on me.

    Now I think I'm just using this as an excuse to talk about food haha!

    Finn – Rest up! I had a similar situation a couple weeks ago. I literally had to force myself to rest, but it was way worth it. When you feel better and hit the gym you'll be amazed at how much energy you have to work out.

    Wardie! great job! don't be scared! you can keep eating what your are comfortable with, but if you do get hungry just know that you could have something else. Think of what you maybe a craving you have and create a healthy version to fit into your new calorie budget.

    I had my weigh in this past Sunday and am 1 pound down. What was much more motivating is that I had lost 2.5" from my hips and 1" from my bust since September when I last measured myself. Hello semi-long term progress! I think I going to abandon my runs for the elliptical for now (eliminating my 5 k goal for november..poo poo) because running 3 times a week really hurt my knees. Still aiming for everything else though!! But when my quads get stronger (hello squats and lunges!) and I loose a little more weight I'm going to get back into bringing my time down.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Gonks - congrats on reaching the 150's!

    Jill - sorry to hear about your nephew. Hope things will all work out!

    finn - sounds like your mindset is where you need to be despite being sick!! Rest and get better so that you don't put that extra strain on your body and then you will be back at it before you know it!

    Melissa - great job! Your trip to New York still seemed to fit into your plans!

    Rai - congrats on the lost inches!! I have yet to take my measurements but hopefully will be able to get that done sometime this week.

    Not too sure whats up with me today. I started out in a great mood but have been in a bit of a funk most of the day. Have still been making good food choices today. And headed to the gym tonight. I just hope that they have room for my kids in the kids club cause I could really use this work out today. If they don't have room, I might try to go once I put the kids to bed but once I am home, everything usually changes.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Just to answer Aly- my 150's is slightly short lived- for one it was my super long run and pre eating weight. By the time I went to bed I was back up to 161 with water and food. It was just nice to see on the scale even tho it was far from official :-)

    Everyone sounds like they've had a great day.

    Melissa- I've read in a few places that you should increase your cals slowly to adjust to maintence, which seems to make pretty logical sense. Increasing your cal goal by like 1-200 every week for a couple weeks until you get to the 1800.

    Rai- SweeT!!!

    Guam- good luck with the gym!

    I know I missed a bunch of people, but I'm just so sleepy. (I know it's only 930 but that doesnt keep me from being sleepy).

  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    QOTD: This isn't really a food that I've incorporated, but I've been making myself open-faced sandwiches - which saves me about 120 calories a day! And the bread I buy lasts twice as long!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey all! So i wanted to put in a good response and to do so I've been sitting here reading the posts with a piece of paper just to remember what each person was talking about lol. I know I'll still be missing things i"m sure..

    TOR- Welcome! and just wanted to say that i love the profile pic. i used to have a hamster who used to just stuff her cheeks with as much food as possible. it was too cute!

    Spell- congrats on your loss. whether it's a big one or not so much one week, just try to stay positive and think about why you're making changes in your life. it'll all pay off in the end!

    emmy and tai- i'm throwing in my vote for asparagus as well! i noticed the pee smell change but no color difference lol. i put mine in the oven with some garlic oil and sprinkled some breadcrumbs on top with onion and garlic powder and salt, yum!

    inskydiamonds- congrats on the loss! much agreed on the portion control. i used to just eat and eat, with no care for how much. i've gotten much better now at measuring/counting things and i think it's paying off!

    finn- hope you feel better soon! i feel a cold coming on, so i'm trying to stop it before it gets worse!

    allisleft- sorry about your nephew, hope all is well. you're in my thoughts.

    tjradd-good luck with your weigh-in! i'm sure you'll be happy with the results.

    melissa- congrats on getting to maintenance! i'm about halfway there, so it's all downhill from here!

    rai- love the nacho idea, i'm a big fan! and the 100 popcorn bags are fantastic. i never liked kettle corn because i thought it was too sweet, but this one is perfect.

    QOTD: I don't think I've really incorporated any new types of food, but more in what I do with it. Portion control is my friend!! Wanted to make this longer, but it's back to work for me! I'll try to post again later, have a good night all!
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    Oh my God I really can't keep up with this!!! hahaha!! God knows how your catching up with any of this Meag if your just logging on for a min at a time!!! But Gonks is right!!!! We miss you but go enjoy yourself missy!!!! Oh and I think your a frieaking star too=] Even if I don't agree with your obsession wiht pumpkin!!hahaha!!

    Jill- Sorry to hear about your nephew!!! Hope he gets better soon and that you don't let the stress of his surgery affect the amazing job you've done!!

    inskydiamonds- congrats on an amazing weight loss!!! Keep it up girly!!

    tai_88- it may seem like a small loss, but it's in the right direction so don't let it get you down!!!! Everyone has small losses sometimes!!! Just carry on and next week you'll lose more and be so proud of yourself for keeping at it!!!

    finn- hope you feel better soon and congrats for not letting the head cold stop you in your routine!!! You are one determined girl!!!

    tjradd- Good Luck with your weigh in!!! Just push yourself to your limit and i know you can reach that goal!!

    Melissa- CONGRATS!!!! Well done for reaching your goal weight!!! You deserve an award too... Gonks get on it!!hahaha!!

    rai- congrats on your weight loss keep it up!!!

    If I have missed anyone WELL DONE!!!!! Keep it up, keep posting, keep kicking *kitten*!!!!!

    As for me.... Watched some pretty fireworks with friends I haven't seen in an aaaage!!! And then it came down to dinner!!! God I demolished everything that was put in front of me!!! OOOOOPS! we had hummus with pitta bread to start... I just can't resist that yummy dip!!! So we ate loads of that! And then it was steak and ale pie veggies and mash potato for our main, with gravy!!! Was delicious so I don't even feel that guilty!!!! Then I couldn't say no to a bit of cheesecake for dessert!!! I know that is the worst possible meal for calories and fat but I felt like after the 7lb loss I deserved a bit of a treat day! The rest of the day I was way down on calories and I have a swimming session tonight so hopefully next week's scales will still show a loss!!!!

    Don't judge me girlies!!!! I promise I am back on track today=]

    Happy Wednesday!!!!
    :heart: Emmy