Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties! - November Challenge



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    spellbinder-just take a breather!! you can get back on track tomorrow! i think your plan for the working out sounds good...even if it backs you up a little bit on the stick to it now! as far as the eating and being tired!! i feel the busier i keep myself the less tried i am and the less that i eat! don't keep any bad food at your house for starters and keep bringing along diff snack and meal options for when you are out of the house! i ususally have something sweet like fat free pudding and something salty like some nuts or seeds! just keep focused through the holiday season and you will make it through!!! don't forget to track all of your food the best that you can and dont forget that we are all here for you!! keep your head'll be back on track in no time!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Spellbinder- I agree with Tara: relax, the damage hasn't been done, and even if it has, it can be fixed.

    I can't see your diary, so I can't make specific recommendations, but I would say take some time each week and plan out your meals a bit- get yourself some filling basic meals, that way when you splurge you know you are still getting the nutrition you need from your other meals.

    Best piece of advice I can give is to take a step back, take a breath and start over at the next meal- don't wait another minute to start again :-)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Amy - great progress!! Keep up the great work and looks like you will meet your monthly goals without any problems.

    Tara - I weigh myself every morning as well. My parents went to the gym to get their fat percentages and while they were talking, the personal trainer told them that it was a good idea to weigh yourself in the morning and at night so that if you have had a good day then you can look back and see the positive changes that you have made. And if you have a bad day then you can look back and see the changes that need to be made. I don't weigh myself at night but I do weigh myself every morning, even if I know I have had a horrible day the day before because I want to see how much my bad decisions tipped the scale. My new official weigh-in days are Thursdays.

    Emmy - I am right there with you. I have homework that I haven't even looked at yet that is also due Monday. I am hoping to find some motivation since I have pretty much been a bum all weekend.

    I am gonna try and fit in a run or a trip to the gym sometime tonight. I have been a bum most of the weekend so I know I definitely have the energy. And I will be working tomorrow. I have to be at the boss' house at 5:45am so that we can carpool. I don't usually work weekends but this is my very part-time job. Since I know that I will be gone all day tomorrow, I am gonna pack a lunch and some healthy snacks. Just not too sure what to do about breakfast cause that is way too early for me. I love my sleep!!!!

    Everyone else seems to be doing great!!

    Meag - if we don't hear from you before your trip, I hope you have so much fun!!!!

    Happy losing ladies!!

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey everyone! hope you're all having a good weekend. so i'm working tonight, during daylight savings, boo.. the only good thing is that our charge tech is giving us all and extra 30 min for break!

    meag- thanks for the suggestion on adding veg to dishes. i picked up some asparagus today, and roasted it with garlic oil and some breadcrumbs alongside my chicken parm leftovers. it was the first time i cooked asparagus, and it was delicious, and the meal was def filling.

    Amy- congrats on the loss! keep it up girl. you'll be at your monthly goal in no time!

    spellbinder- i know how u feel in getting stressed out. i've missed a few of my TurboFire workouts during the past couple weeks, and before it really used to stress me out, but now, if i'm not up to it, i make sure to do something else, like running.. or really try to watch my calories for the day. just take it one day at a time, and don't let a missed workout get you down. like u said, u can go back and start over. you're obviously doing something right to have lost so much already :) as for not feeling hungry, i try to dink more water, and like meag said, try to keep busy. also, a trick i find for myself is that i don't watch tv in the living room, b/c it's right next to the kitchen, and i know i'll wonder back and forth and end up mindlessly eating.. instead, i watch tv upstairs, so if i really really want something i have to actually get off my butt and go downstairs to get it, instead of off the couch and 10 feet away lol.
    i think this time of year tends to zap the energy out of us with the decrease in sunlight, myself very much included! we'll make it thru!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Very, very quickly...

    Oven roasted asparagus is one of my FAVES Allie! Great choice :) So good with a little olive oil + garlic. That's how we make it here :bigsmile: So, so good.

    Spellbinder - My ladies are right. It can feel hugely disappointing when you feel like you've let yourself down and gone off the deep end with eating some days, but the damage can easily be undone and you are definitely on the track (overall). One day at a time. Have a great day tomorrow and be proud of the changes you've made. 6 weeks into C25k - that's pretty impressive! I know I sound like the biggest hypocrite of all time (because I ***** about progress and small things too) but we're all human, mistakes will be made, and we all need a little perspective sometimes. You are doing wonderful! Keep it up and don't get discouraged.

    Leaving in about 6 hours. Better get some sleep. Because of the time change tonight I worked an extra hour ... And everyone at the bar had an extra hour to drink. Wonderful *sarcasm!*... Thank goodness it's vacation time! Weighing in tomorrow morning. Will update when I can!

    Oh and yea... totally had ice cream again tonight. FACK! Hopefully be back on track when I get home... Love you ladies. Keep up the good work!

    -Meaggers :heart:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Ok I'm putting up this semi-random post because i saw a mention of it on here, and I got really really excited about it.. In another thread I saw someone put up a link to the Disney Princess Half Marathon, and I checked it out, and it looks like sooo much fun! You basically start at EPCOT and the track leads you to and through the Magic Kingdom, and then back to your start. I checked out the videos and they have people playing music all along the way along with the characters stationed around to cheer you on! I love Disney and def want to aim to enter this!! It takes place in Feb.. My excitement came off of me going 3 whole miles the other day which is a new high for me lol. Def Google and check it out!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Sitting here at the airport waiting for my flight home from NYC to Detroit....DON'T want to get on the plane and leave! What an amazing 3 days I had here with great friends. Didn't make the greatest food choices however, with all the walking I did I'm hoping it will even itself out! Hoping to go home, unpack and get a run in before my kids get home! I missed it and was jealous of all the runners heading out for the ,arathon this morning...great job to everyone this week! Sounds like a great week had by all!
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I got to the end of week one of P90X. My butt is literally sore from working out. . I am glad Day 7 of the program is a day of rest. It's the perfect day for me too. I am going to make myself some breakfast (cheese scramble, turkey bacon, skim milk and a blood orange)and then get some laundry started before I head out for the day. I am going to the 10 AM church service, and then after they are having a fair trade gift market. It'll be a nice way to relax.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Gained 0.2lbs this week but I am pretty sure that is just a function of not weighing-in on the proper day. I definitely feel much lighter and can tell that I have lost fat around my waist. I look and feel a lot different this week, which is really nice :happy:

    Melissa - So glad you had a really nice time! Hope the run goes well today!
    Crafty - That breakfast is making my stomach growl... Sounds soo good!
    Allie - Have a temporary moment of insanity and register! There's also a Disney half on Jan 8th that another runner on MFP is racing in. Once you commit yourself there is no turning back, so you have to just kick it into high gear and train, train, train! It's great motivation. Good luck!

    Alright folks. Leaving now. Will be checking in periodically, but will be back for good Wed. Take care!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Everyone! Quick check in, I ended up eating pizza with my beer on friday and it was soooo good! I am glad I let myself have that cheat meal. I came home and had chocolate for the first time in 2 weeks, it was just OK I think my next splurge will be dessert. Yesterday I had a kickoff for Team In Training, I tried to eat squash for breakfast but my stomach was not having it. I snacked on some almonds but it wasn't enough. I ended up eating a half a bagel at kickoff to help with the hangover, I ate really good the rest of the day. I did have a few beers with painting but I did not let that stop my good food choices. Today I am so tired, we just cleaned most of the house and I have a meeting with my nutritionist where we are going over supplements. I am supposed to run 9 mile today but I am not sure that is a good idea if i am feeling sick like this. I am going to take it easy and see how I feel later. Maybe I will be up for at least a 5 mile run later in the day. This week it is back to eating really healthy, avoiding drinking and getting started on my Triathlon training. Woohoo, I am hoping for the best this week. Lets do it ladies!!
  • kattungen
    I am SO going to work out tomorrow!! *motivates self*
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    I have fiiiiinally finished my essay!! It probably makes no sense but whatever!! My back now aches from sitting at the computer all day and my butt is a bit numb but whatever!!! Weigh in tomorow and I've got a feeling its gonna be a good one=] I don't know what the rest of you are like but I am a total snacker while doing essays and assignments!! But today the only snack I had was one of my healthy PB and Banana granola bars!!! yum yum yum!! Hope everyone else is doing as good=]

    Aly- I am soooooo jealosu of you eating Pizza but I have been experimenting in the kitchen and have come up with a yummy healthy mini pizza!! just load a pitta with tomato puree a little mozzarella(half fat of course) and a turkey rasher cut into strips. It really is my new weakness!!

    Allie- I sooooooooo wish I lived in America now!! I have never heard of anythign I want to do more than a Disney half marathon! I am a total Disney Freak and always have been... as soon as I win the lottery I plan on living in Sleeping Beauty's Castle=]

    Meag- Have an awesome trip and don't miss us too much!!!!! Eat well but don't obsess=]

    Sorry if I've missed anyone out but it's so hard to keep track of what all you amazing girls are doing!!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag- have a great vaca!

    craftygirl-great job getting through p90x!! i heard it is way hard!

    aly-glad your splurge day was good! way to get back to the training right away!

    kat-you can do it!!!

    emmy-great job finishing your essay! good luck with the weigh-in!

    as for me!! i am feeling really good about this week's weigh-in on Wednesday!! keeping my fingers crossed that it will be a huge milestone for me!!
  • Roobean33
    Hi Ladies -
    Woke up craving soda today, specifically gingerale. Wierd. I haven't had anything but water & milk the past 5 days so maybe that's why? Did my workout and ate a big breakfast because I was starving. Even after all that, I was hungry until dinner. This is the first time I've been hungry since I started. Grr, I knew it couldn't be this easy! Held strong far. Wish me luck!!

    Emmy- glad your essay is done! i do not miss school at all...
    LostAlyKat - hope you feel better. your cheat day sounds so yummy lol
    Meag - MFP feels lonelier without you! Have a great vacation, you so deserve it!
    Kattungen - Good luck! Tell us about it tomorrow :)
    TJRadd- Anxious for Wednesday!!!:happy:
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Yay! I lost 1.5 pds this week! So I weigh 188.5~

    Kattungen: To lose 5 lbs :)
    kvr413: lose 10 lbs, thanksgiving included, which will put me at 169!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 157 lbs & to run the first 2 weeks of my 10k running program (mileage13-14 and 15-16)
    Emmyworthy: To reach 199lbs, swim 3 times a week, lose 8 inches over all with 1 inch coming from my upper arms.
    ksv123: to lose 3 pounds (yes, including Thanksgiving!!), and ramp up my workout routine that I have managed to ignore lately. The workout will include a minimum of 4 days a week of either elliptical or 30 Day Shred.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - To lose 5 pounds and work out at least 2 times per week.
    meagalayne- To reach 130lbs, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge at my own pace, and run my 8k (Nov 13) under 50 mins :D
    LostAlyKat (Aly) - To lose 6lbs from 172.6, follow my prescribed food plan, and workout 6 days a week!
    Tjradd73-to lose 9.6lbs, and to continue on with the push-up challenge :)
    allislefttogain: Maintain (120-125 range); no scale until December 1st; 2 days a week with strength/body weight training; run 3-4x a week and run my 10K in 56 minutes or under (be happy with 59:01 or under though!)
    rai8759: loose 3 lbs by Thanksgiving, 5 lbs in total/workout 3x a week 60-90 minutes/5K in 30 min or less/be true to food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    tai_88: to lose 5 lbs, stopping eating candy for the month and continue working out at least 4 times a week.
    wardiemelissa-my goal is to lose my last 0.5 pounds (taking me to 125 pounds-my wedding weight from 7 years and 2 kids ago), to maintain my weight, continue with my exercise routine (running 3-4 days and strength on off days) and finish my first 10K under 75 minutes on Thanksgiving Day!!!
    spellbinder - Reach 146lbs, exercise 5 days a week, do strength training + crunches + squats 3 days a week, ensure that I don't put on any weight during thanksgiving week!!
    SkierElle- reach 180lbs/exercise every day/limit sweets and desserts (apart from Thanksgiving)
    ttaylortulsa: 8 lbs for month - C25K training 3 days/wk - 30 Day Shred (or equivalent) 2 days/week - YBB vid 1 day/week
    allie7383: to get into the 150's (6.5 lbs away!), workout 6 days a week, and increase my water intake.
    inskydiamonds: (November 1-14): eat vegetables with dinner every night / lose about 5 pounds (November 15-28): make low(er) cal Thanksgiving dishes. Lose at least 4 pounds.
    mcanals123: To drop down to 165 and break my plateau :-)
    finncmh: Lose 1 pound a week- bringing me to 198 by end of the month. Full body lifting routine two days a week. Get to spinning class at least two times a week.
    miss_amy: lose a total of 25lbs, work out 5x a week & eat more fiber & protein. -5.6lbs to go!
    purpleprose: lose 5 pounds from 10/29 weight, run the whole 5K on Thanksgiving (no walking), and to eat organic, whole foods at least 60% of the time
    oreganoqueen: brave the gym at least once a week & eat more protein
    coatadaycarrie: finally get down to 145, and to work out at least 5x a week for at least half an hour each time.
    lauratx22-lose 8 pds! starting weight 188.5!
    ottawagirl613: lose 5 pounds to get me halfway to my goal weight of 130 pounds by christmas! also to complete my 15 mins a day of toning exercises EVERY DAY :)! (and squeeze in a few 15-30 min walks a few times a week)
    stuartme123: lose 4 pounds, workout at the gym or attend yoga class lasting 30+ min, 3x a week, keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day - this includes YOU potato chips!!!
    CraftyGirl4 - Do all the P90X workouts for this month (maybe taking off Thanksgiving Day). Not to step on the scale until Decemeber 1st, 2010.
    vbos~ lose 8lbs, 8 cups of H2O a day, run/elliptical 4x/week, strength train 3x/week, 5k Turkey Trot in 30mins, oh and drink alcohol only once a week!!
    cruan - Stick to my 2 shakes a day, really watch my calories so I don't go over, lose 5-7 pounds, somehow fit some exercise into the craziness that is my life!
    lolahippie-to lose 5lbs!
    Roobean33- to lose 4 pounds and tone up - and bring my hubby along for the ride! :)
    emmarie1630- lose 5 pounds, 3x a week workout, more veggies
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Looks like everyone has had a pretty good weekend! Hope people are enjoying themselves and making healthy choices (sometimes the not so great food can be a healthy choice when we need it)!

    I have been having some weird chocolate cravings this weekend. Usually that is the last thing I crave... but I think it is because of a head cold that hit me hard last night. Comfort food maybe? So I may have to skip spinning tomorrow and get my body some sleep. We shall see...

    Keep up the great work ladies! Everyone is doing awesome.
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Thank you ladies for all the encouragement. I did start with week 5 of C25K yesterday & went to the gym today too. Am feeling so much better now :)

    Good see some of you have a nice loss this week. My weigh-in is tomorrow & I just hope to not have gained from the previous week. Lots of outings this week & I'll have to be very careful about what I eat. But I will be good this week. Have only 2 weeks to be able to meet my goal for the month.

    Keep the gppd work everyone!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Aly - sounds like you made a great choice for your cheat meal. Pizza is my favorite!!!

    Emmy - I found a recipe on here for pizzas that were around 200 calories each. They were made with flat out tortillas, pizza sauce, mozarella cheese, spinach, and olives. I had bought all of the stuff but haven't gotten a chance to make it just yet. Maybe this next weekend. And congrats on finishing the paper. I have about 5 months of school left and I cannot wait!!

    Melissa - glad you had a great time in NYC!! That is my favorite city!! So much life and busy-ness.

    Meag - just enjoy your trip and the company of your boyfriend and others. Your mindset has already changed so I am sure that you will make better decisions without really having to think about it.

    As for day was rough. My phone didn't automatically update with the time change so it went off an hour earlier which was 3:30 this morning, when I was planning on being up until 4:30. Both of those times are extremely early for me. By the time the alarm went off at 3:30, I couldn't manage to go back to sleep. And I didn't make it to bed early the night before because I had spent most of Saturday napping and being a bum so I really wasn't tired. So I was up extremely early because I was working my part-time job today, which requires us to travel all over. Since I wasn't familiar with the area that we were going to today, I made sure to pack my lunch last night...which I did great at. But I was up so early that I didn't eat breakfast. I was hoping to walk somewhere once we got to our location and were waiting for everyone else to arrive. But the boss' had me start working as soon as I got there. Luckily I had packed an apple so that was my breakfast. I had an early lunch because I was up so early but we didn't get out of there until about 3:30. Then there was a 2-hour drive back to my car and another 20 minute drive on top of that just to get home. By the time I walked in the door, I was famished and was gobbling just about everything in sight. Bad choices! But by the time we sat down for dinner, I had a big salad, felt full enough, and decided that I didn't need to eat dinner too!! Tomorrow WILL be a better day!!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!! Happy Losing ladies!!

  • Roobean33
    Finn - OMG me too. I ate a homemade chocolate cookie today, but still in my cals so I don't feel too bad. But honestly...I could've eaten 5 and almost did...
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Keep up the good work, everyone!! I've been doing ok as far as my calorie goals but this week I need to make sure to set enough time aside for some good workouts outside of my usual walks or bike rides around campus. Tomorrow starts another new week!