Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties! - November Challenge



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Holy frak! I'm so tired... Not enough sleep, boat loads of moving furniture and just generally having a long day. Dinner is in the slow-cooker and ready to be eaten. Just waiting for the folks. I'm starving!

    Just wanted to pop in and re-iterate Meggon's point - Don't be too alarmed if your first weigh-in or two sucks Tara. It takes you body a while to adjust. No idea why, it just works out that way. You get used to measuring your success on a certain day and so I guess you retain for a few after your weigh-in, or something. I'm not a doctor :tongue: I just know what works for me. Weekends are the easiest for me to "be good" so Monday morning is perfect for me, but I know it's not for everyone. Good luck!!

    Aly - Great advice from the others. Treat yourself today and worry about the rest later! Have fun :happy:

    Have a great night all. I am heading to bed EARLY. Long day tomorrow, including a 5 mile run.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    double post, sorry!! :embarassed:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    I need to start checking more often so its easier to reply to everyone!

    Just wanted to pop in and share some happy news... after 5 months of searching for a place to get married we put a deposit down on a place that was exactly what we r looking for. A little rustic but still has enough elegance to be a special day AND they have beautiful cabins right on the river for everyone to stay in on site... which I LOVE... going to make a weekend of it.

    So its official... 10 months and 3 weeks from tomorrow... EEEEK! So excited BUT even more excited that I am going to be healthy so that rest of my life with my fiance will be for a long time!!!! Thanks for all the encouragement ladies. LOVIN this thread and looking forward to checking in and posting more often.

    Great job this week everyone! Keep it up
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    wtg finnch!!!! i'm so happy that you got the stress from finding a venue outta the way!! now you are gonna kick it even harder than you were!! woot woot!!! :)
  • Roobean33
    Hi all -

    Today was a good day. I stayed within my calorie limit, but I did go over my protein a bit. I resisted the various cake/cookies that coworkers brought in to share. Big workout day for me tomorrow, which I am excited for. I have to work this weekend (LAME!), but my husband sweetly offered to visit and bring me a healthy dinner. Finally home from work, settling down with some hot tea. I was excited to hop online to see what's been going on!

    finncmh - congrats on finding a venue!! It sounds awesome! I just got married this June and weddings are so much work (and stress at times). I hope you are enjoying the process and you will be beautiful bride!!! :flowerforyou:

    meag - sounds like you work like a dog! I have no idea how you do it. I hope you enjoy your vacation!

    tai_88 - I have never been to a whole foods...and now I'm going to have to find one. Maybe a fun weekend trip.

    lostalykat - YAY for your weigh-in! :drinker: Hope you are feeling better.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    i too need to start checking this thread more! i love how much activity is goin on though!!

    finn- congrats on finding the venue!

    thanks meag and meggon for the links and meal suggestions. i'll def be looking to u if i'm in need. tonight i did a low-fat version of chicken parm that i found online from the food network, from this woman who takes high-fat meals and gives them a low-fat makeover. basically the only difference was that i used egg whites and low fat cheese. i've made it a few times and each time was great. today i went for a run and for the first time did 3 miles!! if it wasn't for the fact that it was getting dark i would've tried for a bit more, though i didn't want to get stuck in the park with no lights!

    tjradd- i weigh myself every day after i get up and use the bathroom, though only record it on mondays. I tried to not fall into the daily weigh-ins but it just happened, and now i can't help it. now the only time i don't do it is if i've gone out to dinner or something and know i went over my calories lol, like the other day when i had a pasta/carb overload. :embarassed:

    everyone go out and enjoy your weekend for me!!! i'm again stuck at work, and i work the night shift so no fun times for this girl. at least i'll have some $$ in my pocket. the worst part about this weekend is that it's daylight savings, so tomorrow night i'll end up time traveling and working an extra hour.. at least it's another hour of pay right?

    congrats to everyone who's weighed in so far for the month, you're all doing so well!! hopefully i'll be able to say the same for myself on monday!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    allie- i am that same way! in fact i sometimes weigh myself 2 times per day!! just cuz i like numbers :) my new official weigh-in day for this site is Wednesday and i am super excited bout what it will say on the scale that day!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    I'm so proud of you!! It is hard with wedding stress but you are doing so great! You go girl!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    btw that last one was to you finncmh

    how do i bookmark this or something so I can come back to this thread?? I always have to go to search to find it.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    how do i bookmark this or something so I can come back to this thread?? I always have to go to search to find it.

    once you post on it it should come up under your topics from now on!! :)
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey everyone! So I know we're already a few days in to November but I was hoping to jump on board! I'm pretty new to this site- only a couple weeks in and this is my first post. It looks like everyone is doing wonderfully and I admire you all for your commitment and motivation!
    I would say my biggest goal and motivation for losing weight is for my wedding in June. I've tried tons of things in the past but with my wedding date quickly approaching I want to be able to lose as much weight as possible and MAINTAIN it! I don't want to have to keep doing the back and forth thing anymore! Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated! I'll go ahead and say my goal for November is to lose another 5 pounds, designate time to work out AT LEAST 3 times a week and eat more vegetables.

    Keep up the great work, everyone!

    So here is my updated goal list!

    Kattungen: To lose 5 lbs :)
    kvr413: lose 10 lbs, thanksgiving included, which will put me at 169!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 157 lbs & to run the first 2 weeks of my 10k running program (mileage13-14 and 15-16)
    Emmyworthy: To reach 199lbs, swim 3 times a week, lose 8 inches over all with 1 inch coming from my upper arms.
    ksv123: to lose 3 pounds (yes, including Thanksgiving!!), and ramp up my workout routine that I have managed to ignore lately. The workout will include a minimum of 4 days a week of either elliptical or 30 Day Shred.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - To lose 5 pounds and work out at least 2 times per week.
    meagalayne- To reach 130lbs, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge at my own pace, and run my 8k (Nov 13) under 50 mins :D
    LostAlyKat (Aly) - To lose 6lbs from 172.6, follow my prescribed food plan, and workout 6 days a week!
    Tjradd73-to lose 9.6lbs, and to continue on with the push-up challenge :)
    allislefttogain: Maintain (120-125 range); no scale until December 1st; 2 days a week with strength/body weight training; run 3-4x a week and run my 10K in 56 minutes or under (be happy with 59:01 or under though!)
    rai8759: loose 3 lbs by Thanksgiving, 5 lbs in total/workout 3x a week 60-90 minutes/5K in 30 min or less/be true to food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    tai_88: to lose 5 lbs, stopping eating candy for the month and continue working out at least 4 times a week.
    wardiemelissa-my goal is to lose my last 0.5 pounds (taking me to 125 pounds-my wedding weight from 7 years and 2 kids ago), to maintain my weight, continue with my exercise routine (running 3-4 days and strength on off days) and finish my first 10K under 75 minutes on Thanksgiving Day!!!
    spellbinder - Reach 146lbs, exercise 5 days a week, do strength training + crunches + squats 3 days a week, ensure that I don't put on any weight during thanksgiving week!!
    SkierElle- reach 180lbs/exercise every day/limit sweets and desserts (apart from Thanksgiving)
    ttaylortulsa: 8 lbs for month - C25K training 3 days/wk - 30 Day Shred (or equivalent) 2 days/week - YBB vid 1 day/week
    allie7383: to get into the 150's (6.5 lbs away!), workout 6 days a week, and increase my water intake.
    inskydiamonds: (November 1-14): eat vegetables with dinner every night / lose about 5 pounds (November 15-28): make low(er) cal Thanksgiving dishes. Lose at least 4 pounds.
    mcanals123: To drop down to 165 and break my plateau :-)
    finncmh: Lose 1 pound a week- bringing me to 198 by end of the month. Full body lifting routine two days a week. Get to spinning class at least two times a week.
    miss_amy: lose a total of 25lbs, work out 5x a week & eat more fiber & protein. -5.6lbs to go!
    purpleprose: lose 5 pounds from 10/29 weight, run the whole 5K on Thanksgiving (no walking), and to eat organic, whole foods at least 60% of the time
    oreganoqueen: brave the gym at least once a week & eat more protein
    coatadaycarrie: finally get down to 145, and to work out at least 5x a week for at least half an hour each time.
    lauratx22-lose 8 pds! starting weight 190
    ottawagirl613: lose 5 pounds to get me halfway to my goal weight of 130 pounds by christmas! also to complete my 15 mins a day of toning exercises EVERY DAY :)! (and squeeze in a few 15-30 min walks a few times a week)
    stuartme123: lose 4 pounds, workout at the gym or attend yoga class lasting 30+ min, 3x a week, keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day - this includes YOU potato chips!!!
    CraftyGirl4 - Do all the P90X workouts for this month (maybe taking off Thanksgiving Day). Not to step on the scale until Decemeber 1st, 2010.
    vbos~ lose 8lbs, 8 cups of H2O a day, run/elliptical 4x/week, strength train 3x/week, 5k Turkey Trot in 30mins, oh and drink alcohol only once a week!!
    cruan - Stick to my 2 shakes a day, really watch my calories so I don't go over, lose 5-7 pounds, somehow fit some exercise into the craziness that is my life!
    lolahippie-to lose 5lbs!
    Roobean33- to lose 4 pounds and tone up - and bring my hubby along for the ride! :)
    emmarie1630- lose 5 pounds, 3x a week workout, more veggies
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member

    how do i bookmark this or something so I can come back to this thread?? I always have to go to search to find it.

    once you post on it it should come up under your topics from now on!! :)

    THANKS! =D
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    So check-in time for me- I am happy to report I am down 2 lbs! It's particualry exciting because my goal for November is 5 lbs, so some of the pressure is off- I can stick to 1 lb a week and still get there!

    Running has been a bit tough this week, but more because I am trying to figure out a "new" schedule that works around the weather. I hate running in the cold, so I tried the NYU gym this week, but it's not open early enough for me to get in a full workout before work (plus I wicked wicked wicked hate the treadmill), and I tried running this morning (thinking maybe I could brave the cold), and while I got in a solid three miles, the first 1.5 mi were just absolute torture of watery eyes and wind (and it wasn't even that early- it was like 8 am). In fact the only run of the week that went well was Wed night - where I got in 4 miles +sprints and actually felt great from beginning to end. So I guess I'm settled on nights as my running time, which is cool but also a pain in the butt- *sigh* so just a bit of an adjustment.

    Anyways, didn't mean for that to turn in to a rant. I just hate running in the cold (my butt hates the cold!! It's all my butt's fault!)

    So can't wait to hear from everyone else! Happy Week 1 for everyone!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Gonk - Tell me about it! Running in the cold is the PITTS! I freaking hate it... It is currently 1C and I am supposed to be embarking on my 5mile in a few mins... That's like 34F for those of you using imperial. Bloody awful. I'll bring lots of tissue and "man-up", I guess... Because it's way too early in the season to be giving up on running.

    Today is my "test run" so to speak for my 5 mile race next Saturday. We'll see how it goes. Hoping to finish the race in less than 50mins. Fingers crossed! I am so freaking sore from yesterday's move that it could be a challenge. Will stretch and warm-up more than usual and hope I can loosen up while I run.

    Em - Welcome! This group is great - Hope you find the motivation you need here. And congrats on the wedding! Seems we have a few brides-to-be in our midst...

    Roobean - Don't worry - I don't work that hard! haha I just b*tch and complain a lot. I actually only work nights 2-3 days a week at a night club. The rest is just work around the house or doing chores and errands for my folks. Since I live with them right now I have taken on a lot of the domestic tasks. Life is pretty easy for this girl most days :happy: Happy the moving is over!

    Allie - That parm sounds delicious. Have you ever tried it with eggplant? Then again, there's nothing wrong with the protein... Lean chicken is great for you! I've never made chicken parm before (because oddly enough I don't like Italian food). Is there any way to load it up with vegetables? My easiest piece of advice for healthy eating is to DOUBLE the vegetable content in any recipe you find. I don't know what's up with most recipes, but often they call for hardly any veg. Especially in main course meat dishes. I always double the veg. Makes for heartier portions and more balanced meals. Also I just find it easier to throw all my veg into the dish instead of steaming or having something separate on the side, although sometimes I do that as well!

    Cait - Congrats on the wedding venue!! Sounds like you're getting it all together. Now you just have to focus on you, make some healthy choices, and you are sure to be one damn happy bride! Way to go!

    Working tonight til 3am. Hopefully I don't snack too much afterward (always bring fruit and mini-wheats with me and the guys mock me mercilessly). Weigh-in for me tomorrow before I leave for Ottawa. Will update before I head out, assuming I don't sleep in. Have a great Saturday everyone!!
  • Roobean33
    Hi all! So I did 50 minutes of elliptical, and I was going to do some light weight exercises for my arms but again, I ran out of time before work. It's my fault, I slept in and then rushed around to do some errands before heading to the gym. Then again, at 24 years old, why am I talking about flabby arms? Life isn't fair. :grumble:

    On a good note: the gym I go to has wall to wall mirrors (like I need to see myself dying on the treadmill), but I felt like my legs are suddenly much more toned. :love:

    Anyway, just a quick update for today. Hope everyone is having a fabulously fun and healthy weekend. YAY 20s!!

    :heart: Roo
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    GRRRRRR! I was planning on doing my last swim of the week today after I finished work but it turns out that the pool is only open on Saturdays while I'm in work!!! So that goal hasn't been met this week!!! I'm hoping to go for a short run or a long walk later with the boy to make up for it!!! Please don't think I'm not doing my goals and pulling my weight in this group girlies hahah!!!

    Will catch up with all your news properly later... I've got an essay due in on Monday and I haven't got a clue about the subject so I'm gonna be working non stop till then!!!!

    Hope everyones weekends got off to a swinging start=]
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    so i weighed myself this morning and was soo shocked that i had to weigh myself 5x to believe it. i lost 3lbs this week! after losing about this amount in the whole month of october, i am so freakin excited to see that i lost it in a week! only 2.6lbs until i make my monthly goal. i KNOW i can do this. so so sooooo happy!

    Kattungen: To lose 5 lbs :)
    kvr413: lose 10 lbs, thanksgiving included, which will put me at 169!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 157 lbs & to run the first 2 weeks of my 10k running program (mileage13-14 and 15-16)
    Emmyworthy: To reach 199lbs, swim 3 times a week, lose 8 inches over all with 1 inch coming from my upper arms.
    ksv123: to lose 3 pounds (yes, including Thanksgiving!!), and ramp up my workout routine that I have managed to ignore lately. The workout will include a minimum of 4 days a week of either elliptical or 30 Day Shred.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - To lose 5 pounds and work out at least 2 times per week.
    meagalayne- To reach 130lbs, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge at my own pace, and run my 8k (Nov 13) under 50 mins :D
    LostAlyKat (Aly) - To lose 6lbs from 172.6, follow my prescribed food plan, and workout 6 days a week!
    Tjradd73-to lose 9.6lbs, and to continue on with the push-up challenge :)
    allislefttogain: Maintain (120-125 range); no scale until December 1st; 2 days a week with strength/body weight training; run 3-4x a week and run my 10K in 56 minutes or under (be happy with 59:01 or under though!)
    rai8759: loose 3 lbs by Thanksgiving, 5 lbs in total/workout 3x a week 60-90 minutes/5K in 30 min or less/be true to food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    tai_88: to lose 5 lbs, stopping eating candy for the month and continue working out at least 4 times a week.
    wardiemelissa-my goal is to lose my last 0.5 pounds (taking me to 125 pounds-my wedding weight from 7 years and 2 kids ago), to maintain my weight, continue with my exercise routine (running 3-4 days and strength on off days) and finish my first 10K under 75 minutes on Thanksgiving Day!!!
    spellbinder - Reach 146lbs, exercise 5 days a week, do strength training + crunches + squats 3 days a week, ensure that I don't put on any weight during thanksgiving week!!
    SkierElle- reach 180lbs/exercise every day/limit sweets and desserts (apart from Thanksgiving)
    ttaylortulsa: 8 lbs for month - C25K training 3 days/wk - 30 Day Shred (or equivalent) 2 days/week - YBB vid 1 day/week
    allie7383: to get into the 150's (6.5 lbs away!), workout 6 days a week, and increase my water intake.
    inskydiamonds: (November 1-14): eat vegetables with dinner every night / lose about 5 pounds (November 15-28): make low(er) cal Thanksgiving dishes. Lose at least 4 pounds.
    mcanals123: To drop down to 165 and break my plateau :-)
    finncmh: Lose 1 pound a week- bringing me to 198 by end of the month. Full body lifting routine two days a week. Get to spinning class at least two times a week.
    miss_amy: lose a total of 25lbs, work out 5x a week & eat more fiber & protein. -3lbs down, 2.6lbs to go! :)
    purpleprose: lose 5 pounds from 10/29 weight, run the whole 5K on Thanksgiving (no walking), and to eat organic, whole foods at least 60% of the time
    oreganoqueen: brave the gym at least once a week & eat more protein
    coatadaycarrie: finally get down to 145, and to work out at least 5x a week for at least half an hour each time.
    lauratx22-lose 8 pds! starting weight 190
    ottawagirl613: lose 5 pounds to get me halfway to my goal weight of 130 pounds by christmas! also to complete my 15 mins a day of toning exercises EVERY DAY :)! (and squeeze in a few 15-30 min walks a few times a week)
    stuartme123: lose 4 pounds, workout at the gym or attend yoga class lasting 30+ min, 3x a week, keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day - this includes YOU potato chips!!!
    CraftyGirl4 - Do all the P90X workouts for this month (maybe taking off Thanksgiving Day). Not to step on the scale until Decemeber 1st, 2010.
    vbos~ lose 8lbs, 8 cups of H2O a day, run/elliptical 4x/week, strength train 3x/week, 5k Turkey Trot in 30mins, oh and drink alcohol only once a week!!
    cruan - Stick to my 2 shakes a day, really watch my calories so I don't go over, lose 5-7 pounds, somehow fit some exercise into the craziness that is my life!
    lolahippie-to lose 5lbs!
    Roobean33- to lose 4 pounds and tone up - and bring my hubby along for the ride! :)
    emmarie1630- lose 5 pounds, 3x a week workout, more veggies
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    Way to gooo Amy!
    That's bloddy amazing! Keep on track now and you will lose way more than your monthly goal!!!

    I'm bored! I should be doing an assignment for University which is due in on Monday but I just don't have the motivation. Just procrastinated by making some Blueberry Muffins (healthy style!) but they need a bit more sweetener and a little less cinnamon I think!!! Oooooops not the best use of my time making horrible muffins!!! Maybe my boyfriend will eat some of them when he gets home from work!!!

    Wish I could be as motivated when it came to Uni work as I am on MFP!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Em-welcome to the site and to the challenge!

    Gonks-fabulous work girl!! you are rocking it!

    Meag-get through the night safely, and i hope you're all healed up soon!

    Amy-fantastic job!!

    Roo-cool on the toned legs and i am sure those arms will catch up soon!

    everyone else keep up the great work...and i cant wait til my weigh-in on Wednesday morning!! :)
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    I need help!!

    Have been feeling hungry and tired all the time...think it's been over a week now. It may because TOM might be around the corner but I'm not sure. Have been lacking energy because of which I've been unable to run & C25K has gone for a toss. Wasn't able to do W6D3. Now I'm planning to go to the gym and start from week 5 again. I have 2 weeks before thanksgiving week (when I'll be on vacation), and then I can come back & do weeks 5 & 6 again before proceeding to week 7....hoping that will work.

    Not sure how to not feel hungry. I have no idea how much I ate last night. And, then had 1 & 1/2 italian desserts today....don't even know their names....felt eating something sweet, so went to bakery shop & picked them up.

    I had been doing so well & feel like I'm in a mess right now. I don't want to undo all the time & effort I've spent losing weight...don't want to go backwards & then start all over.

    :) Thank you listening/reading.. This makes me feel better & I'll be off to the gym soon.

    Haven't yet read the recent posts but really hope everyone's doing well. Take care girls!!