Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties! - November Challenge



  • kattungen
    Kattungen: To lose 5 lbs :) Starting at 188.5 - want 183.5 by December 1st!
    kvr413: lose 10 lbs, thanksgiving included, which will put me at 169!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 157 lbs & to run the first 2 weeks of my 10k running program (mileage13-14 and 15-16)
    Emmyworthy: To reach 199lbs, swim 3 times a week, lose 8 inches over all with 1 inch coming from my upper arms.
    ksv123: to lose 3 pounds (yes, including Thanksgiving!!), and ramp up my workout routine that I have managed to ignore lately. The workout will include a minimum of 4 days a week of either elliptical or 30 Day Shred.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - To lose 5 pounds and work out at least 2 times per week.
    meagalayne- To reach 130lbs, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge at my own pace, and run my 8k (Nov 13) under 50 mins :D
    LostAlyKat (Aly) - To lose 6lbs from 172.6, follow my prescribed food plan, and workout 6 days a week!
    Tjradd73-to lose 9.6lbs, and to continue on with the push-up challenge :)
    allislefttogain: Maintain (120-125 range); no scale until December 1st; 2 days a week with strength/body weight training; run 3-4x a week and run my 10K in 56 minutes or under (be happy with 59:01 or under though!)
    rai8759: loose 3 lbs by Thanksgiving, 5 lbs in total/workout 3x a week 60-90 minutes/5K in 30 min or less/be true to food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    tai_88: to lose 5 lbs, stopping eating candy for the month and continue working out at least 4 times a week.
    wardiemelissa-my goal is to lose my last 0.5 pounds (taking me to 125 pounds-my wedding weight from 7 years and 2 kids ago), to maintain my weight, continue with my exercise routine (running 3-4 days and strength on off days) and finish my first 10K under 75 minutes on Thanksgiving Day!!!
    spellbinder - Reach 146lbs, exercise 5 days a week, do strength training + crunches + squats 3 days a week, ensure that I don't put on any weight during thanksgiving week!!
    SkierElle- reach 180lbs/exercise every day/limit sweets and desserts (apart from Thanksgiving)
    ttaylortulsa: 8 lbs for month - C25K training 3 days/wk - 30 Day Shred (or equivalent) 2 days/week - YBB vid 1 day/week
    allie7383: to get into the 150's (6.5 lbs away!), workout 6 days a week, and increase my water intake.
    inskydiamonds: (November 1-14): eat vegetables with dinner every night / lose about 5 pounds (November 15-28): make low(er) cal Thanksgiving dishes. Lose at least 4 pounds.
    mcanals123: To drop down to 165 and break my plateau :-)
    finncmh: Lose 1 pound a week- bringing me to 198 by end of the month. Full body lifting routine two days a week. Get to spinning class at least two times a week.
    miss_amy: lose a total of 25lbs, work out 5x a week & eat more fiber & protein. -5.6lbs to go!
    purpleprose: lose 5 pounds from 10/29 weight, run the whole 5K on Thanksgiving (no walking), and to eat organic, whole foods at least 60% of the time
    oreganoqueen: brave the gym at least once a week & eat more protein
    coatadaycarrie: finally get down to 145, and to work out at least 5x a week for at least half an hour each time.
    lauratx22-lose 8 pds! starting weight 188.5!
    ottawagirl613: lose 5 pounds to get me halfway to my goal weight of 130 pounds by christmas! also to complete my 15 mins a day of toning exercises EVERY DAY :)! (and squeeze in a few 15-30 min walks a few times a week)
    stuartme123: lose 4 pounds, workout at the gym or attend yoga class lasting 30+ min, 3x a week, keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day - this includes YOU potato chips!!!
    CraftyGirl4 - Do all the P90X workouts for this month (maybe taking off Thanksgiving Day). Not to step on the scale until Decemeber 1st, 2010.
    vbos~ lose 8lbs, 8 cups of H2O a day, run/elliptical 4x/week, strength train 3x/week, 5k Turkey Trot in 30mins, oh and drink alcohol only once a week!!
    cruan - Stick to my 2 shakes a day, really watch my calories so I don't go over, lose 5-7 pounds, somehow fit some exercise into the craziness that is my life!
    lolahippie-to lose 5lbs!
    Roobean33- to lose 4 pounds and tone up - and bring my hubby along for the ride! :)
    emmarie1630- lose 5 pounds, 3x a week workout, more veggies
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    OMG I don't know what the hell has happened this week but I lost 7lbs since last Monday!!! That's never happened to me in the middle of a diet, not even on the first week of a diet really!

    So now I've lost 20lbs altogether through MFP! In about 6 weeks! Yaaaaaay I'm actually doing this!

    Now I have to concentrate on making sure I meet my other goals of swimming 3 times a week (just missed it last week because of stupid work) and losing 8 inches all over!!!

    Anyone reading this who is having trouble seeing how they will ever lose weight; I never thought that one website would have so much positive influence over my life, and I never thought I would lose 20lbs in 6 weeks!!!

    It's all down to you girlies keeping me on track....Thank you so much; you are my rocks!!!


    Kattungen: To lose 5 lbs :) Starting at 188.5 - want 183.5 by December 1st!
    kvr413: lose 10 lbs, thanksgiving included, which will put me at 169!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 157 lbs & to run the first 2 weeks of my 10k running program (mileage13-14 and 15-16)
    Emmyworthy: To reach 199lbs, swim 3 times a week, lose 8 inches over all with 1 inch coming from my upper arms.- OMG down 7lbs in the first week of November! What the hell!!!hahaha! Only 3lbs to go before I'm 199lbs=]
    ksv123: to lose 3 pounds (yes, including Thanksgiving!!), and ramp up my workout routine that I have managed to ignore lately. The workout will include a minimum of 4 days a week of either elliptical or 30 Day Shred.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - To lose 5 pounds and work out at least 2 times per week.
    meagalayne- To reach 130lbs, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge at my own pace, and run my 8k (Nov 13) under 50 mins :D
    LostAlyKat (Aly) - To lose 6lbs from 172.6, follow my prescribed food plan, and workout 6 days a week!
    Tjradd73-to lose 9.6lbs, and to continue on with the push-up challenge :)
    allislefttogain: Maintain (120-125 range); no scale until December 1st; 2 days a week with strength/body weight training; run 3-4x a week and run my 10K in 56 minutes or under (be happy with 59:01 or under though!)
    rai8759: loose 3 lbs by Thanksgiving, 5 lbs in total/workout 3x a week 60-90 minutes/5K in 30 min or less/be true to food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    tai_88: to lose 5 lbs, stopping eating candy for the month and continue working out at least 4 times a week.
    wardiemelissa-my goal is to lose my last 0.5 pounds (taking me to 125 pounds-my wedding weight from 7 years and 2 kids ago), to maintain my weight, continue with my exercise routine (running 3-4 days and strength on off days) and finish my first 10K under 75 minutes on Thanksgiving Day!!!
    spellbinder - Reach 146lbs, exercise 5 days a week, do strength training + crunches + squats 3 days a week, ensure that I don't put on any weight during thanksgiving week!!
    SkierElle- reach 180lbs/exercise every day/limit sweets and desserts (apart from Thanksgiving)
    ttaylortulsa: 8 lbs for month - C25K training 3 days/wk - 30 Day Shred (or equivalent) 2 days/week - YBB vid 1 day/week
    allie7383: to get into the 150's (6.5 lbs away!), workout 6 days a week, and increase my water intake.
    inskydiamonds: (November 1-14): eat vegetables with dinner every night / lose about 5 pounds (November 15-28): make low(er) cal Thanksgiving dishes. Lose at least 4 pounds.
    mcanals123: To drop down to 165 and break my plateau :-)
    finncmh: Lose 1 pound a week- bringing me to 198 by end of the month. Full body lifting routine two days a week. Get to spinning class at least two times a week.
    miss_amy: lose a total of 25lbs, work out 5x a week & eat more fiber & protein. -5.6lbs to go!
    purpleprose: lose 5 pounds from 10/29 weight, run the whole 5K on Thanksgiving (no walking), and to eat organic, whole foods at least 60% of the time
    oreganoqueen: brave the gym at least once a week & eat more protein
    coatadaycarrie: finally get down to 145, and to work out at least 5x a week for at least half an hour each time.
    lauratx22-lose 8 pds! starting weight 188.5!
    ottawagirl613: lose 5 pounds to get me halfway to my goal weight of 130 pounds by christmas! also to complete my 15 mins a day of toning exercises EVERY DAY :)! (and squeeze in a few 15-30 min walks a few times a week)
    stuartme123: lose 4 pounds, workout at the gym or attend yoga class lasting 30+ min, 3x a week, keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day - this includes YOU potato chips!!!
    CraftyGirl4 - Do all the P90X workouts for this month (maybe taking off Thanksgiving Day). Not to step on the scale until Decemeber 1st, 2010.
    vbos~ lose 8lbs, 8 cups of H2O a day, run/elliptical 4x/week, strength train 3x/week, 5k Turkey Trot in 30mins, oh and drink alcohol only once a week!!
    cruan - Stick to my 2 shakes a day, really watch my calories so I don't go over, lose 5-7 pounds, somehow fit some exercise into the craziness that is my life!
    lolahippie-to lose 5lbs!
    Roobean33- to lose 4 pounds and tone up - and bring my hubby along for the ride! :)
    emmarie1630- lose 5 pounds, 3x a week workout, more veggies
  • kattungen
    Wow, Emmyworthy, that's awesome! Congratulations!! Not more than 3 lbs until you reach onederland! Congrats! :D
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey everyone! glad to see the losses so far! My day is today, monday.. later on after i've gotten some much needed sleep after a hectic weekend at work..
    Let me get some opinions on this.. ok so going off of my excitedness, i went running yesterday and pushed myself and made it to 4 miles woo!! i was tired, my foot started to hurt and all, but i went at a consistent pace and wasn't totally out of breath or anything like that.. about 20 min later i was home in the shower, and felt a little weak and noticed that the periphery of my vision in the left eye was wavy, (the edge away from my nose) i took my contacts out, and still the same.. luckily it went away after 15-20 min, and i've been fine since. i ate dinner and def felt better still. has anyone ever had anything like this? i ate a small meal a little before going and had water. my mother said she experienced it before, but it was while she was on some pill while trying to conceive my sister. i'm def not in that situation lol.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351

    We're all really livin up to our thread name! Kickin some major *kitten* this month already with the losses! How exciting! Keep up the great work everyone!

    Also, thank you for all of your support. If it wasn't for all of you, I don't think I'd still be doing this. I am now more and more motivated as each day passes. You girls rock!

  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Great job Emmy!! You ladies look great with those double digits that say how much you've lost.

    I need to kick my butt in gear and stick to my plan cause I am only hurting myself. Yesterday was one of those days that I was hating that fact that I had to count everything that went in my mouth. But I was up early this morning due to the time change so I managed to make some of Meag's pumpkin oatmeal.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Happy Monday Friends! So this weekend was not as active as I wanted but hey that happens. I didn't run like I wanted to but I was feeling sick and super tired from my neighbors keeping me up. I figured that chilling out and focusing on good healthy food was a better idea then killing myself at the gym. I plan to run today to keep with my training plan. I have my half marathon this sunday. I am somewhat nervous about it because I know I have not been able to run as much as I wanted to. But, I am trying to focus on the fact that this is supposed to be for fun and we are not taking this too seriously. I am very excited for Triathlon training to officially start! Today is the beginning! Even though I know I made some not soo amazing choices this weekend I still feel great and my pants are still feeling looser then they were before. I am hoping for the best this Friday, I am sticking to my food plan to the T this week, and I will hit my 6 days of working out this week! Congrats to everyone! EMMY that is awesome! I love checking in with you guys! So far I couldn't take a picture yet but I will put one up soon. Happy Monday guys!

    Question of the day(new idea?? anyone like it?)
    What are you doing today to keep yourself on plan?

    I am making sure to have all my food in my food plan the night before so I am ready. I am committing to working out every day, with the help of you guys!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Aly - I think it was better that you had your cheating done before you officially started your triathalon training. Now you've gotten it out of the way and can focus on your food plan and training. You are gonna do great!! And I love the new idea with your question of the week. Its another way to get us all thinking how we're gonna make this work for the week, rather than just the day. Then a week will turn into weeks, then months, then years.

    What am I gonna do to stay on plan?? Yesterday was another eye-opener for me. I was not as prepared as I should have been, knowing that I was gonna be away from all of my usual resources. When I am home and at work, I surround myself with healthier choices and find it a lot easier to make better choices. But even though I made my lunch yesterday, I was not completely prepared. I should have taken along some more snacks. They were popping fresh popcorn on the showroom for their customers but I refused to indulge because I knew that it would be loaded with butter and salt. And I was not even going to look and see what was in the vending machine because that was a temptation that I probably would not have survived. So I will now keep a snack in my purse for times like yesterday. And I need to plan my meals for the week so that I can include the entire family on healthy eating!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Great job ladies! Keep it up...

    Guamgrly- Considering everything I think you handled yourself well and its great that you have a plan going forward for snacks!

    Roo- I know its all about the balance I guess though! Feeling a little better today so not craving so much

    Emmyworthy- WOW!!! Great work. Keep it up you are doing great!

    Allie- nice job on the run! That must have felt really good. I would just pay attention to the eye thing... if it keeps happening maybe write down what you have been doing prior to it and the environment and then touch base with your doctor. That way he/she has info on other things just in case its environmental

    lostalykat- its good that you listen to your body and know when you need to just rest and even better that you have a plan to get back to everything so you can jump right back in... im in the same boat... head cold started this weekend trying to take it easy so I can get back in to lifting/cardio soon... thats awesome about the half marathon... cant wait to hear how it goes!

    My plan is to keep tracking everything and jump on here when I need the motivation... I noticed I have been thinking about what I am going to eat in my head. May start inputting in the beginning of the day so I see where calories are going to be and then make any changes if I need to.

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member

    Great job laying off the popcorn- meal planning, even just a little can be a huge huge help! I highly recommend it!

    Super good luck on the run this weekend! good idea not to push yourself over the weekend- your body is going to need all it's strength to get through the Half Marathon!

    I am actually finding "sticking to my plan" really easy this time around. I'm kind of a super planner, so starting a diet is usually pretty easy, but then after a month or two I start to taper off (10 weeks and counting so far tho- I'm closing in on 3!). Idk, all I really need is continued enthusiasm- that's what keeps me committed. But I also like to think that the flexibility I am affording myself and the fact that I am sharing this with the boyfriend instead of keeping it away from him is helping hugely as well. I think things just have come together this time around- running "sucess", MFP, my accumulated 'diet' knowledge, the boyfriend and my fam, and a work schedule that kinda keeps me from being super social- it's just all working right now, it's not a plan its just kind of... life.

    Good luck!
  • AshleyVeronica
    AshleyVeronica Posts: 69 Member
    I wasn't here for October but I am down for November!
    I am just starting out so I am going to keep it pretty simple.
    *Lose 4lbs by Dec.1.
    *DRINK less calories.
    *Monitor what I eat holding back.
    *Stop eating after 9pm unless it's a weekend (this is just my starting goal for that lol)

    Man oh man...I hope I can do at least that!!

    Good luck to everyone else on their goals!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Emmy, didn't forget you but I think your achievement earned you the much coveted and never before heard of (cuz I just made it up)


    Stupid Photo bucket wont work. Here is the link maybe one of you can get it to post? of the Week/?action=view&current=AwesomeWeekBadge.jpg
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    finn - I love inputting my meals for the day and seeing how much I can play with my snacks throughout the day.

    Ashley - welcome to the crew!!

    Gonk - love the award!!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Everytime I try and catch up with this thread, I get overwhelmed. Everyone seems to be doing a great job with getting workouts in and making better, healthier food choices!

    I want to say (as sort of a blanket statement) to make sure you're eating enough. Unless you're super super tiny or have very slow metabolism (or have had a reliable doctor/medical professional/nutritionist tell you otherwise) you need to be eating 1200 NET calories - aka 1200 + your exercise calories. Eat nuts, almond/sunflower/peanut butter on your apples/bananas and there's a zillion other ways to get your calories in. Fast weight loss is great, but it has to be sustainable, otherwise it'll come back...slow and steady always wins out!

    Goal #1 (or I think #4) of mine was to PR my 10K yesterday - 59:01 or under but ideally, under 56 minutes. Ran my race in 53:56 - knocked 5 minutes and 6 seconds off my last 10K race on a harder course with many, many hills. I had a really ****ty pre-race morning as in everything that could have gone wrong did and I was holding back tears and almost hyperventilated at the start. I'm proud of myself for toughing through it, very happy with the time...but running is so mental and sometimes it's just hard to get through a race.

    Still staying away from the scale and logging my food - it's actually really hard to not log food on purpose. Starting next Monday, I'll be back at the scale until December 1st though. Got in 3 days of strength training last week (goal is at least 2 days) and only 2 days of running (goal is 3-4) but my leg was bad and it was beneficial to step down the running. Back to 4x running this week and fitting in strength around it. Trying to figure out long/short runs for this week...I can get in a 3 miler tomorrow before work, 6-8 miler Thursday (yay Holiday!), a short 3-4 miler (speed workout?) Saturday, and a 10+ on Sunday. A lot of miles when I'm trying to cut back to 15-20 instead of 20-25 but I can't not take advantage of a holiday during the week :noway:

    Hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday! I'll try and keep up better so I don't keep posting selfishly:flowerforyou:
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    Thaaaaanks everyone=]
    And an especially big thank you to Gonkers for making me the best award I have ever received=] hahaah!! I fricking loooove it!!!

    I hope you realise that without you lot I would never have the will power to say no when someone offers me a crisp, or a bit of chocolate, or a glass of wine, or a tub of Bailey's flavour Hagen Daaz( personal fave=])

    You are the reason I'm losing weight and I want to thank each and every one of you for keeping me inspired and motivated to be the best (looking) person I can be!!! hahaha!!

    Jill- I know my calories for the last week were very low and I'd just like to thank you for the advice on getting the calories up without eating crappy foods!!! I was really struggling to meet my calories last week and just didn't even touch my exercise calories!!! So I'm gonna stock up on peanut butter and banana's yum yum yum... two of my favourite foods!!

    Keep it up everyone!!
    :heart: Emmy=]
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    Just noticed question of the day- good thinking Aly!!!

    I keep myself on plan by visualising myself in size 12 (uk size) skinny jeans with a tiny butt and waist!!! I cannot wait to get there so that keeps me on track if I'm craving a little chocolate, or not feeling my workout!!

  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Jill- I know my calories for the last week were very low and I'd just like to thank you for the advice on getting the calories up without eating crappy foods!!! I was really struggling to meet my calories last week and just didn't even touch my exercise calories!!! So I'm gonna stock up on peanut butter and banana's yum yum yum... two of my favourite foods!!

    Sounds lovely! I don't want you to think I'm singling you out, but you did make me think of that very important reminder. We've all been in the boat where we think eating less helps...I was once under 90 pounds eating just 3 cups of lettuce a day and thought that was okay :angry: I do struggle to eat enough sometimes on maintenance and sometimes can't justify eating back 1000 exercise calories even though I know my HRM is spot on. Rifle through people's diaries and some of the threads here that deal with higher calorie, healthy foods...I love my almonds and natural peanut butter. I discovered chocolate covered almonds over the weekend...TROUBLE:heart:
  • tai_88
    tai_88 Posts: 23
    Adding Ashley....

    I am still continuing my no-candy-campaign and have been successful... though I was REALLY close about 3 times but my bf was happy to tell me off for trying to take a free candy from the store counter. Its crazy how much candy is just hanging around this time of year... Believe me I have noticed!

    Workout is in t - 2 hours which I'm glad about because I haven't been able to workout since thursday night and honestly feel like all I ate this weekend was bread. And of course, while I enjoyed it at the time I just feel bloated and carby.... IDK if that's a word.

    I know I said I was going to weigh myself for til next week but gonk made a convincing argument about weight differentiation trhough the week. So tonight I'm going to see how I measure up.

    QOTD - I am making sure I am drinking my 8 cups of water. People like to heat delicious smelling food right by my office and a glass of water helps me realize that I'm not really hungry for the food. oh and it helps me not eat the milky way that is 6 feet from my desk (not that I'm thinking about it).... Gosh need some water.....

    Congrats to everyone who had losses this week I know you guys really deserve it...

    Kattungen: To lose 5 lbs :) Starting at 188.5 - want 183.5 by December 1st!
    kvr413: lose 10 lbs, thanksgiving included, which will put me at 169!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 157 lbs & to run the first 2 weeks of my 10k running program (mileage13-14 and 15-16)
    Emmyworthy: To reach 199lbs, swim 3 times a week, lose 8 inches over all with 1 inch coming from my upper arms.- OMG down 7lbs in the first week of November! What the hell!!!hahaha! Only 3lbs to go before I'm 199lbs=]
    ksv123: to lose 3 pounds (yes, including Thanksgiving!!), and ramp up my workout routine that I have managed to ignore lately. The workout will include a minimum of 4 days a week of either elliptical or 30 Day Shred.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - To lose 5 pounds and work out at least 2 times per week.
    meagalayne- To reach 130lbs, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge at my own pace, and run my 8k (Nov 13) under 50 mins :D
    LostAlyKat (Aly) - To lose 6lbs from 172.6, follow my prescribed food plan, and workout 6 days a week!
    Tjradd73-to lose 9.6lbs, and to continue on with the push-up challenge :)
    allislefttogain: Maintain (120-125 range); no scale until December 1st; 2 days a week with strength/body weight training; run 3-4x a week and run my 10K in 56 minutes or under (be happy with 59:01 or under though!)
    rai8759: loose 3 lbs by Thanksgiving, 5 lbs in total/workout 3x a week 60-90 minutes/5K in 30 min or less/be true to food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    tai_88: to lose 5 lbs, stopping eating candy for the month and continue working out at least 4 times a week.
    wardiemelissa-my goal is to lose my last 0.5 pounds (taking me to 125 pounds-my wedding weight from 7 years and 2 kids ago), to maintain my weight, continue with my exercise routine (running 3-4 days and strength on off days) and finish my first 10K under 75 minutes on Thanksgiving Day!!!
    spellbinder - Reach 146lbs, exercise 5 days a week, do strength training + crunches + squats 3 days a week, ensure that I don't put on any weight during thanksgiving week!!
    SkierElle- reach 180lbs/exercise every day/limit sweets and desserts (apart from Thanksgiving)
    ttaylortulsa: 8 lbs for month - C25K training 3 days/wk - 30 Day Shred (or equivalent) 2 days/week - YBB vid 1 day/week
    allie7383: to get into the 150's (6.5 lbs away!), workout 6 days a week, and increase my water intake.
    inskydiamonds: (November 1-14): eat vegetables with dinner every night / lose about 5 pounds (November 15-28): make low(er) cal Thanksgiving dishes. Lose at least 4 pounds.
    mcanals123: To drop down to 165 and break my plateau :-)
    finncmh: Lose 1 pound a week- bringing me to 198 by end of the month. Full body lifting routine two days a week. Get to spinning class at least two times a week.
    miss_amy: lose a total of 25lbs, work out 5x a week & eat more fiber & protein. -5.6lbs to go!
    purpleprose: lose 5 pounds from 10/29 weight, run the whole 5K on Thanksgiving (no walking), and to eat organic, whole foods at least 60% of the time
    oreganoqueen: brave the gym at least once a week & eat more protein
    coatadaycarrie: finally get down to 145, and to work out at least 5x a week for at least half an hour each time.
    lauratx22-lose 8 pds! starting weight 188.5!
    ottawagirl613: lose 5 pounds to get me halfway to my goal weight of 130 pounds by christmas! also to complete my 15 mins a day of toning exercises EVERY DAY :)! (and squeeze in a few 15-30 min walks a few times a week)
    stuartme123: lose 4 pounds, workout at the gym or attend yoga class lasting 30+ min, 3x a week, keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day - this includes YOU potato chips!!!
    CraftyGirl4 - Do all the P90X workouts for this month (maybe taking off Thanksgiving Day). Not to step on the scale until Decemeber 1st, 2010.
    vbos~ lose 8lbs, 8 cups of H2O a day, run/elliptical 4x/week, strength train 3x/week, 5k Turkey Trot in 30mins, oh and drink alcohol only once a week!!
    cruan - Stick to my 2 shakes a day, really watch my calories so I don't go over, lose 5-7 pounds, somehow fit some exercise into the craziness that is my life!
    lolahippie-to lose 5lbs!
    Roobean33- to lose 4 pounds and tone up - and bring my hubby along for the ride! :)
    emmarie1630- lose 5 pounds, 3x a week workout, more veggies
    AshleyVeronica - lose 4lbs, DRINK less calories, monitor what I eat holding back, stop eating after 9pm unless it's a weekend
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    I just have to say that I love this thread!

    First and foremost it is so great to see so much support for everyone.

    But even more importantly its really nice to see people offer advice that may be hard to take or read and just for us to have a healthy dialogue back and forth. Thanks allislefttogain and emmyworthy for this!

    I guess I am just trying to say that sometimes its not just the encouraging words but also the holding each other accountable (and being open to people do that) that is SOOO important to making lifestyle changes and keeping ourselves healthy.

    Hope this made sense!

    lets keep kicking *kitten* ladies!!!!
  • kattungen
    QOTD-anwer: I planned all my meals in advance, wrote a grocery-list before going to the store and decided in advance to have a caffe latte with 1% milk instead of a frappuchino ;)