Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties! - November Challenge



  • seripha
    QOTD (yesterday) My favourite icecream is candy cane. Only available this time of year. Leaves my mouth feeling minty fresh. I think the mint also makes me eat less of it because I get the full flavour with only a little bit.

    QOTD (today) Iceland. I want to go find me the home of the vikings. Maybe the northern scottish islands too for that purpose.
  • seripha
    It seems that conceptually in our family and in society generally moderation and denial are so often confused -- I regularly dismiss certain foods that I don't like or don't want to eat for health reasons, in exchange for other foods that I prefer (ex. rice for a bed of spinach). This is now regularly misunderstood as me being a diet-freak

    I get that a lot too from friends and my boyfriend, particularly. It's especially bad with desserts - particularly chocolate desserts. I can't digest chocolate (it's not pleasant at all) and while most of my friends know that they think that it's because I am dieting or whatever. So when I'm the only one at the table politely declining a piece of chocolate birthday cake, they give me a hard time. I'm not a fan of how reward based our society is - "I did this, so I get this in reward". Doing something good, like exercising and being healthy, doesn't mean you have to have a treat.

    However, as time goes on people are getting more understanding so I guess it's just one of those things we have to put up with.
  • Roobean33
    Hi Ladies -
    So I have been focusing on drinking more H2O, and I've done okay so far. Last night I drank 4 glasses after work then tried to go to bed...mistake. After the 3rd time of getting up, my husband was like..."Are you okay?" :laugh: But, I do notice I feel a difference when well hydrated.

    Meag & Aly - I love the gap for their jeans. I am short...5' 2" and they have petites that actually fit me. Sounds like we could all do some damage there.

    Aly - I totally understand what you are feeling. The scale is brutal, and not entirely accurate most times. You have been training hard and eating well...are you seeing changes? Do you feel better? Have your muscles toned up a bit? Perhaps you should focus there and try to ignore the scale (maybe I should follow my own advice too, lol).

    Stuart - How is rockingclimbing going? Sounds exciting. I've only done it once, indoors and it was hard!

    Emmy- Sorry to hear about your boy troubles. I hope it all works out. How's the water thing going for you today?

    Tai - Whoa you're awesome! :drinker: You do it all! Push-ups...ouch! WTG

    QOTD- I would love to go to New Zealand. A friend of mine went and said the hiking is AMAZING. Plus they speak English, which makes things easier.
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Hey Girls!!

    I miss being on MFP now. I'm completely loaded with office work & getting ready for vacation that I have no time to read any messages or even relax for a bit. But I'm not complaining, I'm going to enjoy next week and I'm going to answers the QOTDs.

    QOTD (yesterday): Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Chocolate Fudge, Chocotae Brownie get the idea, right?

    QOTD (today): All over the world.......Italy, Egypt, France, Germany, Australia, Brazil, list is never ending. I've been to some of these places but would love to go again with my hubby.

    Alright, now got to get back to work. Have fun ladies!!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Rockclimbing was AWESOME today, Roo :bigsmile: Alright, so instead of climbing the indoor walls, we went to the challenge course today and climbed the Giant's Ladder in teams of three. I'm adding a picture of one below in case anyone doesn't know what that is. Oh, and it was windy! Really, really windy. And that ladder swings!

    Now, so I can share just how amazing this feat was, it's flashback-storytime: When I was a kid, I went to a day camp all summer and the older kids were able to do ropes course activities. So one day, I was set up to climb the Giant's Ladder (this was the second to last or last summer that I was overweight I think: I was around 15, 5'5'' and between 180-190lbs... so really overweight for my age and size) and I couldn't even get onto that first rung. I tried and tried and could not hoist my body onto it :cry: It was embarrassing and a real hit in the face of the fact that I could not do certain things. :embarassed: And today I redeemed myself!!! :bigsmile: My tiny 5'2" roommate, a small, wiry guy in the class and I climbed the whole ladder. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My roommate and I actually fell off of one of the rungs once, while I was trying to stand up. We both swung out and she maintained a hold on the rung above with one hand and I gripped the rung below with my legs and we managed to balance out. Terrifying, exhilarating, gratifying!! :bigsmile: I am so much STRONGER now than I've been in the past, and FLEXIBLE and I have so much more TRUST in my body.

    And I'm going to be so SORE tomorrow!! (totally worth it!)

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    thanks ya'all for the support! like i thought...not great today...i was UP 0.4lbs!!! however, it is my TOM and i still lost a half inch off my waist, so i am not TOO disappointed!! and next weeks weigh-in is going to rock i know it!!

    QOTD-2 places for me Egypt and Italy!

    keep doing great everyone!!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    I totally promised to be not selfish in my next post, but I just had to share my success at the Giant's Ladder with you girls!

    @Tai, I really like crocheting too! But I hate finishing off projects, especially if I changed yarns a lot and have to find something to do with all those tails! The year I learned how to crochet, that was what I gave my parents for the holidays. It was like being 6 again and giving them macaroni necklaces :laugh: My mom actually still wears the scarf when it gets really cold - but I've never seen my dad wear the hat (which I don't blame him at all for - I'm pretty sure it looked awful!)

    @Liz, Awesome job on the weightloss so far! You definitely deserve to buy yourself a new shirt or something :flowerforyou:

    @Roo, sorry you were feeling down yesterday. If you want to add in some peanut butter, try putting a tbsp or so in oatmeal. Almost all my friends make a face when I say that, but it is a great way to start off the day, adds flavor, and is quite filling. Hope you're feeling better today!

    @Aly, I jut want you to know that I really like the QOTD that you started (even though I don't always answer them!) Plateaus are really rough and frustrating. Just hold onto that knowledge that your stomach is feeling smaller... because that's what everyone else sees, you're the only one who sees the number on the scale. Hope your nutrionist has some helpful advice - way to use your resources in a tough patch. And Triatholon training is damn impressive!!

    @Meag, your shopping trip sounds awesome! Great deals and cute sweaters are so exciting. Being more comfortable with the way that I look in stylish things was a HUGE step for me - and I'm glad that you found those sweaters that you feel good wearing! It's also great that you were able to have that talk with your mom about your healthier lifestyle, and that you feel like she heard what you were saying. As far as I'm concerned, your family is really lucky to have you cooking healthy meals for them. I would love to have someone to do that for me :laugh:

    @Melissa, you are so RIGHT about the "healthy mind, healthy body." Being unhappy with myself effected everything - and I had to make a conscious decision for myself that pursuing health also meant pursuing happiness. Way to be a motivator and inspire people around you!! And loose clothes are a great feeling - way to go on your loss!

    @Emmy, sorry to hear about the boy troubles, but it's really good that the two of you were able to talk it out. So glad that you're feeling better about it!

    Oh, and here's my personal stat: Stuartme123_ 21, University of Delaware, Newark, DE (That's New-ARK, not NEWark haha)

    I know I didn't get to everyone, serves me right for waiting so long in between posts!

    Cheers :happy:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    oh forgot this!

    tjradd73, 29, Henderson, NV
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    saw some others in this thread post their age & location there a reason why everyone's doing that?
  • cruan
    cruan Posts: 13
    Cruan - Awesome! 2.4lbs is mega :drinker: Getting darn close to that double digit!! Zumba video game is news to me - For which system? Sounds like it could be lots of fun! Let us know what you think :wink:

    Zumba's coming out for Wii, PS3, and XBox 360. It's a latin dance workout. They have it here at the gym, but I don't have very much rhythm so I don't go to the classes. I figure it's okay for me to look like a fool in my house instead of in front of other people! :laugh: I'm sure I'll give it a try right when I get home tomorrow and I'll make sure I come back and post about it.

    QOTD: I would love to go overseas to Europe!! My husband is in the Air Force and I keep wishing for orders overseas. I think it would be such an amazing experience!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    saw some others in this thread post their age & location there a reason why everyone's doing that?

    age and location was a request...just for fun :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Cruan - Awesome! 2.4lbs is mega :drinker: Getting darn close to that double digit!! Zumba video game is news to me - For which system? Sounds like it could be lots of fun! Let us know what you think :wink:

    Zumba's coming out for Wii, PS3, and XBox 360. It's a latin dance workout. They have it here at the gym, but I don't have very much rhythm so I don't go to the classes. I figure it's okay for me to look like a fool in my house instead of in front of other people! :laugh: I'm sure I'll give it a try right when I get home tomorrow and I'll make sure I come back and post about it.

    QOTD: I would love to go overseas to Europe!! My husband is in the Air Force and I keep wishing for orders overseas. I think it would be such an amazing experience!

    this is so awesome!! when is it coming out?
  • cruan
    cruan Posts: 13
    It comes out tomorrow!!! I'm done with class at 3:15 and by 4 I will have it in my hands!! :bigsmile
  • tai_88
    tai_88 Posts: 23
    saw some others in this thread post their age & location there a reason why everyone's doing that?

    age and location was a request...just for fun :)

    I actually asked people because its interesting for me to see where people are.... well mainly why people post at certain times. I still don't understand why Meag is able to post between 8-11am (EST my time) when she apparently doesn't go to sleep until 3-4.

    You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Just fun to see how easy it is to become friends with people who at sometimes 1000s of miles away.
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    33 (I know, I know not technically in my 20's BUT I feel like it!!!!!), Hazel Park (suburb north of Detroit), Michigan

    Looks like everyone was busy today! Didn't get a chance to run tonight but I did get to do some yoga...a nice stretch of the muscles after a day of running and another day of 30 day shred! Probably not going to get workout tomorrow either with conferences not ending until 8 pm. So just making good decisions food wise!!!

    QOTD: I would love to go back to Ireland...went there on my honeymoon and we didn't get see nearly all we wanted to! I would also love to go to Greece, Scotland, Rome, and Vancouver...

    Night Night all!!!
  • cruan
    cruan Posts: 13
    Here's my info: cruan (Crystal), 26, Minot Air Force Base, ND, USA (originally from San Diego, CA)
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Hey ladies... holy moly its amazing what happens when I cant get on to check this forum out for the day... I hate to say it but I feel so far behind that I dont know where to start responding... so I guess I will just do the basics and tomorrow is a new day...

    Stats- Cait, New York State (bout 2 hours north of NYC) so I could say upstate NY until someone from the northern ny area comes on here and says your not from upstate... haha

    QOTD (yesterday)- not really a big ice cream fan (sorry Meag) give me greasy salty french fries any day over ice cream...

    somehow I missed the QOTD for today... assuming its travel related...

    ...anyway so impressed with how awesome everyone is doing. CRAZY day on my end. My truck died last week and just found out today that my mechanic cant fix it. has to be done at the dealer... which is like 10 times the price it would be at the mechanic... so fiance and I decided its not worth fixing. as of right now down to one car until we can figure out what to do... so frustrating and if it wasnt so close to winter here it wouldnt be such a biggy cause I could walk/bike to work which I will be doing until the weather gets horrendous... but once that snow kicks in... there is NO way! we live in the boonies... haha

    anyway considering everything my eating has been pretty good... its just my exercise that has been lacking... gotta get back in to that!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    saw some others in this thread post their age & location there a reason why everyone's doing that?

    age and location was a request...just for fun :)

    I actually asked people because its interesting for me to see where people are.... well mainly why people post at certain times. I still don't understand why Meag is able to post between 8-11am (EST my time) when she apparently doesn't go to sleep until 3-4.

    You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Just fun to see how easy it is to become friends with people who at sometimes 1000s of miles away.
    LOL! Well I am Meag Alayne, 23 and from Hamilton, ON Canada - ie: EST

    My schedule is a mess, to be honest. I work 10pm-3am out of town at a nightclub on the weekends, and so I usually don't get to bed until about 4:30 or 5am. I am not much of a sleeper and have never been one to sleep in, so I am usually up by 8 or 9am every day. On days I don't work I tried to get to bed by 2am. It's exhausting but that's how it goes. My boyfriend and family all work 9-5's so spending time with them is really important to me when I can. On the weekends I usually have myself up by 9am to get a run in before spending the day with the boy. Between working, running, my dog, and others' schedules it is hard to ever catch up!

    Kind of funny that you noticed though. I am so addicted to MFP, I guess it shouldn't be a surprise...
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    QOTD (yesterday)- not really a big ice cream fan (sorry Meag) give me greasy salty french fries any day over ice cream...
    This is just wrong, Cait! haha Could be a deal-breaker for us. I may have to break up with you... :laugh: Seriously though, I get it. I don't like cake, rice or Italian food. Food preferences are so individual. Everyone's different!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    My name's Liz (or Elizabeth). I'm 23 and living in Sacramento, CA.